Ah, well whatever makes you feel special I guess. Maybe if the accuracy turns out to be high enough, I’ll try to take a test to determine what health conditions to look out for thanks to genetics.
I am skeptical. I took one a while back cuz I was bored and both my parents swear up and down we have german somewhere down the line, but that didn't pop up at all. The only western European that popped up for me was like a small % Finnish which isn't even really full western European...Over 98% EE pinpointed to Ukraine and all over Russia aka not just Moscow/Peterburg but many places far east and south lols. Damn, what a huge country.
Kind of funny that people actually believe that there's a relationship between genetics and geography. Do your genetics change when geography changes? Governments? The country know as Iraq was created in 1932, so bullshit on your Iraq claim. Prior to 1918 Iraq was called part of the Ottoman Empire. Iraq is a fake country. Morrocco became a country in 1956. You use 23 and me Icee lolololol.
The the good thing about these Ancestry and 23andMe services is that they've uncovered a lot of shenanigans at a variety of fertility clinics. The downside is that in some cases they've unearthed some family secrets that have caused a fair amount of pain and turmoil. I'm sure that in some of these cases, it has led to some degree of closure and catharsis, but in others it's just rubbing salt in old wounds.
A family member gave me one of these kits for my birthday. I know a few doctors and career biologists and chatted with them about the implications of using the test. They all stated that they won't do it. Partly because the fidelity of the "ancestry" results is debatable. But the real reason is that there's not a lot of regulation on the safekeeping and use of the genetic data that's collected.
In the words (roughly) of one person I talked to "I need to see more lawsuits that set precedent and generate actual laws before I touch those things with a 10-foot pole." Because right now it's a bit spotty on what happens if this data makes its way to law enforcement, insurance companies, university studies, government research projects, and elsewhere.
There have also been a few rare cases where these tests have revealed the presence of the gene that essentially guarantees a horrible degenerative illness. I think that each person has to carefully consider whether or not they want to have that information. Though one can make the argument that knowing allows you to prepare, it's still no fun to get the results of your Ancestry test and find out "Hey, I'm 0.08 Neanterthal. Also, I'm going to be crippled before I'm 50."
So, I tossed my kit in the trash. For most people, I don't think that they'll experience any real harm, but I'm operating from a position of caution.
Those tests are a scam to get your DNA on file and into a searchable data base.
Also they are largely inaccurate. We're told "there's no such thing as race" (whether that's true or not) yet these tests can exactly pinpoint specific ethnic nationalities and localized geographic place origins down to small percentages of ancestry?
I think the tests are fascinating and fun. Of course they're not 100% accurate. They compare your DNA to others in the database and link percentages to similar genes in extant populations.
You can get foreign ones now. Like Chinese tests are a lot better for Chinese Americans. Coz they pinpoint the region of their ancestry. Or Israeli ones for Jewish people.
One of my sisters took one of those tests. She’s big into tracing family roots and that sort of stuff. It was no surprise to me as an adult. We are mostly from Eastern Europe.
Ishmael is correct about the potential family upset aspect of some findings. If I had learned this as a child, I would have had lots of questions, as we were told our heritage was primarily Irish from both sides. Only as adults were we informed that our mother is an orphan of a Prussian immigrant.
For people who do genealogy studies, these tests have eliminated massive amounts of time and effort spent going through old paper and microfiche records.
At the same time, I had this conversation with a friend who disclosed that he was a paid sperm donor in college to make ends meet. He had decided long ago that he didn't want to be in touch with the children resulting from those donations.
Fast forward to the children of his cousins doing an Ancestry test, which automatically connects the dots to distant relatives. Along with the results, they also get contacted by several people from the area where he went to school who are actively looking for their birth father.
Fortunately, a few guys in the family went to the same school, so it's turned into a family drama as to the question of "who squirted". He still doesn't want to be in touch with his "donor children" and he'd strongly prefer to not disclose being a sperm donor to his entire family. But he has been painted into a corner by a technology and a service that he didn't sign up for.
