Hello guys,hope you are in a good festive mood.I have something I've been meaning to ask you lately.If you meet a stripper in the club that you a happy to have dances with but on closer inspection 1)realise she is quite drunk to the point where she lacks in coordination,maybe has to take her shoes off so she won't stumble 2)or when you look her in the eye you feel she's high and look slightly through you or a bit too 'happy' 3)or she's hot but her hair is greasy like she didn't wash it for a week and her bottoms suspiciously don't match her outfit like she just digged them out of somewhere 4)or she comes closer and in different lighting seem at least 10 to 20years older than you thought of her initially! My question is which of the above would affect your buying decisions and how?
On the other hand if the stripper is hot but 1.act like teetotal and even lectures you a bit on your alcoholic drink and gives you other uncalled for lifestyle advice,including weight management 2.or say something very clever about investing large sums of money which gives her away as totally loaded plus a financial genius and you was just about to pay her for an hour upfront Would that affect your buying decision and how?
Many thanks for the answers can't wait to read them!! In my experience all of the above can be just fine with patron but I want to hear what you got to say! :)
Drunk girls annoy me because they're boring. They talk shit and I prefer clever conversation. But a little tipsy is fun; I do buy my regulars drinks and they show their appreciation.
High girls are okay because I know they're going to be introspective so I don't need to talk too much to them, just play with their beauty and let them be in their own space. They make be less energetic when they're high but I get to be more aggressive too so it evens out.
There's never an excuse for bad hygiene. A funky smell is a deal breaker even if she's a regular...luckily my regulars have never been a problem.
As for age, my #3 is pushing 50 and she's still one of my all time faves. She's so sweet, and she gets me hard better than even my old ATF. She's in great shape and she'd make a good wife even. Not that I'll ever get married again.
Lena, Sorry you and I got off to a bad start. But as I don't agree with what you say in your book, or in the views you were trying to present in advancing it, it gets right to what you are posting now.
With your second group of two items, I would not have much patience for a dancer who is trying to advance any sort of a moralistic agenda. I would be happy to talk with her. But if she is using some sort of agenda to keep herself from being able to engage with me, it wouldn't get very far. I would be able to poke holes in her agenda, just as I was easily able to poke holes in what you were trying to advance with your book. If she would not back down, then we would not have much else to talk about.
As far as your first group of 4 items, I've not had much experience with dancers who don't look good. But as for drugs and alcohol, she would have to be someone who can carry on a sensible conversation with me. Someone who faces life's ups and downs via mood altering chemicals is not someone I would have much patience with anyway.
I don't really "buy dances", as I see that as a waste of money. I don't really let girls "sell dances" to me either. Rather, I will pay them the customary amount and go into the booth with them and partake, as it is just a show of appreciation and an attempt at mild flattery. What I am really going to be wanting to make happen with them is a more civilianized and GFE sort of encounter. So the sooner she can be gotten off script, the better.
1) If they come over drunk then odds are they are fucking annoying and look like shit... Had one like that last time sit on my buddies lap at the end of the night, she looked tore up from the floor up and usually she is on the hotter side. However, if they start off sober with me and get drunk as I get drunk well I really am not bothered because I am fucked up to.
2) High bithces are crazy and have never given me a good dance. One chick I took was the hottest in the club but high as all hell. Took her because I "Owed" he and had a shitty dance, saw her again a month later and she was like "You owe me a dance" and I was like "Nah we had a dance last time" she was so fucking high she didn't remember. She was not this time and the dance was better but not good enough to take the risk so she was kicked to the curb.
3) Never encountered it but yeah I can't tolerate that shit... Sorry being a stripper is about appearance among other things so if you can't get that right then move on.
4) I would be taken back for a moment but probably would take her anyways.
Out of the 4 #3 is what would stop me personally...
Now the other things...
1) Fuck off bitch... I am fat? Yeah so is my wallet and that stripper don't mind this big belly because I make it rain on the bitch! I drink to much? Yeah well I have to numb the pain of talking to your hot ass! Nothing bothers me more then a stripper who is judgmental... I don't give these broads any shit for grinding men for money so keep your opinion to yourself unless I ask and even then don't fuck up a good thing.
