
Comments by Mate27 (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    Professor rickthevulture
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Bitch, Don’t kill my vibe
    Campus Protests
    Lmfao! The Lion strikes again with a perfect assessment of SkiDumb and CJKunt.
  • review comment
    6 months ago
    Combo platter
    Any news on how Kurt passed? Best bartender at a club ever. RIP.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Bitch, Don’t kill my vibe
    Campus Protests
    ^its called the victim culture, proliferated by the ubiquitous media and people having too much time on their hands consuming media. Youth have been brainwashed to thinking anything you can do to garner attention, even negative attention, is valuable. Since creating polarizing view points is the low hanging fruit of attention seekers(we know who they are), the only way to control it is to limit consumption of crappy media but that east into our freedom of speech rights. United we stand, divided we fall. Everything the media is doing is trying to divide our values of a country. Consciously determining how you can make your own life better and get to work is harder than botching anout tye current situation, but that type of knowledge comes with experience that our youth lacks from having too much time on their hands. Gotta have a works project administration to put these kids to work so they’re time is occupied with productive outlets!
  • review comment
    6 months ago
    Just A few Highlights at the Hi-Liter
    This place is a rip off and the reason why they get away with it is because of people like you throwing down for any attention, because talent is poor. Go to other clubs and pick girls more attractive with better pricing/more action. I visited last week with 20 dancers and 10 customers, and only 1-2 guys getting dances when 15 Cubans on their phones would eventually come by and “wanna dance” yiu with their fat ass. No thanks!
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Why are strippers so afraid of extras ?
    Because the OP doesn’t want to watch his meat loaf, like some faggity fading hippie!
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    6 months ago
    ^^ good one, Meatloaf. Not!! You’re such a dumb skier, aka SkiDumb, aka Meatloaf. Maybe you can find paradise by the dashboard light, someday. Lmfao
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    6 months ago
    Moody, if you ever wondered whether you’re old or not, just confirm by typing the words “meat loaf” as the title of a thread and you’ll know you’re there. SkiDumb wants dudes to watch his meat loaf. lol!!
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Strippers who dislike the customers
    Hell I agree with strippers who don’t like their customers, because I don’t like them either. Anytime a customer tries to strike up a conversation with me I’ll give a one word answer and find somewhere else in the club to sit. Don’t talk to me, just tip the ladies and shut up.
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    6 months ago
    SkiDumb watches his meat loaf!! Lmfao
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    What inexpensive item do you have that is either super useful or enjoyable?
    ^^ good one, not! Just dumb. Aka SkiDumb!!
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    SkiDumb likes to hang out with other dudes and watch his meat loaf. lol!
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    What inexpensive item do you have that is either super useful or enjoyable?
    I bought a lifetime subscription to Sirius satellite radio almost 20 years ago for $500. The amount of entertainment I continue to receive without having to pay for it astonishes me. Of course, reading the incomprehensible muses of SkiDumb and Rick the Lions reactions to said proses is most beneficial to start the day with a good laugh. The old saying is when someone doesn’t get the punchline to a joke means the joke is on you, well that definitely sums up the dumbest skier on the planet!
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Inflation: You’re Never Going To Move Again*
    Just dumb, SkiDumb. Constant rage aholic ramblIng on like BLM did during the 2020 riots. You’ll get cancer holding onto that much hate, projecting your feelings, like they matter…..
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Inflation: You’re Never Going To Move Again*
    https://apple.news/AtIS8vSJfQaK-j8jNu5cpfA Lest anyone thinks inflation #’s reported are real in time, they’re not. Considering services inflation is what’s propelling the #’s, and the fact that shelter costs make up 1/3 of the readings, inflation affects everyone differently. Has everyone suddenly become a renter??!! Also, shelter costs lag 18-24 months in reporting in real time. Translation, what we are seeing is why has happened nearly 2 years ago. The fight against inflation is basically over, but wages haven’t kept up, yet. This imbalance is working its way through the system, and rent prices have leveled off for a year and will reflect in the CPI #s going forward. Even the fed has stated so, in spite of political pundits thinking it’s not. Bottom line, people like me and many established working class individuals have been affected, but adjust easier than the marginalized, and my standard of living hasn’t been reduced at all. In fact, I’d venture to say those in my similar situation have gained in prosperity due to owning appreciating assets(real estate, stocks, bonds), therefore being in a better standing economically. Yet tha doesn’t grab headlines in the media like the woe is me victim culture. Most people are react in knee jerk fashion, not understanding things in totality, they’d rather complain as it is the low hanging fruit to validation, ie misery loves company. I still pay cash for everything; cars, vacations, groceries, lap dances, etc. I finance nothing and it took me 20 years of working my ass off to live below my means to get to this place in life. The media doesn’t want to point out that a large majority of people in the US have also done the same and are doing fine, which is why we can pay elevated prices, but those increases have basically stalled the past 18-24 months, stripping out shelter costs. Now get off my lawn!!
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Stripper Ethics
    Great thread OP. Spot on with your analysis. It is why in some cultures that men having mistresses are totally acceptable and quite the norm, but that’s not the case in our society. We are prudish men n the US, but a strip club is a place we go where we pay for providers not to be prudish. I can understand if the dancer wasn’t getting paid, but seriously that type of dancer needs to get over herself or find another profession.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Prude rules for strip clubs...
    Quantify what is a cheap offer for otc and what is acceptable? Anyway, the 3 vip qualifier may be in part to the club dynamics, since no action can take place unless you go to vip to do a test run. I’ve been to dive clubs where I didn’t even do a dance and was offered otc, and then down the street to a higher end club and girls won’t even talk to me without going to vip. Interesting discusion never less, and the person who said we are living in a sea of millions where each person has their own right to make their own standards is spot on. Just because you don’t agree with how one does business doesn’t make them gps. It just means there is a process for them. Every business model has a process, and if I don’t agree with it then I move on and won’t take it personally. It’s apparent some members are quite sensitive to anything that doesn’t align to their tastes, and get off my lawn!
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Heading to Phoenix for fun
    Band aids, sugar 44, Christie’s Tempe, and Bourbon in that order from talent going up with mileage, but as with everything YMMV depending on rapport with the girl. Make multiple visits if have time.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Favorite line, lines or stanza of any song ever recorded.
    Boom! Boom! Boom! Let’s go back to my room, where we can do it all night, and we can do it just right.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Favorite line, lines or stanza of any song ever recorded.
    Put your hands down my pants, and I’ll bet you feel nuts! Yiu and me baby ain’t nothing but mammals, so let’s do it like they do on the Disxovery channel(get horny now).
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    New Mexico
    Good time in Champagne room, reasonable time overall, but not the value it was
    Great notes!
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Providence RI
    lol! Can’t you read??
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Dancers Leaving The Clubs For Sugar Daddy Benefactors
    Or having children, because these people can’t look past their own hedonistic needs to fill their never ending empty void, a bottomless pit.
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    Easter Sunday Funday
    The club must in yiur hood if it’s the best value. I’ve been there and the talent is less than going to some $10/dance clubs with OTP/itp.