Just anouther reason why to go to a strip club instead of seeing an escort
The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
This is just anouther reason for visiting a strip club instead of visiting an escort.
The police set up a prostitution sting at a hotel and arrest men a bunch as jons. And although they arrest 4 women for prostitution, they are getting the 4 of them into a "program" because society has now earmarked them as "victims". Yes, I do agree that some women are "forced" into prostitution because of poor choices they have made, it seams that society now has a double standard when it comes to sex workers. It wasn't that long ago that the police tried to stop prostitution by catching hookers, but I guess it's better press to go after the men who are enticed by them. I wonder how appealing or enticing the backpage ads were that they used to catch them, and wondering where the line between solicitation and entrapment really is?
The police set up a prostitution sting at a hotel and arrest men a bunch as jons. And although they arrest 4 women for prostitution, they are getting the 4 of them into a "program" because society has now earmarked them as "victims". Yes, I do agree that some women are "forced" into prostitution because of poor choices they have made, it seams that society now has a double standard when it comes to sex workers. It wasn't that long ago that the police tried to stop prostitution by catching hookers, but I guess it's better press to go after the men who are enticed by them. I wonder how appealing or enticing the backpage ads were that they used to catch them, and wondering where the line between solicitation and entrapment really is?
In the article is says that a in recent years law enforcement has switched to targeting "Johns" instead of the prostitutes themselves because they now see them as "victims". Now, I don't condone forced prostitution, but I have known a few women (strippers that escorted on the side) that were independent and made really (I mean really) good money. My former ATF (rest her soul) escorted and would dance only when she needed to build back up her client list. She once told me that she made more money in one weekend night escorting than she did dancing all week, and more than she did in a month when she worked at WalMart. Before she got sick (cancer, nothing related to STD or anything like that) she always drove expensive cars, dressed nice, had a nice apartment, and always had lots of money, she just liked what she did and made good money doing it. So, you tell me that she was a victim.
It also shows bad journalism for parroting the cops' phony trafficking rationale at face value.
I've seen a few documentaries were the people supposedly trying to help these women coerced into prostitution, really have very little to offer them. A night or two in some shitty shelter and phone numbers to resources that likely will be of little help. Non-profit is a big profitable industry in this country.
In NYC nut bag Bloomburg had the police arresting people for smoking, salting their food and selling big gulps rather than catching actual criminals. The guy that was killed in NYC by the cops was selling cigarettes so Bloomburg's health gestapo killed him for it. Imagine if the cops actually were allowed to go after bad guys like hard drug dealers, child prostitution pimps, bank robbers, burglars or politicians rather than smokers and soda drinkers or hookers.
But using pot was illegal a few years ago too. (Hint Hint)
I agree there is a lot more "profit making" arrests (I am sure the johns had their cars seized all that nonsense) than real arrests these days.
Well according to the fucktard liberals – the prostitutes are the ones that are “enticed” by the jons - according to the fucktards; if men didn’t want sex and were not looking for it; then these women “would not be prostitutes” and their lives would be fine and dandy – see – men are the problem – haven’t you heard.
This is why you should not try to get any sort of p4p chick to be specific about what she's going to do for the gift/donation/tip. It isn't legally prostitution if she only agrees to give you a certain amount of her time for the money, but then "thanks" you for being a good customer.
Sorry, wrong on both points. The reason you shouldn't is that a legitimate provider is liable to suspect you're either a cop or dangerously indiscreet and hang up on you. And sorry, but the time-for-money dodge doesn't hold legal water. Her "thanks" still makes it prostitution, no matter what disclaimer she puts on her ad.