
Biggest Lie

layin low but staying high
Tuesday, December 23, 2014 4:42 AM
What's the biggest lie that a stripper ever told you about herself or her life?


  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    One dancer actually told me her brother was killed in combat in Iraq and she had to take care if his kids. It could be true, I suppose. So I did my research and discovered it was a lie. It's one thing to say your phone bill needs paid but saying your brother was killed in the line of duty was pretty low.
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    That is very low indeed motorhead, in the same despicable category of lying about severe illnesses such as cancer. What you said reminded me of that guy that entered the singing contest over there claiming he got shot in in Iraq or some place, he served but never got shot. He had a stammer, perhaps you remember it?
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    After 8 years of knowing my ATF I found out that she had been married for the last 11 months of it.
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    I am convinced women are better liars than men, agreed?
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    My ex wife was the biggest liar that I ever knew. Because of it neither of her two daughters have spoken to her in years.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    I guess I have not been lied to as much as most. At least not that I'm aware of. I've had all the usual phone bill due, rent due, need groceries, sometimes these were true and sometimes not. I guess the biggest one was kind of like shadowcat's . A dancer GFE girl of mine was being physically abused by her herein addicted drunk ass baby daddy. I told her that if she wanted a relationship with me she had to kick him out and quit seeing him. She did at first but after a year or so he started sneaking around again. I confronted her on it and she lied about it. She used to get him out of the house before I got there. One day driving to her house I saw him walking down the road away from her house. She said he was just walking by spying on her. Later she moved to a new place and I found out he had moved in with her again. She denied it but I knew they were back together so I fired her. That's been a year ago; i still love her very much but it's over I don't put up with lies !
  • Holdem2
    10 years ago
    My ATF told me she used to be a guy after a round of really hot OTC. She laughed hysterically afterwards. At least I hope it was a lie......
  • trixxi
    10 years ago
    One stripper told me every day how she made thousands that day. I believe she was lying. She would pull me aside and very boastfully be like "I made $3,500 already today, and yesterday, at my other club, I made $6250!" When I saw that she posted on facebook that she was robbed, I would be lying if I did not feel a smudge of happiness. Of course, she has over 600 friends who already have offered to replace her lost belongings and cash. This particular dancer is KNOWN and written about on these forums for being an extreme dancer who ALWAYS lets men put their fingers up her ass, that is her "gimmick" I am not sure if there are that many men in Portland who would really pay that much for THAT.
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    "I give the best lap dances". Of course there's no polite way to tell a girl "that was fine, but really just average"!
  • nelson
    10 years ago
    I have heard many lies over my years clubbing. I have heard many friends and fellow clubbers tell me of lies they have been told. Like many of you that develope relationships with dancers, the minute I hear a lie it sours the relationship. It reconfirms the fact that it's all business....for them.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    I'm so used to lies now when I'm around with my CF that I just completely live in her world of lies, which to me is wonderful because THAT is the fantasy. My CF is the best liar and she knows it. After spending time with her, I go hangout with another friend dancer. That's all it is. It is how things go in this world.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    ^^^ umm...no not really. Alabegonz you have been hanging out with too many fucking strippers to hang out with normal people every once in awhile to balance out your world view...
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    ^^^ Like I will give a fuck on your reply, bro.
  • LenaSmirnova
    10 years ago
    I lie that I didn't have sex for some peculiar number of months say 7.5months and that I'm really gagging for it lol hahahaha like I feel I could fuck just anybody at that point and deciding who's that gonna be lol
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    One of the latest dancer who is camping on my table, last time, she spent most of her time sitting with me. And she is one hell of a dancer, I'll give you a clue, her eyes are blue. I felt I was robbing her time so I tell her to make rounds and check on the guys who were eye-fucking her from a distance. She would check them out and later she would take them to the booth. Come out and walk to my table. "Did the club give you training on how you score dances?" "No, I pretty much learned on my own." "Did I do good looking out who were eye-fucking you?" "Yeah, I didn't notice the guy until you told me he was staring at me."
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    ^^^ you should also stop using and get clean, then maybe normal people would want to hang out with you.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    "I want to move back to (SE Asian country) and run the family rice farm, as I'm the heir. But if you want to come with me we'll have to get married first." Yes, she really said that!
