
Favorite extras club

I entered the dragon and was never the same
Tuesday, September 4, 2018 7:58 AM
I have heard pl talk about diamond dolls florida detriot and follies being good for extras! For those pl that like extras and ldk won't do what is your favorite u.s club


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago

    Club Desire, Providence, RI.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    It's no secret that Follies is my favorite even though it is past it's prime.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    There is a rumor that extras are available in almost all Detroit clubs. But I find it hard to believe that the demure and modest young women at the FLIGHT CLUB would engage in questionable activities.
  • 3LeggedMan
    6 years ago
    I live in Chicago. What’s an extras club?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    From what I’ve heard:

    *Perfect10 Austin/Round Rock
    *San Antonio Men’s Club
    But this might have changed because of a change in management. The club got attention because a dancer didn’t agree to anal sex with a customer, and blasted them on Facebook after she and a few friends (who took her to the hospital) got fired.

  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    nicespice said "The club got attention because a dancer didn’t agree to anal sex with a customer, and blasted them on Facebook after she and a few friends (who took her to the hospital) got fired."

    I'm almost afraid to ask, but was she taken to the hospital for rape, a beating, or mental trauma? Or some combination of the three?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    But nothing beats Honk Kong in Tijuana. That place has ruined the going to any U.S. Strip Club.

    We are tlaking latinas.

    And if you are talented enough to get a prostitute to fuck you in exchange for $$$, that place is heaven on earth.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    It was rape. She had her post up on Facebook for a while, but then it got taken down. I have no idea whether it was a settlement or what happened there.

    People went to Yelp, but most of those reviews blasting the club for allowing it to happen were taken down too. (I just checked though and it looks like one of the yelp reviews remained on there.)
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    ... sigh...
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Club Desire Providence.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “... sigh...”

    It’s a giant crapshoot. Because it’s a he-said-she-said. And it’s (was? Still is? I’ve been hearing mixed things) a notorious extras club. A bunch of us don’t work there because of it.

    It’s one of the reasons I wish prostitution was legal. To make it harder for stuff like that to happen.
  • RedJohnson
    6 years ago
    The Lido Room in NYC. If you can't get your knob polished there, you can't get it anywhere. :)
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Baby Dolls in Dallas. That place is a wild ass free-for-all.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ what a dick
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    ^ I say something negative about Baby Dolls and I get Papi and the other BBD cheerleaders squealing. If I say something that most tusclers would view as a positive about the club, his panties are in a wad yet again.

    Sheesh Papi, there's just no winning with you.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I can see that point.

    Still, I'm not sure why a dancer would want to put herself in the media spotlight when the issue at hand is rape. Even if the dancer is a lunatic attention whore, I don't see how she gets an emotional or monetary payoff by way of alleging rape.

    (Well, unless the settlement with the customer included a monetary payoff, which is possible.)

    Compared to the outside world, strip clubs impose relatively few requirements on guys when it comes to behavior around women. It's amazing that some guys can't sort themselves out even in an environment where the bar is often very low by default.

    I agree. Legal prostitution would clear up a number of grey areas.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    The above directed at nicespice.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @nicespice +1000000000000000000000000000
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I was being facetious - but you really need to stop your Baby Dolls whining just b/c your System doesn't work there - if you don't like BBD, fine; but your personal shit vendetta is just leading unsuspecting SCers astray from possibly enjoying a good club - if Baby Dolls doesn't work for you, fine to say so - but to tell others it's not worth visiting is just being self-serving at their expense - stop being a dick
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Papi, I think it's well known that I don't like BabyDolls. But I doubt that anything I say could ever seriously put a dent in the endless shilling that people with pecuniary interests in the club are doing here. Easily 70% of the reviews are ridiculous shill posts, the all-too-obvious Dallas posts in the Discussion area are obvious tee-ups for yet more shilling and you'll find them pulling the same shit on USAG as well.

    But in this case I was actually telling people that they could go there and get their freak on. How was that a bad thing? I'm confused now tbh.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Again - my original dick comment was me just busting your balls w.r.t. your comment prior to that which I took as you being facetious.

    But - in the past when someone has asked about BDD or Dallas advice in general, your response is to completely trash the place as if it was the worst SC on earth or at least in Dallas, which is not factual - your priority w.r.t. BDD/Dallas advice seems to just trash BDD b/c you hate-it vs giving the PL asking the question the best advice for him to enjoy his Dallas visit/SCing - saying BDD is a bad club and basically trying to steer other SCers away from it is doing a disservice to those SCers in order to serve your own purposes.

