**[Clipped with minor edits to protect the participants. This was posted on a monger site in connection with a popular local p4p provider. After I read this I wanted to kill someone for what was done to this girl.]**
My experiences with GB Girl ended just recently. I saw an ad she had posted for a gang bang. I was curious to see if this was going to actually happen or what, so I texted her and she gave me a date and location. Since it wasn't far from where I live, I made it a priority to go have a look see.
It was at a private residence in town. The door man was a rather tall and intimidating AA male. He told me what the rates would be for what kind of action I was seeking. I decided to go for the Full Monte and join the show which was a reasonable amount. Deal was, 10 minutes of action or you'd have to finish yourself on her (bukakke.)
I enter the residence and there were a good 40 to 50 mostly black men in attendance. I'm white, but don't really mind mixed race action. I see everyone as equal. So there on the table in the middle of the room is GB Girl, lookin like she got shot up with some kind of elephant tranquilizer, moaning like she's giving birth. I had to wait my turn which took a while. The scene was carnage and many men had their phones out videoing the spectacle. Every hole was occupied most of the time, even her hands furiously ripping away at two large sausages. One dude was using her head as a yoyo just as fast as he could. Another after him just crammed it down her neck and just left it there, like not moving it in and out or anything. When one was done in the backdoor, another would be waiting to ram his humongous baton right on in. Times like that is when she'd hollar, "Ooooh Gaaaad. " Others were standing around just wanking it on those itty bitty tits and stomach of hers. The Bukakke was something unheard of.
By the time I got done with her, it looked like someone had dumped five regular sized shampoo bottles out all over her. No telling how many had came and went. When it was my turn, I put on my meat hat and went straight to work on the backdoor. Just rammed it in there as hard as I could. Of course by then, it was loose as a goose. Her snatch wasn't being plunged at that point so I just took turns popping it in there and the backdoor. For my grand finale, I ripped off my meat hat and blew my hot lotion right up to her neck. It was a tasteless scene.
Men were calling her every name in the book while this was going on. Some people were spitting on her. There were a few fights while I was there, and some were throwing popcorn and pocket change at old GB Girl. Several men would slap her in the face now and then, laughing like hell. Others would walk up and take a hand full of tittys and just squeeze them till they looked like they could pop. Meanwhile, she's in outer space. Just so ripped on candy that I doubted she could feel a thing except for the violent backdoor plunges.
I left thinking, yea she's had it. Also thinking that her rectum could be damaged from that sort of action to the point where bowel control would be compromised later on in life. I actually left feeling like I'd done wrong. I don't think I'll go back and see old GB Girl anymore cause I don't want to enable this sort of destruction. If she had been somewhat upbeat and responsive, or lookin like she was somewhat enjoying the challenge then ok, but she was really just a nupped-out corpse that night. Pretty much cashed.
Sadly 25 I think this was real. This girl is well known locally and if this post was crap, then by now other mongers would have come to her defense. The post has been up for well over a month with nobody has challenged it.
I don't know about it being real. Say the guys can't last and came in like 15 minutes each. That's a 12 and a half hour nonstop session. I don't believe she'd be able to handle that physically. I'd also like to see the size of a "private residence" that can comfortable accommodate 50 men in a room like that.
I also don't believe a hoe would do it. She earns with her body. Putting it through that much abuse wouldn't be worth it to her. I'm also not sure how much men would be willing to pay for sloppy 50th place...
That said, nothing wrong with a woman who consents to a gangbang, even a rough one.
Lots of girls let guys run trains on them for various reasons.
I've been a part of a train before. It can be a turn on. Its usually just bitches at a party who get lit and too horny or they want drugs or something. Some are just homie hoppers. They're usually pretty young and will get as ratchet as they can and will brag about how much dick they can take. They want to be turned out and seasoned.
one thing to think about is that GB probably has a pimp. I have heard that pimps lots of times when they are ready to "dump" a girl they do this type of thing. Get all the cash and "use up" the girl.
CRSM27, I don't know about that. I know pimps will sometimes pass a hoe around or have her pull trains when they're seasoning her, getting her ready for real hoeing. The point isn't making money at that stage. Its making sure she takes dick when she's told without question. Its also to kinda convince her that she's into ratchet shit but loves it and her pimp respects her and supports her no matter what she does.
I saw one on what was probably the same site recently. I knew her from my favorite club although she was no longer working there. There weren't nearly as many participants but what was really sick was that photos of it were posted along with the story. There is more to the story and I really felt sorry for her.