2) Not really... My CF was drunk and started telling me how her and her fiance own 3 businesses and a home... If true then more power to you and if not then I see no point on lying to me. If they make good money and have good things then makes it easier to shoot them down when they try flipping the script and pulling the whole 'Rent is due" line lol
However I have only been doing the strip club thing since April so take my opinion with a grain of salt I go a lot but some of these guys have been going for years...
@Lena: I just read your article and I was very impressed! I like how you don't state the obvious, and instead point out subtle tricks of the trade. I was particularly interested in your theory on color; how a solid color creates an aura. I was just telling a dancer last night that I liked her clothes because she was like a "cartoon character" meaning she had an obvious theme to her personal presentation. I like that approach much better than just a haphazard top and thong. It facilitates the customer creating a fantasy personality to project upon the dancer, which is after all the whole point of the exercise.
@rockstar666 thanks for the input,appreciate the article compliment too,yes find drunk dancers are boring and high is better if they're a peaceful type! As I seen some paranoid girls getting into fist fights...as for bad hygiene I have bad news lol limp hair is the only way to tell she needs a shower because girls go through a bunch of baby wipes then half of deodorant and half a bottle of cheap perfume and even carry dry shampoo in their bag they can rub in the hair roots whenever,so maybe if she shaves-look out for the pussy stubble! The annoying thing is that scruffy ones make their money anyways haha maybe it's the smell of pheromones,maybe she look like she is up for most things for money whatever guys make of it!
@nelly632 interesting feedback.You come across very emotionally secure.I enjoy the second part a lot where it won't matter to you if the stripper is hot she still has to work for her money and entertain and then you allow them to be highly successful and it doesn't phase you some of it is your money,great stuff! :)
@Lena - I got a lot of great advice yesterday which has made me realize a few things about my strip club game. I hope to implement a better game plan next time I am in the club. I have read a lot on this site which helps combat the games these strippers play. But yeah your money so your terms...
Group one: 1. Tipsy? OK. Drunk off her ass? No way. 2. High? On what? Weed, fine, H, get the fuck away from me. 3. Greasy hair (or poor hygiene in general), deal killer. 4. 10 to 20 years *all by itself* isn't a deal killer. Makeup that's caking her face, clothes that hide dirty or diseased skin, deal killer.
Group two. 1. Completely disinterested. Unless she's willing to listen to me tell her how to keep her pussy clean and her breast perky.
2. I would assume that she's been talking to Dougster and Rickdugan and leave her alone as out of my league. Or I'd wear a white, maybe three piece, suit and call her a lying thieving whore while talking about my six (or is it seven now) figure income and offer to take her back to my hotel and not have sex with her. Not sure which.
I'm fine with drunk or high. Probably will boost the mileage and bang for the buck.
I don't really care about sloppy appearance unless it means she smells bad.
I do like my dancers younger than me, and I'm in my 30s. So I'd probably decline if a woman I thought was 26 was 36.
No one wants a moralizing lecture at a strip club. That's just obvious.
As for the hypothetical financial wizard, 8 probably spar with her on strategy and pick her brain if she actually had some real advice to give. Basically free financial advice! But unless she was really hot, she could easily put herself in the friend zone, where I enjoy her company but have no interest in paying her.
1) Drunk -- no way, no how. That being said, I have had some dances from a woman who was so drunk, she could barely stand up -- even without her shoes. It was more a case of get it over with and get her away from me. 2) Stoned, high, etc. -- again, no. Course, I don't have a lot of experience with drugs and drugged people, so, to me, it could just come off as some personality quirks. 3) Hygiene -- pass. I wouldn't want a woman to run her greasy hair up and down my body. I'd feel like I'd have to back to the hotel and change, and after that, I probably wouldn't be in the mood for strippers for the rest of the night. 4) Age -- one of my ATFs, who I just got to see a couple weeks ago, is 53, the same age as me. Her age might be starting to show a little bit, but she's still one of the sexiest, smartest, and most vibrant people I've ever me. Even though I've never seen her outside the club, I don't think I'd trade her in, even for John's DS.
