Ok, Tell You Folks What I'm Going To Do...

I've had a number of people in the forum and in PMs ask for me to stay on the board. I think they out number the people who want me to leave. And that's just counting raw numbers. If you weight it by IQ it's a landslide for me to stay.
So what I'll make a compromise. I am going to choose the most objective person I know on the forum and let them make decision. That person is @BJ99. She and I haven't always agreed on everything, but I am very impressed by her ability to look at things impartially. Not clouded by personalities or political bias. So she gets to make the call. I'll just go with whether she wants me to stay or leave.
last commentWhat a sniveling weaselly flip flopper spin Dougie Spin LOL
@25 you don't seem very confident @BJ99 is going to vote the way you want. LOL!
Ok, assuming this is a real post, this is hilarious. He picks BJ99, who called him the “mountain lion” protecting us from the Antichrist as the supposedly impartial arbiter to decide whether he stays or goes. I knew he was going to pussy out, but this is even better than I thought it was going to be.
Hey, if you guys can think of a more impartial, objective person on this board just let me know. Otherwise, we're going with her.
Umm.. he said “Bj99,” not “25,” :P. I’m going to think ab it for a little bit. You can pm me if you want your personal opinion on the matter considered, and I will do my best to be objective, as requested. :)
And, actually, goes without saying, I'm the objective impartial person on this board, but of course, delegating the decision to myself would be kind of silly. So you folks have to pick someone besides me.
I thought I got to pick!.. Maybe you are a pussy. :P
Sorry. I just thought that was funny.
Lol, so predictable.
I predict you'll get to pick. Not seeing a flood of names of people let alone a consensus around anyone that people think is objective.
And I'll be final arbiter of who is most objective, since I'm the objective person on the board.
Oh, speaking of objective there was @Che but he hasn't posted in a long time. @jester214 said that everyone who around in 2012 thought @txtittyfag was an alias of mine. But the loner dissenter, who was correct was @Che who said I was not the kind of guy who needed to use an alias to go after people I don't like. Kind of a duh! point, but one person (not @jester214) got it.
This site reminds me of the strip club with all the drama.
You really are an idiot I don't give a flying fuck either way, you made all kinds of statements that you can't, or won't, back up, you are a pussy, a flip flopper, a spin artist, in plain English you are a bullshit artist and there is no one here that doesn't know it. No one here as far as I remember, not even founder suggested you leave, you and you alone did that. Hey you moron the first rule of any sense is when you are digging a hole make sure that your ladder reaches the top. You are the last person in the world that I would give a fuck about, if you were on fire I wouldn't cross the street to piss on you. Why should Bj have that decision forced on her. Grow a pair of balls and make your own decision. YOU ARE A COWARD.
BJ is blowing Dougster LMFAO
Lol, and I was going to suggest you, Juice!
Lol, after it became blatantly obvious Dugly was using aliases he publicly announced he was going to start using aliases.
@25: gessh... And you used to be so nice to me when you used to always come to me for help with financial advice. After I called you out for defending the pedophile @vincemichaels, you've grown furious, done a 180 and lost all objectivity!
I promise that my decision will not be entirely in dougster’s favor. He hurt a lot of pussies here, and that has to be considered. Plus, I feel at times he has been less than reasonable lately.
@25 and you're changing your own story. You said many times in the last few days that you wanted me to leave. Couldn't happen soon enough for you. Now it's that you don't either way.
Maybe I will have to leave!
Okay, I can live with the decision either way.
From Friday: "hopefully at least one will be true to his word and voluntarily leave the board by Monday. That will cut the problem down by half. Unfortunately I don’t think it was anymore a real “threat” than a spoiled child threatening to hold his breath till he gets what he wants." I guess even mountain lions have to take a breath, too. I must admit this is the most amusement I've gotten in quite a while. And I'm not laughing with him.
You are a fucking liar I have said go or stay IDGAF you know exactly what I have said stop spinning.
Just remember @doctorevil at the end of day you are a guy who defends pedophiles. That put a very low upper bound on how credibility I can give to anything you say.
@25 Is that you you said why you said why wait until Monday? Leave now. Look, dude, TUSCL is not a business that you own. You don't get to control everything. And especially not other people. Get used to it or buy Founder out.
