
PP Greenville

North Carolina
First a hats off to Ironcat for his report on PP. lets look at the history of that club. For years on & off they have employed off duty LE. And have been through many raids like this one that just happened. And have survived them all. Its my opinion that PP will not close. Reason its tax money for the county & we all know money talks. I think the raid was caused by all the local churches in the area. I have often herd the strippers bitch about all the church people coming in & harassing them. A few things PP should do to stay open.

1. pay a little extra $$$ in taxes
2. up the donation to the sheriff's charity
3. get the powers that be on their side by donating to political companies.

This is my thought on this issue. what do u y'all think


  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I got the solution. Just build a new large strip club in the southern part of the county if zoning permits it and then I won't have to drive as far. If in another county, church people win by getting rid of a large business in their community and they could pay all the extra taxes to make up for lost revenue. Remove the tax exempt status from churches and require registered members to pay up to make up for lost county revenue. Sounds like a win win. Of course if the church people do not want to pay hundreds or possibly a thousand or more per person, then they should stop complaining about legal businesses. I would be more interested if they enforced a smoking ban. That would get rid of some customers but wouldn't bother me too much. They might need a smoking area to get enough dancers though.
  • impala
    9 years ago
    You need to get the local media on your side. If the media likes you, they will either leave you alone, or have favorable stories about you (such as 'Local Club Donates to Toys for Tots' or 'Local Buisness Helps Women's Shelter'). Also, if the local media has variable stoies about you, odd are the local district attorney's office will be less likely to bother you because you are helping to contribute to the betterment of society and the local economy. It's all about perception, and it's a lot easier to go after someone who appears to be a "blight" on the area versus someone who appears to be trying to be a positive influence to the area.
  • ididthisonce
    9 years ago
    @Impala - What if the TUSCL put together a group of truly "lovable" guys to approach the media and the churches to promote our tittie cause? I am sure we can find time on this board. Stranger things have happened in politics.
  • ididthisonce
    9 years ago
    opps - time=them.

    BTW....The pussy cause might take longer.
  • impala
    9 years ago
    ididthisonce, problem is is that populous perception is that strip club are dens on ill repute, even if they are on the up and up and nothing extra is going on. Strip clubs make easy target by the media local LE. There was a district attorney near where I use to live years ago that every election year would get warrants issued to investigate them to make it look like he was doing something. Never mind all the local crime including drugs, gangs, rape, theft, and murders, every time he was up for election there would be a bunch of strip clubs that were raided. They never really found anything but it looked good to the electorit. I always found it funny that there was never an issue with them the other 3 years of the election cycle, but on that 4th year, LE was on them like crazy.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I suspect that dancer's making open verbal solicitations is what made the place so easy to bust. Someone should look into it. Find out the names of the people busted, go to the court house and read the case file and the police report.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    They should be able to run the place without being that blatant. They can be sexy and playful, but not open verbal solicitation.

  • Ironcat
    9 years ago
    As a long time patron of the club, I have found it rare that a dancer was too blatant (other than the Memphis girls, but they are all gone by now). Most would be pretty non-committal about describing what could be "had" in the couch room or champaign room. I suspect it was complaints from the church people made it's way to some higher up in the Greenville County Sheriffs Dept. as Sharkhunter suggests. Lets just hope it blows over - so far I haven't been able to find out much through my deputy connections but am still on the case.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I have a lifetime membership card for the PP chain that was issues at the Memphis club 10+ years ago. I have been to all of their current clubs except Allentown. I can tell you this SJG is trying to blow smoke up your ass. He's never been to one of their clubs and has no business running his mouth off about them.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Usually easy prostitution busts mean open verbal solicitation. That is not smoke. That is how it works in 50 states.

    If that was not what was going on shadowcat, then how was LE able to make the busts?

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Busts were made at the SF Market St. Cinema when Camille Harris took over as DA from Terrance Halinan. In Santa Clara County they are working tirelessly to bust AMPs.

