First of all, if you are a male and you frequent strip clubs, I want you to know that those women hate you. If you've ever given money to a stripper, you've probably given money to a girl or woman who has spent the last 20 minutes laughing at you, either with the other girls or on the inside. You buy a lap dance and inside she's criticizing you, laughing at you, mocking you. She's mocking what you’re wearing, how you’re speaking and everything about you. When a man would pay me to give him a lap dance I would spend the entire time internally laughing at his breath, his pimples, his fat belly, anything and everything I could. These women hate you, and no amount of money you can give them will make them like you any more.
We have a new troll! Welcome to our humble forum. I will warn you though, we have some pretty talented trolls already here so your competition is fierce! (I'm assuming this isn't just another alias of one of our established trolls).
if i had to guess, i would say the majority of strippers probably aren't fond of their customers.
i wouldn't go so far as to say they *hate* their customers, because i don't think they do, but i do think that strippers believe guys who frequent strip clubs are sort of creepy and they definitely aren't the type of guys that they would ever date/hook-up (with a few rare exceptions)
i don't care one way or the other, but that's just my thoughts on this topic
I was underage when I was enmeshed in this life; I had just gotten a car and I was barely 17 years old. I can remember, very vividly, the first night I stripped. I was terrified. That first night was at a small club that was pretty strict with its nudity policy, and all I had to do was wear lingerie and then try to sell it and garters. Easy...right?
Ahhh Starlight69! I can see the strip club light so clearly now! I probably spent $60 max on you, while you laughed internally at "poor, poor, pitiful me" from your elevated position on my lap. I can live with your inner deceit while you were grinding and writhing from your upper status in my lap and mewing your fake utterances of lust. Oh no wait, I do remember you. You were the chick that used the porn sound track within our first minute of grinding intimacy, nibbling my ear lobe, and all the while rubbing your not so hot tits in my face. Yeah you got me! I ended the dance after one ($20), because even Stripperweb babes need to have some finesse. Thanks for coming to SCL to enlighten us. See you at the Dunkin' Donuts drive through window! Small regular coffee with cream and 1 sugar, please and thank you!
See, here's the deal: just as the men who come to the bar have to be completely devoid of empathy for the women they're buying, the women also have to be completely devoid of empathy for the men who are buying them. It's a survival thing, and besides, how can we like you when you're paying to own us? No, oftentimes women will think and fantasize about smashing your head in with a baseball bat while they gyrate in your lap. But of course, we can't really do that can we? For whatever reason, we must allow ourselves to be bought and sold for the erections that men get over the power associated with owning a human being.
"the power associated with owning a human being." ---------------------------------------------------------------- We've discussed this a bunch of times. If anything, in the majority of cases, dancers have the upper hand in power -- taking advantage of lonely guys who need a little companionship.
I think you're probably not a troll, StarLight. If you're thinking about baseball bats with any frequency, then it may be time to look for another line of work.
t. The degradation and terror that is always there is just another part of the job. The hands, the greasy, disgusting hands, were always there, groping at you while the eyes were staring at you.
men telling me what “nice tits” I had, or how they’d like to “bang that pussy”.
disgusting your teeth are, how horrible your breath is, what a stupid shirt you're wearing and how we'd like to run a cheese grater over your smug face, we're smiling and looking at you through submissive eyes as we robotically rub our bodies over yours. But that anger has to go somewhere doesn't it?
This is what makes this country so great, we have the freedom to believe and do what we want as long as we do not infringe on another's rights and freedoms.
I have no problem with what you are thinking while giving dances and if you hate stripping so much I would recommend changing jobs as it will eat you up inside if that's how you feel. What actually does scare me is what that guy eating out of a box of chocolates on sniffers row is thinking as he stares at the dancers on stage, I do not even want to consider the possibilities.
maybe you need to find one of those Kink PLs that are into that stuff, I guess that would take care of some of that anger for you and both of you could be happy.
We starve ourselves and abuse ourselves, and let you abuse us because we believe we deserve it. Other times we dull the pain, using alcohol and downers to rid ourselves of the anger, to crush it and keep it in check.
Be assured that the stripper you see hates you. She drowns her hatred in alcohol, or burns it in a cloud of pot smoke, but she’s still angry.
