Banned from a club after being refunded for a ROB dance

avatar for rickmacrodong
This is one of the clubs I have been going to, I have spent thousands there over the last year plus brought them additional thousands from other people I went with.

Out of the 15 or so dancers I’ve worked with, only two were legit robs. A couple others tried a tip scam, claiming nonsense like 20% or 50% tipping is required. One of the dancers has a public tiktok where she has posts bragging about things like somehow frauding a customer out of $2000 via zelle, and other posts bragging about things like pouring champagne on someone for insulting her, tricking people into buying VIPs by saying she’ll go home with them after the club closes, etc.

I have never complained to the club about any of the ROBs or other issues, other than a couple months ago, I got such a horrible experience I had to complain. This club takes money up front for dances. I paid $200 up front for a dance with a dancer I had previously gotten a dance with a month or so before. The prior dance was fine although she did demand tips constantly.

This time though, she straight up didn’t perform any dance at all. Didn’t sit on me, didn’t take her top/dress off, and didn’t want me touching her anywhere. Just stood 3 feet in front of me scolding me. I had already paid $200, and she wanted me to pay an additional $50 before she would start dancing or take clothes off. I wasn’t rude or anything but refused to give additional money as I had already paid. She then spent the entire dance time scolding me for being cheap and not giving her more money, saying the club keeps the money I already paid, that it’s a job for her and she doesn’t like people like me who don’t give money, all sorts of nonsense.

I sent an email to management about it. They reviewed the available footage they had, told me the cameras in the actual booths don’t record so they couldn’t see the dance. But they took my word for it and said they would refund me. I was pretty happy as I thought management had taken my side. I recently went back to the club and they refunded me, but told me I was banned for life. Manager didn’t want to go into detail but said it’s a liability for them and they don’t want to take the risk. I’ve spent thousands, brought them thousands, but over $200 got banned.

Btw, they knew exactly which day i got a dance with the ROB because i told them and they reviewed the limited footage they had access to. The club only had my first name, yet when I went this time, after they scanned my ID in their system, they said there was a note there regarding me being banned and etc. they only had my first name, which means they actually went through the trouble to cross check their cameras from that day, locate me and the time I scanned my ID, and then note the ban details on my ID in their system. The cameras and first name was enough for them to find my exact ID and mark it in their system. They probably could have found the ID even without knowing my name, as long as they knew who to look for in the footage.

What exactly does the club mean regarding liabilities regarding my complaints? Is it because I claimed the dancer was a scammer, so that’s some sort of liability risk for them? I did use terminology like theft, fraud, and scamming when discussing that dancer with management.

Also, this club has dancers who offer extras, dancers who remove their pasties during dances, dancers who have threatened customers and also the prior dancer who makes public tiktoks bragging about how she scams customers.
Aren’t these all massive liabilities? Are there any risks to me personally if I mention these occurrences to management? They banned me over supposed liability risk for me claiming a dancer was a scammer, but I know for a fact they have extras dancers, dancers who threatened people or poured champagne over insults, etc.


last comment
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
BTE, clubs don’t ban a dissatisfied customer with just one incident unless the Dancer might be a top performer for the club and club needs her more than they need your money. Over last 10 years, I had few private dances from various clubs that were completely rip off, I never asked a refund or complained to the club about the dancers, just avoided those dancers next time. It is gentleman’s club, there is never a refund policy for services provided by an independent contractor for private dances. You are saying it is a pasties club, I won’t even waste my money in a pasties club, so nothing to worry about the ban, better go find a better non pasties club.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Assuming that any of this is real (and I'm not making that assumption...), they banned you because you're a pain in the ass. They've decided to focus on customers that aren't a giant ball-ache.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
@C.M.I: "Assuming that any of this is real (and I'm not making that assumption...),"

A shaky assumption, at *best*.

This never happened.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
A customer who has spent thousands of dollars and brought friends to this club to spend more money - and yet this big spender has a single club review? I smell a troll.

If this poster is real, and his club conduct is similar to his conduct on this site, then banning him for life seems like the best choice for the club and everyone involved.