Granted, the stakes for him are relatively low, but it shows how complex issues are being raised by these consumer-grade genetic tests.
Those kind of cases are extremely rare. And you can opt out of that kind of data sharing with your results.
Personally I wouldn't participate in that. It's not even accurate for that purpose. At most it will just match people with the most similar results. But if you've been in say a small town for a few generations. It's expected there's lots of relations down the line
No way would I ever *voluntarily* put my DNA into a database where it could potentially come back to me in some negative way. CMI makes a couple of good points with "what happens if this data makes its way to law enforcement, insurance companies, university studies, government research projects, and elsewhere" and also what happened to his friend, the sperm donor, who never even signed up for this shit and yet the technology is tracking him down.
Thankfully I never jerked off at a sperm bank, and I'm about 99% sure there are no "accidents" roaming around anywhere. And two times I was arrested were long before DNA was a thing, so as far as I know my DNA diagram is nowhere on file, and I plan to keep it that way.
In just a couple of decades, we've seen DNA technology in law enforcement go from almost impossible to use, due to the expense and limited lab availability, to routine and commonplace, where now every inmate is forcibly tested and every crime scene is examined for it. It's as common as fingerprint analysis. And its availability is so abundant that now it's being sold as a novelty to see if you're 0.5% Swahili or something.
I look at it in a similar way to the "ID scanner" discussion we've had multiple times. They want ID? I walk away. I'm not going to make it any easier to connect me with some fucked up event. I don't want to be asked any questions. I don't want to appear in court. So I sure as hell won't be making my DNA available to anyone who wants it.
“No way would I ever *voluntarily* put my DNA into a database where it could potentially come back to me in some negative way. CMI makes a couple of good points with "what happens if this data makes its way to law enforcement, insurance companies, university studies, government research projects, and elsewhere" and also what happened to his friend, the sperm donor, who never even signed up for this shit and yet the technology is tracking him down.”
I am aware the info could be misused. I guess you can say I just don't care. Haven't had any cans of worms opened up, other than seeing that both sides of my family are lying about having German roots lmao. I had somebody on 23andme message me and ask me what part of Russia I'm from lmfao.
^ A very large portion of people in Russia have German heritage. 10% of Argentinians are blonde due to German heritage. The DNA test can tell you're Jewish? Can it tell if you're a Christian? Muslim? Hindu? What about converts? You are one fucked up loser ICEE.
Q: Ever take a DNA test? A: NEVER, we know all our family ancestors in the Fatherland and beyond.
This DNA “technology” is just another scam perpetrated by people who want to make money out of other people’s ignorance, insecurities and racism.
I expect you to be familiar with Hans Christian Andersen's tale of “The Emperor's New Clothes”; published in 1837.
The story derives from the seventh of fifty cautionary tales in a 14th-century Spanish collection by the politician, soldier, and writer, Juan Manuel.
The original Spanish story, "A King and Three Imposters," featured a ruler (a king) and unscrupulous weavers who had fabricated a scam about invisible cloth.
Andersen's tale “adapted” for children is principally about vanity and pride, while Juan Manuel's story centered around illegitimate paternity.
In Juan Manuel's story, the clothes could only be seen by the true son of the man who was wearing them, so the king and his "sons" all pretend that they can see the non-existent clothes because confessing otherwise would prove that they are not of true royal descent.
There is one other notable difference.
In Andersen's tale, it takes the innocence of a child to point out the truth.
In Juan Manuel's story, it takes the innocence of a black spectator to point out the truth.
Because the black person would have had no claim to being the son of the King, there is nothing for him to lose in telling the truth.
They ask for your permission to add you to any site or database. No one will share your info without your permission.
I also don't think someone using it to find birth parents is misuse.