Also got to go to bed in about 3 hours. If you guys don't agree with @BJ99 is the most objective person to trust the decision with come to a consensus by then. Otherwise it's her.
"TUSCL now needs to choose. If @vincemichaels is not gone from the board by Monday, I will be."
You exactly what I said, and you know exactly what that mean't, You are a fucking drama queen grow the fuck up BTW my exact quote was >why wait till Monday< you added the Leave now what a fucking liar you are.
Whatever, your implication was crystal clear. You thought you could tell me what to do, you couldn't, so you backtracked and pretended like you didn't care to save face. Like I say if you want to control the place like it a business of your then buy founder out. Until then... COPE.
Think he can control the board. Thinks he can control his wives (but they disagree and divorce his ass). Bet he loses his best employees because of what a control freak he is.
^^Pretty funny, coming from the guy who has been trying to tell the founder who to allow and not allow on his board, and "threatening" to leave the board to get his way. Like I said, this is the most amusement I have had in quite a while.
Nope, I understood that Founder could only go with the board consensus. So I waited to see what that consensus was. Yesterday looked like @vinceygirl, but had a pretty good rally for me today. Again if IQ weighted it's a landslide for me.
I said I would go along with TUSCL consensus even when it wasn't looking in my favor. Now that consensus has swung back toward me, I expect my opponents to respect the consensus even if it's not what they themselves want.
"TUSCL now needs to choose. If @vincemichaels is not gone from the board by Monday, I will be."
You said it was either him or you.
Here's what the "unbiased" person he wants to decide whether he stays or goes said yesterday:
Bj99 22 Hours Ago You can’t leave. You totally won, and everyone knows vm is a stolen valor pedophile. Please, stay.
When painting a floor you are supposed to start at the back corner and paint towards the door Dougie you are a dumbass, you painted yourself into a corner. What an intellect LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
@jester214: DId you miss this part:
"TUSCL now needs to choose."
Like I said, I listened to consensus. After being initially in favor of @vincemichaels, today it swung strongly back in favor of me.
You are just going to have to accept that most of the rest of board does not want what you do. Be a man and live with that.
That’s true. I think vm is a stolen valor pedophile. :P but I’m still objective, and I have always said that I don’t think vm should leave.
@doctorevil: ah, but she might have been "j/k". We'll find out soon enough.
Back to another topic: So far I haven't heard propose someone who is more objective. Again if you can think of anyone you now have about two hours to decide.
Ahh @Bj let him stay he's useful, as an example of a guy who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. We know Dougster's a dumbass whatever anyone thinks of VM doesn't change the fact that the Dougie got his head handed to him by a bunch of people that weren't as smart as he thinks he is, plus without being on the board there's going to be a different kind of Two AMer , he just might hang himself in his closet, we know he never leaves his room.
Since I quoted it I don't think I missed it. Guess your're just ignoring the "If @vincemichaels is not gone from the board by Monday, I will be." part? Several of us, myself included, called this already.
I do like the so called consensus shift, all those secret PM's begging you to stay. How many of them did you send to yourself?
I didn't send any to myself.
But, it's kind of funny that you complain about me changing my mind on something due to board consensus. You've always complained that I just do what I want and don't listen to it. So which is it?
Again: board consensus was not what you wanted. You are just going to have to get over that. That happens in life some time. COPE!
How bout this one?
"Guys you better get to work on asking @Founder to ban @vincemichaels. Else you are going to having a disgusting pedophile here instead of me..."
I'm in love I'm with BJ
@jestie214: Yeah, what about that? Don't see your point...
Obviously, board sentiment isn't strong enough to get @vm removed at this point in time. But sentiment can change over time. @txtittyfag, me, and other will be getting to work on that.
@juice: I like objective girls!
The point? You announced in multiple posts that you were leaving if VinceMichaels wasn't gone. In utterly predictable fashion, you're backing out.
You said one thing, now you're doing another.
"@txtittyfag, me, and other will be getting to work on that." So much for not telling founder how to run his board.
@jester214: I really don't understand why you are freaking out. Other than you are a born spazz and a guy who really doesn't like me.