Second group: 1) Babble, babble, babble. Huge deal-breaker. I'm there to indulge in some fantasy, not get lectured about things that I have no interest in and/or are really none of her business. 2) Financials. Someone who has her head on straight and knows how to invest her money? Kudos and very cool. I've met a couple dancers like this, and they've impressed me -- but the only investment I'm there to make is in some lap dances.
Ah exciting,thanks for the answers,i know i asked too many questions at once,its just that i'm brainstorming,wanna write a few articles on these topics over the festive period,also gives you choice just to pick questions that draws you in more so i get some ideas.
Here's my counter intel: customers go for very drunk girls cos they think they can take advantage of them in the room.I recon girls who are high may get more business because guys think they can buy the stuff from her,possibly even take stuff together in VIP or at least get a contact where to buy- in my opinion but i may be silly and paranoid lol.Weed girls are lightweight but theres a notion that if you befriend her theres rolling some smokes and rolling around bed with her in her home so thats an attractive fantasy to believe in.Messy look can work,rarely seen it fail actually.Old girls are popular here if they are confident.The oldest one i met was 55,not vibrant but was top girl in my club as too smart,her main competitor was 43 and she outsmarted and got the grandma sacked:( Extra fit girls get arrogant at times and can be uncool with customers who are not up to their standard as they rub their eyes too much into fit guys in gym all the time,it gets even counter productive when she makes less money because she is fussy but still decent income because she gets approached all the time for dances,especially after the stage show.And in case of financial wizzard,i've once met some short fat old lady who gave interesting talks on investment and would typically spent most of her night in VIP half of it with her thin old ghastly assistant dancer.She had a bunch of committed regulars and they also used some stories about a secret members only dungeon or a swinger place or both,while sitting on the floor half naked with a whimsical face expression….then make what would be in dollars over a grand per night…hmmm need to get some training from Dougster and Rickdougan and come up with new hassle lol
it was a bit of a revelation when the weird finance expert lecturer lady made one night roughly 2grand in pounds which is like 3k in dollars,i was like ffs,that shit makes more money than my metaphysics,i need to bug the vip room and connect it to my phone lol but seriously…except she works a few different clubs,texts her regulars and changes the rooms all the time,the bitch knows…lol
^^^ Only on TUSCL :) Why can't all ladies be like the ones who post here? ... aren't you supposed to be snide and cutthroat trying see which one is going to be the favorite.
Guys you've asked me before. ..this is why I'm ready to date dancers ;)
Lena sounds like you are frustrated at seeing dancers who have what are generally considered repulsive traits making good money. I think we men are very influenced by our early sexual experiences as teenagers. In a lot of cases, those experiences are with girls who have drinking or drug problems, or are even street walkers. Women like that become a closet fetish for these guys. Also, people who had a parent who was critical or domineering are often attracted sexually by that personality.
In any business it's an advantage to customize when possible to cater to each customer. If you observe that a customer responds to the personality of a drunk or a bitch or a school teacher, you can do your best to pretend to be those things. You don't have much to loose it that's what they really want. Maybe you could even keep a wig in your locker with some grease combed into it, if there are really a lot of guys at your club you have a fetish for that.
There have been some studies that show when men are looking to get laid (as opposed to looking for a long term romantic partner) they are more drawn to "dumb and drunk".
It actually explains the common complaint I've heard on SW that dancers who come across as "too smart" and it either hurts their earnings or guys try to White Knight them ("Let me take you away from all this... you're too smart and beautiful to be working here..."). Most of the guys here seem to agree that when it comes to buying dances "I'm so horny" is a better pick up line than starting an intellectual conversation; the conversation might be enjoyed, but it doesn't often lead to dollars in a dancer's clutch.
I don't mind dancers who are a little high, a little drunk, as long as they can keep up with me. When they pass out its over. We can't have any more fun. I will not and can not if she is not fully conscious and responding to my affections. Generally alcohol will cause girls to loosen up and allow them to be free from their inhibitions. This allows me to speed up my advances and it breaks down what ever willpower they have to resist. As far as poor hygiene I cannot stand to be with a girl with poor hygiene. I shower and shave put on after shave and cologne body spray etc before I go to the club And I expect my girl to be fresh and smell good too. My dancers always compliment me how good I smell in the genital area and over my whole body. I expect them to smell good too. Nobody has time for "Stinky Dancers".
