
Comments by LenaSmirnova

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strippers and Butt Plugs
    Never heard of this so thanks for update.I personally think wearing a butt plug at work is way to scream for attention.And less attractive dancers need it more.she may enjoy it...but I think way more likely it's what she wants you to think,that she is fun and freaky and have no boundaries.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Stripper injuries
    i meant *wow stupid macbook autocorrect lol
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Stripper injuries
    people be like why let me smell your hair,why its smells burnt interesting…haha couldn't wash out that smell after 2washes
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Stripper injuries
    when i was new to dancing,was tipsy and not careful and caught my hair on fire as there was a tea candle behind customer's back on top of the couch…everybody was very entertained at my crazy moves trying to put off the fire,the guy tipped me well later and it got me attention and more sales,so you may think i did it on purpose lol, so timely,now i could pay my rent and get hair cut at last...lost quite a bit of volume in hair on one side so theres some desperate times call for desperate measures lol
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Man hands
    haha funny asflguy123,nice video JS69
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT : Don't mess with the eldery
    That woman is me when i grow up! irrelevant whether genuine bully with a bag or an indi internet actress or both:)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Favorite thing to eat
    had a thing for prawn sandwich recently,i really do mean a prawn sandwich here lol
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Would you...
    haha funny thread.all i can think is that she worked insanely hard and long to look this way and also spent a lot of money and time and always eat most boring foods,buckets of lean chicken breast and all…then have to regularly disregard people's critical comments and continue doing what she's doing again just to look THAT way….hmmm that i very organised and systematic way of being slightly fucked in the head i think….but what do i know lol...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    World's Oldest Stripper
    haha i thought it was good fun that stripper lady and quite alright and not repulsive at all,why the hell not,i'd pay to party with her when i get rich and bored like Miley lol
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Life Lessons/Advice
    i think the best piece in this thread is still the OP.i only disagree with point one-never marry,but then stay happy,dynamic and introspectful…ermm…nevermarrying is a bit sad…its okay to live and lose and gain and lose,its the ebbs and flows of life.just get a pre nup,hang a funny poster in the kitchen that goes something like 'dont be selfish or you die alone' then have kids,go on holidays and have lots of pets and its gonna be ok…or is it??? oh well fuck it,lets not over-think it.human life is always fucked this way or another,not everybody will admit,its all about the rough balance and hope and positive thinking.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Boys only schools consequences
    @AnonymousJim thanks for input i completely agree a big group of women is mostly empowering for the members,but a big group of men is a bit of a survival quest…i've seen a lot of violence and humiliation between boys in early school years,been challenged a few times and was carrying a screw driver in my pocket for protection,i hoped to Never use,i just wished all the bullies died in an accident or I had superpowers to shield them off,now my wishes mostly came true…they destroyed themselves with drink,drugs and crime etc,and one of my superpowers is a general distrust for men as a kind lol
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Boys only schools consequences
    @lopaw i used to dance for married couples before and once an audition dance for a lesbian club manager,they seem to have enjoyed it but i was secretly uncomfortable and wanted it to end asap. Especially the manager she was so confident and full on she scared the stilettos off me lol. These days i say no if its not one to one with a male customer.I simply don't feel right otherwise.I need to connect,enjoy and fleece that one guy who succumbs to me,really be with him,complete him,thats what i do,i like it more than money.Having seen so many beautiful pussies and tities over the years and being constantly exposed to smart and funny dancers and predictable and repetitive guys i started sexually fantasising about women occasionally,but its rare.I'm open to the idea of falling in love with a woman but it has to be one in a billion sort of person as i'm really complex with this.One thing sure i like nice big butts on them:)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    To all...
    X X X now pecks x x x
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    To all...
    Happy holidays everybody and I hope you all having a quality time whatever you up to.Heres some air kisses <3 X X X X now pecks <3 x x x x x x x x x
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Boys only schools consequences
    @ilbbaicnl i gave tons of dances to 18yo boys and really enjoyed them,made me feel like i'm erotic goddess, plus they seem to gravitate towards me the very young ones, and trust me, maybe cos i have big natural boobs maybe cos i'm a very nice person and they feel safe with me lol.But i wouldn't want to dance for younger than 18 guys and prefer they come without their parents as it makes me feel weird.But this happened before when i had fathers buy dances from me for their teenage sons,as long as they are both cool and fun thats okay i guess but i'd rather the young boy visit with a friend of his age and all the money he could find :)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Boys only schools consequences
    @mikeya02 i emailed the customer service on here,then called them,then sent them a payment and a banner file,hope you're happy with that.@GACAclub sorry the british slang caused confusion i will try to be more mindful next time,but PhantomGeek got it spot on/explained it right.@lopaw i grew up surrounded by girls anyways,i was in language and literature oriented class and only a quarter of us were boys and they were feminine,i don't know why we needed them anyways,and yes some of my girl friends tried to kiss me but i knew then that i only like observing feminine beauty nothing more…its the men that i want,so yes ATACdawg the world wouldn't be full of little lopaws running around it does not work like that lol
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Boys only schools consequences
    My dancer friend worked in London for over 10years where there's bulk of upper class guys working in top city jobs and she said they look a proper guy you wanna marry when sober but once pissed some have to snog their male mate sitting next to them lol
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Boys only schools consequences
    Gaca and jack I so agree,anyone else please?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Best Xmas movie?
    'Home alone' lol but seriously I'd recommend horrible bosses 1 and 2,best comedies in ages,not christmasy but really good stuff
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Free OTC. What led to it?
    Have to agree with ranukam about stripper emotional baggage.it is very real :((
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Free OTC. What led to it?
    I'd have to agree with Diva there must be a genuine mutual attraction for me to take it outside of the club.What personally turns me on is when the guy is young,decent looking,got hot legs that says he plays sports,peaceful and a bit smitten with me.He still has to chaise me around and try to impress me to get my number:))
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New South Wales
    Best dancer pick up line?
    My line: 'wanna dance?' Works every other time lol
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Biggest Lie
    I lie that I didn't have sex for some peculiar number of months say 7.5months and that I'm really gagging for it lol hahahaha like I feel I could fuck just anybody at that point and deciding who's that gonna be lol
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Drunk,high or scruffy?
    Very productive discussion for me,thanks everybody,illbbaicnl,JamesSD thanks for that sort of intel,very useful.its hard sometimes to imagine exactly why a man pays good money for inferior product...I notice also guys who went to all boys school have all kinds of fuck up,I think I want to discuss it separately! :)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Drunk,high or scruffy?
    it was a bit of a revelation when the weird finance expert lecturer lady made one night roughly 2grand in pounds which is like 3k in dollars,i was like ffs,that shit makes more money than my metaphysics,i need to bug the vip room and connect it to my phone lol but seriously…except she works a few different clubs,texts her regulars and changes the rooms all the time,the bitch knows…lol