    And stop w/ the BS about the BDD reviews being shills - again it's just you trying to justify your obsession w/ the club - no club is perfect so might as well state that any club w/ lots of reviews is b/c they're mostly shills - most that have visited BDDs would agree w/ it being one of the better clubs for what it is (no heavy extras) - if most reviews were shills they'd constantly would be getting called-out via the review-comments given how many reviews the club gets.

    Again - if you don't like BDD that's your prerogative - but don't fuck-over other SCers by misleading them just b/c of your personal-obsession w/ the club.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    If you don’t mind me asking, what is it that makes Baby Dolls more of a free for all than the rest of Dallas, or even just Texas period?

    Allow more stuff openly on the floor? Inexpensive VIP? I’m curious.

    I got hired there but never worked there. But I thought about making a few Dallas trips to keep from getting bored. So I have a personal reason for asking.

    @CMI “(Well, unless the settlement with the customer included a monetary payoff, which is possible.)”

    It’s a large profitable club. They would be where the real money is at. :p But I remember when it happened, she said she wasn’t pressing charges. She just wanted it known. Unless she changed her mind, and that’s why the entire post was taken down. Idk

    “It's amazing that some guys can't sort themselves out even in an environment where the bar is often very low by default.”

    I agree. A dancer has to learn when to bail on a bad customer. Sometimes ego gets in the way, and they believe they can outmaneuver sometime. It’s not pleasant.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Noted. Thanks for the input.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago

    Rick was being facetious - Baby Dolls is not a big-extras/free-for-all club - in recent years seems some of the girls are getting away w/ a bit more like maybe a HJ; but it's not considered an extras club AFAIK - the influx of Cubans over the last couple of years may have increased the mileage a bit, but it's not an extras-centric club.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Papi,unlike you, I have no horse in the BBD debate. Fuck if i could ever figure out why you get worked up any time I say something negative about the place, but there's obviously something there.

    You can shove your "stop" directives up your ass. While you're at it, assuming that you really don't see the obvious shill activity surrounding the club, you should also bone up on your reading comprehension skills. The review counts alone should tip you off - over 2,000 for the corporate clip joint in an area where the next highest review count is 381 (Lodge). BBDs isn't that much larger than a handful of other clubs or so constantly packed that the disparity is justified in a city the size of Dallas. But it becomes even clearer when one reads the reviews and, perhaps more importantly, the pumped up ratings.

    Feel free to disagree all you want Puta_Tonta, but now I'm starting to understand what those $15.50 drizzle in a glass Jacks and $4 tap waters are paying for. After all, fiction writers need to get paid too. ;)
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Dayumn RickiBoi you sure do have a unique writing style lol
    BTW no one gets worked up when you “say something negative “ it’s not like you ever have anything positive to say. Lololo
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    25, maybe you should join Puta_Tonta in his upcoming reading comprehension class. Papi wades into every thread involving BBD, with "Paul Drake" never far behind, virtually always extolling its virtues or mounting a rousing defense when it is criticized. He is also very active in the review comment section for the club, doing much the same thing. It boggles the mind given that his MO supposedly involves big booty black clubs in MIA, yet he is never very far away when we talk about a club full of skinny white girls in Dallas.

    My only issue with BBD's is the shill activity, which is incessant and misleading. Worse though, they don't stop at pumping up their own club, but also trash other clubs. I follow reviews for cubs all over the country and never have I seen things so distorted compared to my in-person experiences as I do with the Dallas reviews. I also view it as no surprise that the trolls started pouncing on my reviews for months only after I posted an unfavorable review of BBD.

    Hey, if someone pm'd me and told me that BBD is helping to pay the bills around here, so be it. and I'd live with one city's reviews being fucked up for the greater good. But assuming I don't get that missive, I'll continue calling the absurdly blatant shilling for that club any time the mood strikes me. ;)
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^I’ve never been to Baby Dolls and have no dog in this fight, but I’ve watched you post your meaningless critiques of all kinds of shit, along with your posting just the opposite on the pink site, and I’ve come to the conclusion as have most here you are full of shit and only post to hear the noise in your head. Lol
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Well 25, then instead of running your mouth like a jackass, which of course includes more troll nonsense, read the reviews and come to your own conclusion.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^If I cared I would but really IDGAF lol
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "... It boggles the mind given that his MO supposedly involves big booty black clubs in MIA, yet he is never very far away when we talk about a club full of skinny white girls in Dallas ..."