I'm more concerned with having to show an ID to buy cold medicine or buy a drink than I am about a university using my dna in a study which I'd have to consent to
I know one person who is Jewish, but they took the 23andme test and not even 0 point something % came up but they literally had no jew in them according to the test. So I am not entirely sure these are all that accurate. I am not gonna deny someone their heritage that believed they're Jewish and practices Judaism.
Thats funny Icee because previously you stated its a non issue when clubs ask for yoir IDs and even when they scan the IDs using scanners, now you’re saying its so concerning if they scan them for cold medicine to make sure people aren’t reselling purp or abusing it, is that because you like abusing purp?
Of course its misuse if someones a sperm donor its all done consentually, bein a sperm donor doesnt mean you have to take care of people made from your sperm
Blahblah someone practicing Judaism doesnt mean they’ll be racially Jewish, usually they go together but there are plenty of racial Jews who converted to other religions or are atheist etc and also some people who weren’t racially Jewish but converted to the religion.
I do think the test might have implications to say that Russians are Eurasian as in European plus a smidgen of middle eastern and smidgen of east Asian? Cuz some people who pull up as full Russian definitely look completely different than others who pull up as full some other type of European.
Two thirds British, which didn't surprise me, and one third Swiss, which did surprise me. Maybe I have some potential yodeling skills that I'm not aware of that I could develop.
Russia is a huge country. The so-called Asian look comes from people's like the lapps and karelians. Basically finno ugric peoples who inhabited northern Russia before the slavs came. Plus in the east there was mixing with Siberian peoples. Mongolian genes found their way south and to ukraine.
You also have ancient iranic groups like the scythians and sarmatians leaving a genetic substratum.
A lot of skilled German craftsmen migrated to eastern Europe after the wars with the Mongols coz the population was depleted. That's how a lot of jews entered Eastern Europe. But most were from Saxony
Tbh I think Icee is right cuz I've read that shit before elsewhere, but I take everything with a grain of salt. Russia is confusing, and the concept of a Russian is confusing. Out where I live all the people like Armenians and Georgians also get lumped in with the Russian community and speak it more than their language lol. Same with the Ukrainians here before this war brought an influx of Ukrainian refugees to my area. Now, we definitely have Ukrainians here that speak Ukrainian and not Russian which is so weird to me hahaha.
That stems from soviet times still. But after yhe soviet union. Russian schools started teaching the idea that being Russian was about shared values and not ethnicity. Like in the US.
The DNA health information seems accurate. Last year I took a 23 and ME test. It gives results on some chromosome mutations such as BRCA1, BRCA2, Dementia, Parkinson's, vision etc. It stated that I have a chromosome mutation which prevents me from carrying a tune. I was shocked that it knew that I have zero music ability.
He came here out of left field as a chicano after his davids/dougster/txtittyfag/etc accounts but he's morphed into all fields because he can, it's the internet.
Russia, as the largest country in the world, has great ethnic diversity, and is a multinational state, home to over 193 ethnic groups..
So the people from those regions (from countries to towns) are not homogeneous, not all are “White” not “Eurasian”, Yellow not black or brown.
Ethnicity is sometimes used interchangeably with the term nationality, this of course is different from the concept of “different human races” (Black, Brown, White, Yellow, Red, etc etc etc)
The variation of skin color evolved as a response to human migration, local solar UV exposure, and the body’s need for vitamin D.
The physical and cultural variations on our groups have sometimes obscured the underlying similarity of all mankind.
This has often led to disastrous and unnecessary conflict and destruction.
We have behaved as though each of our societies belonged to a different species, in deadly competition one with another.
Despite the many variations that exist from region to region and society to society, everyone of the thousands of millions of human beings alive today shares an almost identical genetic inheritance.
It is UNDENIABLE that DNA Test Are Scams, Just Like Horoscope Readings and other superstitions.
There is only one race; the human race, the human species all the other differences are superficial.
The potential for good and evil occurs in every individual human being regardless of color, ethnicity, nationality or any other difference…
For example in the USA;
“The rich ruling class has used tribalism, a primitive caveman instinct, to their advantage since the beginning of time.
