Cell phones at work

Look, I'm a dancer and this is something that drives me nuts. I'm wondering if any customers notice, have an opinion, or agree with what I'm about to say. I think that our management and all clubs, should not allow Dancers to be on their phones when they're on the floor. And as far as customers, there time on their cell phones is minimized by the strict " no photos" policy at my club and all others Ive ever been to.
I go insane when we have 3 or 4 customers at the start of the night, and 4 out of 5 of the dancers are stuck with their noses in their phones. I was taught to greet new arrivals, and to hit the stage when there are 2 or more gentlemen present. I'm very contentious of arrivals and I try to say hello, make a quick introduction and thank them for coming to the club. And it's silly how much money walls in and right back out because these dancers are too busy playing on social media to acknowledge a new arrival. These are the same dancers complaining about no money ECT....
To me every single person that cross that thresholds into the club is a dollar sign$$$$$. And unless I give the proper attention to each person, I'm missing quite a few opportunities. I'm not at the club to worry about my Insta or some fans only account.
But the same should be said about customers. Recently I was on stage and older gentleman was at the 1st row stage and he hadn't looked up from his phone during my 1st of 3 songs. I had to know what held his attention so completely. I went over and got down so I'd be able to see his screen, and he was watching PORN!!! I'm a fan of porn, except when I'm trying to make a living and this guy needs more stimulation than I can provide. But it happens more often than not that the customer is staring at his/her phone and I can't figure out how they decide who they're interested in? So all in all, ncell phones should not be on the floor of the club. Quickly to exchange #'s a dancer, but no other reason. Any options out there???
I go insane when we have 3 or 4 customers at the start of the night, and 4 out of 5 of the dancers are stuck with their noses in their phones. I was taught to greet new arrivals, and to hit the stage when there are 2 or more gentlemen present. I'm very contentious of arrivals and I try to say hello, make a quick introduction and thank them for coming to the club. And it's silly how much money walls in and right back out because these dancers are too busy playing on social media to acknowledge a new arrival. These are the same dancers complaining about no money ECT....
To me every single person that cross that thresholds into the club is a dollar sign$$$$$. And unless I give the proper attention to each person, I'm missing quite a few opportunities. I'm not at the club to worry about my Insta or some fans only account.
But the same should be said about customers. Recently I was on stage and older gentleman was at the 1st row stage and he hadn't looked up from his phone during my 1st of 3 songs. I had to know what held his attention so completely. I went over and got down so I'd be able to see his screen, and he was watching PORN!!! I'm a fan of porn, except when I'm trying to make a living and this guy needs more stimulation than I can provide. But it happens more often than not that the customer is staring at his/her phone and I can't figure out how they decide who they're interested in? So all in all, ncell phones should not be on the floor of the club. Quickly to exchange #'s a dancer, but no other reason. Any options out there???
last commentAs far as your less savvy colleagues at the club are concerned, let them be stupid and lazy. It gives you first pick of all the gentleman with little competition. I suspect that at some point the more aware dancers will realize you consistently make more than they do and ask you what your secret is. Maybe you could charge them a consultant fee to "mentor" them?
Personally, if I haven't been greeted and chatted up by the time I'm 1/2 way down my first beer, I'm probably going to cut my losses and move on as soon as the beer is done. Maybe sooner as I did at DR in Cocoa Beach last week...another story...
I'll bring my monger phone in to a club just in case. But, it's there in case a sweet lady wants to share her number with me. Otherwise, it stays in my pocket. Way more interesting things to look at than my phone. If I'm so bored with whats happening in the club that I'm taking my phone out, I need to be taking my butt outta the club.
This IMHO. Nowadays I doubt that most customers or dancers would tolerate a strict no phone policy. In most areas there are other clubs to spend and dance at. There may be isolated clubs here and there that can still get away with it, but I suspect that they are few and far between.
When I shop for groceries, I know what I want and I’m on a mission to get in, get what I want, and get out. I hate it when an emasculated male is standing in front of 50 choices of bread and is too pussywhipped to make a decision so he’s on his phone, blocking the entire aisle, calling his S/O, “help me, help me, I don’t know what bread to buy”. (Cuz in the back of his mind if he brings home the Sunbeam instead of the King’s Hawaiian he knows he ain’t getting a BJ tonight)
As far as customers with phones.....I've seen plenty of cases with guys blatantly recording, yet it takes a bold dancer to confront them, and then risking loss of cash/repeat business.
Just as with many activities, please are glued to their phones rather than being in the moment and enjoying the current activity. Not sure why someone would go to a club just to be glued to thei phone.
Exactly this.
And to be frank, I'd have to change my name, but I'm not all that bothered by this. For one thing, it potentially shows me who's interested and who's not. For another, I don't know why they're on their phone. It *could* be random web surfing. Or it could be checking out the babysitter's camera, or catching up with parents, or texting customers to come in.