I thought one way on Friday. Waited to see what board consensus was as I said I would. Weighed people words. Both those for and against me. And I revised my original position. Sorry it didn't go the way you wanted. Maybe if you had argued your position more persuasively it would have turned out how you wanted. Might want to consider that in the future, instead of always just bitching and complaining, and being obsessed and blaming me for everything. Grow up a little, dude.
Fuck off douggy
@jestie: And just a little critical feedback from me to you. I noticed you call people (not just me) liars are the time. Partly that is just you projecting since we know you spend half your life lying yourself and the other half complaining that others are liars.
But one of your cognitive errors seems to be to think if someone makes a statement at one point in time and then a different statement later it means they are a liar. That is just plainly wrong. For example I can say "it's raining" on Monday, and then if I say "it's not raining" on Friday doesn't make me a liar. Along the same lines people are allowed to change their mind as new data comes in. Doesn't mean they lied in the first place. They said what they believed given what they knew at the time, but then information caused them to revise their position. You are always stretching to call people liars though (projection) so you pretend you don't understand that. Well I'm call you out on it here.
@jester214 Dougster's never going to leave the board then he might have to listen to the voices in his head instead of sharing them with us I'm starting to get the idea that our little Dougie might be SJG and Purple Dress Donna's, illegitimate love child Ramon the Homosexual, it certainly fits in with his homophobic narrative just like SJG another secretly homosexual, homophobe. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
New stance:
I'll never leave the board until @vincemichaels does. But subject to change due to feedback from others.
Lol, actually Dugly my first post on that thread stated that you wouldn't leave. As I said, you're predictable.
You quite clearly made an ultimatum, either Vince is gone or you would be. You didn't say you were thinking about leaving or asking the board to vote or announce their preference. The next day you announce you'll only be here a little while longer. Now your claiming (with no evidence) you think more people want you here than want you to leave, so you've decided to ask someone "impartial" to decide for you. Then you announce your staying. To borrow your line...
Well, I’m ready when you guys are. No one messaged me w thoughts, but I do promise I’ve done my best to be objective.
@jestie: "Now your claiming (with no evidence) "
Just go back and read the threads. All the evidence you need there.
I'm ready for the decision. I don't see anyone objecting to you being chose as the objective judge (so to speak here).
“I'll never leave the board until @vincemichaels does. But subject to change due to feedback from others.”. So what decision are you waiting for?
Dougster did paint himself into a corner by threatening to leave, if we did not somehow force vm off the board. He showed disrespect to the other members here by giving us an ultimatum, and showed a lack of faith that we can decide for ourselves what we think of vm, given the info available (and the fact that vm is clearly a moron). As someone who agrees w you ab vm, you also showed a lack of confidence. You won. Now stop being a sore winner.
There is only one way to recover from that kind of mistake, and that’s to admit that it was a mistake, and move forward.
Dougster should stay, but vm can stay too. We can’t make that moron leave, and he is a part of the community (in my opinion, he is the village stolen valor pedophile).
My suggestion is that you shouldn’t spam the board, or bump your own troll/flaming posts, unless someone else has commented, and not someone who is clearly being a spam troll themselves. This is bc founder asked.
And goodness sake, put 25 on ignore for the next week. You guys look like Kenny and Kyle's dad in the sand box. :P
@jester: I fully acknowledge that I am predictable. It's what people who are truth oriented are. Yep, you can ask what 2 + 2 is and predict perfectly we'll say 4. People who are circle jerk oriented (like you) are harder to predict. First you have to decide what the circle jerk will decide. Could be anything really, and then you'll know how they think. Since they can't think for themselves.
I say predictability is a good thing. The predictability of me falls out of the predictability of the truth.
The mountain lion can stay and continue to protect us from the Antichrist. Gee, what a surprise.
I object creeper, you are a coward, make a call on your own, be a man for once in your pathetic life.
As far as I am concerned, if you don't like Dougster for whatever reason, then don't read his post or put him on ignore. Many of his post I don't read (that goes for other contributors as well) because I am not interested on the particular subject they want to discuss. Just like porn, if you don't like it, don't look at it! But don't let limit others from looking at it because you don't like it.