They use it to divide and conquer us.
They drive wedges between us peasants and make us fight each other, so we won’t rise up against our rulers and fight them.
You can observe the same old trick everywhere in America today: Red states and blue states are fighting.
Christians and Muslims are fighting. Men and women are fighting. Baby Boomers and Millennials are fighting. Black people and white people are fighting.
That doesn’t just happen all by itself. There are always voices instigating these fights.”
~ Oliver Markus Malloy, German journalist
“More like 0.1% of regular ass humans (the oligarchs, the so called founding fathers, the politicians, the religious leaders, the puppet presidents, the rich and powerful, the snake oil salesmen, the con artists etc etc) tricking the rest of us into fighting among ourselves while they rob us blind.”
Got the ancestry thing as a gift several years ago...it told me what I expected: about half Irish / Scottish, and half Ukrainian / eastern European.
I don't give a flying fuck if somebody has my DNA in a petri dish. What're they gonna do, create a clone army of 6'3 guys who like tits, whiskey, and gambling?
It DID eventually allow me to track down my dad's biological father's family. That was my ultimate goal once I started looking into things...the grandfather had already passed, but I got to speak with the woman he married after my grandmother and will probably meet up with her and my dad's other set of half-siblings my next time in Detroit.
And before she died, I was able to connect my grandmother with a cousin she grew up with but hadn't seen in like 75 years. That was pretty cool.
I'm hoping a couple connections I've made through it will get me access to the old estate in Northern Ireland when I eventually go there.
And there's a slight chance I'm a descendant of Robert the Bruce. I'm royalty, biatch!
^ The Spanish Inquisition was most active from about 1480 till about 1530, for the purpose of this discussion Columbus was the discoverer of the new world in 1492, explain how Spaniards arrived in Mexico before Pizarro or Cortez, Damn Iceefag you make up so much shit it's hard to believe. You are a compulsive, serial, liar. Your family left Spain for Mexico, before Mexico actually existed. SMH
The Decreto de la Alhambra was issued in 1492, a big year for Isabel and Ferdinand. This sent Hispanic Jews all over the world, but obviously not to Mexico, since 1st contact there wasn't until 1519. Some conquistadors were executed on suspicion of being crypto Jews, but this obviously isn't the same thing as Sephardi emigrating to Mexico in the early 16th century. Eventually Sephardim made their way to Mexico, but not until much later. Most Sephardic Mexicans came to the new world in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, like everyone else.
Mexico and the US southwest. New Spain at the time. Was an attractive destination for those forced to convert to catholicism and were afraid of their Jewish roots being exposed. Coz they'd lose everything. Some secretly still practiced Judaism. It's a fascinating history
The Majority of Sephardim arrived in the new world, well after conquistadors, most after Napoleon, and then a new wave early in the twentieth century with the pogroms against the the Ashkenazim in Eastern Europe, but by far the largest Jewish emigration to the Americas coincided with Hitler's rise to power and WWII in the 1930s & 1940s, that's when you see large numbers of displaced peoples, prior to the 19th century you saw small Jewish out flows in the Caribbean and North America.
The history of the Jews in Mexico can be said to have begun in 1519 with the arrival of Conversos, often called Marranos or “Crypto-Jews,” referring to those Jews forcibly converted to Catholicism and that then became subject to the Spanish Inquisition.
I laugh at your reading comprehension skills, you're like the slow kid that repeats something and pretends he said it first, like I said in an earlier post arguing with stupid people is impossible, as you prove time and time again.
Many Spanish Jews converted to Catholicism (or pretended to) rather than leave. Which may explain why a Cuban dancer who recently emptied my wallet kinda looked like Gilda Radner.