I like to find the smart girls and then see just how dirty they can be. Something really hot about and intelligent dirty slut. Unfortunately those are the girls that get married up rather quickly -- and they're ready to start slutting again ;)
Very productive discussion for me,thanks everybody,illbbaicnl,JamesSD thanks for that sort of intel,very useful.its hard sometimes to imagine exactly why a man pays good money for inferior product...I notice also guys who went to all boys school have all kinds of fuck up,I think I want to discuss it separately! :)
last commentHigh girls are okay because I know they're going to be introspective so I don't need to talk too much to them, just play with their beauty and let them be in their own space. They make be less energetic when they're high but I get to be more aggressive too so it evens out.
There's never an excuse for bad hygiene. A funky smell is a deal breaker even if she's a regular...luckily my regulars have never been a problem.
As for age, my #3 is pushing 50 and she's still one of my all time faves. She's so sweet, and she gets me hard better than even my old ATF. She's in great shape and she'd make a good wife even. Not that I'll ever get married again.
With your second group of two items, I would not have much patience for a dancer who is trying to advance any sort of a moralistic agenda. I would be happy to talk with her. But if she is using some sort of agenda to keep herself from being able to engage with me, it wouldn't get very far. I would be able to poke holes in her agenda, just as I was easily able to poke holes in what you were trying to advance with your book. If she would not back down, then we would not have much else to talk about.
As far as your first group of 4 items, I've not had much experience with dancers who don't look good. But as for drugs and alcohol, she would have to be someone who can carry on a sensible conversation with me. Someone who faces life's ups and downs via mood altering chemicals is not someone I would have much patience with anyway.
I don't really "buy dances", as I see that as a waste of money. I don't really let girls "sell dances" to me either. Rather, I will pay them the customary amount and go into the booth with them and partake, as it is just a show of appreciation and an attempt at mild flattery. What I am really going to be wanting to make happen with them is a more civilianized and GFE sort of encounter. So the sooner she can be gotten off script, the better.
And of course, Jestrite50 has demonstrated the best way to go about this:
2) High bithces are crazy and have never given me a good dance. One chick I took was the hottest in the club but high as all hell. Took her because I "Owed" he and had a shitty dance, saw her again a month later and she was like "You owe me a dance" and I was like "Nah we had a dance last time" she was so fucking high she didn't remember. She was not this time and the dance was better but not good enough to take the risk so she was kicked to the curb.
3) Never encountered it but yeah I can't tolerate that shit... Sorry being a stripper is about appearance among other things so if you can't get that right then move on.
4) I would be taken back for a moment but probably would take her anyways.
Out of the 4 #3 is what would stop me personally...
Now the other things...
1) Fuck off bitch... I am fat? Yeah so is my wallet and that stripper don't mind this big belly because I make it rain on the bitch! I drink to much? Yeah well I have to numb the pain of talking to your hot ass! Nothing bothers me more then a stripper who is judgmental... I don't give these broads any shit for grinding men for money so keep your opinion to yourself unless I ask and even then don't fuck up a good thing.
2) Not really... My CF was drunk and started telling me how her and her fiance own 3 businesses and a home... If true then more power to you and if not then I see no point on lying to me. If they make good money and have good things then makes it easier to shoot them down when they try flipping the script and pulling the whole 'Rent is due" line lol
However I have only been doing the strip club thing since April so take my opinion with a grain of salt I go a lot but some of these guys have been going for years...
1. Tipsy? OK. Drunk off her ass? No way.
2. High? On what? Weed, fine, H, get the fuck away from me.
3. Greasy hair (or poor hygiene in general), deal killer.
4. 10 to 20 years *all by itself* isn't a deal killer. Makeup that's caking her face, clothes that hide dirty or diseased skin, deal killer.
Group two.
1. Completely disinterested. Unless she's willing to listen to me tell her how to keep her pussy clean and her breast perky.
2. I would assume that she's been talking to Dougster and Rickdugan and leave her alone as out of my league. Or I'd wear a white, maybe three piece, suit and call her a lying thieving whore while talking about my six (or is it seven now) figure income and offer to take her back to my hotel and not have sex with her. Not sure which.
I don't really care about sloppy appearance unless it means she smells bad.
