What inexpensive item do you have that is either super useful or enjoyable?
And by inexpensive, maybe something that costs less than you would normally spend at the titty bar for one visit.
After getting enough uses, I’d say this popcorn popper is pretty great. https://ecolutionhome.com/products/micro-pop-popcorn-popper-1-5-quart?variant=36637877108897
last commentThis photo of you:
When I’m feeling sad and lonely I look at it and it always cheers me right up, and it was free. Still trying to get Rock to forward some of the nudie photos you sent him but he hasn’t responded yet.
I've picked up some real nice ceramic Le Creuset cookware at "Pick 'n Save" for under $30 as my favorite/go-to cookware I've had for 20+ years.
And, I have dog show leads made from kangaroo hide (under $100) with a nylon core I've used for 20 years that just never wear out, look perfect with my dogs and feel good in my hand; simple and elegant, not flashy.
Sous vide precision cooker. I bought one 8 or 9 years ago. It is the best way to cook meat.
In 1966 I attended my first coin show. saved for 2 years and had $45.00 ($433.79 today). I spent $40 on one coin and the other $5.00 on the rest. My Dad was pissed. I don't even know what the hell a shield nickel is was his comment. I still have that old nickel. It's worth $4,896.00 now. My old man also owned a Studebaker, a Renault and a Corvair. He was just as astute about coins as cars.
Good question NS. It depends on where you draw the line for “inexpensive” and how important reusability is. For example, the most useful items I own are my Tesla, my stylin’ suits, and my bottle of Jack. I reuse the Tesla and my suits. But once I’m done with the bottle of Jack it goes in the recycle bin. Damn that bin fills up fast…
Anyhoo, Imma just comment that Jackslash clearly understood the question and Skifredo did not. The question was linking two characteristics - “inexpensive” and “useful” or “enjoyable”. I mean really…a sous vide cooker is both useful and enjoyable. Nothin’ like wildebeest sous vide.
But a frickin’ nickel? I mean yeah…it appreciated somewhat more than 10-fold in more than half a frickin’ century, so cool on that. Bet you’re glad you have that frickin’ nickel rather than some nasty Apple stock from the ‘97.
Regardless, how useful is a frickin’ coin? Or enjoyable? Unless…maybe Fredo is jackin’ off to his nickel and he’s tryin’ to get us to slowly realize that he’s jackin’ it while sittin’ in the back of a Corvair, lookin’ at the nickel and waitin’ to get rear ended. That’s some sick shit Skifredo! Imma hafta track you down and go all wildebeest on your ass. ROAR!!!
I would say my dogs. Both rescues. Each cost less than a hundred to include microchipping, initial physicals, spaying/neutering, and any parasite treatments they needed at time of admittance. Of course, true cost to own always runs higher than the initial purchase price on these items...
Cast iron frying pan. Cost less than $20. It’s the original nonstick cookware. And it does not wear out. I use it several times a week either on the stovetop or in the oven.
I have a leatherman wave and carry it almost always. It’s incredibly useful.
In the category of super cheap, I have wooden toast grabber tongs that I didn’t know existed until a couple years ago. No more unpleasant adventures removing the toast from the toaster.
A pair of Doc Martens boots that have lasted over 12 years in a winter climate. I don't know that I've purchased anything in my life that was more value for money.
^That makes you a lesbian lol.
My $15 pair of flip flops I've had 25 years that is comfortable enough to walk miles in.
Until recently I had a $10 checked blazer from a thrift store that almost always got compliments and got me a ton of tail. Lasted me 20 years.
And of course, my beloved cat (who was rubbing up against me while I was thinking of my screen name).
I bought a lifetime subscription to Sirius satellite radio almost 20 years ago for $500. The amount of entertainment I continue to receive without having to pay for it astonishes me. Of course, reading the incomprehensible muses of SkiDumb and Rick the Lions reactions to said proses is most beneficial to start the day with a good laugh. The old saying is when someone doesn’t get the punchline to a joke means the joke is on you, well that definitely sums up the dumbest skier on the planet!
Same as Huntsman I have a leather man folding utility tool, I’ve had it for 20-25 years. I have no idea what it cost me when i purchased the tool back then. It’s been used so often to make repairs and modifications I couldn’t remember how we ever got along without this amazing piece.
Craftsman Multi-Cut 3 inch utility tool. Pliers-type grip pushes a replaceable, heavy-duty razor blade onto a replaceable anvil. Brother in law gave it to me decades ago, and I have used it in so many situations where no other tool could possibly work.