This is a great thread. Mind if I watch? I agree starlight, it's a tough job. There's only a few women I've met who can compartmentalize these kinds of feelings and perform as required. I'm sorry (for you) but you're not cut out for this line of work. But don't let your anger consume you. That's bad. You've been brought up and programmed abhorrent to this line if work. Chalk it up to experience, learn from it, and move on.
The life of a stripper is a life of sexual harassment. Men grope at you constantly, trying to put their fingers inside of you when you walk past. You are called names, and told to “Bring that cunt over here you little whore”. And you do. You bring it over there because you've told yourself that you are powerful when you do so. That's yet another way to control the anger and the humiliation. You wrap it in empowerment, telling yourself that you're the one who’s really coming out on top. You tell yourself that you're the winner because that nasty fucker gave you every bill in his wallet, but deep down inside you know what's really going on and you continue to medicate
I've heard sob stories about their horrible wives and families, and how the bitch stopped putting out as soon as he put a ring on their finger. I've heard all the stories, all the lies and all the bullshit. I've had men call me the most vile things imaginable and I've had them pay me to do the sort of degrading things I can't even talk about.
Stsrlight, if men acted any differently(let's say in your ideal world they never call you out of your name, never touched you, never asked for anything you find degrading and still gave you all their money, would your opinion of us change?
Men who buy and look at pornography are exactly the same. These are also men who feed off of power and degradation the way a tick feeds off blood. They are parasites and they are incapable of finding any worth within themselves, therefore, they steal it from women
It's funny but I remember reading a theory once that most rapists hate women. My impression here is that most TUSCL posters love women. The strippers I've known are quite respectful of their regular customers. Of course they're disgusted with the slovenly, smelly dirty old men, but in my experience, they're the exception. Men who are clean and respectful are usually welcomed. I think OP needs to spend some time on a shrink's couch
Ah Starlight, I see you define the Nordic model very well. Women are victims when they are adult service providers, and must be freed from dependency on troglodyte male Neanderthals. The whole idea is a neat little theory until you consider that sexuality has been with us until we crawled down from the trees. Its part of our naked ape experience, and you would mentally castrate/ lobotomize us just for being what we are.
If you had a negative experience working with clubs, move on and start a recovery group or something- but you are responsible for your own self esteem, not us. We've heard the arguments before (Andrea Dwokin et al.) and you know whay I'm going to do? Order another beer and help another single mom on stage--- one dollar at a time!
I want, once and for all, for men to know that women in the sex industry have been abused by men just like you. Rape and incest are the recruiters for the sex industry, and you are victimizing her just as her rapist did. She hates you and she hates all that you represent. She smiles because she must smile, she dances because she knows no other way, but she despises you and others like you.
Lets take away what is being bought and sold and focus on the base relationship: salesperson and client. The salesperson depends on making the sale for their livliehood. Thus they need to degrade themselves in a way by being submissive to the clients needs and pretending to like them and their company regardless of if its the case.
This quickly can build up resentment that must be surpressed for the sake of the sale. In other words, it's very common for the salesperson to have a great hidden disdain for any client in a high variety of industries. This isn't unique to any field, and it is an inconvenient truth a client knows but happily ignores since their upper hand in the relationship allows them to play along and not have to worry about the sellers inner thoughts.
In this regards, stripping is no different than any other sales job. What you bring to the table in your original post us not unique to your industry and is not some great big secret to your clients. We know, we just don't care because it is our luxury to have the salesperson feign enjoyment of our company. As long as your disdain stays in your head and not in your actions and words, you're still more than welcome to help yourself to our money.
@StarLight69 if you are not a troll I don't think you hate men. You hate what you've become. You lost your way and respect for yourself. So you lash out at those you feel have wronged you. But in the end you realize your just looking in the mirror.
I think all of us male guys should stop visiting strip clubs so that starlight can be happy with empty clubs. Then strippers everywhere will be happy they don't have to strip anymore. They can all get a regular job working 5 or 6 days a week and be told by a boss when they can take a break, what they must work on or they will get fired. However if she works really hard, she might get a satisfactory performance review unless the boss adds some things to the list that she just didn't have time to do, oopps, didn't perform as expected because of all the extra stuff added to the list. Oh well.
On the other hand, I thought I heard most strippers actually have free will and choose to strip. There seems to be a logic problem here.
