The party is over at Platinum in Greenville

South Carolina
Just saw on the news today that the Greenville County Sheriff is investigating Platinum Plus for "Prostitution and general nascence" charges. They were sweeping the place for evidence (used condoms?) according to the report. With all the murders and crime we have in this county you would think that they would have better things to investigate. It will be interesting to see how this affects the place
I hope this does not negatively effect PP Cola. I am planning to take my business there for a while.
A dancer once told me there were cameras in the lap dance room, hidden above. It is a very brightly lit lap dance area. I can look around at everyone, no privacy and see that no is getting any extras.
The problem is that Trophy and Lust are also outside the city limits, also making them potential targets for the county sheriff. In fact, I'm was surprised to hear that it was PP targeted rather than one of the others.
So maybe he just included "prostitution" in his sound bite to make sure it got his face on TV. A 6:30 AM sweep for evidence could make more sense if it's drugs they're looking for.
But then, the problem is that in many situations the defendant will not have the money or the guts to go thru a jury trial, so they just plead guilty. LE knows to expect this.
Jim and Artie Mitchell were able to win because they had balls, and because the SF newspapers stood with them and made fun of the cops.