Listened to the controversial Tim Pool interview with Ye. I hadn't really listened to Ye speak much before. I was very impressed.
People are going on about him walking out but he said what he needed to say in the 17 minutes or whatever it was. He had no need to sit there putting up with Tim's attempt at ambush journalism for another hour and a half.
Ideally a Trump/West ticket would be best in 2024. Ye can again experience as VP and then run again in 2028.
What impresses you? The anti mental health rants? Or him saying he needs to be as rich as possible coz that will help everyone? Or appeasing the Christian right?
When Dave is impressed with a candidate - that’s when I get concerned for the candidate’s mental health. In the case of Kanye, I already knew he had mental health issues.
Is Dave just an elaborate troll account? If he is, it's a prize winning one. The consistency, the restraint, the ABSOLUTELY BAT SHIT CRAZY posts? What if we are being punked?
Trump ran two trillion-dollar yearly deficits the last time he was in office. That is not what this country needs. Pairing him on a ticket with a black rapper who hangs out with Holocaust deniers doesn't improve the situation. I'm not at all a liberal Democrat and don't hate Trump. We Republicans just need to be looking at other potential candidates.
It's painful watching right leaning YT content creators puking ambiguous word salads trying to support Kanye's incoherent ramblings hating Jews. Taking bizarre to a new level.
"puking ambiguous word salads trying to support Kanye's incoherent ramblings hating Jews"
Kanye is too stupid to realize he's friends with racists who think all black people should be lynched or turned back into slaves for white cocksuckers like China Don
5 incher aka Trucidos aka VH kicks aka Yabba Jabba aka TXTittyFag aka Jonathan999 aka caesarsghost is a recurrent troll working on his 7th or 8th ban here, I'm losing track.
Either way, there is no engaging him in good faith, just like the delusional OP.
He'll get deleted soon enough anyways. You can point out to Founder who he is and speed up the inevitable.
Kudos to Dave to posting a link to Kanye’s ‘interview’ yesterday on Alex Jones. Boo to Dave for not commenting on the substance where Ye professed his love for Hitler and the Nazi’s. Maybe his chances to run for VP took a hit and you should modify your original post about how impressive Kanye is?
Fun fact 1 - Alex Jones had a busy day yesterday. In addition to letting Kanye spout off for an hour during a psychotic break, Jones also had time to file for bankruptcy in light of the $1.4 BN in judgments against him for his Sandy Hook lies.
Fun fact 2 - Elon Musk (self proclaimed superhero of free speech) kicked Kanye off twitter yesterday for tweeting a pic of a swastika over a Star of David.
Jimmy did kanye really say he likes nazis? You think it’s genuine, or just to get attention?
5 incher, you referred to him as a “weird mongrel mix” it’s racist. This is typical, funnily enough the groups BLM hates on the most are Asians, whites, and lighter latinos.
It's usually a good idea for entertainers not to broadcast their political beliefs. You risk alienating a large part of your audience when you do that. I used to watch the Johnny Carson show. Everyone knew Carson was a liberal, but he was pretty even handed when making political jokes and avoided long political diatribes.
When I go to strip clubs the dancers are trying to get my money and avoid controversial topics where they might say something that would offend me. Talking politics here is ok but sometimes I wonder if I should. This is the only place I can talk to people with the same strip club hobby so I should take advantage of that and have discussions with them about strip clubs.
Not broadcasting political beliefs and saying you love Hitler and Nazis is not in the same ballpark. It’s not the same fucking sport. That’s a shitty analogy.
Saying you love Hitler is just an extreme example of broadcasting your political beliefs. I don't see any problem with that analogy. You are just a quarrelsome person trying to pick a fight with me.
If you want to criticize those who slander Jewish people, don't forget the Jewish people who support the Israeli government, and equate being Jewish with supporting the Israeli government. Many Jewish people actually don't think it's fine to force Palestinians out of their homes in the West Bank, after so many were forced out of their homes within the borders of Israel.