So strippers have a difficult, stressful job that leads many of them to hate their work environment and to despise the idiot customers who they are forced to be nice to. Welcome to the real world sweetheart. That describes how the majority of Americans view their jobs and their customers We all do shit we wish we didn't have to in order to make money.
I don't really care if strippers hate me as long as they can fake it well. It's all a fantasy after all. But I know several strippers very very well, and fortunately many of them are not as ill suited for the job or as psycho bat shit crazy as this one is.
Fortunately I work for a place that doesn't criticize me if I take a slightly longer lunch break. However they expect me to put in extra hours and have added a lot of extra work on top of my normal duties. How many strippers have worked out in the heat in a factory that is not air conditioned or worked 60 to 70 hours a week for several weeks? Probably not too many. You think everyone else likes working conditions like that? Hell no. Especially if they have a fixed salary and get paid nothing extra beyond the standard pay. Imagine what a stripper would say if her pay was fixed. happy at first until the boss said, need you to work 60 hours this week. no extra pay of course than if you worked 40.
Note about the above. The laws got changed that if your salary was below a given level, the law requires employees to get paid overtime. That means if the government thought you were way underpaid, you get overtime now. Not though if you get paid above the level.
As far as hate goes about some bosses, I once heard "if he was on fire, I wouldn't even piss on him to put it out" is something I heard where I last worked at. I did switch jobs away from there.
Starlight, Star Bright ...! It's time for your prescription meds sweety! Don't worry, your club will reopen soon! Then you'll be back to telling me - you love me long time!
If you are a troll, try harder. If you are serious, get help. If you ever want to discuss these topics in are meaningful way, let us know and stop with the baseless attacks
I am inclined to say troll because I don't think anyone serious would have put 69 at the end of her user name
I have on a daily basis customers that I have a hard time dealing with just as stsrlight claims. She is saying strippers "whore" themselves out and I do as well, although my whoring usually hurts my wallet and not my genitals. So really what's the difference? A stripper could get an STD, I could get a DUI entertaining customers.
If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen, and take a lower paying mindless, no effort job, would be my best advice.
If [NOT] a troll (which I doubt, just for a mental exercise) the 69 could possibly be a birth year, a convention on email and social media, instead of a notation of mutual oral sex. In that case, we're dealing with a stripper in their late 40's who if she did nothing else in her life probably WOULD feel jaded, washed up, and hate the men who no longer found her attractive or who no longer chose to spend money on her.
I was going to counter-troll with a suggestion that if she were looking for a sugar daddy or rich boyfriend she could post sexy pictures for us. If she really IS a 47 year old stripper, maybe instead I'll say we will pass on that picture. Relegate the old mini-van to the junkyard and catch a ride on a little red corvette.
What do I do about the stripper that is always asking me to fuck her for free after her shift is over? Is your account the same for her? Is she an abused, raped little girl secretly repulsed by me, but decides she is worthless so she must come on my dick for no money?
I'm confused here so maybe u can enlighten me, Ms. Starlight!
I call bullshit, mylittlepony69. But come put your tits in my face. I'm a young woman myself, but I'm still objectifying the shit out of you while thinking how much better I'll be at your job than you are.
Notice how Star69 hasn't replied to any posts? "She" just posts troll posts. Trolls who don't engage are the worst kinds. It's just lazy trolling. Founder should ban the account just for the sake of it.
Funny as hell that she talks all this shit about men groping and making comments in the strip clubs...
But yet guys will do the same exact thing at a normal dance club or bar. Thinking they are gods gift to women. Yet she doesn't say one word about that.
I am sure she is a troll from some "human trafficking" type establishment. That thinks all women in the strip clubs are trafficked. which is bull shit!!!
Starlight, you are not the first to decide that we are disgusting.
For myself, I have always treated the dancers in strip clubs no differently than I would treat any other woman. Specifically I don't talk to them or otherwise related to them as prostitutes.
But as far as this forum, there is a great deal of pain in this world, more than enough to go around. So if you read the stuff people post, that is coming out.
You are entitled to your views. So welcome to TUSCL and please to keep on posting.
If you need to do drugs or alcohol to handle the job, don't do it. Strippers choose customers all the time the way customers choose strippers. When a customer is air-danced or his hands are blocked, grabbed, and moved every time, or a stripper says "no touching" during a LD, or "im waiting for guest to come back" [lie] who has the upper hand? Its my choice to not ever spend $ again on that stripper, but it was her choice to be zero mileage.