I think most gangbangs are innocent fun. A girl will smoke weed with a small group of guys and let everyone hit it or suck them off. Some girls like the attention they get when pulling a train. Its also a bonding experience for guys. Some girls will suck your dick in front of your friends to show off ... those are the ones who love getting shared and passed around.
The worst I guess is maybe a chick pulling a train in exchange for drugs. And those chicks love sex when they're high. Give them a little before, run a train on her, give her what she needs after and everyone is happy.
Now if we're talking gang rape, human trafficking or shit like that, that's way different. But group sex on its own is fun.
Some girls like this stuff. I was OTC with a dancer a while ago. As we were wrapping things up, she told me she was going to a gang bang the following week. She seemed really excited about it, and said she had done it before. She kinda looked like she was expecting me to ask for an invite, but it definitely is not my thing.
Skibum, that's defamation per se. You're not as anonymous as you think so watch it.
If you're doing butt and pussy fucking, just do the pussy first and then the ass. Going back and forth is nasty and dangerous. But you'd be surprised at how many don't know that coz they see it in porn. They don't get that its edited and they clean up and shit
Doctorevil, some hoes do it. I think to do that they kinda have to get into it. I know one who specializes in that for parties.
Icey - Running a train run on a drugged out girl is better than buying sex or a married guy having side sex? You're fucked in the head. I agree with skibum that you sound like a rapist. Are you a registered sex offender or have you not been caught yet?
I think the story is fake. You're looking at a minimum of 12 and a half hours of fucking. The rough anal aspect of it makes it physically next to impossible.
What I'm talking about is just kinky bitches who like the attention of taking multiple dicks.Not saying they're all there in the head but a consensual train isn't gang rape, which is what this story sounds more like.....and with 50 men, who all happen to be black, yeah sounds like a twisted cuck's fantasy.
This sounds horrible. I doubt she was even paid that much and was probably on drugs. I’ve met a few guys that liked gangbangs most of them were also into cuckold stuff and bicurious.
That’s not just disturbing, that’s entirely fucked up. It would be one thing if she were sober and coherent (and not pumped), but from the description above, that doesn’t seem likely.
I’m about as sadistic as as anyone I’ve ever met, but only for women who *like* it that way. There’s no way id be participating in that situation as described, and had I walked in and seen it, I would have left, even without a refund.
You guys believe the story???? How the fuck are you gonna say that a woman gets fucked up her ass and pussy for 12 and a half hours straight??? It sounds like a twisted racist cuck fantasy. They all had big dicks and were black and were all in one room. Think people....
DC one after another is one after another regardless of if its one in a room at a time or not. Hoes fuck more than one trick a day.
50 big dicked Black men all fucked a white woman and came in and on her, in someone's house.
Where did these 50 men park? If each one had 15 minutes of sex, thats 12.5 hours of straight up anal and vaginal fucking. Whose living room, or any room, fits 51 people? Said she was a hoe. You believe a hooker who depends on her body for a living would agree to that? A hoe won't ruin her looks body and career for that. You're looking at 5k if each guy paid 200. I'd be hard pressed to believe any man would pay to get to be the 50th guy in a row to fuck a hoe up the ass. If it were a case of human trafficking they'd be as discreet as possible. Not have 50 men over on a residential street. Taking up parking and hanging around.
Nothing about it sounds real or even viable. Even in porn, when they do larger gangbangs they take breaks, lots of lube, deal with the soreness, etc. This story sounds like a fucked up cucks fantasy.
^ I'm not in the habit of posting outrageous crap just to generate a discussion. If I thought this was fake I wouldn't have posted it. The girl in question is a well known local provider and the story was posted on a popular monger site with active local participation. If this was fake, another monger with ties to the provider would have called it out by now.
Assuming just makes an ass of you and you. Maybe it would advisable not to be seen as brushing off a horrific incident like this just to pound the drums about stuff that is far more innocuous.
Even if she only averaged 2 guys at a time, that is still only a little over 4 hours.
As it is, this whole situation is just disgusting and I agree that at least some involved need to be prosecuted because it sounds like the girl was so messed up she was incapacitated and could not defend herself, thus is was basically rape.
Rick, Post the link then, let people judge for themselves. As is, it doesn't sound real. I'm not saying you posted a fake story knowingly or that you don't believe it. If you feel that strongly contact the police. Turn the site in for allowing the content. That would do more good than posting it here without any links as if to protect the site.
DC, Hoes fuck however many tricks they can fit in or want.
I know hoes. And no I don't pay them. They're not gonna tell you details of what they do.... they wont tell a trick, he i cant fuck now coz i have 12 guys lined up lmfao
The only changes I made to the story were to change her working name to "CB Girl", change the name of the city to "town", remove the specific reference to where the poster found the ad (a popular escort site) and insert paragraph spaces (the guy really writes like shit). Otherwise you have the story as it was originally posted.