He posts about going to a club that requires customers to prepay for dances. Then he complains and calls dancers ROBs because they don’t deliver what he thinks they should provide. But he doesn’t switch clubs? If this guy is real, then he’s already been banned from other clubs and this is the last one in his area that finally had enough of his stupid shit!
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
So many words. How could it be a fraud? I mean it has so many words it must cover all the angles. If anyone reads it all they'd be so tired (or bored, or annoyed) they wouldn't have the energy to pick it apart. Who could do such a thing?
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
Public Service Announcement (PSA)

BigThirdEye is just cacaplop trying to swamp these forums with repetitive, stupid questions, either via his own threads or crashing other threads.

But, as always, take a look at his posting history and judge for yourself.

If engaging with his inane posts is fun for you, then go for it.

Otherwise, don't think you're answering sincere questions.

~ Call.Me.Ishmael
~ April 29, 2022

“In this world, shipmates, sin that pays its way can travel freely, and without a passport; whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers."

~Father Mapple via Herman Melville's "Moby Dick".
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Cashman the club advertises full contact lap dances.
This was a newer dancer who started like 6 months ago.
I paid upfront, and she pulled a tip scam. She refused to take clothes off, refused to allow contact, Didnt do a lapdance, didn’t even do an airdance. The entire prepaid dance time was her scolding me over not giving her an additional $50 after I already paid $200. I did use terms like scammer and fraud when describing the incident to the club, and it looks like something I said made them think it’s a liability to allow me to continue coming to the club. The manager at the door mentioned it being a liability, and not worth tje risk. I have been to several other clubs I didn’t want to review because I didn’t want someone looking for me. I wouldn’t be able to post specific details if I name the club or dancers!

I didn’t ask the dancer for extras, wasn’t expecting extras. All i was looking for was a basic lapdance, which every other dancer at the club, even another rob has provided. This dancer was new, and from a foreign country, and pulled a scam far beyond what gets referred to as a ROB on here. It wasn’t like she offered extras and didnt follow through, she didnt even do a lapdance nor even an airdance.

Cash ive gotten a lot of good dances, this is one specific incident that I complained about, as mentioned, out of spending $5000 i complained once over a $200 dance.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
This is the other thing, since the club is so concerned over liabilities over me accusing a dancer of being a scammer, what would happen if I mention to them the fact that they have dancers removing pasties, providing extras, threatening customers, posting tiktoks bragging about scamming. Those seem like big liabilities. Who do I alert regarding the club doing these things. If I report everything to the FTC, BBB, or CFPB, will they investigate the club and shut it down? They even admitted the cameras on the dance booths don’t record, and it’s obvious why!
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
BTE, I can’t see any valid reason for a life ban by just one incident of asking refund. Maybe something you can not tell here?
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
I didnt ask for a refund directly anyway, i just mentioned the dancer was a scammer and they need to train her better, and that she has no idea what she’s doing or how to perform a basic lapdance. I described what happened in the dance in detail. Btw that dancer might be fired as she wasn’t there the last couple times.
Something in my wording made the club say it’s a liability and not worth the risk.
When i wrote a long initial complaint to management, I did also state in it that if a dancer pulled this sort of scam on me again, I would call the cops and report it as theft because that’s what it is. Maybe that was the part that made them concerned over risks and liabilities?
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Playing along like this is real...

You got banned because you handled this like a pussy, and a potentially litigious one at that, instead of like a man. A man would have stood up, walked out and dealt with the issue in person, letting the shift manager know that you just paid $200 for a girl who refused to dance for you. The litigious pussy, OTOH, is the guy who instead runs home all butt hurt and starts working on a carefully worded email which talks about a scammer who needs training and calling the cops for theft.

I'm sure they ran this by the club's attorney, who no doubt told them to give your sissy ass the $200 back and then never let you in again. Duh.

You're welcome. 😉
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
If there was any doubt regarding the inept abilities of BTE to deal with other people, he has made it clear in this discussion.

Providing a written complaint to a strip club instead of dealing with the situation properly is a sad way for anyone to handle their strip club experience.

You should have taken Rick’s advice rather than acting like a scared little boy.