Come to think about it...... Us PL's without consent try to kiss them on the lips, neck, and cheek. We try to suck their tits. We try to finger them. That might be why Starlight says some of them "hate" us.
^i am respectful. I've never done any of that unless invited. But my question remains? Does being respectful change their opinion? Maybe one of the non troll dancers could chime in. Not that it matters since op is probably a troll.
There is a line where there is nothing left to buy from a stripper if you remove all the "unrespectful" things. You can't buy a friend but you can buy physical things. I think SCs are more respectful than a regular nightclub where a middle aged balding man will buy the $3K bottle service bucket with a sparkler on it, and get some miniskirt skanks to sit next to him for an hour but they wont "go home" with him. In a SC, I know what I am buying, and I can get straight to the point. In a NC, I'd be out $1000s with no memories except girls taking drinks I bought them and walking away back to their other man or their gaggle of beta bitches…
Phew! So it's only the "MEN" who are the perpetrators of these oh-so-evil acts against all stripperhood! Glad to know that we women custies can't be assholes. Oh no....that could never happen!
I don't go to a showclub to be liked or respected. Who cares! Who cares what people say about you as a customer in general. This goes for this websit, in the clubs and life in general. You will always be judged.
@OP "You buy a lap dance and inside she's criticizing you, laughing at you, mocking you. She's mocking what you’re wearing," Usually from what I understand is that women always find a reason to critize somebody whether their in equal position or not. Yet the man paying your rent makes more than you so....does that make you jealous or bitter? Or both?
"When a man would pay me to give him a lap dance I would spend the entire time internally laughing at his breath, his pimples, his fat belly, anything and everything I could." I know you know a lot of young hot studly, adonis looking, six pack abs having, muscly, well groomed, clean clothed gentlemen frequent the club these days. So when you critize him (because you did say y ou would laugh at anything you could), are you laughing at how nice he smells or how fancy his clothes are?
It did seem like a real rant from a real dancer but it was chopped / heavily edited. The article S88 linked which was the source text was a bit more of a *balanced* rant and made more sense than the troll garbage posted here.
last commenti wouldn't go so far as to say they *hate* their customers, because i don't think they do, but i do think that strippers believe guys who frequent strip clubs are sort of creepy and they definitely aren't the type of guys that they would ever date/hook-up (with a few rare exceptions)
i don't care one way or the other, but that's just my thoughts on this topic
We've discussed this a bunch of times. If anything, in the majority of cases, dancers have the upper hand in power -- taking advantage of lonely guys who need a little companionship.
I think you're probably not a troll, StarLight. If you're thinking about baseball bats with any frequency, then it may be time to look for another line of work.
men telling me what “nice tits” I had, or how they’d like to “bang that pussy”.
disgusting your teeth are, how horrible your breath is, what a stupid shirt you're wearing and how we'd like to run a cheese grater over your smug face, we're smiling and looking at you through submissive eyes as we robotically rub our bodies over yours. But that anger has to go somewhere doesn't it?
I have no problem with what you are thinking while giving dances and if you hate stripping so much I would recommend changing jobs as it will eat you up inside if that's how you feel. What actually does scare me is what that guy eating out of a box of chocolates on sniffers row is thinking as he stares at the dancers on stage, I do not even want to consider the possibilities.
maybe you need to find one of those Kink PLs that are into that stuff, I guess that would take care of some of that anger for you and both of you could be happy.
Be assured that the stripper you see hates you. She drowns her hatred in alcohol, or burns it in a cloud of pot smoke, but she’s still angry.
I've had men call me the most vile things imaginable and I've had them pay me to do the sort of degrading things I can't even talk about.
If you had a negative experience working with clubs, move on and start a recovery group or something- but you are responsible for your own self esteem, not us. We've heard the arguments before (Andrea Dwokin et al.) and you know whay I'm going to do? Order another beer and help another single mom on stage--- one dollar at a time!
This quickly can build up resentment that must be surpressed for the sake of the sale. In other words, it's very common for the salesperson to have a great hidden disdain for any client in a high variety of industries. This isn't unique to any field, and it is an inconvenient truth a client knows but happily ignores since their upper hand in the relationship allows them to play along and not have to worry about the sellers inner thoughts.