Now maybe these few anonymizing tweaks gave it a more surreal feel, but I won't participate in adding to the girl's misery by drawing more attention to her. There are plenty of cross over posters here, especially locally. I posted this story to express my disgust, not to bring more attention to the provider.
@IceyLoco "You're looking at 5k if each guy paid 200. I'd be hard pressed to believe any man would pay to get to be the 50th guy in a row to fuck a hoe up the ass."
@Icey: dumbass, look at my math. If she only did 1 guy at a time, then yes it would be at least 8.5 hours with no breaks (still less than your 12 hours), but she didn't do 1 guy at a time. Each guy got 10 minutes from the time they started to finish in her and she was being used by at least 2 guys at a time evidently, so that cuts the time down dramatically.
Who cares how much time it took it’s just sick, and this sick puppy fat twat, is trying to defend the indefensible. You know fat shithead, we didn’t go looking for you to join us, you came here if your own volition, you and SJG are exactly alike, you are a moron, who the fuck do you think you are to tell us what we should approve or disapprove, you are here for only one reason, to start fights I’m done with you go fuck yourself, any one who chooses to interact with you is nuts.
As others have mentioned, I don't find the gangbang in itself disturbing; some people are more hardcore than others and into different perhaps more hardcore shit - i.e. there are probably women that are into that or at least ok w/ going thru it.
What I find disturbing:
1) her being drugged-up and seemingly kinda out of it - if it's her idea of using the drugs as part of the "experience" then it is what it is, her call - if she was drugged by someone else, or her having to get high in order to go thru w/ it, then that is a different matter
2) the physical abuse is def disturbing - the reality is there are fucked-up lowlife people out there that get off on violence as entertainment
There is fucked-up shit that goes on outside the norms of society that most people are not exposed to but still go on.
DC, you don't know shit. You're so stupid you claim the clubs you go to aren't seedy, yet you troll them for hookers... Look, hoes don't tell their tricks the truth. You're not their friend, you're a trick. They sell you a fantasy.
Iam4u2screw, were you there to know how many guys she did at a time and how long each guy took? If you're ever with a woman ask her about the physical reality of getting fucked by 50 guys.
20fag, your feigned outrage just for the sake of attacking me makes you look like the lil bitch you are
Rick, why did you censor it and why are you protecting them if you know its real and it was against her will or she's a victim of human trafficking? Makes you part of the problem.
you don't know shit about much. you try to look at everything like atext book definition. you don't have real world experience. being a trick doesn't mean you know hoes. quite the opposite
It's probably true. I've seen gangbang videos starring porn stars Jasmine St. Clair and Ellen Devyne and they're taking a countless number of cocks in every hole in a wild scene with dozens of guys. I think at some warehouse or business. I've fantasized about orgies, but this is fucking ridiculous. And disgusting. Cum flying everywhere. Cocks in close proximity. You're getting who knows whose sloppy 20ths (of 50ths). Seriously, even with a rubber on, would you be able to sleep the next few nights wondering what diseases you might have caught? Then there's the whole camera thing. It gets posted on the Internet. Some loser from the mailroom recognizes you and sends a link to your boss (and/or your wife) in an anonymous email.
Not the gangbang part per se. I’m sure there are women who like being gangbanged. Even some of the abuse. There are people who get off on it.
But the fact that she was out of it. You would have no way of knowing if she was drugged by a pimp and is just flat out being raped from the get go or - even if she was ok with a gangbang at the beginning - if she was ok with the direction things were going. I suspect (and hope) that she was not ok with where things ended up, but even if she was it is completely over the line to do anything when the girl is unable to say “no”.
Porn isn't real life. Its staged, scripted, licensed, contracts and agents are involved and proper hygiene is a part of it. Porn movies are highly edited and of course they don't show all that....
How long did it take for the chick to find 50 black guys with huge dicks and arrange for them to all meet at one place at the same time? What was the vetting process? Where did everyone park on a residential street? Was shuttle service provided??? If its an underground human trafficking thing why did they post about it online???
Most disturbing part is people believe its real...
As for gangbangs, nothing wrong with them as long as its all consensual.
^^^^Not sure what your point is. Porn isn't real? Of course the storylines, if there are any, aren't real, but the sex sure as hell is real. Proper hygiene? Yeah, sometimes. But how many porn stars have died of AIDS or have HIV? And many have admitted in interviews that they have herpes or as Jerry Butler once said in an interview "every disease in the book."
