Honestly, I should be used to this by now. Strip clubs are no exception regarding fun girls that want to have fun. I've always been a hardworker, and my experience with customer service instantly makes me want to satisfy high-paying customers. Money turns me on. My biggest turn on nowadays, in fact. Money and fun go hand and hand and mesh together so well. For years, staff has scolded and discouraged my antics that stem from my own natural livlihood. It's hard being mediocre and average. It's boring being told to fit into a box to level up coworkers playing field. The day I feel content being a basic, prudish bitch is the day I need to hang up my stripping shoes and become a dried up civilian 9-5 working wench.
I think some places are more careful about what they allow due to past experiences,for example, playhouse has been sued by a dancer and she made some ridiculous claims in the media.
Now if this was in Pahrump? Yea, that would be out of line.
Oddly enough, some clubs don't want to deal with the ramifications, legal or social, of allowing activities that might be illegal, or appear to be so, under local laws, and so discourage those activities, however innocuous the rest of us might believe those activities to be.
I've been known to push a boundary or two myself on occasion, but I also recognize some people and organizations aren't as liberal as I am.
Stricter clubs can attract dancers that wouldn't be willing to work at less strict clubs. Some PLs would ratherget dances with a dancer who's appearance they prefer, even if she has stricter boundaries. The real problem is lack of access to a variety of clubs, that address different PL market segments.
I'm of the opinion that there's a place for the entire spectrum of clubs. I've had a good time at them before. Usually it's trips with a mixed crowd, often including wives and long-term girlfriends. There's a ton of other possible situations where they might be preferred, another example would be that I've got a couple buddies who are allowed to go the stricter clubs with their wives full blessing, but those same wives would be filing for divorce the second they learned of a trip to some of the other clubs.
Having a places with different boundaries helps limit the frustration you're describing, and the whore-shaming from the other side too. Having a customer expecting liberal rules in an encounter with limits on the prude side is a recipe for disaster, as is the reverse. I think its easier for everyone if there's a club where like-minded and customers and strippers can both have their expectations in-range.
As long as there's a degree of openness and honesty about the limits, it's all good.
^ I’m taking it by your comments you’re an open minded free spirit so to speak.
I know girls that have taken the route that Rick D has said and made arrangements with 2 or 3 guys and have done so well they could work one or two nights less a week.
Now finding 2 or 3 reliable, sane, and financially inclined may be a bit of a task in some places around the US.
@dha I'm fun with generous men. I don't get along with cheap/broke guys. Last time I visited Miami clubs, the girls were working too hard for too little.
I'm picky with guys I meet OTC, the quality of good-paying customers has drastically declined in the clubs nowadays. If a guy can't afford to take me in the VIP 3 consecutive times, I don't think he's good quality long-term. Plus, there's obviously the lack of security available when meeting folks OTC.
I’m a Florida resident and only club in Florida, I don’t know what you call cheap, and really don’t care, I’ll bet we spend plenty, sounds to me like you are afflicted with GPS and guys like myself avoid your type. You might do yourself some good by dropping the entitled attitude and reminding yourself that if you want me to spend it’s all about me not you
If it regards my body, it's always about my decision and my choice. If you believe that's an "entitled attitude" then it's best if guys like you avoid me. Unfortunately, the word 'cheap' has triggered you, so in that case I'll just mute you.
Hoping this discussion can stay civil without getting ugly. I'm taking away advice from this thread, so again "thank you". I wanted to add from my personal point of view and past experience. Having 'standards' is not 'entitlement' or GPS. And I believe in mutual trades. Not arrangements where one party gets over on another.
I agree it's always your body and your choice, but it's still my money and I get to choose how and who I spend it on, and your entitled attitude tells me I won't be spending it on you.
Just to clarify you lost me when you added a litmus test to the equation, any girl that has a test like unless he spends for 3 consecutive VIPs instead of I need time to get comfortable with him , that's fair but telling me you have a quota, is useless to me, because I almost never do any VIPs. In other words I spend plenty, but on my terms not yours, and you are allowed to be as choosy as you like, but you don't get to think for me.
The entertaining thing is the guys who are quick to talk about GPS are usually also the ones permanently bent over for a certain orange politician who clearly has Golden Penis Syndrome.
> "If a guy can't afford to take me in the VIP 3 consecutive times, I don't think he's good quality long-term. Plus, there's obviously the lack of security available when meeting folks OTC."
You are certainly welcome to apply whatever standards work for you. Personally I'm in 25's camp, even if I think he's overreacting a bit. I spend on my terms and there is little chance that I'm going to put myself in the position of having my penis on some club's candid camera. Too many of the people who own and/or manage these places are Grade A scumbags.