My record player
I would also say a good pocket knife. Although I have several knifes, I've had a couple for 40 years, just resharp it and good to go, I carry one every day and use it multiple times a day.
Also my BBQ grill, it's like 15-17 years old and still going, I've cooked lots of meal on that thing, the cost is probably down to under $1.00 per meal cooked.
If given the choice by God of spending two days living as Mate27 or dying of cancer at 4:00 p.m. today, I would gladly choose the later. A steaming pile of cattle dung has more value as a human being than this little cunt will ever have.
^^ good one, not! Just dumb. Aka SkiDumb!!
Monthly subscriptions for Spotify and The Athletic.
@WOODDR2- that's a good one. I have a Schrade Old Timer cattleman's knife that will last nearly forever as I take care of it
And the grill, is it a Weber kettle?
Ski - I thought that was Birkenstocks.
Nicespice are you trolling? Is this your way of asking for more drama on here?
Well it's coming. There is a love triangle on this site that I'm involved in, and act of betrayal. And I will make the shocking reveal later this week. So start popping that popcorn, get ready.
To answer to your question. I went ahead and got the planet fitness black card membership. It's $25 a month to use any planet fitness. I get my money's worth. No more jumping in the river to take showers on the road, I had enough all that redneck ass shit.
A plastic pasta fork I got at a supermarket about 20 years ago. It was $5 and it looked like it could be the perfect back scratcher, and that's exactly what it turned out to be.
Cross Doc Martens were the definer lol. Muddy is correct - Planet Fitness is amazing for travelers for the showers alone. You land in Lauderdale at 10:00 a.m., early check-in at the hotel is 1 p.m. a/k/a 60 minutes after you want to be at The Booby Trap, so you grab your carryon, pick up the clubs at baggage, grab the rental car, a shower at Planet Fitness and you're drinking a beer, ordering lunch and fondling the Cubana on your lap at noon.
^sounds like the perfect Friday
I got a new coffee maker--but it wasn't inexpensive.
I really don’t like having things (the possessed possess the possessor) but what I do have are a whole butt-load of medications. I make sure to always restock in countries that you can buy over the counter and compared to the USA they are usually very inexpensive and have proven to be very useful on occasion. Azithromycin in particular has saved me many a doctor’s visit along with the accompanying bills.
I agree, BabyDoc, I also don't like having a lot of things. I try to keep "stuff" to a minimum and regularly simply drop a box of odds-and-ends off at a church donation center near me.
My best item? Trackball. I hate a standard Mouse attachment to a computer because it interferes with my touch-typing The trackball is always exactly the same distance away from the keyboard, so when I need to move the on-screen mouse-pointer cursor, I can move my hand to the side for the trackball and back to the home keys for typing without having to look down. This improves my humdrum computer-seated day by adding a small dose of efficiency, but that's not the important part. The important part is that it eliminates an otherwise recurring annoyance. Try it you'll like it. I generally use the Kensington Orbit, but others out there are just as good.
The Quick Change Reach and Clean Tool. https://www.amazon.com/Invisible-Glass-95160-Windshield-Reversible/dp/B01M9JUEQX/ref=asc_df_B01M9JUEQX/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzYzO953lhQMVFVpHAR3kNwcUEAQYBCABEgJKu_D_BwE&hvadid=309770208664&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=undefined&hvlocint=undefined&hvlocphy=9003494&hvnetw=g&hvpone=undefined&hvpos=undefined&hvptwo=undefined&hvqmt=undefined&hvrand=889283775815854350&hvtargid=pla-450133255883&linkCode=df0&mcid=713f5ccd569736e9a7b81a0f0e8dd068&tag=hyprod-20&th=1
Bought this for about 20 bucks at AutoZone (apparently it's cheaper on Amazon) and use it all the time. This thing makes cleaning the inside of your windshield and rear window a breeze. It doesn't matter what car wash I go to, no matter how good the ratings, or how high the price, they ALWAYS do a shitty job cleaning the windows. With this and a quick spritz of Windex those streaks are no problem to clean, even with my bad back. It twists apart into pieces and comes with a little bag for storage. The pads are washable or you can use paper towels which cling to the pad nicely when moistened with glass cleaner.
I bought a couple cock rings after my prostate surgery made it harder to maintain, uhem, a hard one.
Didn't cost much. And every use has been enjoyable 🙂
Hummingbird feeders. They are only a few bucks. Fill them with some sugar water every week or two and we get hummingbirds all summer long. Saw the first one yesterday. I find them fascinating and it’s very peaceful to watch them buzz around. They are also very territorial so when two or three come at the same time it’s like a little WW2 dogfight.