Sure compared to the thousands of porn stars who practice proper hygiene, etc. The sex in porn gangbangs is of course real. But there are breaks taken, dicks washed in between going from ass to pussy or ass to mouth, etc. Pussies packed with ice if they get sore, etc.
The description of the way the girl was drugged and being used - is disturbing.
I enjoy fucking filthy whores. But, when a girl is drugged and has no idea what is being done to her, that’s not a shared sexual experience.
This speaks of a fantasy - and a sick fantasy at that.
It doesn’t appear to be a whore being “banged out” by her pimp. Those experiences are less staged - and they aren’t paid.
A new whore being trained would not be abused to this extreme - as the physical effects could lessen this girl’s earning ability.
I’ve written some pretty sick and twisted shit - for some online compilations of filth - and it would make this story sound sophomoric - but it was predicated as being sick erotic fiction.
This story made me cry, poor girl :( who could look themselves in the mirror after doing that to somebody. I hope its fake and not real.
Being gang banged is actually a fantasy of mine, but not like this, not drugged, not being abused, and not with that many guys. I want to feel worshiped like a goddess. Where three different men just can't get enough of me and are dedicated to pleasing me, hands roaming all over my body, kissing and licking me from head to toe, not minding that there's other men in the room because I can take care of all of them. That's my idea of sexy group sex. This is horrifying.
Cashman, exactly. To me its as sick as a snuff fantasy or something. The details make it unrealistic, too much of a sick fantasy. Its definitely nothing to do with pimping. It sounds like a sick cuckold fantasy.
But one time at a swingers club, there was a couple whose fantasy it was for the wife to get so wasted she was basically out of it and he wanted to watch a few men fuck her. He snuck a flask in, she drank the whole thing and watched a few men fuck her....
last commentI also don't believe a hoe would do it. She earns with her body. Putting it through that much abuse wouldn't be worth it to her. I'm also not sure how much men would be willing to pay for sloppy 50th place...
That said, nothing wrong with a woman who consents to a gangbang, even a rough one.
Lots of girls let guys run trains on them for various reasons.
I've been a part of a train before. It can be a turn on. Its usually just bitches at a party who get lit and too horny or they want drugs or something. Some are just homie hoppers. They're usually pretty young and will get as ratchet as they can and will brag about how much dick they can take. They want to be turned out and seasoned.
This is very sad if it is all true.
The worst I guess is maybe a chick pulling a train in exchange for drugs. And those chicks love sex when they're high. Give them a little before, run a train on her, give her what she needs after and everyone is happy.
Now if we're talking gang rape, human trafficking or shit like that, that's way different. But group sex on its own is fun.
I'm referring to the specific incident descibed in the OP. That is fucked up. And the guys that participated are fucked up.
If you're doing butt and pussy fucking, just do the pussy first and then the ass. Going back and forth is nasty and dangerous. But you'd be surprised at how many don't know that coz they see it in porn. They don't get that its edited and they clean up and shit
Doctorevil, some hoes do it. I think to do that they kinda have to get into it. I know one who specializes in that for parties.
What I'm talking about is just kinky bitches who like the attention of taking multiple dicks.Not saying they're all there in the head but a consensual train isn't gang rape, which is what this story sounds more like.....and with 50 men, who all happen to be black, yeah sounds like a twisted cuck's fantasy.
Absolutely nothing wrong with smoking with a few friends and inviting a thot who you know is into that.
I’m about as sadistic as as anyone I’ve ever met, but only for women who *like* it that way. There’s no way id be participating in that situation as described, and had I walked in and seen it, I would have left, even without a refund.
I might even have reported it.
DC one after another is one after another regardless of if its one in a room at a time or not. Hoes fuck more than one trick a day.
50 big dicked Black men all fucked a white woman and came in and on her, in someone's house.
Where did these 50 men park?
If each one had 15 minutes of sex, thats 12.5 hours of straight up anal and vaginal fucking.
Whose living room, or any room, fits 51 people?
Said she was a hoe. You believe a hooker who depends on her body for a living would agree to that?
A hoe won't ruin her looks body and career for that. You're looking at 5k if each guy paid 200. I'd be hard pressed to believe any man would pay to get to be the 50th guy in a row to fuck a hoe up the ass.
If it were a case of human trafficking they'd be as discreet as possible. Not have 50 men over on a residential street. Taking up parking and hanging around.
Nothing about it sounds real or even viable. Even in porn, when they do larger gangbangs they take breaks, lots of lube, deal with the soreness, etc. This story sounds like a fucked up cucks fantasy.
Assuming just makes an ass of you and you. Maybe it would advisable not to be seen as brushing off a horrific incident like this just to pound the drums about stuff that is far more innocuous.
