
Comments by likesnudegirls

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Waiting for girls to get ready
    I have also noticed that it takes a long time for the girls get ready. I have also noticed that I am frequently disappointed when they finally do get out and get on stage and dance. I imagined them to be much better looking than they turned out to be.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Because of the anonymity here, I think you can be completely honest here, and a lot of the guys will believe you. If you are saying something that is generally unbelievable, or something that is typical SS, then you probably won't be believed, even if you are telling the truth, By reading the comments here, I think some of the guys will never believe anything any dancer ever says. As far as ITC, for me, the smarter and more honest the better. The best times I have with a dancer is when I can feel that I have made a personal connection, and that I have enjoyed the conversation. Conversations are better with people who have a wide range of knowledge. My BS radar is on overdrive when I am in the club, since I know that most of the time, the dancers aren't being honest. If they are decent looking, and we can have a normal back and forth conversation, and are willing to spend some time with me, they usually get in the door with me. If they come in and act like I am the hottest, sexiest guy in there, I know it is BS, and no matter how good looking they are, they won't get anywhere with me.
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    8 years ago
    Saving Dancers
    I see the dancers falling roughly falling into two camps. The first camp is those that use dancing as a springboard to a better life. Those are the ones that dance to send themselves through college, or develop a skill of some sort, or make wise investments with their money. For them, there is no other way that they could make the money they can with dancing, and dancing can be a great choice for them. The second camp is those that don't develop any skills and mostly blow their money. In a few years when their looks have faded and their bodies have broken down and their ability to make lots of money dancing is gone, they don't have a plan B. I think in the end, dancing actually hurts these women more than it helps them. Dancing can be financially a great choice, and even emotionally is some cases, as it can help the women become more confident, self sufficient and able to understand men better. I don't think we should necessarily encourage young women to dance, but they shouldn't be discouraged either if they go into dancing for the right reasons. On a side note, I have a 20 year old daughter who I would not want to see dancing. I know that is hypocritical, since I am a strip club enthusiast.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Beautiful Women
    Extreme beauty for a woman is very fleeting. At age 20, they can have men falling all over themselves doing whatever they can to get their attention. At age 40, most are just middle aged women that don't get a second look, and are viewed as maybe looking good for their age. At age 60, they are invisible.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    NFL Playoffs Round 2: Who Wins This Weekend?
    Kansas City -1 Arizona -9 Carolina -3 Pittsburgh -2
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Drinks or music?
    I generally drink water, as I don't want anything that deadens my sensations, although I do have beer sometimes if I am wound up. I grew up with Classic Rock, so I suppose I like that as well as anything. Mostly I like the music that complements the dancers style, and also the type of music that the dancer likes, as she will likely put on a better show.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I'm feeling adventurous, YES.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Pussy, boobs, and nipples
    For pussy, I like innie, such as http://www.goddessnudes.com/model/katyelle/gallery/20121018/KATYELLE_1/ For boobs, I don't really notice nipples so much, although I don't like the big areolas. Big boobs look good in a tank top, but rarely good naked, and they don't age well, as they get stretch marked. Here are links to women with boobs that I like. http://www.goddessnudes.com/model/dasha/gallery/20100113/DASHA/ http://www.goddessnudes.com/model/eriska-a/gallery/20150616/ERISKA_A_1/ An exception on big boobs. Here is a great set http://www.goddessnudes.com/model/bianca/gallery/20120206/BIANCA_2/
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I almost always LDK, and always wear a condom that I put on right before I go back for the private dance because I am hard and it most always then stays on. I have never had a dancer comment on it, but I have had a few say before hand that they don't like it when men do LDK.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I have found that if I go more than once a week, I too get bored. I also tend to get bored after I LDK. I will always make sure that there is at least one dancer there that I at least kind of like before I go. The thing about myself it that I overall prefer the "false situations that are financially driven" than a "real relationship" I'm a person who likes to be alone the vast majority of time, and I don't like the pressure and the lack of freedom that a "real relationship" brings. I keep telling myself that the excitement of having attractive naked girls dancing in front of me and walking around the club and sitting on my lap and giving me lap dances will get old, because it is very repetitive as you say, but I have been clubbing for decades, and it still hasn't, provided that I don't go too often.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Saying No
    I agree with Subraman, women are not wired to get naked in front of men who are strangers. In almost all other situations, men have to work hard to get a woman to take all her clothes off, and when she does, the woman expects a positive reaction. That said, rejection is a major part of the job, and the dancers better get used to it, or they need to do something else for money. I basically politely and with a smile on my face tell them no. If they have done something that appeals to me, like giving me a little teaser lap dance, I will give them a small tip.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What do you like?
    I like the Girl Next Door look myself. I live in a University town, and I see lots of young, really attractive women on campus, but obviously can't see them naked. When I go to a strip club, I like to see the women that look like them or dress like them get naked. I like a sundress or any sort of mini-skirt, with the woman wearing a thong. I also like a top that shows cleavage. That way, I can get a taste of what is coming, but still have the anticipation. It is actually pretty rare to see a girl in a club dressed like that, but when I do, I really like it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What is your goal in clubbing?
    I like watching attractive girls walking around with little or no clothing on. I like the attention paid to me, even though I know they are only doing it to make money. I like having the power to pick and choose which girls I like. I like to try and figure out the inner workings of the club. I like to watch the dancers work, and see which ones are successful and which ones are not. I think a girl who really knows how to work the pole is incredibly enjoyable to watch. I like it when I can sit with a girl for an extended period of time, and they don't ask for money. I will always pay them for their time if I have enjoyed their company. I like hugging and snuggling, and I love it when I find a girl that also seems to enjoy it. It works best for me if I can wait at least two weeks between visits. That way, a lot of anticipation has built up. I don't go to cure boredom, as there are a lot of things I like doing with my free time. The times I am most disappointed is when there are no dancers that appeal to me. I have learned that I don't go unless there is at least one dancer that I find appealing.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    If a stripper tells you when she gets off work, is it a sign that she likes you?
    I'm mid 50's. No sane person would describe me as handsome, but I have aged well. I don't do particularly well with women, but I have at times had attractive women show interest in me, and I married someone much more attractive than myself. I'm actually very leery about dating a stripper. I like having a low drama life, and I know it would be very strange dating someone much younger than myself. I also don't know if there would be anything to talk about outside the club. As far as getting sex goes, if she would have sex with me, then I would be a little afraid that they would give me something else I didn't want. I'm mostly just curious, because it seems as though it is something that women say that may show they are interested. I have searched the internet for the signs that a stripper is interested in you, and this is not on any lists I have found. I believe in fairly compensating the dancer for their time, especially if they show me a good time, but I am not lavish with my spending, so I doubt they would be looking at me as a great source of money. I also don't dress in such a way as to indicate that I don't have a lot of money. I really do get the impression that these women like me, and I wanted to see if anyone else has had that happen to them, and what happened after that.