
Comments by former_stripper (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I have a FB account and use it often. I've actually gotten in trouble with a few things I've posted because quite a few are leftwing loonies. I use Linked In strictly for professional.
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    9 years ago
    South Carolina
    Is it just me.....
    Didn't see it but would love to before having an opinion.
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    9 years ago
    how to report a club that is closed ?
    Say it's closed. I noticed a club I danced at is closed but was listed for awhile.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The writing is on the wall.
    You claimed illegals were hard workers, but that implies you either hire them, know someone who does, or just listening to rhetoric. If you aren't hiring them then I'm not addressing you specifically, but many employers claim they can't find qualified workers. I don't know why you aren't getting good applicants, but around here the only jobs that go begging are the unskilled jobs but requesting skilled labor.
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    9 years ago
    You know why I respect strippers?
    The name of the game is to keep trying. 9 out of 10 customers will probably reject her but maybe the 10th customer is the richest guy i the club (or spending the most). It can be tough and the best strippers need a thick skin to survive. I never got the men who had to add comments but it's because he has a micropenis or has never gotten laid.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The writing is on the wall.
    Another thing: I did mention that I would be open to some illegals staying, such as those truly working jobs Americans don't want (like picking fruit). I'm not open to those staying who don't contribute, or are criminals. Do you want this pervert to stay? http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/10/15/illegal-alien-pervert-filmed-texas-woman-walmart-toilet-might-released-u-s/ How about them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B65pLsah3XE How about this murderer? http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/03/us/san-francisco-killing-suspect-immigrant-deported/ I know most illegals aren't committing these types of crimes but these ones should definitely be deported. Of course I know many Americans commit crimes but these are people who don't belong here.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The writing is on the wall.
    Except in the past we had many jobs. We don't now. I don't know what kinds of jobs you are hiring for but if you are hiring illegals you are committing a crime because it's against the law to hire people who can't legally work here. I do get it, I know plenty of unemployed people who would jump at the chance to work a decent job with decent wages. If a job truly can't find someone (like picking fruit)there are migrant worker visas. What's wrong with giving a felon a chance? I know people who committed crimes who can't find jobs yet would love work. If they work they may be able to get their lives in order. The main problem many employers make is assuming everyone can do everything. I've seen the most ridiculous job requirements for jobs that don't even fit together because an employer is either stupid or trying to save money. I've gotten calls for jobs not even in my job skill set because it was an unskilled job and employers think anyone would be open to these jobs. Employers need to find people with the correct job skills, not just anyone. I do agree we need to be teaching kids better, but that's a different problem and it goes to entitlement. Too many kids are going to college who shouldn't. Instead they should learn a trade. But, once again how can they work in a trade if the employer is going to save money by hiring illegals at slave wages?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The writing is on the wall.
    Twenty Five, actually I do know what's happening because I own a small business myself. There are many Americans who would work if given a chance. I can't imagine there are many people who need jobs who wouldn't be happy with $12 hour. That is assuming they could do those jobs. Besides, when I was a teen I worked in restaurants and they hired illegals strictly to pay them slave wage. That's not only unfair to the Americans but unfair to illegals too who are being used. Nina, where did I say Mexican illegals? I didn't, nor did I mention that. In fact many of the illegals aren't even Mexican. There are illegals of all different races, like Eastern Europeans. Why don't need immigration reform to make it easier for unskilled people (of any race). Why would we want to import more unskilled workers? We don't have many unskilled jobs anymore. Why should we allow more unskilled from any country? welfare aside, what logic is it to bring in people that would displace Americans, including Hispanics. Actually, I don't think Mexican Americans commit crimes anymore than any other race but illegals (of any race)are committing a crime by coming here illegals. Also, I know plenty of Mexican Americans and all of them are here legally and Mexicans are the largest group that come here legally. Rick, I didn't say all, I was talking about those who do come for welfare, like the video I posted. There are many illegals (legal immigrants too btw)who come just for welfare. Should we allow more like that to come? We can't allow everyone,nor shall we. Most European countries limit who can immigrate there except for cases like refugees. In several countries they require a college degree. Most illegals are uneducated and many of them do depend on welfare. One of the reasons is because employers exploit them. In that case I blame the employers and when they hire someone here illegally they are committing a crime.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Jared Fogle Audio Tapes
    I'd rather go to a strip club than watch Dr. Phil.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The writing is on the wall.
    Bernie seems like a decent guy but he does mention a few things that wouldn't work. I do think he's against outsourcing which is important to me.His problem is Hillary seems to have the mainstream Democrats. The other Democrats at this point have no chance but you never know. On the Republican side way too many nuts. Donald Trump isn't serious, I wonder if he's there just as a joke. As for the others, most are just not good candidates. Apparently the one I have the most in common with is Rand Paul but part of that is because his father was always sort of an outsider and I like outsiders. He has no chance though. I was hoping Elizabeth Warren ran, I like her a lot.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The writing is on the wall.
    Nina, you're talking two different types of people. Legal immigrants do have a hard time coming here. They tend to be educated. This whole taking jobs no one else is not true, because remember years ago Americans did many of those jobs. Now employers will hire illegals at slave wages and there's the problem. Construction used to be a good paying job until employers became greedy.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The writing is on the wall.
