
The morning after

layin low but staying high
As I open my eyes this morning, the scene before me is surreal. I am disoriented and initially can't figure out exactly where I am. It's like an opening scene to Breaking Bad, where there's all sorts of weird shit lying around that you can't put together and figure out.

There's a phone ringing. Sounds like mine, but I have no clue how to find it, so I don't even try. My next conscious impression is one of light. The curtains are closed poorly wherever I am, and bright sunlight is streaming into the room through various gaps. It's a hotel room, but which one? The next thing I am aware of is my tongue. Its tired from exertion, what a strange feeling. Then a smile crosses my face. It's all coming back to me now. It feels like I might have small abrasions around my mouth from her stubble. Another smile. The next thing I'm aware of is the little head. He is shriveled up in a tiny little ball like a butterfly that climbed back in its cocoon. I had thought of playing again this morning, but he's making it very clear that last night was all he is up to. I understand.

As I survey the room, there is money literally everywhere. $20 bills. All over. It looks like a tornado swept through the printing press where they print money. How much did I give her last night? Doesn't matter, it was worth it.

Many of the $20 bills are focused around the small couch in the room. The focus of the private lap dances. Lying in the middle of these bills is a very large dildo. That was a new experience. And next to the dildo there's my cell phone. Now I remember the pictures. Another smile. The ringing phone is what woke me up. And there are clothes everywhere -- clothes on the couch, on the table, on the floor, in the bed even. How many outfits did she wear for me last night?

The table looks like the remnants of a drug deal gone bad. There is a large open bag of weed. Yes, the room smells distinctly like marijuana. There are mutilated, burned, torn matches all over. I remember, couldn't find a lighter. It can be hard to light a match when you're high. There's a vaporizer with accessories, a couple of grinders, a small container of coke, half smoked blunts, another smaller vibrator, and the various instruments and leftovers from it all. We spilled a lot of the pot.

By far the best thing in the room. She's lying right next to me, and as always I am drawn to her. So skinny, so young, so beautiful, and completely nude. I asked the little head if he couldn't please just try, but he's spent. No need to even ask further. That could quite possibly be the hardest he's ever worked in his whole life, so I really can't complain. So I snuggle up against her and caress her beautiful body. I don't like to wake her but when I must I do it gently and slowly. Its time for lunch but she'd sleep with me until evening if I could. I consider the options. It would be easy to do. Maybe after a nap the little head would be himself again. I was supposed to leave for work about the time that we fell asleep, so fuck it, there's no work that's going to happen for me today. But I have to check out of the hotel, the alarm clock says its past check out time, so that decides it. I start kissing her slowly, and gently, all over. I stop to admire those breasts. I got to know them so intimately last night. I don't know that I've ever experienced a woman's breasts quite like that before. A huge smile this time. What a wonderful way to wake up.


  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    I hope that dildo didn't wind up going in your ass
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Wow John. Your writing is really getting good. I don't know what to say.

  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    Great stuff, John Smith. Very descriptive. I could picture the hotel room in my head by the way you described it.

    And like SJG said, great writing as usual. You've probably done a lot of reading in your time. People who can write like that are usually heavy readers.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    I can't wait for the next installment, "The morning AFTER the morning after." This is when he wakes up in a jail cell because the cops raided his hotel room the day prior and charged him with various drug violations; learns that he can't pay his lawyer because he wired all his money to an account in DS' name during their drug fueled binge; and then, catching a lucky break despite his shitty public defender, is ordered by the court to a drug rehab facility, where he is left to ponder how his life spun so out of control. ;)
  • impala
    10 years ago
    Get dressed, grab the cash, grab the weed, wake her up in a frenzy and tell her the cops are on the way and get the fuck out of there.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    John, is this for real? See what's happening? Sleeping past check out, cocaine is involved, you miss work. I'm starting to think you should leave the little girl alone.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ Good Points!

    John I have wondered about this sort of thing too. Have you any idea why it has gone like this with this DS. I mean how many others have there been before her, regular OTC partners for you? What is it about this one which makes her different?