    Exactly - BDD is not my perfect fit for a club - but that doesn't mean I can't be objective about the club and not just trash it b/c it's not my specific type of club - I'd trash it if it was a bad-club; not gonna trash-it b/c it's not my type of club

    My objection to you trashing BDD is not to "defend" BDD - i have no reason to do so as I'm not a regular there - it is you misleading custies not in the know into thinking BDD is something that it's not and thus screwing over those custies from potentially having a good-time at the club - but it seems my POV is falling on def Dugan-ears and you are taking it personally as it being about BDD which is not, and boggles my mind why you're unable to see that and get so defensive about-it. - it's not about you and it's not about BDD; it's about you in a sense sabotaging other SCers' potential good time by putting forth false and inaccurate info about the club when someone is asking for info.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Well, I travel to Dallas every so often, so I do.

    Now to be fair, BBD is not the only club in Dallas doing this, but they are by far the most egregious. I don't know if the other clubs did it as a defensive action or of their own accord, but either way it is tough getting a real read on some of the clubs in Dallas with all the crap being posted by shills.

    Worse though are the clubs that don't participate in this nonsense. Pandoras comes to mind, which had a rating in the toilet for a long time due almost exclusively to shill reviewers who were trashing them after pumping up nearby clubs. If I had believed the old reviews to begin with, I would never have visited the place and would have missed out on what I believe is the best club in Dallas - full nude (enforced), byob, edgy and overall a lot of fun. This pisses me off as I rely upon the reviews when I am scoping out a new city.

    So there it is.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    That last post was in response to 25.

    Papi, you're getting circular now - posted and answered. Everything I post about the club was experienced firsthand. You can disagree with my views, but I'll share them as I see fit. If I thought that BBD was anything other than a LD mill with corporate clip joint pricing on alcohol that is overhyped due to heavy self promotion, I''d probably be more worried about "sabotage" but I'm not. There are much better options to be had in DFW - at least at night. Feel free to disagree with that too btw. ;)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I use to hit Pandora's and BDD all the time when I lived in Dallas - Pandora's is a BYOB dive w/ mostly Mexican laborer custies that like to drink, and being BYOB they can drink to their heart's desires.

    Saying Pandora's is better than BDD is like saying Chick-Fil-A is better than a steakhouse b/c red meat is bad for you.

    Pandora's and BDD's reviews both go back to 2004 - BDDs has over 2,000 reviews, Pandora's has 68 (in the same time period) - and you're gonna say it's mainly b/c of shill reviews - not to mention many if not most of Pandora's reviews are negative-reviews but you're only "rationale" is that everyone else is wrong and that almost everything good said about BDD is a shill and almost everything bad said about Pandora's is misinformation.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    To be fair, I wouldn’t be surprised if Baby Dolls does things to manage itself online. I got curious, and went to Yelp. I used the Fakespot app (an app that analyzes yelp and amazon reviews and searches for likely shill reviews, whether postive or negatives. The things that trigger it are the reviews themselves but also the review history of members)

    Most of the other clubs in Dallas has an “A” rating whereas Babydolls has a “B”.

    Plus when I tried out there, the management gave me the impression of being more professional. Definitely moreso than any other club I worked in, with the possible exception of Bucks in Ft Worth. So I can see them being organized enough to coordinate such things.

    But all that being said, I don’t understand what the problem is with them being a clip joint. The TUSCL MO is to look for diamonds in the rough. Maximize having a good looking dancer and minimize the expense.

    But the average strip club customer is not like that. They want convenient access to a higher concentration of the conventionally attractive dancers an area has to offer. At Baby Dolls, they made it clear to me that I wasn’t going to get hired if I had tattoos or stretch marks. And this was dayshift I tried out for, so I was surprised by their standards.

    I’m sure a lot of posters here were being honest with the positive reviews. You could maybe argue they aren’t seasoned PLers, but it doesn’t mean they are shill.

    Plus they are far from the only clip joint out there. And from what I heard (from a PL point of view) the lappers are just as decent as anywhere else, even if VIP is debatable.