^ That's a common fiction, in 1948 the newly formed government begged the Palestinians to stay and build a country with them, but they chose to side with the Arab armies trying to crush the newborn state of Israel, they left the Jews to fight on their own, now that the State of Israel is successful, they decided they are entitled to posses what they never owned try getting your history and facts straight instead of repeating whatever shit is spoon fed to you. For the record the Palestinians are treated better in the state of Israel than in any of the Arab countries, if they wouldn't act like a fifth column they actually might be accepted into the Israel society.
I’m not trying to pick a fight. Hitler isn’t an example of an extreme political position. Naziism is abhorrent. Normalizing it as a political view is abhorrent.
... it's hard to tell if Dave is afraid *for* the Jews or afraid *of* the Jews. Or perhaps it just depends on what pills he remembers to take in the morning.
Yes, Hitler is an example of an extreme political position. Saying his beliefs were "abhorrent" doesn't take it out of that category. Taking a "Hitler was a mad man" position is a mistake. There were reasons why he came to power in Germany and we need to understand those reasons in order to prevent something like that again.
JFC. Did you graduate high school? I wouldn’t think I’d need to write this but extermination of a race is not an extreme political position. Hitler was a sociopath who was also elected. It’s not a political position just because he used blaming the Jews to get elected. It’s not ok even if unspoken.
It still falls under political beliefs/religious beliefs theres many people of different races who say and believe crazy things about other races. Theres plenty of people who do believe other races are inferior or should be exterminated etc. as long as it stays a belief and nothing more, its ok in the legal sense.
Why did millions of Germans suddenly decide they were going to follow a "sociopath"? There were deep philosophical roots to the Nazi philosophy that prepared the ground for it. It didn't just come out of nowhere. Antecedents could be found for it in 19th century German philosophers like Kant, Hegel and Nietzche. The heir to this philosophical tradition, the German philosopher Heidegger, became a Nazi when Hitler came along.
The German Marx was also part of this German tradition. The commonality here among all these writers was that they placed the good of the collective over the individual, who could be sacrificed for the good of the collective. The difference between Nazism and Marxism was Nazism was collectivism based on race and Marxism was collectivism based on class. Stalin killed just as many people as Hitler. I would point out, in order to fight the monster Hitler, FDR made an alliance with someone just as bad.
The United States was based on a philosophy, while imperfect, that tried to put more emphasis on individual freedom and individual rights. It was pretty much unique in that belief. Only a few western European countries had similar beliefs and those beliefs never penetrated eastward into Germany or Russia. Putin once said the difference between the U.S. and Russia is that the U.S. puts the individual first over the common good while Russia does the opposite. That is a belief that has always been held in most of the world.
That’s a whole lot of words that don’t address whether loving Hitler is a political belief. It’s improper to put ourselves in the viewpoint of 1930’s Germans. Kanye said it last week. We have the benefit of perspective. Loving Hitler isn’t an extreme opinion. It’s wrong and unequivocally so.
Part of the problem is that there has been a gradual softening of our attitudes towards Hitler, Nazis, and fascism in general. "He's like Hitler." or "They're like the Nazis." rolls off the tongue with surprising ease these days. It's hard to imagine that these throwaway comments would be tolerated in the immediate aftermath of WWII. Similarly, someone saying the things that Kanye West says now in the late 1940s almost certainly would have had much more severe consequences.
I'm not sure it makes it any more forgivable, but I think we're seeing a lot of mental illness at work alongside really idiotic opinions and a grotesque lack of historical knowledge.
It really is quite ridiculous to say that Germans followed Hitler because they were just in love with the guy and not because of any political philosophy he espoused. Is this really the best you can do?
WTF are you talking about? You’ve complete detailed the point. To recap. Kanye said I love hitler. You said people should keep their political beliefs to themselves, as if if saying you live hitler in 2022 is a political belief. We’re not in 1939. Nazism isn’t a political belief. It’s abhorrent.