And since I have no problem approaching someone I think might be interesting, or has been interesting in the past, I won't hesitate to approach while they're on the phone. The vast majority of times I've done this, the dancer has put it away as soon as she saw my intent to talk to her. A few times I can remember them asking "let me finish this text." On very few occasions have they just kept going while I said hi, and ince I'm also not an arrogant jerk who thinks everyone should stop what they're doing and give me every iota of their attention, I'll just retreat after doing so. After all, it might actually be more important than me. And if it's not, oh well.
If a club told me as a customer no phone, I'm leaving. I get and support a no photos policy, and I'd be amenable to any restriction on things that look like taking pictures. But if I can't read and respond to text messages while I'm there, I'm not staying. And frankly, I do browse around at other shit when there's nothing on stage I'm interested in. I wouldn't sit at the tip rail and do that, but sitting at the bar or a table, its seems fine to me. I put my phone down when a dancer approaches, unless its a text message that can't wait a minute for me to at least great her and then excuse myself for a moment and complete the task.
As far as dancers, count me in the "no longer care" camp. It can still get out of hand when the club looks like the first dance in middle school with all the boys on one side and the girls on the other. But if that's the case there's bigger issues at the club anyway. In all the clubs I go to, there's always a few girls on their phones. Some are texting, some are obviously posting on socials or whatever. I'm less likely to shy away from approaching a stripper on her phone than I am to shy away from a dancer actively talking to her friends or certainly another customer. I also gotta mention that I'm sometimes texting the stripper you're seeing buried in your phone, I wouldn't support measures to prevent her from getting back to me.
I do wish dancers/bartenders/managers/etc would be a little more careful about including customers in their pictures/videos on socials though. On a few occasions I've had to say something, luckily in every case so far they've been cool about deleting and letting me get out of the frame for a re-shoot, but I'd rather not have to be on-guard.
I don't use my phone a lot in the club, but I like having it there in case I need to trade numbers with a dancer or show her something interesting/funny on my phone. I've also seen a few guys on TUSCL in the club, which I find amusing. All that being said, the customers bring the money so I think the club has to be careful about which rules the apply to customers. The guy watching porn while sitting in a strip club?... that's taking multi-tasking a bit too far, in my opinion, but it doesn't affect me.
If I see a dancer I like with her face in her phone, I walk up to her and ask something like "Hey, can I interrupt or are you busy?" 90% of the time they put their phone away and invite me to join them. A couple of times they've said something like "Can you give me a minute to finish sending this message? After that, I'm all yours." Which also works. I've found that guys who get spun up over dancers sitting with their phones are the same guys who insist that dancers approach them. For me, bored hot dancer on her phone is more of an opportunity than an annoyance.
As far as girls on phones go. It doesn't bother me. I have girls texting me from work asking for advice and and what to do. Plus a lot of girls post selfies on social media trying to lure customers. And arrange for regulars to come. Some will tell regulars how slow the night is and ask them to cashapp some money. They're working. It's easier than working the club a lot of times.
If they shouldnt worry about what other girls do at the club, they shouldn’t care about whether other girls are providing better service or extras
It's more common than you think. I personally don't do it, but know guys who do. It's basically a cam model set up where it's easier to go and see/touch the real live girl.
That probably sounded "creepy" lol. Sorry to break it to you, but the whole industry has the ick factor. The diehards are desensitized to it, but we're aware we still get judged by indulging in the hobby. The dirty secret nobody wants to talk about is literally any guy who has the means and figures out there's unlimited sexy time all around him is going to sample. It's just going to happen if he can overcome his programming.
Now, texting by dancers and customers means nothing. If I see a dancer on her phone, I can always interrupt if I want a dance from her. If I don't want a dance and she is on her phone, then what do I care? This is our society now.
End of the day girls are free to hustle or not. I prefer the independent contractor model over employees.
A lot of girls only come in to service their regulars. I've seen girls come in, get dressed, meet their whale, take care of him for an hour, then leave after him.
Icee your post is hilarious, as some dancers approach customers and go on their phones while waiting to go on stage or new customers to come in. Of course in your world this never happens because every dancer is perfect and beautiful, and every customer is desperate and ugly and would never turn down a dancer.
Im not into every dancer, and every dancer is not going to be interested in every customer.
I fuck around on Reddit a lot, edit photos, and play PokemonGo if I'm bored.
As a fellow dancer, OP, I've found it best concern oneself less with what other girls are doing and focus on your own bag. All the time in giving concern to the action of others is time that could be better spent making money from the customers being ignored.
Coincidentally enough, I stopped by a club yesterday evening after dropping off the last of visiting family at the airport. While giving me a dance, the dancer reached for her phone and used it for about a minute. I didn't stop right then and there, I let it go one more song. In hindsight I regret it. While she had my version of a nearly perfect body, she was a complete waste of time & money. The worst part is I lost an opportunity with another dancer who was just slightly less hot, but clearly much more fun.
I'd also say dancers playing on their phone on stage is something that would make me much less likely to spend on that dancer. I'm almost certainly not gonna tip a dancer on her phone on stage, I'm probably not going to engage with her if she approaches, which means I'm not gonna buy dances. I'm also not going to approach her if she's sitting alone later. Of course, if she's super hot I might ignore my own advice, but its much less likely.