    It is silly really, but it all comes down to open verbal solicitation.

    In the last 6 months there have been lots of posts about busts in that Western area of South Carolina. If not via open verbal solicitation, how are they able to make the busts? How far are the officers going? How else can they make a bunch of busts in the same night?

    Obviously PP is doing something right as so many people like them. But they can't completely control what their dancers do and it is competitive. Most of the time it has no consequence.

    So shadowcat, if it is not open verbal solicitation, then what is it? Were you there and privy to the conversations yourself, or are you just running your mouth?

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    One of the things which makes AMPs different from SCs is that because AMPs are ethnic, they have much more team discipline. The girls have been coached about how to do the session and about how to stay out of trouble.

    Lots of people have posted here about completely open things the dancers say to them in SCs. You would not hear such things in an AMP, because they know that that is one of the few ways they can get busted.

    In an SC, no one would want to take the chance that things they say could be used against them, so they don't coach. And then of course if bouncers are being tipped out, then that means that the owner is maintaining plausible deniability by pretending that he is enforcing rules which he knows are being routinely broken. It is not done that way in AMPs.

    Shadow, if not open solicitation, you tell us how LE was able to make the busts so easily.

  • chandler
    9 years ago
    There has been no bust yet, Sherlock.
  • magicrat
    9 years ago
    Did anyone get charged for anything? I missed that if there were charges filed...all I saw was that the place was raided.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    If they haven't made busts then they should be keeping quiet. Open solicitation is about the only way they can make busts. If their idea is that they can just find lots of used condoms, that doesn't allow them to bust anyone. I suppose they could be planning on using that as evidence to shut the place down via a civil action. That would really stink. That is completely unfair to the owner and to everyone as they have no specific evidence as to who was breaking the law, or even what law.

    You would never find used condoms by sweeping AMPs, as they are run very strictly. But that is part of what makes them different from SC's, where the owners are going to act like they have no knowledge of what goes on, and then bouncers are being tipped out and all.

    People have posted here about open solicitations occurring. One guy spoke of it in 5 different states. This is about the only way they can make easy busts.

    For LE to talk about an ongoing investigation is just grandstanding. They do that when they know there probably will not be any result.


  • chattguy123
    9 years ago
    Simmer down basement boy. Let the surface dwellers talk while you search for arcane items to discuss off of your prodigy internet service while using your netscape browser.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I heard no arrests were made. Where did all this talk of busts being made come from?
    I haven't had any dancer openly offer anything since all the Memphis girls left several years ago. In fact I thought this was a rather tame and lame club except the prices for lap dances were better than in Columbia because not much was going on. You really think I would only be paying $10 to $15 per lap dance if I was getting a lot of action and so many others only paid that much? Plus several dancers worrying about just making the tip out fees before leaving the club. If anything I've seen dancers escape out the emergency door because they didn't make enough money on a number of occasions. Things have gotten better, haven't seen that since the economy picked up.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    What I thought was amusing was that a few years ago I know of someone who almost never visited a strip club on a routine basis. He apparently thought this place was a whorehouse without telling me. He went up there one night with $5000 he told me. He got a dancer to give him lap dances and then he told me he said, let's cut to the chase, I got a hotel room and $5000. He told me he couldn't believe it, she said you got the wrong girl and stopped dancing for him so he left. He never went back.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    As far as I know the club fired a bunch of dancers back a few years ago and the club just wasn't the same anymore. There are a lot of voters in South Carolina who get offended at those who try to trample on our rights.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Platinum Plus was so lame as far as lap dances and prices some of the new dancers wanted, that I considered never going back for a number of months. However I noticed some of the prettier dancers from another club decided to come over here so business picked up. I don't mind drinking beer and tipping pretty girls. Then this happens. Apparently dancers from other parts of the country are used to charging more for dances. That sucks big time I thought. ok, I'm rambling too much. later.
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