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    Had a dancer talk to me consistently about how she was paying cash for a house she was buying. Many months later she told me her lease was up and had to move. Not sure why she would want to BS me about something like that but whatever. I assume most what I'm told is SS.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    A one-time fav told me her mother had cancer. I suspected a scam, but the dancer never asked for money. Every time I saw her she gave me updates about her mom's condition, which went up and down. I believed her because she did not try to get money out of me for her mom's treatments, and I was very concerned about her and her mom. But then I did some internet research on this girl and discovered her mom had died 4 years ago. I'm still not sure why she lied about something so serious, but I never trusted her again.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    " I'm still not sure why she lied about something so serious" LOL Are you kidding? A dancer will say ANYTHING! They don't care. My ATF gave me a sob story about her mom AND her brother once when she blew off an OTC. I was a little naïve and started trying to "solve" the problem but of course got nowhere. She just had a better offer I'm sure. We all need to remember dancers are NOT normal people when it comes to social skills.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    "I did some internet research on this girl and discovered her mom had died 4 years ago". Jackslash the Detective! Jack, can I hire you? I've got a couple of strippers that I want to find more personal information about.
  • magicrat
    10 years ago
    Like most guys on here, I long ago stopped trying to figure out strippers and their shit. A current favorite who I get along really well with, continues to tell me she and her husband are separated, although they are not. What I don't get (and don't care) is that it doesn't make any difference to me if she is married so why lie about it? Oh well...a shit I do not give.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    If you stop believing the lie, the show is over. Simple as that, it's all fun and fantasy. Don't take it seriously, just have fun and play along.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    " I love you and always will"
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    I had a dancer tell me an intricate string up bullshit about herself and her family. After half and hour she was spouting contradictory information. I believe a relative even came back to life during that discussion. Admittedly it was entertaining.
  • Timbuck12
    10 years ago
    Stripper burst into tears and told me she had cancer and couldn't afford treatment. Said she was just going to go the natural medicine route. I keep waiting to read about her in the New England Journal of Medicine because 8+ years later she is still alive and well. Lol
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Lots of entertaining material, as I expected. The DS lied to me about something little, which is what prompted the thread. I figured you guys probably had xperienced a lot more lies than I had. Thanks for not disappointing.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    I had the cancer line pulled on me. The dancer, a favorite at the time, said she was going home (NY) for treatment. Yeah, OK. Well, a year or so later, my favorite barmaid calls me and says D is back! I asked when and I got her "schedule". First chance I get I popped in the club. There she was and came right over. Looked fine. I said something along the lines of, "You look good for having cancer." She reaches up, grabs her hair and pulls. Bald as a bowling ball! I felt so damn low. :( Anyway, I don't think she caught my sarcasm, and I found out her mouth was working just fine. :)
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    I have heard the cancer line before. The trouble with that is that one time, I met one who really did have cancer. I seen her before picture and she had nice big tits in proportion to her body, but after, she was small and she always wore wigs. She'd wear a different one every time. I think she ended quitting because the cancer came back. I hope she comes back at some point, but being she's quite old for a dancer, I doubt it.
  • dr_lee
    10 years ago
    I had one tell me her life story recently instead of actually giving me lap dances, which I paid a pretty penny for. She was rambling on so good that I think she must be telling the truth! But a regular one I get is the "you're great" or "I really like you" line. I actually think some girls are being sincere about it, but I take it for what it's worth. It's just a strip club and doesn't mean anything.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    One I knew had a very elaborate fantasy life regarding her education, supposed other jobs she had, the guy she was married and famous people she knew. It was funny because they lies were never malicious at all. Not even with a motive to make money somehow. She just seemed to like tell me these fantasy notions about this imaginary life of hers. I didn't even suspect much, because even with the very extensive embellishments this was still real banal stuff. Very sweet girl, but really off her rocker.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Londonguy: " I am convinced women are better liars than men, agreed?" Quite probably. I think it was Chris Rock who pointed out that they are bigger liars: "Guys will tell little lies like 'no those jeans do not make you look fat', but women will tell big lies like 'that baby is yours!'"
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    My feeling is that men are more what you see is what you get (including if they don't like you they won't try and hide it as much). But women can have all levels of agendas: some they are consciously aware of, others semi-consciously and others they themselves aren't even aware of. Probably necessary evolutionarily.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Also lying to avoid confrontation is more important to more women then it is to most men.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    dr_lee, "I actually think some girls are being sincere about it...". I agree. And those few are the ones that usually become an ATF, or to a lessor extent a favorite. I say this because in my experience, those are dancers that one can have a relationship with. Yes, money may be involved, but your average dancer, she dances, takes the cash, and is done with you.
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