@BJ99: Okay, okay. You're right. I should thought more carefully how I would have reacted if other did ask me to stay and how I would have felt leaving @txtittyfag to fight @vincemichaels again by himself. I should have worded it as a question: "Which of Us Would You Prefer to Leave?" or something right that.
I'll try to do better in the future. Thank you for the feedback.
What a complete pussy.
@doctorevil: Nope if I was a complete pussy I would defend self-admitted pedophile like you and @25 do.
What would a non pussy do, Dr. Evil?
Hey Bj be smart don't let this idiot say the only reason he's here is because you wanted him to stay, let him take the consequences for his own actions, like i said IDGAF whether he stays or goes, force him to be a man, don't give him cover, let him dog his own six.
@25: says the guy who kept asking my opinion on cryptocurrencies and stocks. (And I don't think ever did it go the other way.)
No problem making my own decisions. And my P&L says I'm pretty damn good at it too.
A non pussy would man up and do what he said he would do. But we all knew that wasn’t going to happen.
He can say what he wants. What I said is in black and white.
Okay, Dr. Evil. I don’t disagree. But a non pussy can also admit when he’s wrong, instead of going through w something he doesn’t really want, just to look like a non pussy.
Please little Dougie any time you want to match P & L statements with me you won't have in all of your accounts what I probably have in my discretionary account.
For anyone unfamiliar w the battle between Kenny and kyles dad.
@Bj99 If he stays its because he is a pussy, not because he has an imaginary consensus. Be smart let him make his own decision.
leaving to make good on an ultimatum would be the pussy thing to do. Admitting it was wrong, and moving forward is the reasonable thing to do.
@25: Love your logic. Yesterday, it was like if I leave I'm a pussy. Today it's like if I stay I'm a pussy. Seems a pattern with you. You decide your conclusion and "reason" backwards instead of starting with facts and reasoning forward.
Like I said. If I was a pussy I would defend the self-admitted pedophile @vincemichaels like you do.
This has been a fun past few days.
Bottom line folks. @25 is furious because he has run into something he can't control: i.e. me. He is used to control things from owning a business and wish his family life and this board were more like that. You can see how frustrated he gets when it doesn't work out like that. He had oh, such good thing to say about me until I called him out for defending the self-admitted pedophile @vincemichaels. Now he is furious at me, has done a 180 and won't get over it any time soon.
(PS: he inherited most of his money from his father. Told me so in PMs. Sounds like his father might have had it together unlike him.)
@Bj that would be fine but he needs to make his own decision, not let his mommy cover for him.
Really @Dougster please put that PM out for all to see, you know it doesn't exist.
@25: Here's a little management lesson from me to you. Nothing wrong with delegating decisions to others. It's only control freaks (you) who don't and, apparently, are so violently opposed to the very concept. Guess that's why your marriages failed. Multiple times too?
@25: How about this one where you can't seem to be able to deal with @mark94 on your own:
Title: Go after mark94
"[blah, blah, blah]"
Seems little @25 can't deal with big bad mark on his own and had to come to me for a little help on that one?
You'll notice the imperative voice in the title. Again, @25 thinking of TUSCL as business he owns, and other people here as just working for him. Get over it, @25!
@littleDougie-Really you are backing down from another outrageous claim. What else is new?
Just posting that amusing one I found first. Patience.
InboxSent Messages DougsterDECEMBER 22, 2017DELETE RE: Bitcoin Yeah, he'll probably just slinker off if this correction holds, then be back claiming he was "right all along!" the day we see a 30% correction.
I really think what happens on low liquidity days like today is negatively correlated with the long terms trends. Like you said very easy for medium sized fished to push small fish around when the big fish are out on holiday.
Enjoy the holidays! We'll have fun with mark94 next year.
--Previous Message--
Meant to wish a merry Christmas BTW it’s kinda fun to rip mark but it’s too easy
You'll have to give me a day or two to find the one about how much you inherited. Unless you want to clarify that now and save me the trouble.
There's alot of threads from you since you needed alot of help with finance and dealing big bad guys like @mark94 and @anonlvone.
