

Sunday, January 10, 2016 3:07 PM
I’ve LDKed more times than I can count and never while wearing a condom. Most of the times the dancers don’t comment or even seem to notice. Sometimes they seem pleased (presumably because it increases the likelihood of repeat business. It’s difficult to LDK if the dancer isn’t helping the cause. I’m just wondering why there’s all this talk about condoms and dancers not being into that. Are guys getting a lot of flack from the dancers?


  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Only on e has a dancer been shocked at the wetness she experienced from me ldk-Ing. All others have take. It as a compliment for job well done and like you I can't count how many times, well over 300!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    GFE-FS, not unilateral ejaculation services. SJG
  • WetWilly
    8 years ago
    I will often not say anything to the dancer, mainly because a certain number of them expect a tip because " I made you cum ". Their sense of pride in a job well done sometimes costs me extra, or possess then off if I don't tip them. Of course I can tell them no tip, but if I come back and they remember me, they may stop grinding at exactly the wrong moment, then begin negotiations......
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Is has been my opinion that most dancers don't like bodily fluids (cum, saliva). I've never LDKed but sorta pre-cum (tip of my dick getting wet); sometimes dancers notice sometimes not – some think it's nasty; some see it as a hazard of the job; some see it as a badge of honor.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Nope. I never get any flack. In fact the dancers seem awfully proud of themselves when they give me a HE, and never hit me up for a tip, tho i always give them one for a job well done. Maybe it's because I don't make a mess. But then again I ain't a guy and don't need condoms,so it makes their lives that much easier.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Funny thread
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    In a club that closed many years ago, a dancer briefly wanted to argue with me that my precum was possibly an LDK like thing. She claimed she tasted something sugary. She was wrong. I never had an LDK experience.
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    I once heard a dancer was LDK'd on. She hated the gooey sticky feel of it and laughed him out of the club. According to her anyway.
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    I've discussed this with several dancers, none of whom like it. They collectively agreed that about 10% of their lap dance customers cum if they give them the full grind or a hand job through their pants. They see it more often with younger customers and say that they assiduously avoid getting wet, themselves. A couple of the dancers I talked to regarding this have been known to give BJ's and they both told me that if a customer cums in their mouth they charge extra - lots extra.
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    Getting embarrassed to the point of running out your favorite nudie bar in shame seems like solid reason to wear the jimmy hat to me.
  • likesnudegirls
    8 years ago
    I almost always LDK, and always wear a condom that I put on right before I go back for the private dance because I am hard and it most always then stays on. I have never had a dancer comment on it, but I have had a few say before hand that they don't like it when men do LDK.
  • LDKisLife
    8 years ago
    As someone who LDKs with civvies at regular parties, I can definitely attest that no civvie welcomes the wetness unless they aren't sober. Some at best will consider it a spilled drink. For this reason, I put the silencer on the gun. Most will enjoy a hard dick grinding on them and will get turned on in the process but have no knowledge that LDK is a viable outlet as they think the request is for FS or BJ. As per strippers, with my approach, the covered LDK warrants full on assault even from the notorious air dancers (though not the ones trying to prolong a nut for more money). Because strippers are aware of LDK, they leverage it to their advantage in some way: 1) to earn a regular, 2) to clam jam others, 3) to avoid extras 4) to earn extras (drinks, tips, etc). Yet the amount of dances required for an LDK varies thus the female mind thinks 4-5 dances when it can occur in half that amount. This ensures a quality finish (which I call a freeze)
  • ilbbaicnl
    8 years ago
    [view link] Fabric Access Processor is also tech term.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I don't really understand why do LDK's instead of just hooking up with girls and just do regular sex or bj's or whatever gets you off.
  • WetWilly
    8 years ago
    Sharkhunter, I LDK'd once in my favorite Phoenix strip club fur a total cost of $10.00. Uber hot dancer, with whom I had prior LDK, and it had been a while for me. It didn't take much to get me off. Another time, just last month, I was in another of my favorite Phoenix clubs with a different uber hot blonde, and the total cost was $40.00 for two VIP dances and LDK. She was so hot it barely took two dances with slow grinding. So I guess my about " why LDK ?" is sometimes low cost. Sometimes. A HJ, BJ, or F.S. in my experience is always more than that. Lately I've been negotiating with specific dancers for a HJ, and that has been economical also. I might then also go back many times because it is so inexpensive.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Sharkhunter: WeeWilly isn't wrong. TUSCLers from extras-friendly parts of the country can get awfully judge-y about those who aren't thus blessed. On at least three occasions I have lapgasmed at my favorite SC for a total of $10, too. I don't always get 20 times the pleasure from a $200 champagne room that I get from a $10 lapgasm.
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