In this regards, stripping is no different than any other sales job. What you bring to the table in your original post us not unique to your industry and is not some great big secret to your clients. We know, we just don't care because it is our luxury to have the salesperson feign enjoyment of our company. As long as your disdain stays in your head and not in your actions and words, you're still more than welcome to help yourself to our money.
On the other hand, I thought I heard most strippers actually have free will and choose to strip. There seems to be a logic problem here.
I don't really care if strippers hate me as long as they can fake it well. It's all a fantasy after all. But I know several strippers very very well, and fortunately many of them are not as ill suited for the job or as psycho bat shit crazy as this one is.
I'll have to fly down to meet her and help her through her conflicted feelings about sex. I'm sure some vulture jizz will help her it. Squawk!
As far as hate goes about some bosses, I once heard "if he was on fire, I wouldn't even piss on him to put it out"
is something I heard where I last worked at. I did switch jobs away from there.
If you are serious, get help. If you ever want to discuss these topics in are meaningful way, let us know and stop with the baseless attacks
I am inclined to say troll because I don't think anyone serious would have put 69 at the end of her user name
I have on a daily basis customers that I have a hard time dealing with just as stsrlight claims. She is saying strippers "whore" themselves out and I do as well, although my whoring usually hurts my wallet and not my genitals. So really what's the difference? A stripper could get an STD, I could get a DUI entertaining customers.
If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen, and take a lower paying mindless, no effort job, would be my best advice.
I was going to counter-troll with a suggestion that if she were looking for a sugar daddy or rich boyfriend she could post sexy pictures for us. If she really IS a 47 year old stripper, maybe instead I'll say we will pass on that picture. Relegate the old mini-van to the junkyard and catch a ride on a little red corvette.
I'm confused here so maybe u can enlighten me, Ms. Starlight!…
But yet guys will do the same exact thing at a normal dance club or bar. Thinking they are gods gift to women. Yet she doesn't say one word about that.
I am sure she is a troll from some "human trafficking" type establishment. That thinks all women in the strip clubs are trafficked. which is bull shit!!!
For myself, I have always treated the dancers in strip clubs no differently than I would treat any other woman. Specifically I don't talk to them or otherwise related to them as prostitutes.
But as far as this forum, there is a great deal of pain in this world, more than enough to go around. So if you read the stuff people post, that is coming out.
You are entitled to your views. So welcome to TUSCL and please to keep on posting.
If you need to do drugs or alcohol to handle the job, don't do it. Strippers choose customers all the time the way customers choose strippers. When a customer is air-danced or his hands are blocked, grabbed, and moved every time, or a stripper says "no touching" during a LD, or "im waiting for guest to come back" [lie] who has the upper hand? Its my choice to not ever spend $ again on that stripper, but it was her choice to be zero mileage.
Starlight.....please come back. All is forgiven.
Should we more respectful to them?
There is a line where there is nothing left to buy from a stripper if you remove all the "unrespectful" things. You can't buy a friend but you can buy physical things. I think SCs are more respectful than a regular nightclub where a middle aged balding man will buy the $3K bottle service bucket with a sparkler on it, and get some miniskirt skanks to sit next to him for an hour but they wont "go home" with him. In a SC, I know what I am buying, and I can get straight to the point. In a NC, I'd be out $1000s with no memories except girls taking drinks I bought them and walking away back to their other man or their gaggle of beta bitches…
Who cares! Who cares what people say about you as a customer in general.
This goes for this websit, in the clubs and life in general.
You will always be judged.
I bet DoctorPhil will blame it on mikeya02 (aka me aka zipperhead aka Hugh_G._Rection aka rickthezoo).
Perhaps that's a clue regarding the identity of the man behind the troll! ;)
Usually from what I understand is that women always find a reason to critize somebody whether their in equal position or not. Yet the man paying your rent makes more than you so....does that make you jealous or bitter? Or both?
"When a man would pay me to give him a lap dance I would spend the entire time internally laughing at his breath, his pimples, his fat belly, anything and everything I could."
I know you know a lot of young hot studly, adonis looking, six pack abs having, muscly, well groomed, clean clothed gentlemen frequent the club these days. So when you critize him (because you did say y ou would laugh at anything you could), are you laughing at how nice he smells or how fancy his clothes are?
thoughtcatalog's anti-PL blog posts are often linked on TUSCL
an ACTUAL troll https://encyclopediadramatica.…