    Rick if that is the case, why do so many come here to have their kids born on Medicaid? I posted a video (from a non partisan source)and several links. Why are you denying this? I'm not talking legal immigrants, to come here legally is very hard. I'm talking people that shouldn't be here.So what if they receive a pittance they shouldn't receive anything at all. The one in the video never paid in, why is she entitled to taxpayer money?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How much does public transportation cost in your area ?
    Where I live now public transportation sucks but where I used to live you didn't need a car to get around since bus and train routes were everywhere.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Periodic Reminder That RickDugan is Gay!
    People who tell others someone is gay are usually gay and in love with the person they mention. Just saying.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The writing is on the wall.
    Twentyfive, that is true too but that's another topic. While I don't approve of strippers doing that, at least they are supposed to be here. Illegals aren't. We also don't have to press 1 for English for them. Rick, why is it silly to say their kids get more than poor childless Americans? it's not. It's not fair this happens and even though it doesn't affect me now, it did. Yes if you eliminated welfare from the freeloaders they would go back home. The ones who work hard and take nothing would not but those are the ones I'd be willing to let stay. The reason many of them suffer in their home country is because they are too lazy to work and their country doesn't have welfare for them. Sp what if they pay sales and rent taxes? so do others who receive nothing. If I went to another country I'd expect to pay taxes on everything I did, including food and hotel. Did you watch that one video I linked? she had just crossed over the river to the USA to have her baby. She wasn't here long enough to have paid any taxes at all. Even if someone pays them many times they take more than they pay in. Like that woman I linked, which was from CBS News.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I'd have to agree. I've seen those lips that hang over the g string and that seems a bit odd. I'm talking the inner lips, not the outer lips. I don't know how true this is but a guy once told me you can tell how big her outer lips are by the lips on her face.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Human Trafuckin
    It happens a lot more than people realize. I once worked in a club with several Eastern European dancers and at the time I didn't give it much thought. They had a guy who traveled with them and I assumed he was a boyfriend or something until I was watching something and found out he was a pimp who would bring over girls from poorer countries saying they'd have a better life. Some become prostitutes, others strippers who may or may not be prostitutes (I'd bet most do both but not sure). Even American dancers can fall prey. I couldn't begin to mention all the men I met in clubs who promised me so much who were pimps. I actually fell for one myself, he was charming and I thought he liked me for me until he started pressuring me to sleep with other men. When I said no he dumped me. He made his living off other women mainly but at the time I didn't know (and no I didn't meet him as a customer, he worked at the club). I've known many women who fall for pimps and it's sad.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The writing is on the wall.
    Thanks Mr Deuce. Regarding breaking laws, that's exactly what they are doing. We can say "they are doing it for a better life" but when that "better life" means taking money American tax payers paid into is where I have a problem. If one wants to support these families, be my guest but I don't. Here's the thing and that is any employer who hires them is breaking the law. That is a fact. I guarantee if we cut welfare and made it harder to work here many would self deport. Others wouldn't, but each situation needs to be looked at case by case. Those working hard I would consider letting them stay but the others should be deported. Why don't have enough resources to support them. If we keep allowing anyone to come here and ignore illegal immigration we will become a nation of uneducated people, which will make us a third world country. Many years ago uneducated people came here but there were plenty of jobs and no welfare. Neither is the case now and many do come for welfare. On top of it the costs are more than that. Look at how many schools now have to hire bilingual teachers or bilingual people in general. Many times I see in the paper "bilingual required" and lately seeing it more often than not. I do Speak Spanish, but what about those Americans who don't, should they be required to learn Spanish to communicate with those who can't speak English? People always say something like it's good for kids to learn another language and I agree but they shouldn't be forced to learn Spanish to get a job like this. Incidentally, yes in Europe many people speak several languages but notice the one they learn early and that is English. The reason is it's a business language. One company that offered me a job (over 10 years ago) was looking to hire someone in another job who spoke French because they did a lot of dealings with Quebec. This makes sense. Same thing with dealing with foreign tourists and the like. Learning Spanish to work at welfare? Not right. Iput in bilingual on Craigslist and got 747 responses. https://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/ofc/5256485772.html. That ad (and there are several others)are from WIC and all say "Spanish fluency required". Notice they say nothing about English required? Rick, you mention taxes and all of that and here's the reality. Most of them don't have houses so if anything are paying rental taxes and sales tax. I pay all of that yet I have no kids so going by that logic I should get something for all that money. I don't, years ago when I was down and out (before dancing)I worked a minimum wage job and could barely afford anything. I applied for assistance and was turned down. Why do people here illegally deserve more than me? Many of the kids become non contributing members of society (look at the amount of illegitimacy of the kids). Also, with regards to pay, most are paid under the table so they aren't paying taxes. Some have fake ID's so they are committing a crime when they work. Getting back to the sales tax, many foreign tourists pay a lot in sales tax yet they don't get anything out of it, yet they are here legally. They aren't living here but are paying tax on food they eat, where they stay, souvenirs and the rest.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Why no soulmate?
