

I have noticed my showclub attendance becoming less and less.
The whole routine has become boring. Maybe if I was into drugs or drinking,
things would be different. It reminds me of when the curtain was pulled and Dorothy
saw the real Oz pulling levers behind it. I would rather save my hard earned money and stay home.
I used to visit clubs each weekend. Now, I barely visit a club once every two months. Even now, the thought
of going to a showclub bores me. I have been so much it is like going to a movie time and again where the plot
never changes.
I originally joined this website to read some of the reviews of my favorite clubs to see how my experiences matched with other customers.
I would post a review of a lot of my visits. It was a chance to write about my experiences, reflect on if I would do anything differently, and
get some feedback. Unfortunately, most of the feedback was not very positive. But, feedback is feedback and it has helped me to discover
what I had lost. It helped me to remember that real relationships with women are far better than false situations that are financially driven.


  • likesnudegirls
    9 years ago
    I have found that if I go more than once a week, I too get bored. I also tend to get bored after I LDK. I will always make sure that there is at least one dancer there that I at least kind of like before I go.

    The thing about myself it that I overall prefer the "false situations that are financially driven" than a "real relationship" I'm a person who likes to be alone the vast majority of time, and I don't like the pressure and the lack of freedom that a "real relationship" brings. I keep telling myself that the excitement of having attractive naked girls dancing in front of me and walking around the club and sitting on my lap and giving me lap dances will get old, because it is very repetitive as you say, but I have been clubbing for decades, and it still hasn't, provided that I don't go too often.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    9 years ago
    The few times I have been to the Pink site and read threads from their "Hustle Hut" forum has been much the same effect as what you describe. As much as I like the FS Detroit scene, I wonder if there is a line where some of the 'fun' of oz blew away. You're not the only one here who is jaded- I find myself playing my sarcastic little online game of choice (kingdomofloathing.com) then planning afternoons or evenings of debauchery.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Having the "curtain" pulled back early on was probably the best thing that could have happened to me. Far from disillusioning or boring me, it served to strip away the illusion of the time, that strip clubs were a place to look, not touch, and were instead a viable alternative when I just want sex.

    It's been over 35 years since that curtain was pulled back, and I haven't gotten bored yet. I don't intend to, either.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I've said it before, and will say it again: anytime someone is using metaphors like "pulled the curtain back", it means they had an unrealistic -- and probably unhealthy and self-destructive -- view of what strip clubs and strippers are. Best thing that could happen to those guys is that "the curtain gets pulled back" and they have that all-important epiphany.

    For me, the reality is, strip clubs offer a place where I can drink and flirt with a young gorgeous woman, and then for a modest fee see her off campus and have sex with her. Fucking awesome. I hope I never get bored of that!

    Now, if I were saying things like, " It helped me to remember that real relationships with women are far better than false situations", I hope I'd have the wisdom to RUN from strip clubs. There's nothing "false" about the strip club situation -- it really is a beautiful young woman, she's pounding real shots of JD with me, I really do have sex with her. The only way I'd consider it a "false situation" is if I unfortunately believed we had a real relationship, rather than a stripper/customer relationship, where it's the stripper's JOB to make me feel special. Ya, you guys who are confused about that, DEFINITELY should take time off or hang it up completely.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Actually, I'm appreciating the comparison to Oz. Not the movie -- the TV series. Same lesson with strip clubs as the TV series OZ -- if you man up you can enjoy your time, but if you act like a little bitch, it's going to be rough going

    :) :) :) :) :)
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    Good grief, Timex! I think you're in denial about your strip club (or "showclub") obsession. You claim "Now, I barely visit a club once every two months." but you've written about a dozen reviews just since early September! You keep telling us, over and over again, that you're done with strip clubs -- and then a week later you're all butthurt because a stripper treated you like a customer rather than like a friend. Several of us have advised you to quit visiting strip clubs until you can work out your emotional issues, but you keep going. The next time you feel the urge, say to yourself:
    * She isn't my friend
    * She doesn't care about me
    * She talks with me and dances for me only because I give her money.

    When and if you overcome your weird emotional attachment to strippers, you can return to the clubs and have fun with beautiful young women without getting so distraught when things aren't perfect. You might even discover that some of them really *are* nice people who care about you and make room for you in their lives. Many of us old-timers on this discussion board have developed relationships with strippers outside the club, ranging from occasional dinners off the clock (as in my case) to P4P in a hotel room to moving in together.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    Why does he call them showclubs?
  • IwillLapAdancer
    9 years ago
    Imagine if someone pulled back the curtain on Timex, and just found a little Spunk Monkey pulling levers to make the life size Timex meat puppet walk and talk. That would be freaky shit.
    Just joshing you Timex guy. I have to agree with the others here, and that you should actually stop going to strip clubs for a while, and clear your head. Maybe get into building plastic model planes, sniff the glue and have origins of the cosmos thoughts. You know...shit like that.
  • racejeff
    9 years ago
    GoVikings asked - Why does he call them showclubs?
    If I remember his reviews right, I'm from the same area he is. Many of the clubs have/had the term Showclub in their name including the one he went to the most. Really they are the same as most strip clubs around the country.
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