Cross Dressing PL

avatar for rh48hr
Was at my favorite club tonight when an old guy comes in the club wearing a bustier and leather panties. He also had something attached and hanging from his nipples. He was obviously a regular as he was seated by one of the bouncers and two dancers went up hugged him and hung out with him for a long period of time.

Have any of you seen cross dressers at the club? How were they treated? Was it business as usual for the rest of the club?


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avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
I was in a club around Halloween once and a chick in a dress walked up to the urinal next to me, flipped up her dress and whipped her dick out and started pissing
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
A couple dancers that are sisters told me they knew a guy that wore neon colored g strings. He would pull them out and show them off
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
No, thank God.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
I knew a guy that wore a purple thong. The dancers thought that it was cute and sexy.
avatar for s88
9 years ago
Even in a SC, homophobia exists. I've had to lay my foot down when my friend got called a tranny in the bathroom. Fortunately the friends of the homophobe pulled him away by his shirt so they wouldn't get kicked out. I don't know how long a tranny or cross dresser would feel comfortable in a SC with a bunch of very straight republican PLs cheating on their wives drinking beer. There would be remarks either in the bathroom or smoking areas outside that turn ugly quickly.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
I've seen lots of cross dressers but never one in a strip club.

Most common (I have seen) is when truckers jump out of their trucks making a delivery at my warehouse - very common to see a guy dressed as a woman.
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
s88, is your friend trans? No judgement either way from me, I'm just curious where that insult would come from.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
I can't remember seeing a crossdresser in a strip club. But I tend to love anything that's offbeat in the club (at least in small doses), I like the pervy and interesting vibe, plus I'm not threatened by alternative lifestyles, so I'm sure I'd dig it.

s88-->"I don't know how long a (transsexual) or cross dresser would feel comfortable in a SC with a bunch of very straight republican PLs cheating on their wives drinking beer. "

Ironic, isn't it? I think they'd have better luck with a trenchcoater style pervy dayshift crowd, than the night crowds with their greater percentage of college guys, boys night out crowd, after-the-dance-club blockheads, etc
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
It's fine. We all enter the SC in order to leave reality for a few minutes or a few hours.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
Hotstuff - do you frequently see cross dressers in the club? And I'm not talking about Rech.
avatar for Meursault
9 years ago
I have no problem with any customer and any establishment. I don't care how anyone dresses or what they do to get their rocks or clam off. I don't pay attention to customers at a strip club and wouldn't care if all of them were transgendered. But I do have plenty of problems with liberal pukes on their high horses, pretending that they are here to free the world from the tyranny of everyone else's bigotry with the sunlight they think shines out of their ass.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
avatar for s88
9 years ago

No, but he has no facial hair, long messy hair like a rock band member, and wears neon colored shirts and pants or black clothing with neon accents/stripes/parts. He is straight, but just dresses differently (is the word fabulously?).


It is ironic. Fri/Sat get the most drama from "I am not a professional PL" customers, like the college guys, boys night out crowd, after-the-dance-club blockheads, you mentioned. On all the other days, the customers are well behaved and mind their own business. I've gotten hit ups on sat night for drugs, MLM schemes, Jesus, and the homophobe incident. Sat nite is worse than friday. Fri is like a weekday night for some reason. Sat nite is also when the most customers are kicked out for jerking off on the main floor, or holding a dancer down on their lap when the customer stopped paying for table dances. My area has no day shift SCs.

I love the 70 year old bald man in banana yellow suit who was dancing by himself in the SC (probably did drugs), at one point a bouncer came up, watched, a waitress came up said something to the bouncer and he walked away. 2 different strippers that night pointed out wannabe Mr Six… to me that night and they loved the guy.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Can't say that I have noticed - I can only assume a SC would not be a place to go dressed like that since a woman by herself already may attract attention so a cross-dresser even more so.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
In 1000+ SC visits I have never knowingly seen a transsexual or transgendered person or an obviously homosexual male. I have often seen a lesbian or two tipping the dancers with evident delight. Their "transness" or gayness doesn't bother me, as I assume my straightness doesn't bother them, but I'm not going to celebrate it.
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
Lol a stripclub is the last place for anyone to be judging anyone else.
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
No cross dressers but normal fags. They are usually treated well
avatar for georgebailey
9 years ago
Is Rech is cross-dresser? I never knew. Wow.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
We have one I've seen a couple times during the day.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
Never saw any obvious cross dressing males, but then again I'm not actively looking for any. Have only seen one other lesbian at a club and she was dressed pretty butch, so at first I thought that she was a guy. Turns out she was a pretty cool chick.
avatar for BagBoyJames
9 years ago
I enjoy ass fuckin trannys
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Per lopaw's comment - IME I normally see more female custies in the more upcale clubs that have a bit of a party atmosphere.

Tootsies gets a good amount of female custies and not rare to see female custies go in groups of two or more unaccompanied by guys although for w/e reason these are usually AA chicks (IME most of the non AA chicks are usually accompanied by guys or a group of guys and girls) - I get the feeling many are lesbians or at least bi but of course IDK for sure - but I often hang-out by the backwall @ Tootsies near the LD room and the restroom b/c there is a lot of dancer traffic in that area - on more than one occasion I've seen an AA chick that I thought was a guy just head into the women's restroom and at first I was shocked (OMG that guy just walked on-in to the ladies room) but after she came out I could sorta tell she was a chick but def threw for a bit of a loop at first.
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