Yeah and many of the converted practiced some Jewish stuff in private. Over time many lost those traditions only to have their descendants rediscover them
Icee you claim its a non issue if clubs scan your id in a scanner but you freak out if you have to show your id to buy cold medicine? That’s because youre so addicted to purp? Only a purp addict would care more about showing an id at the pharmacy vs scanning an id in a club
^ Our little frenulum doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, Iceefag is one of those morons that is infatuated with the sound of his own voice, guarantee he/she is full of shit just as always, wasted time.
20fag you're stupid and don't know what you're talking about.
You said the inquisition was from 1480 to 1530. It was from 1478 to 1834. You said jews arrived in Mexico in the 18th century. They were there as early as 1519.
Ooooook... Getting back on topic. What's the deal with the Filipino race? I am aware they are mixed, but there seem to be quite a few varieties. Is it sorta regional?
@blah in short, Filipinos are mutts, so yes mixed. It's because so many countries/cultures have taken the small island country over or at least occupied it for a while. China, Japan, and Spain mainly. Then the US and Dutch to some degree. All this brought in the mixing of genes with the OG/indigenous Filipinos, the 'negritos'. Not many pure ones exist anymore.
As a result, Filipinos can look like a variety of cultures. I've been called Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, and even Native American.
Iceefag you really need to read what I wrote, and stop misquoting me, it just makes you look stupider than you are, you can't afford to look any stupider than you already do.
We're missing the point that Icee lied about his ancestry; yes as well as everything else. If ever a person was mad to be tagged with the word "cunt" it is Icee. Drink poison ....
“The Philippines is inhabited by more than 182 ethnolinguistic groups, many of which are classified as "Indigenous Peoples" under the country's Indigenous Peoples' Rights Act of 1997. Traditionally-Muslim peoples from the southernmost island group of Mindanao are usually categorized together as Moro peoples, whether they are classified as Indigenous peoples or not. About 142 are classified as non-Muslim Indigenous People groups, and about 19 ethnolinguistic groups are classified as neither indigenous nor moro. Various migrant groups have also had a significant presence throughout the country's history.
Due to the past history of the Philippines since the Spanish colonial era, there are also some historical migrant heritage groups such as the Chinese Filipinos and Spanish Filipinos, both of whom intermixed with the above lowland Austronesian-speaking ethnic groups, which produced Filipino Mestizos.”
In other words, like the US, a lot of ethnicities comprise the Philippines.
This rick would like to make a few points about DNA tests.
First, Icee is being 100% truthful on this thread. He truthfully woke up and said “imma post some shit about DNA tests on TUSCL and everyone will get all worked up…especially Skifredo”. And what do you know? People are getting all worked up. Especially Skifredo.
Oh…you thought I was talking about his ancestry. Nobody gives a fuck about that because Icee is a character invented by a zebra.
Second, all y’all’s DNA is gonna tell you is that y’all are damn dirty apes.
Finally, I don’t need a DNA test to tell me that I’m a frickin’ lion. I look in the frickin’ mirror and what do I see? A frickin’ LION!!!
Also yeah.... icee's ancestors were conquistadors (and jewish!) just like every gringo's great great great great great grandfather was on the mayflower. Keep repeating the stupid shit your grandma told you, gullible icee. Next we're going to hear how you great grandma was native American princess. Lulz
Filipinos are related to Malaysians Indonesians and the people's out in the pacific Islands. There's also a substrate that's related to Australian aborigines. But there was Spanish and a lot of Chinese mixed in as well.
20fag I didn't misquote you. I quoted you exactly. Drew I have native American dna as well and I'm proud of my family history.
^ Fuck off frenulum, you 100% misquoted me, I never said what you implied I did, go smoke some more meth maybe you'll come up with some new insults the ones you use are old and recycled from someone else, because we know you don't have an original thought in your head. Stupid little bitch twat
20fag you're stupid and don't know what you're talking about.
You said the inquisition was from 1480 to 1530. It was from 1478 to 1834. You said jews arrived in Mexico in the 18th century. They were there as early as 1519.
last commentNone of this soft ancestry shit that's poorly validated anyways and just meant to give your genetic data to communist China.
