Dancer asked for my last name
Was in Detroit Thursday and Friday visiting some clubs. Was hanging out with a dancer I've met a couple of times on previous visits who I like. We exchanged numbers our first visit and know each others names. While talking, she asked what my last name was. Didn't think anything of the question and told her. Was later kind of wondering if it was a bad idea for her to know my full name; especially when she knows what part of town and hotel I stay at when in Detroit as we had casually discussed meeting OTC.
Any reason for concern on my part for sharing my full name with a dancer under this scenario?
Any reason for concern on my part for sharing my full name with a dancer under this scenario?
However, I suggest you be careful about what you tell and to who. Too little information. Is better than too much. You can always correct too little
Other than that slip up, my last name stays private.
As a side note, if you'd asked her her last name, and she wasn't comfortable telling, she'd let you know that (albeit as nicely as should could) in a blink of an eye. To whatever extent you just gave up your last name because you felt pressure because she asked, that's something to work on. I don't think I've ever had a stripper as me my last name, but making a joke out of it (e.g., a laughing "oh, are we on a real last name basis now? You show me your driver's license, I'll tell you my last name. haha!" is all it takes) works fine
There are a handful of girls who know my real name -- and a handful who have been over my house -- but we knew each other over a long period of time and they exposed their info to me well before I exposed mine to them
Really? I'm not doubting you, I'm sure this varies by region, but in all the years I've been doing this I've NEVER been asked my last name in order to get an OTC... or any other personal information, for that matter. None at all. I suppose that could be partially because the girls in this region just don't ask for that, partially because I tend to ATF a girl before I ask her OTC so she already knows me, and partially because I tend to go for lower-volume girls who I imagine are far less likely to have a profession-escort-style screening process.
My worst fear was somehow my room at the hotel being tracked down since she knew my full name and knows I have money on me and something bad somehow happens, but that's probably pretty far fetched; especially since I stay at nice hotels when in Detroit.
On this last visit which was the third time hanging out with her, this girl told me where she lives - down to the name of the street. Since I'm out of state I obviously don't remember or know the streets or would know where they are but probably just a sign of her openness while talking. Her asking my last night was probably just a question out of curiosity that any girl/guy would ask each other after hanging out a few times.
While I do like this dancer - both because she is hot to me and because I like her personality - I can tell she has some "street game" to her. Guess this was another reason why after thinking for a bit the last name question had me concerned, but after thinking about it after your comments I think it was probably nothing - especially since I visit from out of state.
(and really, whatever you want to believe Phil, just not that lame Dachshund-wanna-be. That insinuation was lower than a snakes belly IMHO!)
Are you her customer or her BF? lol
I also learned about locking my phone early on when I started carrying a pocket phone right after hand helds got small enough to carry when a stripper in a private dance picked it up off the table without permission said she was going to put number, that she and she and and other dancer would meet me for a threesome at my hotel, started scrolling through my phone and to put her number in my contacts. She then was going to call her phone so her phone so she could could have my number. I told her very firmly to give me my phone NOW, promptly erased her partial number, pocketed my phone and left the booth. Before I left the club I found the manager informed him of her antics and told him that she had solicited OTC for herself and a friend(that I should not waste my money on dances at the club which she had done).
I had no intention of taking her up on her offer as it was to quickly offered and easy for her. She was likely bait for a trap to either blackmail or mug me.
Fortunately I got my phone back before she got to any useful information, from then on I have kept my phone locked with a password.
There are hundreds of people that know all of our last names, unless you are a complete hermit. I don't understand a risk associated with it.
I do agree if a dancer wants to track me, she wants something. Sex and or money maybe. I'm not worried if she wants sex unless she's really ugly or is diseased.
That kind of stings Hugh_G._Rection. I'm not going to argue but I would like to clarify that I am neither a dachshund nor do I want to be a dachshund.
I just think dachshunds are good dogs! Wiener dogs rule! ;)