
Comments by impala (page 32)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Older than dirt
    OTC prostitution?
    I have known a few strippers that also did OTC action on the side. A couple were actually escorts that only danced when they needed to "replenish" there client list and used the strip club as a safer environment to screen potential clients. My former ATF actually danced at a club where "extras" we're not allowed, and she used it to her advantage by getting customers all worked up, and when they wanted more she would tell them " Can't do it here, cameras everywhere, and then would set up some OTC action (was how she hooked me). As far as cost, IMO I agree with others, is usually a premium of about 1 1/2 as much as a backpage escort, but there is a lot less to worry about, as you usually know up front what she looks like, what's on the menu, how she feels and smells (hygiene), her general attitude, and most importantly that she isn't LE. Also, generally your going to her place and not a hotel, and therefore your not paying for a hotel room that your only using for an hour or two.
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    10 years ago
    Or how if you are looking to buy something online and do a little research and then every time you get on the computer every search engine has that item the first thing that pops up in the search engine
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    10 years ago
    Sorry, I kinda get defensive after I go on a rant about the federal government overstepping the authority granted by the constitution eroding our rights
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    10 years ago
    Sorry, auto correct, Crazyjoe
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    10 years ago
    Crazy joke, is comment towards me or the situation?
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    10 years ago
    Spring Cleaning
    Once had a coach tell me that nobody likes a quitter!
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    10 years ago
    Spring Cleaning
    Must be his wife or girlfriend found out
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    10 years ago
    It's just amazing what and to whom is really available on the Internet with the proper digging. What really is to stop some unscrupulous individual with good hacking software from creating a data base on strip club patrons threatening to releasing said list for ransom or blackmail, or for a corrupt district attorney or LE to use it as justification to get a warrant to destroy ones reputation. As we all know, the government try's to infiltrate every corner of the Internet under the guise of "public safety" or "prevention of terrorism", and has no hesitation with "accidentally" leaking lists of information to the press, or using it for social-political blackmail. The real issue is that they Internet providers can put safeguards into place to prevent such intrusions, but are afraid to stop the fed from having access. Currently there is a lawsuit in federal court that the justice department want Apple to give them the coded to gain remote backroom access to any Apple device so that they can see what is stored on them, currently Apple is resisting. Any one who has read the book 1984 remembers the statement "Big Brother is watching you, and he knows what is best!"
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Just anouther reason why to go to a strip club instead of seeing an escort
    Like I have said many time in here, its all about perception, and the perception is that men are predators and these poor women are the victims in societies eyes. I wonder how many constitutional rights were violated by lying cops (I'm sure she told them she wasn't a cop), corrupt district attorneys looking to get reelected, and a left leaning judicial system looking for an easy conviction.
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    10 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Just anouther reason why to go to a strip club instead of seeing an escort
    I watched something on tv a little while back and LE is getting pretty sofistcated in how they are doing this, creating fake ads with backdated ads and going into review sites all to make it look like the legit escorts. If LE actually spent some of these resources to go after real issues such as gangs, rapes, murders, and drug dealers instead of two consenting adults wanting to have a little fun and for one party to be compensated for their time by the other party. But, I guess that LE likes to go after the "low hanging fruit" instead of actually doing real police work.
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    10 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Just anouther reason why to go to a strip club instead of seeing an escort
    Here in anouther article where 104 men were busted, but no women http://www.businessinsider.com/operation-flush-the-johns-prostitution-sting-2013-6 In the article is says that a in recent years law enforcement has switched to targeting "Johns" instead of the prostitutes themselves because they now see them as "victims". Now, I don't condone forced prostitution, but I have known a few women (strippers that escorted on the side) that were independent and made really (I mean really) good money. My former ATF (rest her soul) escorted and would dance only when she needed to build back up her client list. She once told me that she made more money in one weekend night escorting than she did dancing all week, and more than she did in a month when she worked at WalMart. Before she got sick (cancer, nothing related to STD or anything like that) she always drove expensive cars, dressed nice, had a nice apartment, and always had lots of money, she just liked what she did and made good money doing it. So, you tell me that she was a victim.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip Club forgiveness policies
    Really depends on what else is in the area. Have some clubs I will never return to because there is just a lot better ones in the area. There are others that I check out every time I'm around just because there is just nothing else to do.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Are dancers employees of a strip club or independent contractors?
    OK, just got done talking to a buddy of mine that use to bounce at a SC. How it "officially" worked where he was at was that the dancers were independent contractors but everyone else there actually worked for the club. The dancers being contractors they were responsible for all there insurance and taxes. Any fees they paid out were actually legally considered a gratuity (tip) to the club.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    PP Greenville
    ididthisonce, problem is is that populous perception is that strip club are dens on ill repute, even if they are on the up and up and nothing extra is going on. Strip clubs make easy target by the media local LE. There was a district attorney near where I use to live years ago that every election year would get warrants issued to investigate them to make it look like he was doing something. Never mind all the local crime including drugs, gangs, rape, theft, and murders, every time he was up for election there would be a bunch of strip clubs that were raided. They never really found anything but it looked good to the electorit. I always found it funny that there was never an issue with them the other 3 years of the election cycle, but on that 4th year, LE was on them like crazy.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Are dancers employees of a strip club or independent contractors?