In terms of OTC safety, I hear you, but I also think it's overblown. Just avoid single guys with no kids and mediocre jobs and you're 99.99% of the way there. Almost every single story you read about a stripper getting assaulted or worse is a guy who falls in that category. Guys with things to lose, like families and good careers, don't want drama any more than you do.
The right price for a dancer to charge for [whatever] is the highest amount at which she's getting the amount of work she can manage while making the money she needs from the customers prefers.
Which isn't terribly different from any other service provider in or out of the adult industry. It's not "GPS"; it's being smart about your work.
Apple has GPS -- Golden Phone Syndrome. They charge more than other companies that sell entirely functioning phones. That's the free market system. If you can't respect someone's right to reject the deal you prefer, you're more of a socialist than Bernie Sanders.
My point was she’s entitled to whatever she’s able to get, doesn’t mean she’s going to get it from me, I don’t take it personally, rather I was just offering up my own points, she’s welcome to use them or not, either way still means little to me.
The issue was being labeled as "entitled". I work hard for my money. The sole reason I've put up this discussion is because I've been scolded and disciplined at work for being a 'hard worker'. As a dancer, I get rejected for services every shift. It's nothing that I'm not used to. But I don't need to be personally attacked or insulted while seeking genuine advice. I'm also trying to stretch the importance of safety meeting OTC. I have vetting standards for quality clients to better ensure that I'm not getting scammed or set up. This doesn't mean that I have an inflated ego.
I thought you wanted honest POV, I don’t think I was attacking you personally, I certainly don’t know you nor you me, my point was that if you’re interested in my thoughts I gave them to you, if you feel offended that wasn’t my intention.
Why are you scolded and disciplined? Is it that some other dancer has more rapport with the club’s manager and does’t like you? Is it club customers complaining? Is this happening only at one club or several?
A lot of people like the status quo and don't love people who challenge it. A lot of people also only want to provide the "minimum viable product" and don't love it when a better product threatens their income.
So, that's never going to go away.
I knew a dancer dealing with something similar and her tactic was to be cordial to everyone, not rise to drama / bait, watch her back, and go straight home after work. She was single and trying to care for two infirm parents.* She wasn't willing to do shittier work to make others happy.
* Yes, I acknowledge that the "sick parents" thing could have been a made up sob story, but in this instance I didn't think so.
then again why leave the p'house for south florida? 1/3 of the guys are well off, based on: luxurious cars out in the parking lot and when i hear through the speakers in the lap section: kelly 17, ruby 9, old latisha 19. each number indicates the amount of dances purchased. at the time i was there they're were 30 bucks a pop.
I took advantage of a free vacation to Miami. Was speaking from experience at a few MIA clubs. I don't plan on moving down there to work permanently. I was also in Las Vegas all throughout last summer. The economy has truly hit some of the most glam and luxurious hotspots.
The conflict between fun dancers and less-fun dancers is obviously not new and not going away (though I think that it has shifted a little bit...). I see those debates flare up on stripper reddit and my take is that it's a thing that dancers need to figure out amongst themselves.
I don't think customers can contribute too much because for you, it's a work issue. For us, it's about entertainment and desire. Apples vs. oranges.
K, it sounds like you're facing a real conundrum. You want to operate with looser boundaries within the confines of the club, but they don't want you operating like that. The people you work with have a number of concerns that they are trying to manage and your "hard work" makes them feel threatened.
Obviously something has to give. Otherwise, sooner or later, they're going to make the choice for you.
It seems to me that your options are: (1) Find a more tolerant club; (2) diversify your income through some selective OTC; or (3) learn to live with stricter boundaries, including any resulting money loss.
Another way to look at it is you get marginalized for doing extras (if I’m reading this right). Fwiw we also get marginalized for buying them. We go to great lengths to remain anonymous and not get blowback for our behavior, but since this is your workplace, it’s hard to avoid being scrutinized and pressured for doing what you do. It may just be a cost of doing business. Even in more tolerant clubs, there will be people who are just mad that you’re making out better than they are. This is common in many jobs. You may have to just endure it.
The determing question to which side you take is based on this question: What do you think provides and commands more value and power - Pussy or Money?
If you vote pussy = Kirtty If you vote money = Twntyfive
If you are a guy and said pussy, then you are just a brown nosing tool.
I disagree with the premise that she’s being slut shamed or being marginalized for doing extras, I see the OP as a young, trying to go against the grain type, sort of a Don Quixote but she forgets that the man of La Mancha had a sidekick, she’s trying to go it alone because nobody else is willing to travel the road she’s on.
I believe a core issue in this discussion is matching level of service to the club where one works. I agree with others....it's important to find a club where your work style matches that of others.
Otherwise, there will be animosity from others, and custies will be subjected to girls offering less than they can get from others at the same club, which makes the more conservative girls hostile over being propositioned, and guys bitter and feeling ripped off, if they assumed a certain level of service based on the club dynamic.