I do like my dancers younger than me, and I'm in my 30s. So I'd probably decline if a woman I thought was 26 was 36.
No one wants a moralizing lecture at a strip club. That's just obvious.
As for the hypothetical financial wizard, 8 probably spar with her on strategy and pick her brain if she actually had some real advice to give. Basically free financial advice! But unless she was really hot, she could easily put herself in the friend zone, where I enjoy her company but have no interest in paying her.
2) Stoned, high, etc. -- again, no. Course, I don't have a lot of experience with drugs and drugged people, so, to me, it could just come off as some personality quirks.
3) Hygiene -- pass. I wouldn't want a woman to run her greasy hair up and down my body. I'd feel like I'd have to back to the hotel and change, and after that, I probably wouldn't be in the mood for strippers for the rest of the night.
4) Age -- one of my ATFs, who I just got to see a couple weeks ago, is 53, the same age as me. Her age might be starting to show a little bit, but she's still one of the sexiest, smartest, and most vibrant people I've ever me. Even though I've never seen her outside the club, I don't think I'd trade her in, even for John's DS.
Second group:
1) Babble, babble, babble. Huge deal-breaker. I'm there to indulge in some fantasy, not get lectured about things that I have no interest in and/or are really none of her business.
2) Financials. Someone who has her head on straight and knows how to invest her money? Kudos and very cool. I've met a couple dancers like this, and they've impressed me -- but the only investment I'm there to make is in some lap dances.
Here's my counter intel: customers go for very drunk girls cos they think they can take advantage of them in the room.I recon girls who are high may get more business because guys think they can buy the stuff from her,possibly even take stuff together in VIP or at least get a contact where to buy- in my opinion but i may be silly and paranoid lol.Weed girls are lightweight but theres a notion that if you befriend her theres rolling some smokes and rolling around bed with her in her home so thats an attractive fantasy to believe in.Messy look can work,rarely seen it fail actually.Old girls are popular here if they are confident.The oldest one i met was 55,not vibrant but was top girl in my club as too smart,her main competitor was 43 and she outsmarted and got the grandma sacked:(
Extra fit girls get arrogant at times and can be uncool with customers who are not up to their standard as they rub their eyes too much into fit guys in gym all the time,it gets even counter productive when she makes less money because she is fussy but still decent income because she gets approached all the time for dances,especially after the stage show.And in case of financial wizzard,i've once met some short fat old lady who gave interesting talks on investment and would typically spent most of her night in VIP half of it with her thin old ghastly assistant dancer.She had a bunch of committed regulars and they also used some stories about a secret members only dungeon or a swinger place or both,while sitting on the floor half naked with a whimsical face expression….then make what would be in dollars over a grand per night…hmmm need to get some training from Dougster and Rickdougan and come up with new hassle lol
Why can't all ladies be like the ones who post here?
... aren't you supposed to be snide and cutthroat trying see which one is going to be the favorite.
Guys you've asked me before. ..this is why I'm ready to date dancers ;)
In any business it's an advantage to customize when possible to cater to each customer. If you observe that a customer responds to the personality of a drunk or a bitch or a school teacher, you can do your best to pretend to be those things. You don't have much to loose it that's what they really want. Maybe you could even keep a wig in your locker with some grease combed into it, if there are really a lot of guys at your club you have a fetish for that.
It actually explains the common complaint I've heard on SW that dancers who come across as "too smart" and it either hurts their earnings or guys try to White Knight them ("Let me take you away from all this... you're too smart and beautiful to be working here..."). Most of the guys here seem to agree that when it comes to buying dances "I'm so horny" is a better pick up line than starting an intellectual conversation; the conversation might be enjoyed, but it doesn't often lead to dollars in a dancer's clutch.
As far as poor hygiene I cannot stand to be with a girl with poor hygiene. I shower and shave put on after shave and cologne body spray etc before I go to the club And I expect my girl to be fresh and smell good too. My dancers always compliment me how good I smell in the genital area and over my whole body. I expect them to smell good too. Nobody has time for "Stinky Dancers".
I like to find the smart girls and then see just how dirty they can be. Something really hot about and intelligent dirty slut. Unfortunately those are the girls that get married up rather quickly -- and they're ready to start slutting again ;)