50 guys x 10 minutes = 500 minutes / 3 guys = 167 minutes / 60 minutes = 2.78 hours.
Even if she only averaged 2 guys at a time, that is still only a little over 4 hours.
As it is, this whole situation is just disgusting and I agree that at least some involved need to be prosecuted because it sounds like the girl was so messed up she was incapacitated and could not defend herself, thus is was basically rape.
DC, Hoes fuck however many tricks they can fit in or want.
A frat house isn't in a residential area.
Now maybe these few anonymizing tweaks gave it a more surreal feel, but I won't participate in adding to the girl's misery by drawing more attention to her. There are plenty of cross over posters here, especially locally. I posted this story to express my disgust, not to bring more attention to the provider.
"You're looking at 5k if each guy paid 200. I'd be hard pressed to believe any man would pay to get to be the 50th guy in a row to fuck a hoe up the ass."
Did you go to the same school as Nina?
You know fat shithead, we didn’t go looking for you to join us, you came here if your own volition, you and SJG are exactly alike, you are a moron, who the fuck do you think you are to tell us what we should approve or disapprove, you are here for only one reason, to start fights I’m done with you go fuck yourself, any one who chooses to interact with you is nuts.
What I find disturbing:
1) her being drugged-up and seemingly kinda out of it - if it's her idea of using the drugs as part of the "experience" then it is what it is, her call - if she was drugged by someone else, or her having to get high in order to go thru w/ it, then that is a different matter
2) the physical abuse is def disturbing - the reality is there are fucked-up lowlife people out there that get off on violence as entertainment
There is fucked-up shit that goes on outside the norms of society that most people are not exposed to but still go on.
Iam4u2screw, were you there to know how many guys she did at a time and how long each guy took? If you're ever with a woman ask her about the physical reality of getting fucked by 50 guys.
20fag, your feigned outrage just for the sake of attacking me makes you look like the lil bitch you are
Rick, why did you censor it and why are you protecting them if you know its real and it was against her will or she's a victim of human trafficking? Makes you part of the problem.
PapiChulo, its fake.
I've fantasized about orgies, but this is fucking ridiculous. And disgusting. Cum flying everywhere. Cocks in close proximity. You're getting who knows whose sloppy 20ths (of 50ths). Seriously, even with a rubber on, would you be able to sleep the next few nights wondering what diseases you might have caught?
Then there's the whole camera thing. It gets posted on the Internet. Some loser from the mailroom recognizes you and sends a link to your boss (and/or your wife) in an anonymous email.
Not the gangbang part per se. I’m sure there are women who like being gangbanged. Even some of the abuse. There are people who get off on it.
But the fact that she was out of it. You would have no way of knowing if she was drugged by a pimp and is just flat out being raped from the get go or - even if she was ok with a gangbang at the beginning - if she was ok with the direction things were going. I suspect (and hope) that she was not ok with where things ended up, but even if she was it is completely over the line to do anything when the girl is unable to say “no”.
How long did it take for the chick to find 50 black guys with huge dicks and arrange for them to all meet at one place at the same time? What was the vetting process? Where did everyone park on a residential street? Was shuttle service provided??? If its an underground human trafficking thing why did they post about it online???
Most disturbing part is people believe its real...
As for gangbangs, nothing wrong with them as long as its all consensual.
Proper hygiene? Yeah, sometimes. But how many porn stars have died of AIDS or have HIV? And many have admitted in interviews that they have herpes or as Jerry Butler once said in an interview "every disease in the book."
Like a Butterball turkey
I enjoy fucking filthy whores. But, when a girl is drugged and has no idea what is being done to her, that’s not a shared sexual experience.
This speaks of a fantasy - and a sick fantasy at that.
It doesn’t appear to be a whore being “banged out” by her pimp. Those experiences are less staged - and they aren’t paid.
A new whore being trained would not be abused to this extreme - as the physical effects could lessen this girl’s earning ability.
I’ve written some pretty sick and twisted shit - for some online compilations of filth - and it would make this story sound sophomoric - but it was predicated as being sick erotic fiction.
Being gang banged is actually a fantasy of mine, but not like this, not drugged, not being abused, and not with that many guys. I want to feel worshiped like a goddess. Where three different men just can't get enough of me and are dedicated to pleasing me, hands roaming all over my body, kissing and licking me from head to toe, not minding that there's other men in the room because I can take care of all of them. That's my idea of sexy group sex. This is horrifying.
But one time at a swingers club, there was a couple whose fantasy it was for the wife to get so wasted she was basically out of it and he wanted to watch a few men fuck her. He snuck a flask in, she drank the whole thing and watched a few men fuck her....