    I don't think it's young as so much attractive. Most of the married men who were my customers had unattractive wives. So many people (men too)let themselves go when they get married or older. Men are usually visual (as are many women)and would rather pay to see a hot woman versus what they have. Same thing with many women too. I guarantee if I had to choose between the sloppy fat guy and the handsome in shape man the second one will win in almost every case. Talking relationships is a bit different and even then the fat sloppy man would have to be amazing in every way for me to give him a second glance. That doesn't mean Id take the hot guy, I've found that super hot guys tend to be narcissist.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The writing is on the wall.
    Another article from the Tribune: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2014-02-04/opinion/sns-201402031900--tms--cthomastq--b-a20140204-20140204_1_5-percent-cis-hispanic-immigrants With lower incomes, illegals rely more on welfare programs. CIS says in Texas, "58 percent of illegal households collect some sort of welfare," with "49 percent using food assistance and 41 percent using Medicaid." In California and Illinois, reports CIS, "55 percent use welfare." California, which has the largest number of illegal aliens, predictably has the greatest burden. In Los Angeles County alone, according to a CBS Los Angeles report, welfare and other benefits by the end of last year cost an estimated $650 million just for the native-born children of illegal immigrant parents. L.A. County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich told CBS Los Angeles: "When you add the $550 million for public safety and nearly $500 million for health care, the total cost for illegal immigrants to county taxpayers exceeds $1.6 billion a year." Hospital closings in California remain a major concern. As Examiner.com reported recently in a story about the economic burden to taxpayers posed by illegal immigrants, "In 2003, the American Southwest saw 77 hospitals enter bankruptcy due to unpaid medical billsincurred by illegal aliens."
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The writing is on the wall.
    Rick, they get it courtesy of their kids. Many states have programs for them, including Illinois and California. They do definitely use welfare. In Texas there is a case where they were denying birth certificates to these kids and the parents admitted they needed the certificates to get welfare. One mom was a "stay at home mom". These mom admitted the kids were on welfare. http://www.latimes.com/nation/immigration/la-na-texas-immigrant-birth-20150718-story.html#page=1 "She relied on the birth certificates to register her girls for school, Medicaid and other government services. But when the stay-at-home mother arrived at the downtown vital statistics office Thursday, she discovered the rules had changed. Without a U.S. driver's license, visa or Mexican electoral card, she could not obtain a birth certificate for her child." If she has to rely on welfare, why is she a stay at home mom? Yes her kids are citizens but the welfare they are getting helps her as well. Here's another one: ""We can't register for Head Start.... We had problems with Medicaid," she said as her pigtailed daughter drank from a sippy cup in a stroller nearby. "It's racism. Give us the opportunity.". Want to pay for their Medicaid (which often pays for the mom too)? I don't. I'd rather support our homegrown poor than someone else's poor which illegals are. Not our problem. Also, the 14th Amendment was never intended for them but for the freed slaves. It was intended for those here legally, which they aren't. Also, many are disqualified, like children of diplomats aren't considered citizens. I can post more but when several studies (including CNN)say most illegals are on welfare I look at it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Why no soulmate?
    Well, a good stripper does it to better themselves. Many have soulmates, others don't care, others do care but attract low life men. I never danced to meet a man.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The writing is on the wall.
    Speaking of immigration here's a video about the right way to immigrate and the right kind of citizen: http://www.nbcnews.com/video/nightly-news/50980044#50980044. Here's a guy who came for the right reasons.He speaks the language (he's from England), he's married to an American, he's wealthy (one of the founders of one of the most popular rock bands), he's not taking jobs away (very influential and considered one of the best bass players). He's definitely not going to take away welfare or jobs nor ask us to cater to him or ask us to speak another language. Full disclosure, I've met him and have spoken to him and his band members but that's not the point. My point is this is someone we should encourage to come. Listen to the entire video, he talks about learning the history and all the studying he did to become a citizen.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The writing is on the wall.
    And thank you TheeOSU. Yeah, that's the thing I don't get is how many people want to increase those we let in. If they were like you mentioned contributing, becoming Americans, and working hard that is one thing. After all, our ancestors all did that, including Native Americans. Back when most of my ancestors arrived they had no choice but to work hard and assimilate. My paternal grandmother arrived from England after World War 2 (married to my grandfather)and she worked hard and never took anything (though being British gave her many advantages). Compare that to the immigrants (legal and illegal) we get now. How many receive welfare or never learn English? Look at the illegals especially and see how many are actually educated. They aren't, most can barely speak their native tongue and are unskilled. Same thing with refugees. I was just reading a topic about Vietnamese refugees (those who came after the war)and the amount on welfare, who never learned English is staggering. At least they had a reason to come, most would have been killed. The illegals really don't, too many just want handouts. Here's another video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzHHgjAigq4. This originally aired on the CBS News. Do we want more like her? Many states are going broke (California and Illinois to name two)supporting them. Meanwhile I know lots of citizens who can't get help. I'm not open to allowing more uneducated people in. We can't afford to help everyone.