  • tobala
    10 years ago
    I can't see how this ends well for you. Do you think she'll still be around after you lose everything? rickdugan's scenario is totally plausable. Be careful.
  • eyeamlong
    10 years ago
    Ahh !!!! Come on guys,,,JS69 is living his dream life,,, With his dream stripper....
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    A good read. Good times.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    JS69 - I can so relate to your adventure. I didn't realize when enough was enough and ended up in debt and still in lust with her when she spun out of control. My only advice is to enjoy this beautiful situation and keep an eye on your limits ( both financial & emotional).
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Interesting that SJG has taken me off ignore. I also think he think asked a relevant and interesting question. How can such a young baby stripper be so phenomenally and unbelievably awesome? The fact is that there are several more things about her that are also amazing but I haven't shared those because I want to protect her privacy, and besides some of you wouldn't believe me. I don't know if I can ever answer SJG's question completely, but I have many good insights. But I can't share those insights because they deal with her personal life. Some of them are also private to me since she and I share a very surprising number of life experiences despite the age difference.

    To answer SJG's other question, this is only the second dancer that I've had a regular OTC relationship with. So this really didn't happen because of my great experience with otc relationships. I just used the lessons I learned here, and got incredibly lucky and found my dream dancer.

    Gawker, thanks. Good advice. I will try to heed the lessons you have shared with us.

    Rick and co, just remember, judge not lest ye be judged.
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    lol you know I gotta bust your balls a little.

    you're mature enough, I think you will keep your head on straight - it's nice to get a little wild now and then and we ALL need to do it once in awhile. Getting a little wild by smoking a little weed, waking up in a hotel room inside the Palace Station in Vegas with a stripper, drinking so much you yack - those are all things that are okay.

    Driving drunk, hard drugs, dangerous situations, shiny suits - not okay... none of which you have mentioned...

    Personally I would put dildos up my ass on that "not okay" list as well, but some dudes like that so to each his own. Your DS seems to be working out well and she does enjoy you or you're missing something that you haven't discovered yet. Either way enjoy the ride, enjoy the ride...
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    Spilling weed and leaving it out to dry up?

    Fucking amateurs...
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    nothing goes up my ass except toilet paper. Nothing. I wouldn't make an exception to that rule even for her.

    The toys were for her. A stripper friend of ours suggested that we try them. I thought they were fine for a change of pace but as a general rule I prefer my sex natural and unaided.
  • bang69
    10 years ago
    great story
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Did she take her morning after pills? :)
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    sc, no need, I'm shootin blanks.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    John posted: "Rick and co, just remember, judge not lest ye be judged."

    No judgmental sentiments here John, just cautionary ones. We all do things with strippers that we probably shouldn't and I'm the last guy here to judge anyone. But I've been kicking around this hobby long enough to know that, all too often:


    The introduction of a hard drug into the stripper/party mix is a serious escalation of self-destructive behavior. I've watched it happen more than once, including to a good friend who ended up spending everything he had, and then some, chasing both the strippers and the drugs at the same time.

    There is nothing romantic about a drug assisted fuck party where large sums of cash were paid to the girl who you fucked. No doubt she'll ride the Johnny party train for as long as it stays on the rails, but when the money and drugs run out, then so will she.

    So good luck and have fun, but unless you already have more cash than you can spend and don't need to be functional for a job, then watch yourself. This shit has a way of depleting life savings and spilling over into regular life pretty quickly.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    John, I think you're aspiring to become a stereotypical stripper boyfriend -- a broke, drunk, unemployed and unemployable loser, and not just in name only. Good luck.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    You laughed about me washing Purple Dress Donna's car, but actually I did not. That came out of your imagination. But you and lots of others have made fun of me for trying to be emotionally open with women in P4P situations.

    But you are going much much further than I ever have. And especially I would never have dreamed of doing what you are doing while I was married. I knew that the marriage was a problem and that it would have to be solved, one way or another. But I also knew that I had to conduct myself responsibly during the process. I knew that once it was resolved, what I would have left was how I had conducted myself during the impasse.


    Donnie Iris
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    I still think you are still ahead of your problem, so keep going until it catches up on you, by that time the problem catches up you should know what to do.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    "John, I think you're aspiring to become a stereotypical stripper boyfriend -- a broke, drunk, unemployed and unemployable loser, and not just in name only. Good luck."


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