But, I doubt it’s possible for you to take Rick’s advice as I highly doubt you’ve ever been in a strip club.

If you are throwing around a number like $5,000 as clout, you aren’t going to be considered a big strip club spender.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Rick this is just not right. What kind of dumbos ban a customer who personally spent $5000+, and brought them $2000+ of additional business in 10 months, all over a single complaint over a $200 dance? I have never complained before, not even with an extras rob who promised certain things then didn’t deliver. This dance i could complain easily since the dancer didn’t even do an airdance, literally just spent the whole time scolding me for being cheap not giving her extra money which is laughable.

What would happen it I told the manager they have dancers who remove pasties, who threatene customers, who provide extras, and who post public tiktoks bragging about scamming customers via zelle or pouring champagne customers?
Can I report the club to the cfpb, bbb, or ftc and get them shut down? They are doing illegal things after all as well as employing scammers, and even employing dancers who pour champagne on people and do zelle scams.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Cash the 5k is significant to me, and was in a 10 month timeframe, plus $2000+ from people i went with
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
3k of it was spent in a one month timeframe. The rest is because I go more sparingly, but usually spent $200 to $500 per visit
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Mal said it better than I ever will...
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
If you aren’t just continuing your trolling then this is sad. You sound like a whiny little boy who got his feelings hurt, and now you are running home to tell mommy and daddy to fight your battle.

You acted like a baby, made a written complaint over a $200 dance, and now you can’t face reality and you won’t find another club.

The idea that you think spending $5,000 over 10 months in a strip club makes you a significant customer is also sad.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
After the dance, the dancer was collecting her money and talking to the manager. The dancers are given the money after the dance. I wasn’t sure what to do, so it was several days later when i decided to email the managers. It was the most ridiculous dance experience I’ve gotten, and im guessing the dancer pulled this scam on other people who didn’t complain about it and just paid whatever additional amount she asked for. Its crazy to sell a $200 dance, get to the vip area, then stand around scolding someone and asking for additional money before any touching or dance is performed. It’s possible they fired the dancer
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Cash i have other clubs. One of them is a much longer drive. The other os about the same distance away. The other clubs existing doesn’t resolve this, because this club has new dancers every 1-2 months. I want to see those new dancers when they come. I’m not sure if they’ll work the other clubs.
avatar for goldmongerATL
2 years ago
This reminds me of the guy a couple of years ago that filed suit to force a club to remove his lifetime ban. If recall that dude had already been arrested for sneaking in with a false beard.

Find another club and move on.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
What would happen it I told the manager they have dancers who remove pasties, who threatene customers, who provide extras, and who post public tiktoks bragging about scamming customers via zelle or pouring champagne on customers?
Can I report the club to the cfpb, bbb, or ftc and get them shut down? They are doing illegal things after all as well as employing scammers, and even employing dancers who pour champagne on people and do zelle scams
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
You didn't get banned over $200, you got banned for being a pain in the ass. The liability in question is you, not in the legal sense of the word but in the "if he comes back in here he will be a pain in the ass" sense of the word. Did you handle it like "a pussy" or not? Who knows what this actually means and who cares, it doesn't matter. That club manager deals with 99 problems every day and "customers who are pussies" probably isn't high on the list.

As a rational actor amongst other humans you should have realized that they don't like you, and it's time to move on. You didn't, so they helped you to realize and move on by banning you. Another way to look at this is why on earth would you want to return to a place that treats customers this way?

avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
GoldmongerATL - there was a guy named LightningKay who filed crazy lawsuits against a strip club. As I remember it, his posts were barely readable - and he seemed to find trouble in many places.

I think that guy was too far out there to be a troll. However, with BTE the smell of troll is very strong.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
goldmongerATL ... That guy doxxed himself on this website intentionally and provided links to all of the court documents. Even a cursory look at his social media showed that he had ongoing mental health issues and probably wasn't high-functioning enough to be on his own, even though he was.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
BTE, what does what you spent yesterday have to do with what you could cost them tomorrow?

The only reasons why you would have sent that type of email are because you are: (1) a Grade A pussy afraid to deal with things in person; (2) looking to start a documentation trail; or (3) both. They probably assumed both. 😆

So they gave you back the $200 so you'd have no claim to economic harm and banned you from the club so that you couldn't come back looking for some other grievance(s).