Detailed the point? Are you trying to grasp at "miss the point"? Just because you say something over and over doesn't make it true. Your argument is something that is abhorrent is not a political belief, Nazism is abhorrent, therefore Nazism is not a political belief. If I were to say anyone named Jimmy is abhorrent, Jimmy McNulty is named Jimmy, therefore Jimmy McNulty is abhorrent would you consider that a good argument on my part?
Nazism is antisemitism it’s one of the oldest known psychological disorders known to us. If you think hate and hate speech is political you’re a moron.
last comment
Given that Trump was vaccinated in January 2021, I don’t believe the above ticket is possible if Dave is correct here:…
Yeah. FOR US DEMOCRATS. Hahahahahahah
Commie Trump doesn't have money, either --- the banks own everything with his name on it
Kanye is too stupid to realize he's friends with racists who think all black people should be lynched or turned back into slaves for white cocksuckers like China Don
House Negro Kanye is so mentally ill he'd walk out on himself if he started talking to the mirror
"Stop liking your own posts. You'll go blind."
5 incher aka Trucidos aka VH kicks aka Yabba Jabba aka TXTittyFag aka Jonathan999 aka caesarsghost is a recurrent troll working on his 7th or 8th ban here, I'm losing track.
Either way, there is no engaging him in good faith, just like the delusional OP.
He'll get deleted soon enough anyways. You can point out to Founder who he is and speed up the inevitable.
Founder is a weird mongrel mix of Mexican and Vietnamese. He's a cowardly MAGA Beta Cuck and he'll even admit it.…
I love pointing out the cringey hypocrisy on the right.
Founder is Mexican and Vietnamese, and those are two ethnic types that China Donnie would deport out of America in a heartbeat.
That alone tells you how much conservative brainwashing affects weak minds.
Fun fact 1 - Alex Jones had a busy day yesterday. In addition to letting Kanye spout off for an hour during a psychotic break, Jones also had time to file for bankruptcy in light of the $1.4 BN in judgments against him for his Sandy Hook lies.
Fun fact 2 - Elon Musk (self proclaimed superhero of free speech) kicked Kanye off twitter yesterday for tweeting a pic of a swastika over a Star of David.
They'll only be great as prison shower princesses --- sucking all the dirty dicks they can handle!
Quite honestly, that's about the only useful purpose I can think of for these two extremely low IQ, mentally ill, racist pieces-of-shit
5 incher, you referred to him as a “weird mongrel mix” it’s racist. This is typical, funnily enough the groups BLM hates on the most are Asians, whites, and lighter latinos.
When I go to strip clubs the dancers are trying to get my money and avoid controversial topics where they might say something that would offend me. Talking politics here is ok but sometimes I wonder if I should. This is the only place I can talk to people with the same strip club hobby so I should take advantage of that and have discussions with them about strip clubs.
For the record the Palestinians are treated better in the state of Israel than in any of the Arab countries, if they wouldn't act like a fifth column they actually might be accepted into the Israel society.…
... it's hard to tell if Dave is afraid *for* the Jews or afraid *of* the Jews. Or perhaps it just depends on what pills he remembers to take in the morning.
The German Marx was also part of this German tradition. The commonality here among all these writers was that they placed the good of the collective over the individual, who could be sacrificed for the good of the collective. The difference between Nazism and Marxism was Nazism was collectivism based on race and Marxism was collectivism based on class. Stalin killed just as many people as Hitler. I would point out, in order to fight the monster Hitler, FDR made an alliance with someone just as bad.
The United States was based on a philosophy, while imperfect, that tried to put more emphasis on individual freedom and individual rights. It was pretty much unique in that belief. Only a few western European countries had similar beliefs and those beliefs never penetrated eastward into Germany or Russia. Putin once said the difference between the U.S. and Russia is that the U.S. puts the individual first over the common good while Russia does the opposite. That is a belief that has always been held in most of the world.
I'm not sure it makes it any more forgivable, but I think we're seeing a lot of mental illness at work alongside really idiotic opinions and a grotesque lack of historical knowledge.…
Nazism is not a political belief in 2022. I’m done.