What would you call an idiot who starts a fight that cannot be won?

avatar for twentyfive
Living well and enjoying my retirement
That is the question of the day boys and girls.


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avatar for MackTruck
7 years ago
I would dump a load on his head
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Dougster just wants people to fight with. He doesn't expect to win. But he has driven some of the women off of this board. And that he looks for whipping boys really bothers me. He is rather like Hannibal Lector.

Oh well, now he is sitting in a chair facing the corner.


Veruca Salt - My Sharona

Was this group popular throughout the entire country, or just in some areas? More popular in Europe?
avatar for RedJohnson
7 years ago
Twentyfive is clearly too fucking stupid to know when to just shut his creepy pedo supporting yap. There was no win in any of this disgusting saga of pedophile acceptance followed by troll outrage.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Kim Jong-un
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
I have to agree with Red. Self satisfied comments coming from someone whose "achievement" in all of this involved taking the side of a self-admitted pedophile seems very creepy indeed. You'd think that someone like this would prefer to shut his mouth and quietly let the whole thing die. Instead he's here celebrating his membership in the Pedo Posse (as Red coined it) and their collective defense against troll attacks.

Let's hope, at least, this group will have the good sense not to share any more stories about 14 year old girls. We really don't need any more discussions about how underage girls make them tingle in their special places enough that they have to shift their Depends.
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Wow, Rickdugan, thanks for letting us know you wear Depends.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@Rick Dugan Dude you are a dumbass
@ Red Johnson you’re not even at the level of being a dumbass I’d say you are more of a dumber, dumbass
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
25, I may be dumb, but at least I'm not a pedo sympathizer with the added affliction of diarrhea of the mouth. ;)

Of course, I'd be more comfortable being called dumb by someone who doesn't fall apart and resort to snarky personal attacks every time one of his poorly formed beliefs is challenged by another poster. Just sayin'. But of course, someone with your sympathies and beliefs almost has to have those types of defense mechanisms; they are the only way that you can continue to feel decent in the face of your own gross indecency and the only way that you can feel smart in the face of your own poor (and emotionally driven) logic. :)
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^Thats what you took from my posts what a girly boy you are Dude I’m so so hurt that an idiot and self admitted serial drunk driver thinks I’m a pedo, I’m emotionally distraught whatever will I do.
Dude you shouldn’t let the Whiskey do your thinking for you, I mean really.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
^ Even if I were the "serial drunk driver" you believe me to be, how would that make your absurd defense of a pedophile any less disturbing? It wouldn't of course, which I think you know on some level and which is why your snarky character attack defense mechanism kicked in again. ;)
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
"Let's hope, at least, this group will have the good sense not to share any more stories about 14 year old girls."

I hope that there wouldn't be any such stories, told or untold.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^^Alcohol making Neanderthals think they’re Mensa Members since the beginning of history
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
My post was @Dugan not you , you ninja.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
+1 flagooner.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
If I'm a Neanderthal for objecting to a blowjob story involving a 14 year old and the dipshit who feels somehow vindicated after sticking up for him, then I suspect that a Neanderthal revival has arrived. ;)

Time to let this who sorry saga fade away. For anyone reading this board over these last few weeks, it confirms all the worst beliefs and suspicions about guys who pay for sex. While 25 is feeling self-satisfied about arguing the case of a self-admitted pedophile, certain non=participants were likely feeling even more self satisfied that their dislike of mongers as a group just received further justification.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@Dugan another one of the smartest guys in the world. ROFLMAO how about STFU before you dig that hole so deep you’ll need fire rescue to get you out.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Ok twenty, if I'm just a drunk Neanderthal who doesn't know what he's talking about, then please enlighten me. What was really at play when he made those posts and why did you feel that they were ok? You've been asked these questions before, but your only response is that we shouldn't assume that what he said is really true. Ok, why not? Is he really just a pathological liar? Does he have some mental defect? Were these troll posts that got out of hand? Spit it out already.

If you can't do that, then just own what you are and let this thing die. :)
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

I can't speak for twentyfive, but these are my own brief opinions on the vincemichaels controversy, just to respond to your questions:

"What was really at play when he made those posts[?]"

He was bragging about statutory rape. That's what it was. Presumably consensual sex with a minor.

"...and why did you feel that they were ok?"

No one really felt they were "ok." It's just that A) it wasn't exactly the crime of the century, and B) it doesn't make sense to clog a strip club forum just because vincemichaels claims to have once fucked a teenager. I mean, should we have burned down the building where he works just because a pedophile works there? Should we stand in front of the stores where he shops, preventing other people from entering, so that we can let the other shoppers know that a pedophile shops there? Should we block traffic on the streets of his city to raise awareness of his pedophilia? If your answer to any of these questions is "no," then it shouldn't make sense to clog this board with nonsense either. And if your answer to any of these questions is "yes," then you need mental help.

"Does he have some mental defect?"

Yes, he does seem to. Just being honest.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@Dugan I’ll answer you nicely this once afterwards if you wish to go on ad infinitium about this I will treat you the same way that you deserve for this nauseating garbage. I don’t know whether or not VM is a pedophile and neither do you or anyone else here, yes he has made some absolutely asinine statements that are pretty gross to say the least but there is no shortage of that here on this board. Everyone here is a made up name and an avatar that corresponds to the disclaimer at the bottom of the page >everything written here should be considered a work of fiction < exactLy how does it make me a pedo defender, if I don’t agree with the premise to begin with now if you wish to keep on spinning what I have said, go for it doesn’t make you right it just makes you stupid.
For the record I have said and I’ll say it again VM has as much right to be an idiot as anybody here.
To paraphrase founder somebody please pick up the mike he dropped and drop it again.
avatar for rickdugan
7 years ago
Twenty, you're remarkably arrogant for such a limited person. ;)

So your entire premise is that we shouldn't be upset about his multiple references to underage girls, including his affirmative statement that he got blown by one, because he might be lying? That's it? I was expecting something like "I've met him and he's a whack job" or "he has 15 aliases on here and he uses this one to troll" or SOMETHING.

Do you realize how twisted your logic is on this one? If we applied that standard, then nothing anyone said on here could ever be criticized. Heck, you were just regurgitating troll nonsense about my drunk driving problem in one of your classic defense mechanism deflection attempts. But even if I ever admitted to that, how do you know that I was telling the truth? :) Seriously, we could play that game all day.

Sorry 25, but I can only respond to what is posted and I have to assume that it is accurate, especially when the original poster of that information continues to defend it and refuses to walk it back. So yes, until proven otherwise, you are a pedo sympathizer and really an overall shitty excuse for human being to boot.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^whatever motherfucker
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