With that, troll Q&A time is over for me. If you need to figure any more of this out, as Winnie the Pooh often says, "Think, Think, Think." 😉
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
OP might a dude goes with rules. Fine. But strip clubs are little different, primarily due the dancers working there are independent contractors, and in your case you said you handed 200 to the dancer. In that case, club could have easily legally answered your email by filing a case as their company attorney chilling for a while to get something exciting. Then you could be on media, news and everywhere. You are very lucky here, they left you with life ban and paid 200. So, the club might thought, it is not a worth an effort for 200. So, gave u 200 and put a life ban. I don’t think they paid because they are liable. They paid it because they got better things to do. Who have time even as customer to take legal against a strip club? We all learn. So, OP has his rights though.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Cacaplop thinks them not fucking him makes them robs.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
I avoid using ignore - but this BTE troll is making me rethink my stance on ignoring other members.
avatar for goldmongerATL
2 years ago
This is why they gave him $200…
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Rick if ive already spent thousands can’t I complain of grievances over that other previous spending as well, not just the $200 dance?

Icee so you think its fine to take customers money and not do a dance, not even an airdance. Its a hustle or finesse? Lol
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
The $200 os given to the manager, and after the dance time is up the dancer collects her cut from the manager
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Drew i don’t understand your point

As a rational actor amongst other humans you should have realized that they don't like you, and it's time to move on. You didn't, so they helped you to realize and move on by banning you. Another way to look at this is why on earth would you want to return to a place that treats customers this way?”

They were polite over email a couple months ago, they just told me i can ask for a manager to get the refund. I didn’t find out until recently, when i got the refund in person, that i am also banned. I previously thought they were doing the refund because i was somewhat of a regular and they wanted to continue to preserve the relationship. This was the only time ive complained to management about anything
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
BTE, whatever whether manager collected money or someone else. You are lucky to get your 200 back and a life ban to enter into that club. I heard the local clubs share banned customer info with other clubs, so they know who brings trouble. So, this is not a worth discussion. Good luck.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Btw with this club the dancers are employees but paid the same way servers are. $2 an hour or whatever. Not sure if that matters
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Champ how far away do they share that banned customer info? Looks like i will find out soon...
avatar for datinman
2 years ago
Wow. That is so grossly unfair. You really should paint up a sandwich board that says "Bigg'uns banned me for no reason". You can then walk up and down the sidewalk in front of the establishment. Remember, megaphones really add to the drama. Call the 5 o'clock local news crews and see if they'll come out and cover your story.

While you're at it you might want to drop that "connoisseur" from your tagline to make it more technically accurate.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
Bte "They were polite over email a couple months ago"... yadda yadda.

You obviously misread their tone.
avatar for goldmongerATL
2 years ago
polite=lawyered up
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
Is it good idea for gentleman clubs to share the banned customer info nationwide? Is it legal?
avatar for goldmongerATL
2 years ago
Casinos do it. It is a whole niche service for casinos
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ Many large department and big box stores keep and share lists of shoplifters and other folks that are removed from their premises.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
There's only a record of shoplifting if you've been convicted of it.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
A simple accusation is libel and defamatory
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
The club has a dancer publicly gloating about scamming people on zelle, pouring champagne on someone, and telling people she’ll meet them otc if they buy vip with her
They have a dancer who has bragged about finessing people via offering extras and not delivering , dancers offering extras, one who has threatened a customer
Arent these all big liabilities?
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
If you go to the police and tell them a stripper cheated you by giving you an air dance or in some other way or poured water or anything else on you there is no way you can prove that without witnesses. The strip club has already said they have no film of it. It is just your word versus hers and that is not a basis for an arrest.

You have to look at it as caveat emptor, buyer beware, when you visit a strip club. The club owners try to treat customers fairly because they want repeat business but for many of the girls they will only be there a short time and don't care if you come back. I have my best experiences with long time regulars. That is one of the advantages of regulars. When I try a new girl, I know I'm taking a risk. I have had lots of bad experiences, but I accept that. I just never repeat with a girl I had a bad experience with. Most times the girl I had a bad experience with is not even still there when I go back.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
I think datinman got it right with his last sentence.