A family member gave me one of these kits for my birthday. I know a few doctors and career biologists and chatted with them about the implications of using the test. They all stated that they won't do it. Partly because the fidelity of the "ancestry" results is debatable. But the real reason is that there's not a lot of regulation on the safekeeping and use of the genetic data that's collected.
In the words (roughly) of one person I talked to "I need to see more lawsuits that set precedent and generate actual laws before I touch those things with a 10-foot pole." Because right now it's a bit spotty on what happens if this data makes its way to law enforcement, insurance companies, university studies, government research projects, and elsewhere.
There have also been a few rare cases where these tests have revealed the presence of the gene that essentially guarantees a horrible degenerative illness. I think that each person has to carefully consider whether or not they want to have that information. Though one can make the argument that knowing allows you to prepare, it's still no fun to get the results of your Ancestry test and find out "Hey, I'm 0.08 Neanterthal. Also, I'm going to be crippled before I'm 50."
So, I tossed my kit in the trash. For most people, I don't think that they'll experience any real harm, but I'm operating from a position of caution.
Also they are largely inaccurate. We're told "there's no such thing as race" (whether that's true or not) yet these tests can exactly pinpoint specific ethnic nationalities and localized geographic place origins down to small percentages of ancestry?
You can get foreign ones now. Like Chinese tests are a lot better for Chinese Americans. Coz they pinpoint the region of their ancestry. Or Israeli ones for Jewish people.
Ishmael is correct about the potential family upset aspect of some findings. If I had learned this as a child, I would have had lots of questions, as we were told our heritage was primarily Irish from both sides. Only as adults were we informed that our mother is an orphan of a Prussian immigrant.
At the same time, I had this conversation with a friend who disclosed that he was a paid sperm donor in college to make ends meet. He had decided long ago that he didn't want to be in touch with the children resulting from those donations.
Fast forward to the children of his cousins doing an Ancestry test, which automatically connects the dots to distant relatives. Along with the results, they also get contacted by several people from the area where he went to school who are actively looking for their birth father.
Fortunately, a few guys in the family went to the same school, so it's turned into a family drama as to the question of "who squirted". He still doesn't want to be in touch with his "donor children" and he'd strongly prefer to not disclose being a sperm donor to his entire family. But he has been painted into a corner by a technology and a service that he didn't sign up for.
Granted, the stakes for him are relatively low, but it shows how complex issues are being raised by these consumer-grade genetic tests.
These tests can open a can of worms.
Personally I wouldn't participate in that. It's not even accurate for that purpose. At most it will just match people with the most similar results. But if you've been in say a small town for a few generations. It's expected there's lots of relations down the line
I haven’t taken these tests yet but want to
Thankfully I never jerked off at a sperm bank, and I'm about 99% sure there are no "accidents" roaming around anywhere. And two times I was arrested were long before DNA was a thing, so as far as I know my DNA diagram is nowhere on file, and I plan to keep it that way.
In just a couple of decades, we've seen DNA technology in law enforcement go from almost impossible to use, due to the expense and limited lab availability, to routine and commonplace, where now every inmate is forcibly tested and every crime scene is examined for it. It's as common as fingerprint analysis. And its availability is so abundant that now it's being sold as a novelty to see if you're 0.5% Swahili or something.
I look at it in a similar way to the "ID scanner" discussion we've had multiple times. They want ID? I walk away. I'm not going to make it any easier to connect me with some fucked up event. I don't want to be asked any questions. I don't want to appear in court. So I sure as hell won't be making my DNA available to anyone who wants it.
I’d have to agree with every point made above.
I will play along and comment on your discussion.
Q: Ever take a DNA test?
A: NEVER, we know all our family ancestors in the Fatherland and beyond.
This DNA “technology” is just another scam perpetrated by people who want to make money out of other people’s ignorance, insecurities and racism.