Regarding GPS...I believe it's a term best used in relation to others. IMO, GPS exists when a girl believes she is entitled to greater compensation than is standard in the given club/environment. It's the "I'm prettier / better than THOSE girls" that leads to the GPS label.
Everyone has a right to choose what to do / not do with their body, just as a guy has a choice of who gets their money. It's just like any other negotiation.
I do not believe a custie's willingness/reluctance to buy a certain number of VIP sessions is directly related to their financial means. Many of us CAN afford multiple sessions, but see those sessions as sometimes not worth it. I believe it's more about establishing a solid foundation before going OTC, which can be done in ways other than multiple VIP sessions.
@funonthaside thanks for your insight. I've come across many customers that assume all dancers offer the same services for the same set price and in reality, that's just not true. GPS is one way for a man to reflect shame on another just because he is unwilling or unable to afford her services. And I make my 3 VIP standard before meeting OTC, because the average Joe wouldn't be willing or able to afford to do so. Therefore, I am actually able to see and date quality men. I've gathered ideas on ways I need to move forward working in the club. I'm gathering ideas on ways to meet decent gentlemen OTC as well. I appreciate the feedback.
ay kit, you could sum all up with these 4 words: nothing personal just business. you identified your smv and sticking with it. nothing wrong with that.
@Kitty I don't consider myself to be of higher quality than others who spend less with strippers. They may actually have more money than me. I'm just not big on expensive possessions. I feel like they own you as much as you own them. I prefer to spend on the type of experiences I've had with my favs.
@Kitty-haters panty bunching does you no good. If you panty bunch about somebody, distract yourself with someone you don't panty bunch about. If you feel like the world owes it to you to cater to all your wants, mentally, you're 5.
@ilbbaicnl I'm not looking to insult anyone personally on finances. I truly have no idea what's in someone's wallet, that's not my business unless they're willing to be generous to me. I just had an OTC offer the other day with a golf champ that decided he would throw out a cheap low-ball offer because in his mind he's "not ugly or disgusting to look at". Although he literally had the means to afford my offer, he was simply unwilling to do so. Unfortunately, even rich men can be "low-quality" in or out of the club. It depends on generousity.
Also, I'm no longer entertaining bitter internet trolls on TUSCL. If you cannot genuinely offer decent advice on this topic or discussion, I recommend finding happiness and getting more fresh air.
The idea that having money means you are quality is fucked up beyond belief. 41 years of business and the rule seems to be that the more money you have, the bigger douchebag you become. In court we have 2 financial statements - the short form for poor people making under 75k and the long form for rich people making over 75k. I collect 77% of what I bill from the long form people and almost 95% from the short form people. When I got hacked and someone using my name sent out pleas for money, about 30+ short formers called me and wanted to know if they could send me the money directly - the long formers sounded like crickets. No, I didn't take any. I don't steal from people, but if I did I would do it honestly and stick a gun in their face, not trick them.
3 consecutive VIPs (on one visit? Or multiple visits?) is going to turn off most guys. It would me because I like variety, no matter how hot or good in the back a girl is.
That said, it's your body and time so you can set whatever criteria you like. And it's the customer's money, so he can choose to pay or tell you to go fish.
To me, GPS isn't so much a financial cutoff as an better than thou (or better than one's fellow dancers) attitude, and a break from reality. I see it more on escort sites where every girl tries to make herself as "high class" when she's obviously not.
I'm hoping noone is taking this personally. My point is generosity versus being cheap determines client/customer quality. I used an example from a recent OTC offer. And this is my opinion and point of view, there's nothing wrong if you disagree. 3 VIP'S on seperate occasions for a sense of comfort and familiarity. Obviously, most men won't take and that is why I don't have "relations" with most men I meet at the club. There are standards on both sides. I cannot speak for escorts and their rates. But I can recall my time working at a legal brothel. Girls that took bare minimum offers from "cheap/low-quality clients" were frowned upon. It's a business and like any business, people want to profit reasonably. Not always get the short end of the stick.
When you are self-employed you set the rules and no one else's opinion matters. The rules are to satisfy you, not other people. Anyway, not all money spends the same.
Quantify what is a cheap offer for otc and what is acceptable? Anyway, the 3 vip qualifier may be in part to the club dynamics, since no action can take place unless you go to vip to do a test run. I’ve been to dive clubs where I didn’t even do a dance and was offered otc, and then down the street to a higher end club and girls won’t even talk to me without going to vip. Interesting discusion never less, and the person who said we are living in a sea of millions where each person has their own right to make their own standards is spot on. Just because you don’t agree with how one does business doesn’t make them gps. It just means there is a process for them. Every business model has a process, and if I don’t agree with it then I move on and won’t take it personally. It’s apparent some members are quite sensitive to anything that doesn’t align to their tastes, and get off my lawn!
last commentNow if this was in Pahrump? Yea, that would be out of line.
