Fuckin' your ATF for free
Comments by RedJohnson (page 2)
discussion comment
6 years ago
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
doctorevil, I bet that happens a lot to you. You're such a bitch that you make whiny d-bags look manly. Seen you complaining for weeks like a woman on the rag cept you're supposed to be a man. Bet you got your ass kicked all the time at school and people been wanting to hurt you ever since too. At least you didn't have kids which I know cause weird turds like you never do.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I entered the dragon and was never the same
I'm pretty sure that Dugan likes Latinas which he made clear before he was blocked. I guess Countryman5434 now has his "safe space" but I think he overreacted to some good natured jokes. Just sayin.'
discussion comment
6 years ago
Evil Lair
RickDugan saw this while logged off and asked me to relay the following message. Please don't shoot the messenger!
Rickdugan's message: "doctorevil was blocked because he felt it necessary to copy and paste the same goofy off-topic troll post in virtually every thread I started. I showed the patience of Solomon in tolerating this for quite some time, probably because I'm a parent who is accustomed to the outbursts of children. I hate the notion of blocking an active poster, but at some point enough is enough. There is a difference between sharply worded on-topic criticism and off-topic trolling, yet doctor believes that his getting butt hurt over the former justifies responding with repetitive versions of the latter and she showed no signs of letting up. So here we are, with him whining about how he can't go back to trolling another user's threads. Needless to say, I am a big fan of two way blocking exactly because of doctor's weirdly childish and obsessive behavior, which is exactly the type of activity that two way block was meant to prevent.. -RD"
discussion comment
6 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Icey - have you met SJG, a.k.a. the Sleepy Time Rapist? I think you two would get along very well together.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Icey - Running a train run on a drugged out girl is better than buying sex or a married guy having side sex? You're fucked in the head. I agree with skibum that you sound like a rapist. Are you a registered sex offender or have you not been caught yet?
discussion comment
6 years ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
^Funny to watch the toothless old faux Jew talk like he can hurt anyone just by posting odd hysterical comments. But that is not to say that he has no power at all. Selfish ambivalence and self-satisfied arrogance can have power too. Right now the Jewish population in America is about the same in size as that in Israel, but not for long. Many of the Fake Jews in America are doing as much to eradicate Jewish culture as Hitler ever did, all without a shot fired. In another couple of generations Jewish culture in America will be limited mostly to small Orthodox or Hasidic enclaves, like what you see now with the Amish or Native Americans.
But that won't bother him at all when he drinks eggnog, goes to school Christmas plays for his grandkids and sends them Christmas presents.
Sorry to revive the thread after 22 hours but I couldn't use a computer until sundown. I'm sure that must seem awful antiquated to the Jews for Jesus around here, but some of us are still keeping our culture and heritage alive.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
Vanta, as you can see the Fake Jews are emotionally delicate. The same character weakness that makes them lose their minds over a silly avatar on a titty bar site also shows itself when they take false comfort in terms like "duality" and "self identify" when justifying the abandonment of their faith and culture. But again take heart because they're gonna' be bred out in another generation or so. Soon the stories told at Seder will no longer be told except in small Orthodox communities in isolated parts of the country. Soon all that will be left of them is a recessive gene in some bloodlines for a longer than normal nose.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
^Most American Jews aren't hanging out in any of those places. That's the point. You don't get to feel persecuted as a Jew if you've abandoned your faith and your kids are singing Christmas carols, which is the case with a majority of American Jews.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
^ Sure it does. But most American Jews aren't really affected by it because they're not living like Jews to begin with. Nobody is yelling anti-Semitic epithets at the white so-called "Jewish" man in the local Burger King chowing down on a sausage, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich.
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6 years ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
Disagree or not but it all goes hand in hand. Judaism is a religion, not an ethnicity. The small percentage who retain their customs, including the Orthodox and other religious elements, tend to support pro-Israel candidates and policies. Those who have abandoned their beliefs, which are most American Jews, overwhelmingly vote for people who support anti-Israel agendas. Nobody is part Jewish. Many of them have kids who are part German, Polish, Russian, Romanian, etc., but also 100% Christian or with no religious identity at all.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
*From flagooner - I can understand individuals maintaining an allegiance to a party and voting that way, but I don't understand why the Jewish people compose a voting bloc for the Democratic Party at such a high percentage for the very reason you present.*
Simple flagooner. They are not really Jews anymore. Most abandon their religion, marry Christians and raise kids more likely to observe Christmas than Pesach. Sure some of them might drive by a synagogue on Yom Kippur and tell stories to their kids about distant relatives that were in the Holocaust. They might even make Schildner's List a big family movie night full of tears and such. But they long ago abandoned being Jewish in any meaningful way. So much so that they can't grasp the absurdity of crying over Schindler's List and then voting for people who detest the very place that was the last refuge for so many Holocaust survivors and would welcome them too if they ever needed it.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
Vanta, don't worry man. Another 20 years and there won't be any Jews left in America to bitch about your pics. Most American Jews are about as Jewish as a pork sausage and cheese burrito. They don't care about their people. They abandon their religion and most vote for politicos who detest the one place in the whole world that is a safe haven for all Jews. The only reason that the old disloyal Jews in America really care about pics like that is that it makes them afraid that it could a' been them. It's a selfish thing really.
But if you keep pissin 25 off, he's gonna' take his dentures out then its GAME ON.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Platinum, did you poll every single girl there to ascertain whether you could get a phone number? If not then shut the fuck up.
It's one thing to come on here and promote your services straight up. We can all respect that. it's another to act like an assclown and post fake customer experiences like a starstruck effeminate who takes it up the ass from Lido's male staff when he isn't on here pretending to visit the ladies.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I entered the dragon and was never the same
The Lido Room in NYC. If you can't get your knob polished there, you can't get it anywhere. :)
discussion comment
6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Trolls pretending to be dancers might as well have vaginas. Nature gives them a fuck all powerful self preservation drive cause I'd be tempted to kill myself if my life was that pathetic. Nobody loves them if this is how they spend time.
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6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Squiggling out the boobies shows a real lack of conviction.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
Guys, don't be too hard on twentyfive. If he didn't have tuscl and his geriatric tea parties at the strip club he wouldn't have any social life at all. Nobody's hanging out with a weird pedo member like that in real world except maybe other pedos.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
twentyfive, you whine like a little twat. Nobody likes a bitch which is prolly why you are always sucking old dick lookin for love here.
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7 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Hope the door didn't hit him on the way out.
I know some of you cats liked him but i'll always remember him as the guy who said he messed with a 14 year old girl. That girl is still living and so is any other young girl he messed with cause those guys never do it just once. The world is a little safer place for children with him gone sorry to say.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Strip Club Nation
Vincemichaels: "Hanging with shadowcat at Columbia PP, got me free candy that I could give to the dancers and tell them I was his personal assistant and all requests for him had to go through me, first. :)"
As a bonus, vincemichaels pocketed some of that candy and handed it out the next day at the middle school across the street from his apartment. Why waste it all on overage strippers when you can use it to entice 14 year old girl instead? Am I right buddy or am I right?
discussion comment
7 years ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
Twentyfive is clearly too fucking stupid to know when to just shut his creepy pedo supporting yap. There was no win in any of this disgusting saga of pedophile acceptance followed by troll outrage.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Vincemichaels and his Pedo Posse are still whining? Fuckin shameless worms.