    @Papi Thanks for the reply to me there.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Sounds like I would prefer Pandora's.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Given the way Rick likes to portray himself: if Baby Dolls sucks because it has less drug addicts who agree to OTC for cheap prices, I’m extra excited to try it out now!
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Papi, 4 of those 68 reviews of Pandoras were from me, spanning over 8 years. I also visited many times in between and did not bother to write it up. During that same time, I was also in BBD a handful of times.

    Anyone who has come into a club a day or two behind me, or even on the same night, knows that you can take my description of the girls, prices, events, activities, etc. that I observe in a club as almost biblical. This is due, in large part, to the fact that I won't write a review of a club if I cannot be accurate and complete.

    So yes, I'm telling you that the reviews for Pandoras are fucked and have been for a long time. They are getting more balanced now, but for a long time they were crap. Once I was motivated enough to do a little back research and found that many of the screen names that were trashing Pandoras were recently created and pumped another club up at the same time that they trashed Pandoras.

    And if that is the view that you have of Pandora, then obviously it has been a long time since you've been there. FYI - some of those late night Pandora girls are working in places like Men's Club and other purported higher end topless clubs during the day.

    Anyway, rather than continuing to pull old intel out of your ass, maybe you should travel out there sometime in this decade and see for yourself. ;)
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Isn't it amazing how some threads just disintegrate and end up with no discussion of the opening topic.

    What was Country asking in the OP ?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I still like Club Desire.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Easiest strip club for extras? V-Jah's Frankfurt New York. Its about 30 minutes from Turning Stone casino and my entire trip there and back, with bbbjcim was 95 minutes. I sat down and the first dancer came over to me and said: "lets be honest, everyone comes here for the extras" and out came the menu.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    New Jersey was home to the extras club until recently. Here are a few of my past favs and reasons why I dont go there anymore

    Cabaret GoGo in Paterson --> FOTB Dominicans who were strictly there for FS. For some reason the club removed the privacy curtains so its pretty much 5 "couples" having FS in a small room. Not too much of an exhibitionist to partake
    Sights in Newark --> After hours club which was frequented by many urban porn stars. Times were so good in those days that I once turned down a BJ/FS from porn star Destiny Dream. A decision I continue to regret to this day. The club shut down years ago. It really made no logistical sense. It was only open from 1-6, had 3 security pat downs and they literally took a video of your ID before entry. That and it was based in a crime ridden section of NJ
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    *Vics Place in Irvington, NJ was another favorite of mine. FS being offered at the bar is thier specialty. While I don't regret going there numerous times in the past I no longer frequent it. FS for $60 or less is fun, but Id say most of the girls in that place have performed FS for 4,000 guys easily.
  • bang69
    6 years ago
    Platinum Plus Greenville ,SC even though its closed
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I did the infamous NJ UHM tour back in 2016 - did the barside bang at Vic's and the now-closed Pardizio, and the open-cubicle bang at Cabaret Go Go - didn't get to do Sights as the reviews had it slipping by the time I was there.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    @Papi You've seen it all then. I would say all the reliable and quality extras have all gone OTC.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Cabaret Go Go and Vic’s are two excellent choices to experience NJ extras. It’s interesting that Cabaret has removed the curtains, as it felt more private. Vic’s has added stalls/rooms - so you can’t stand at the bar, drink a beer, and bang one out anymore.

    I’ve also been enjoying Johnny A’s Hitching post in Paterson. The extras aren’t as prevalent as the other clubs mentioned, but certain dancers offer a full menu of services. The Legs and Eggs Friday Breakfast is excellent. Not for the food, which I haven’t eaten, but since it’s relaxed, less oversight, and the dancers know guys come to fuck.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    C.M.I and Ski, Club Desire in Providence is a very respectable choice. In fact, outside of Miami, it is probably the best combination of good ITC action and strong talent that we'll find just about anywhere in the country. If I lived in Providence, I'd spring for the upstairs VIP membership in a heartbeat and enjoy all that the club has to offer.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    It's sort of why I don't bother going to other local clubs. I know that I'll have a better time at Desire.

    I'm spoiled and okay with that.
  • _Constantine_
    6 years ago
    Anything in Portland it has the best extras scene in The US I hear
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    Although I am new to this, I have to say that the Illinois Clubs I have recently visited are quite abundant with extras. Washington Park specifically. One other club in Illinois (not in the Washington Park area) gives me full menu each time I visit, but I am afraid to list them or review them because the other reviews on here say otherwise. I don't want the management to catch on if it is not allowed.
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