I expect you to be familiar with Hans Christian Andersen's tale of “The Emperor's New Clothes”; published in 1837.
The story derives from the seventh of fifty cautionary tales in a 14th-century Spanish collection by the politician, soldier, and writer, Juan Manuel.
The original Spanish story, "A King and Three Imposters," featured a ruler (a king) and unscrupulous weavers who had fabricated a scam about invisible cloth.
Andersen's tale “adapted” for children is principally about vanity and pride, while Juan Manuel's story centered around illegitimate paternity.
In Juan Manuel's story, the clothes could only be seen by the true son of the man who was wearing them, so the king and his "sons" all pretend that they can see the non-existent clothes because confessing otherwise would prove that they are not of true royal descent.
There is one other notable difference.
In Andersen's tale, it takes the innocence of a child to point out the truth.
In Juan Manuel's story, it takes the innocence of a black spectator to point out the truth.
Because the black person would have had no claim to being the son of the King, there is nothing for him to lose in telling the truth.
For example, reference and giggles:
“There will never be a black king of England”
~ Louis CK aka Louis Székely
~ White Privileged stand up comedian
~ Born Sep 12, 1967 Washington, D.C., U.S.
I also don't think someone using it to find birth parents is misuse.
I'm more concerned with having to show an ID to buy cold medicine or buy a drink than I am about a university using my dna in a study which I'd have to consent to
Of course its misuse if someones a sperm donor its all done consentually, bein a sperm donor doesnt mean you have to take care of people made from your sperm
I do think the test might have implications to say that Russians are Eurasian as in European plus a smidgen of middle eastern and smidgen of east Asian? Cuz some people who pull up as full Russian definitely look completely different than others who pull up as full some other type of European.
but the science nerd in me loves the research regarding mt-Eve and mt-MRCA
Some conflicting opinions but interesting reads
You also have ancient iranic groups like the scythians and sarmatians leaving a genetic substratum.
A lot of skilled German craftsmen migrated to eastern Europe after the wars with the Mongols coz the population was depleted. That's how a lot of jews entered Eastern Europe. But most were from Saxony
That shit you wrote almost makes sense cause I'm high as hell. You are a fucking madman dude.
really you’re a historical moron
And pick up a history book.
He came here out of left field as a chicano after his davids/dougster/txtittyfag/etc accounts but he's morphed into all fields because he can, it's the internet.
I think dna tests are great and the larger the databases get the more accurate results will be.
Russia, as the largest country in the world, has great ethnic diversity, and is a multinational state, home to over 193 ethnic groups..
So the people from those regions (from countries to towns) are not homogeneous, not all are “White” not “Eurasian”, Yellow not black or brown.
Ethnicity is sometimes used interchangeably with the term nationality, this of course is different from the concept of “different human races” (Black, Brown, White, Yellow, Red, etc etc etc)
The variation of skin color evolved as a response to human migration, local solar UV exposure, and the body’s need for vitamin D.
The physical and cultural variations on our groups have sometimes obscured the underlying similarity of all mankind.
This has often led to disastrous and unnecessary conflict and destruction.
We have behaved as though each of our societies belonged to a different species, in deadly competition one with another.
Despite the many variations that exist from region to region and society to society, everyone of the thousands of millions of human beings alive today shares an almost identical genetic inheritance.
It is UNDENIABLE that DNA Test Are Scams, Just Like Horoscope Readings and other superstitions.
There is only one race; the human race, the human species all the other differences are superficial.
The potential for good and evil occurs in every individual human being regardless of color, ethnicity, nationality or any other difference…
For example in the USA;
“The rich ruling class has used tribalism, a primitive caveman instinct, to their advantage since the beginning of time.
They use it to divide and conquer us.
They drive wedges between us peasants and make us fight each other, so we won’t rise up against our rulers and fight them.
You can observe the same old trick everywhere in America today: Red states and blue states are fighting.
