Took a rare noontime strip club visit today. There were on,y two dancers on older Asian and a young statuesque blonde. I was the only customer. Tipped a little to the asian on stage first who was quite uninspired. Then the young one comes out. Long legs in fishnet stockings. Long curly hair. Perfect, natural B-size titties. She's leaning in being playful and teasing. Then she sits to spread her legs. As she grips her hands!!! The complete opposite of everything sleek and petite about her. Totally broke the moment and any chances of taking her to a couch.
What other surprising revelations have you encountered at the stage the completely threw off a magical moment?
Was at a nude club and the girl spreading her legs. I got closer to tip because it looked like she was really turned-on and had that sexy milky-white juice trickling out... Nope, it was a tampon string. At that point, I was looking for some dark-red around the pretty pink pussy. I guess she was totally not shy about the feminine hygiene product. Maybe she thought it would get her some kinky customers. :P
last comment(But I managed to look past this)
The most surprising thing to me was a girl who had a large, unattractive mole right next to her pussy. Spread her legs, and BAM! there it was.
Where? Even if the, "...asian on stage first who was quite uninspired." I'm up for her. :)…