@25: "I own about 1200 shares of amazon I inherited about 600 of them it's been a real winner the only stock that has made more money for me in the last 10 years has been Home Depot"
Okay, I stand corrected. I said you inherited "most" of your wealth, but it's unclear from this if "about" 600 out of 1200 is below or above "most". Let's say you inherited a good chunk of your money.
Stay or go, but do it on your own don't continue the spinning, and stay out of my virtual way and I'll do the same, but quit lying about me and I'll quit telling the truth about you.
I also remember another amusing one where you bragged about your percent gains on AMZN (might have been you posting on the board) by taking profits at strategic points. This despite that you do not believe you can time the market. When I look at it though, didn't mention it at the time, you would have done better with just buy and hold.
I actually said that you were right, I had been timing the market, I needed to look at it differently, and I thanked you for pointing that out. What does any of this have to do with the fact that you attacked me viciously, without any provocation on my part because I disagree with you about Vince Micheals.
I viciously attacked you? Think you are confusing me with @txtittyfag and @rickdugan. I remember just watching that thread a little speechless. Now I should have attacked then and there for defending a pedophile, but:
a) @txtittyfag and @rickdugan said to be doing a good enough job on their own b) I almost never proactively attack anyone here. It's you who started things with me, and I guess you don't like how they turned out as evidence by how furious you are
Oh, right. I forgot. You believe that @txtityfag and @rickdugan are just aliases of mine. Guess that's why your a little confused on the matter. But, yeah, didn't viciously attack you, but support those who did.
Oh, one more thing @25. Can't say I know your old man, but guessing he is not the POS that you are. My bet is that he would want that big % of your wealth that you inherited back if he knew you were defending a self-admitted pedophile on here.
The POS is you buddy you are just looking for a way to go back on your word and trying to make me your convenient excuse do what you want I have told you enough times but you seem to have cognitive dissonance and real difficulty understanding Leave or stay it makes no difference to me, but own it Leave every one else out of it
The decision is yours alone not too many really care just to put shit in perspective I have received PMs from more than a few and they weren’t supportive of you at all, but you just don’t get it because you have your delusions. Unlike you I am a man of integrity, I won’t reveal who and how many but you’d be surprised even some whom you think are with you are not.
Holy shit. This is beyond pathetic. I just started reading this thread. Don't know if I can make it all the way to the end. This guy is literally having a public debate over whether he should leave a strip club forum and keeping us all in suspense.
There was no suspense. The only question was whether he would find a way to back down without humiliating himself and looking like a complete pussy. He failed.
@25: "Unlike you I am a man of integrity"
A man of integrity who defends self-admitted pedophiles.
Ok, makes total sense. Go it!
@doctorevil: I'll know I'm a complete pussy the day I start defending self-admitted pedophiles like you do.
Dougster should have zero credibility with anyone after this public humiliation, but since he subscribes to the Goebbels "Big Lie" theory of public discourse, I'll repeat what I posted a couple of days ago:
January 7, 2018 The only thing I know about VM is what I have seen this board. I don't know him, have never met him, never talked to him, never exchanged a PM with him. I basically don't give a shit about VM. I am not defending VM or anything he has ever said or done. I am condemning the constant barrage of spam about him, just as I would condemn it if the subject was anything else (like Indian packers and movers), because it detracts from the board and shows a total lack of consideration for the other members, not to mention the Founder who has clearly expressed the opinion that it should stop.
Can't say I ever believed he'd leave. He just wants the attention. I could care less.
A man of integrity doesn’t throw people under the bus based on
But I'm a pathetic individual so I'll stick around.
@25 You logic is totally broken. You use that think, well it means maybe @vinceygirl was lying. Yeah, and maybe space aliens came into his house with laser and even a navy seal like @vinceygirl couldn't fight them off, and they forced him to posts admissions he was pedophile.
If that really your defense of him, I would also point it means you logic that you are furious at me for "lying" (which I didn't changed my mind) breaks down because I can just say "yeah, but everything here is a work of fiction". And you should be like yeah, okay, no sweat. Instead you are turning every shade of red with your anger.
The logic in you a bit weak when you get angry.
Friends seem abundant for me these days.
Vincemichaels and his Pedo Posse are still whining? Fuckin shameless worms.
Great name! Omg! That’s funny!