BTE - take a minute and think before posting more drivel. The folks on this strip club website don’t believe your accusations regarding this club and the dancers. Do you think the police will believe you? Do you think civilians will believe a guy who posts under a name Big Third Eye as an asshole connoisseur - when you try to introduce your crap as evidence?
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
BTE, can you provide the name of the club? I know many club owners in this region. I can talk for you see if they can reinstate.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Cashman said "take a minute and think before posting more drive"

And that thought will sound something like "If I post this next stupid, made-up thing then I bet I can keep this thread going for another 10-15 posts."

And yes, I realize that I'm part of the problem this time. But I think we all (should) know that manipulating people into responding and treating the premise as if it's not a complete fiction is the OP's goal here.

And I suspect that there's a very good reason why Champphilly is the only one behaving as if this is a real thing...
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
BTE, your story is not fitting any club with pasties that collects VIP dance money of 200 after dance? No way. This is a story, nothing to believe
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Cacaplop go file a police report that there are women promising to fuck for cash but won't go through with it when you solicit them
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
They take money before the dance.
Pasty rules aren’t followed by many.

Cash and Ish, if it was fake, or if i just wanted to get a dancer in trouble I would have posted names of the dancer and the club. Me not naming clubs or dancers shows it’s real. Its all factual.

And I don’t think things come down to he said she said and witnesses.
None of the dancers have dumped water on me. One dancer posts public videos bragging about pouring champagne, and scamming customers via zelle and also offering otc to someone if they buy vip. Its all public. Do the tiktok videos not count as evidence? The dancer proudly admits to doing all those things
avatar for boomer79
2 years ago
I wouldn’t have emailed the club. If I did do something I’d low key speak with someone I knew at the club who I have some reports with.

More likely than not though it’s best to let it go and not fool with the dancer again. If it seems to be a problem at the club you find another club. Sometimes you’re going to have bad experiences but if you’re a regular you should start to develop relationships where you know you’ll be well treated and dancers are a lot less likely to rip off a regular.
avatar for MotherRussia
2 years ago
What club was this?
avatar for Champphilly
2 years ago
He has only one club review. Ritz, but this one is not a paties club as per reviews. There are not many pasties club near by. So, it is easy to narrow it down if you read the reviews of nearby clubs to Ritz.
avatar for Vicfl
2 years ago
Which club is that?
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
>I did also state in it that if a dancer pulled this sort of scam on me again, I would call the cops

That's why you're a liability. You didn't mention that detail initially. Sounds like you got ripped off by the dancer but (as another poster said) it would have been much better to bring this up in person immediately after it happened, not in email.

A lot of rude comments though from people who replied... sad. I guess they'd say "You moron, can't you see this guy's a troll?" I cannot, I don't follow this board so close like a soap opera lol.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
I think it's legit to be very skeptical of members who are up in the discussions, but never or rarely post reviews.

Since pasties are mentioned above, sounds like the club is in Tennessee or Utah or some such place. Maybe local laws force clubs to use the escort dodge, that there is no contract for physical contact, only for the dancers time. So if a PL calls the cops and cries fraud because the club sold them a lap dance they didn't get (which, even if true, would be generally be a civil not criminal matter), the police might consider that evidence the club is breaking the law.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Hey Ilb they have open signage advertising lapdances everywhere and even on the website. so it definitely is clearly stated youre paying for a lapdance. i would imagine the clubs operating where paid dances are illegal, would advertise things as paying for a private room or a private but touch free dance. thats what the dc clubs some of them are doing. like theu even have signs saying no touching allowed, to cover themselves. on paper theres no touching allowed and no lapdances but people have still been sucked off in the private rooms
avatar for goldmongerATL
2 years ago
Coming back to your 5 month old rant. Obsessed much?
avatar for stripperlover777
a year ago
The First Time A Dancer Would Ever Do That To Me, I'd B Outa There @ The Speed Of Light!
Good Luck In Your Next Strip Club ✔️ 👽
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