    Most dancers I have known were not officially employees but we're actually listed as independant contractors. That way the club dosent have to worry about taxes, benefits, etc, etc, etc. Also, since they are not actually employees, work regs such as work hours and overtime are not applicable, and if a club needs to suspend or "terminate" a girl they don't have to follow established state guidelines for such (of coarse, may vary on location). Since it is a cash buisness, I have never known any dancer that pays proper income taxes on their own, if they actually claim any income at all. Also, generally, since they are independant, their scheduals are much more flexible, and often come and go between multiple clubs depending on the day of the week, who else is dancing, who's bouncing, who's tending bar, the DJ, or what customers are going to be there. To most clubs and dancers it is a mutually beneficial relationship.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    My kind of clubs
    Well, that's the nice thing about visiting TUSCL, by reading the reviews or asking questions of other members it can help you avoid going to a club where the girls are not what you are looking for. In a recent trip to a new area I did my research on here prior to the visit and it saved me a lot of time and money looking for what I wanted or was attracted to. Me personally, I'm a middle aged white guy and I prefer young skinny spinner white girls (the type I always chased when younger), but that being said, it's only a preference and have been known to take a Latino or black girl to the back room, just not usually my preference. We all have know what turns us on.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Anybody know how strippers get hired?
    It all depends on the club. I know of a club (actually more of a go go bar) that they knew one of the dancers and they got them an interview with the owner. Interview was basically telling them about the club and explaining the rules, and they were dancing later that day. I know anouther club that is in a college town and you can always tell when a new semester in is because about 2 weeks in young pretty girls start showing up asking the bartender how they can get a job, in which case here is check the ID, explain the rules, and show up tomorrow night. Other higher end clubs I know use amatuer nights looking for talent or try to "poach" better dancers from other clubs. I knew one club a few years back the manager actually called escorts from backpage and Craigslist offering them a more "legitimate" option to their profession (that place was fun). Best thing to do is just ask a dancer how she got hired, usually a great story, and if anything is a good ice-breaker for a conversation.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dancers w/ Butt Plugs
    After seeing a dancer once with one in, I asked her about it. She said that she keeps it in while doing VIP dances, but for a "premium" she would remove it, but she needed something there to replace it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    PP Greenville
    You need to get the local media on your side. If the media likes you, they will either leave you alone, or have favorable stories about you (such as 'Local Club Donates to Toys for Tots' or 'Local Buisness Helps Women's Shelter'). Also, if the local media has variable stoies about you, odd are the local district attorney's office will be less likely to bother you because you are helping to contribute to the betterment of society and the local economy. It's all about perception, and it's a lot easier to go after someone who appears to be a "blight" on the area versus someone who appears to be trying to be a positive influence to the area.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Club violence
    Watched a guy pitch pennies at a dancer once, she got so mad came right over the bar and hit him with a bottle square in the jaw.
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    10 years ago
    South Carolina
    The party is over at Platinum in Greenville
    I know of a strip club in NE PA that has cameras that the owner has it set up so that he can watch footage from any computer hooked to the internet. It is also rumored (by a very very reliable source) that he once had problems with LE and now allows them access to the footage. He uses it as motivation to the girls not to "misbehave". No dead spots and the only places without cameras are the restrooms and his office (and a lot goes on in there).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    South Carolina
    The party is over at Platinum in Greenville
    I wonder if it's an election year for the local district attorney? Come on, violations of some type can be found at just about any club or bar (strip club or not). If it was thought prostitution or gambling or something else was going on at a regular club (such as a fire hall, a legion or a Freemasons hall) that the more a flaunt members of society frequented, there would be no investigation. They go after strip clubs because they are easy targets in the public eye, and the media portrays them as a detriment to society. If they have been in buiseness this long without a problem why now. There is more to this story than we are being told.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    The morning after
    Get dressed, grab the cash, grab the weed, wake her up in a frenzy and tell her the cops are on the way and get the fuck out of there.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What should I choose for the final act
    Phantom, once had this bitch (and I don't normally use the term, but she was) that only wanted fucked up the ass, but you has to fist her puss first, she said that if she got fisted first she would have intense anal orgasms durring anal sex. Now, I'm a big guy and my hands are big so it took a while, but once you got her loosened up and my hand slipped in, it was almost a constant orgasm for her both holes. She was a lot of fun, but was a real crazy bitch!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever have a dancer offer references?
    George, same thing, had dancers who didn't do stuff tell me who did. Actually, just had that happen on Monday (gave her a sawbuck for the info).