That being said, regardless of where I am, if someone is on the phone and I’m (reasonably) expecting to be the focus of their attention, I take the hint and send them on their way. Conversely, if I’m talking to you I’m not on the phone, and the thing is either face down on the table or in my pocket. You’re my focus.
There have been a few occasions where dancers have used their phones as a conversation aid. One time a dancer told me she was an artist and pulled out her phone and showed me photos of some of her paintings. I've also had dancers show me photos of their children, their pet dog being given a birthday cake and the flowers and vegetables being grown in their garden.
As far as dancers with their phones, that's fine. Yes, some girls overdo it but if she wants to sit there half naked while I stare at her ass for free, I don't have a problem with that. One time I was in a club and it was completely dead, and a girl who was *on stage* pulled out her phone while she was dancing which I thought was very funny.
After the fact I found out one of the other dancers was a bouncy young party girl I'd heard about, and would've been totally fine meeting her while waiting for the one I was with to get back lol.
I'm on my phone if the club is boring. Just have a few drinks. Text and watch YouTube videos and go home. I never used to. But sometimes talent at clubs is really that bad now.
I don’t have an issue with the dollar parade, as I am happy to pay to see some booty.
I noticed a guy who would tip certain dancers - but with other dancers he would act as though he was interested in his phone. The dancers didn’t take the hint - and they would just stand there waiting. I could see he wasn't happy with them standing and waiting - so he would keep staring at his phone and say “Go away!” after a few minutes.
It was the first time that I noticed this type of interaction - with a customer. It was unusual - and I was surprised the dancers didn’t just move on (until he told them to go away).
I was responding to icees post where he claimed dancers ask people to cashapp them free money if it’s a slow night at the club.
This is an issue with the clubs that allow the tip walk. It's easy to say don't go if you can't afford to tip all the girls, but I've been to Johnny A's and they're throwing girls on stage like 5 or more at a time on a dayshift. That's a lot of tips to dish out. I was only there for a little over 30 minutes and burned through a lot of cash, but luckily most of it was on dances getting cut a lil short.
I'm not embarrassed to say there are some clubs I used to avoid because I didn't feel like burning through tip walk dollars before my throwaway cash caught up with my appetites. In a lot of those clubs you have guys there for asap dances to dodge the tip walk or there to tip and not do dances.
As to dancers using their phones, that's a labor-management issue. It's a rare stripper that doesn't have dead times at work. It´s kinda of a form of torture, to make her sit there with no way to pass the time. I think it's crossing into the rapey zone when you don't accept that strippers pick and choose who they dance for, no explanations needed. When a dancer I like doesn´t role up on me, I assume it may be because she saw/heard that I'm handsy, and she's just not down for that.
phone in is if the outside temperature is so hot that it could kill my cell battery. It did happen to me once.
I did take it in one other time at Follies. A favorite girl was Ok with giving me her photo but she wanted me to use my own phone rather than hers. Maybe she was sharing her phone with her BF and didn't want him to see what she was doing.
1. She's in a funk, but had to work that shift or she'd get fined.
2. She got a string of nos, perhaps some of them snippy, and it got her in a funk.
3. She's only in the mood to work PLs she already knows and is OK with.
4. Something about your appearance or demeanor, rightly or wrongly, makes her think you'd be more trouble than you're worth.
Having said that, there are a ton of useful purposes a customer can use a cell phone in a club for. Even for watching porn - but with a dancer. This is in fact a routine I have with one favorite dancer. We have a drink and watch a bj video before we go for a private dance. I show her what I like and she puts it to practice.... she has become exceptionally good.
I had some customers do that. They would take me to a private booth where they'd be watching porn while getting to touch a real girl (me) at the same time. I'd get turned on watching it with the customer while enjoying the fondling and the physical attention.
Yeah, I've also had customers be on their phone while at my stage which is fucking annoying. I have also seen customers like literally filming girls without permission a number of times. Sometimes though it is ok and they still tip well so idk I take it with a good attitude. I don't get mad if they are on their phone at my stage. I would get mad if they have the nerve to be at my stage then either not tip or tip the minimum and expect a lot out of me lol! A lot of dudes that stay glued to their phone still tip well on the stage. They might be a drug dealer doing their bs and still throwing quite a bit on stage, or they might be a professional career man texting about work bullshit or their crazy wife while still tipping quite well at the stage. Whatever lol. It is what it is.
Also, I've never seen custies watch porn at the club. I would feel very disrespected if some jackass was doing that on my stage especially. Like oops I knocked over a drink on you, I'm sooooo clumsy!!!!!!
Customers on their phones while sitting at the stage (assuming someone is dancing on said stage) is nuts. Anywhere else is fine so long as no recording rules are broken. If you're not going to pay attention to the dancer then why sit at the stage? And why would someone come to a club, sit at a stage where someone is dancing, and watch porn instead?
On the flip side if a club has a problem with customers on their cellphones its most likely a quality of girl and dancer issues. I dont care what is on the TV or my phone if a 8 or above walks past im giving her my undivided attention