I've been known to push a boundary or two myself on occasion, but I also recognize some people and organizations aren't as liberal as I am.
Having a places with different boundaries helps limit the frustration you're describing, and the whore-shaming from the other side too. Having a customer expecting liberal rules in an encounter with limits on the prude side is a recipe for disaster, as is the reverse. I think its easier for everyone if there's a club where like-minded and customers and strippers can both have their expectations in-range.
As long as there's a degree of openness and honesty about the limits, it's all good.
I know girls that have taken the route that Rick D has said and made arrangements with 2 or 3 guys and have done so well they could work one or two nights less a week.
Now finding 2 or 3 reliable, sane, and financially inclined may be a bit of a task in some places around the US.
You might do yourself some good by dropping the entitled attitude and reminding yourself that if you want me to spend it’s all about me not you
In other words I spend plenty, but on my terms not yours, and you are allowed to be as choosy as you like, but you don't get to think for me.
You are certainly welcome to apply whatever standards work for you. Personally I'm in 25's camp, even if I think he's overreacting a bit. I spend on my terms and there is little chance that I'm going to put myself in the position of having my penis on some club's candid camera. Too many of the people who own and/or manage these places are Grade A scumbags.
In terms of OTC safety, I hear you, but I also think it's overblown. Just avoid single guys with no kids and mediocre jobs and you're 99.99% of the way there. Almost every single story you read about a stripper getting assaulted or worse is a guy who falls in that category. Guys with things to lose, like families and good careers, don't want drama any more than you do.
Which isn't terribly different from any other service provider in or out of the adult industry. It's not "GPS"; it's being smart about your work.
So, that's never going to go away.
I knew a dancer dealing with something similar and her tactic was to be cordial to everyone, not rise to drama / bait, watch her back, and go straight home after work. She was single and trying to care for two infirm parents.* She wasn't willing to do shittier work to make others happy.
* Yes, I acknowledge that the "sick parents" thing could have been a made up sob story, but in this instance I didn't think so.
Is the issue that you offer more "fun"/extras than the average dancer in that club?
The conflict between fun dancers and less-fun dancers is obviously not new and not going away (though I think that it has shifted a little bit...). I see those debates flare up on stripper reddit and my take is that it's a thing that dancers need to figure out amongst themselves.
I don't think customers can contribute too much because for you, it's a work issue. For us, it's about entertainment and desire. Apples vs. oranges.
You certainly don't. However if history is any indication, you'll get quite a bit of that when seeking advice on tuscl. Unfortunately.
Obviously something has to give. Otherwise, sooner or later, they're going to make the choice for you.
It seems to me that your options are: (1) Find a more tolerant club; (2) diversify your income through some selective OTC; or (3) learn to live with stricter boundaries, including any resulting money loss.
It is what it is.
TUSCL user: Entitled! GPS! Not with my money!
If you vote pussy = Kirtty
If you vote money = Twntyfive
If you are a guy and said pussy, then you are just a brown nosing tool.
Otherwise, there will be animosity from others, and custies will be subjected to girls offering less than they can get from others at the same club, which makes the more conservative girls hostile over being propositioned, and guys bitter and feeling ripped off, if they assumed a certain level of service based on the club dynamic.
Regarding GPS...I believe it's a term best used in relation to others. IMO, GPS exists when a girl believes she is entitled to greater compensation than is standard in the given club/environment. It's the "I'm prettier / better than THOSE girls" that leads to the GPS label.
Everyone has a right to choose what to do / not do with their body, just as a guy has a choice of who gets their money. It's just like any other negotiation.
I do not believe a custie's willingness/reluctance to buy a certain number of VIP sessions is directly related to their financial means. Many of us CAN afford multiple sessions, but see those sessions as sometimes not worth it. I believe it's more about establishing a solid foundation before going OTC, which can be done in ways other than multiple VIP sessions.
I've gathered ideas on ways I need to move forward working in the club. I'm gathering ideas on ways to meet decent gentlemen OTC as well. I appreciate the feedback.
@Kitty-haters panty bunching does you no good. If you panty bunch about somebody, distract yourself with someone you don't panty bunch about. If you feel like the world owes it to you to cater to all your wants, mentally, you're 5.
Because you sound like that person
That said, it's your body and time so you can set whatever criteria you like. And it's the customer's money, so he can choose to pay or tell you to go fish.
To me, GPS isn't so much a financial cutoff as an better than thou (or better than one's fellow dancers) attitude, and a break from reality. I see it more on escort sites where every girl tries to make herself as "high class" when she's obviously not.
Guess we agree then, KCK.
Good luck