Christians and Muslims are fighting. Men and women are fighting. Baby Boomers and Millennials are fighting. Black people and white people are fighting.
That doesn’t just happen all by itself. There are always voices instigating these fights.”
~ Oliver Markus Malloy, German journalist
“More like 0.1% of regular ass humans (the oligarchs, the so called founding fathers, the politicians, the religious leaders, the puppet presidents, the rich and powerful, the snake oil salesmen, the con artists etc etc) tricking the rest of us into fighting among ourselves while they rob us blind.”
~ SanchoRG, Texas
~ Joined Aug, 2017
I don't give a flying fuck if somebody has my DNA in a petri dish. What're they gonna do, create a clone army of 6'3 guys who like tits, whiskey, and gambling?
It DID eventually allow me to track down my dad's biological father's family. That was my ultimate goal once I started looking into things...the grandfather had already passed, but I got to speak with the woman he married after my grandmother and will probably meet up with her and my dad's other set of half-siblings my next time in Detroit.
And before she died, I was able to connect my grandmother with a cousin she grew up with but hadn't seen in like 75 years. That was pretty cool.
I'm hoping a couple connections I've made through it will get me access to the old estate in Northern Ireland when I eventually go there.
And there's a slight chance I'm a descendant of Robert the Bruce. I'm royalty, biatch!
But keep trolling dumb bitches
Mexico and the US southwest. New Spain at the time. Was an attractive destination for those forced to convert to catholicism and were afraid of their Jewish roots being exposed. Coz they'd lose everything. Some secretly still practiced Judaism. It's a fascinating history
The history of the Jews in Mexico can be said to have begun in 1519 with the arrival of Conversos, often called Marranos or “Crypto-Jews,” referring to those Jews forcibly converted to Catholicism and that then became subject to the Spanish Inquisition.
You said the inquisition was from 1480 to 1530. It was from 1478 to 1834. You said jews arrived in Mexico in the 18th century. They were there as early as 1519.
Stfu senile bitch
As a result, Filipinos can look like a variety of cultures. I've been called Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, and even Native American.
It's only somewhat regional.
“What's the deal with the Filipino race? “
From Wiki
“The Philippines is inhabited by more than 182 ethnolinguistic groups, many of which are classified as "Indigenous Peoples" under the country's Indigenous Peoples' Rights Act of 1997. Traditionally-Muslim peoples from the southernmost island group of Mindanao are usually categorized together as Moro peoples, whether they are classified as Indigenous peoples or not. About 142 are classified as non-Muslim Indigenous People groups, and about 19 ethnolinguistic groups are classified as neither indigenous nor moro. Various migrant groups have also had a significant presence throughout the country's history.
Due to the past history of the Philippines since the Spanish colonial era, there are also some historical migrant heritage groups such as the Chinese Filipinos and Spanish Filipinos, both of whom intermixed with the above lowland Austronesian-speaking ethnic groups, which produced Filipino Mestizos.”
In other words, like the US, a lot of ethnicities comprise the Philippines.
First, Icee is being 100% truthful on this thread. He truthfully woke up and said “imma post some shit about DNA tests on TUSCL and everyone will get all worked up…especially Skifredo”. And what do you know? People are getting all worked up. Especially Skifredo.
Oh…you thought I was talking about his ancestry. Nobody gives a fuck about that because Icee is a character invented by a zebra.
Second, all y’all’s DNA is gonna tell you is that y’all are damn dirty apes.
Finally, I don’t need a DNA test to tell me that I’m a frickin’ lion. I look in the frickin’ mirror and what do I see? A frickin’ LION!!!
20fag I didn't misquote you. I quoted you exactly. Drew I have native American dna as well and I'm proud of my family history.
Stupid little bitch twat
You said the inquisition was from 1480 to 1530. It was from 1478 to 1834. You said jews arrived in Mexico in the 18th century. They were there as early as 1519.
fucked up little bitch cunt