
Comments by Subraman (page 84)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Where did flag go?
    Someone spiked his fruit cup with cialis. He's been locked in the bathroom with his MyPillow for 2 days straight now
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    5 years ago
    Have you ever .....
    Since the rise of uber, there's very little reason for me to drive drunk anymore. Even going to the city is a train ride plus Uber. I slipped up once that I can remember, in about the past 10 years, and it was many many years ago. Since then, I've kept very tight discipline on not drinking and driving
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Techniques to make a stripper fall in love with you
    I follow the tried and true methods of the spiritual leader of Team WinningTeam "Its in your best interest to take control of her drug use from the start. Make sure she does the minimum to get fucked up." "Never ask her to do shit. Tell her to do it." "Its about control." "Don’t be afraid to discipline her. Eventually you’ll have to. Be manipulative with her feelings." "She’s not happy with herself and never satisfied, she’s always looking for a quick fix and fast satisfaction."   "The number one thing you need to do to fulfill her needs is to make her dependent on you for as much as possible. You basically have to manage her life. Its what these bitches crave" "If she fucks with your main bitch keys your car gets violent with you, then slap the shit out of her. "
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Retired from internet message boards. Good luck all.
    Icey Loco's current bitch
    Bitch better have Icey's cow hooves
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What Does the Strip Club Offer You That The OTC World Doesn’t?
    See, while I definitely enjoy the NSA no-entanglement fun with CFs and random strippers, I also like the light-strings-attached and light-entanglement with my ATFs. Totally understand why some (most) guys on tuscl prefer the former and avoid the latter. But my experiences on SA have shown that what I have with ATFs is pretty much indistinguishable from an arrangement, and I do enjoy the sex more with a woman I know better, I enjoy when they lean on me for advice, etc. Not a right or wrong thing, just different ways to have fun.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What Does the Strip Club Offer You That The OTC World Doesn’t?
    Ah. I wouldn't use the term OTC to mean real life. We all use it almost exclusively to mean "Outside The Club WITH Strippers" Up until a few years ago, I'd have said the main thing ITC or OTC gets me, that I don't get in real life, is sex with an 8+ 20-25 year old woman. But, I've since been getting that same thing through SA, and in fact, as the SC quality in my area has gone down over the past few years, I've been doing even more of that through SA and relatively less with strippers. What ITC still gets me is a unique social situation that I can enjoy with my buddies. We go to the club together, party there together, etc. And despite my activities on SA, I still enjoy strippers so much that sometimes I connect with the right stripper and go OTC with her.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    There is nothing with exploiting the financial desperation of women for sexual g
    A question, and true story: I have a brand new CF. I asked her when her slow shifts are, she told me, and I met her on a slow shift. Part of the reason I do this is because I know during the slow shift, she makes less money so more likely to be happy hanging out for 3 hours with me. Am I exploiting her? Okay, another question: During that 3 hours, I bought two VIPS ($240 total + tip), my buddy bought 1 (or 2, can't remember) VIPs from her (so either $120 or $240 + tip). During that same time period -- again, slowest part of the day on her slowest shift -- NO other stripper got any VIPs, just lap dances. So the girl made $400+ during a period of time when many of the girls just made their minimum wage from the club plus a couple of lap dances. Hell, she made $500+ if my buddy did 2 VIPs rather than just one. Am I exploiting her? In the end, I just go by intentions. My intention is not to fuck her over. In fact, part of my motivation is I genuinely like her, and do enjoy helping her fill out her dead times, when there's no real opportunity cost for hanging out with me for 3 hours for a mere 2 VIPs. And sometimes she gets a bonus that I'm always willing to share her with my buddies. I'm looking for a good deal for myself, but also want her happy. I'd bet anything that she looked at this trip, even with my usual mere 2 VIPs spent, as win-win. She made more in the 3 hours I was there, than many of those girls will make for that entire dayshift. Still, the girl is a legit 8.5, and would make far more at an upscale club (she sometimes works at spearmint rhino in vegas, so she's hot enough for it) at night shift... she's just chosen, for her own reasons, to work SF dayshift.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What Does the Strip Club Offer You That The OTC World Doesn’t?
    ITC with a stripper can be more social (i.e., you can do it with your buddies), with not much planning needed, and the ability to call an audible to switch girls, activities, etc OTC gets you quality time with one stripper (if she manages to show up), much more time and sex for the $$$ than ITC, more planning required but sex in complete privacy Is this a trick question?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The number game
    -->"her Snapchat or instagram account this is where the true girl comes out. Most don’t hide there real selfs there." Bama, I agree there's advantages to having her snapchat and/or instagram, e.g., sexy pics on her story, and the illusion of impermanence makes it more likely she'll send you nudie pics (at least if it's her real IG and not a stripper "brand" IG). But don't agree her true self comes out there; IME, it's almost always a facade constructed to make it look as if her life is more glamorous and fun than it really is; the club is where she hustles you, IG is where she hustles her party friends, FaceBook is where she hustles her family and "serious" friends 🤣. But it can be interesting and fun to go along for the ride
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What Does the Strip Club Offer You That The OTC World Doesn’t?
    I may not understand the question. You're asking what ITC offers that OTC (in both cases, with strippers) doesn't?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    It took me 3 tries, but I found some edibles that don't immediately put me to sleep, so it could be fun!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Ya, Like I said at the beginning, a buzzed stripper is, 100% of the time, more fun than a sober stripper, but a drunk stripper is almost always a nightmare; strippers can be pretty mean drunks. It's a fine line lol. I'm finding more and more strippers are choosing to get stoned instead; I mean, a LOT of them have been asking about it. I'm thinking of going the JS69 route and trying it, CF and I talked about doing edibles together next time, and I'll cut down on the drinks.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    I tend to believe nicespice and SW on this one, too. Any customer who wants to socialize in any way with the girls, rather than just interact for dances and done, may well find her not drinking a pretty big turn-off. I'm sure there are also plenty of customers who don't care either way, but I think this is a personal and business tradeoff that isn't always easy to make or stick with -- not drinking will make things harder for her, is she okay with that? If so, more power to her
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Missy, if you want to meet my friend Benjamin, you first have to get through my buddy Julio
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    How do you communicate wanting a specific extra while avoiding LEO?
    Yeah, it would be interesting to hear more details. An undercover female officer, in a club that's nude or even topless, and contact occurs during lapdances? I don't believe there is such a thing; for such a minor offense, the department would ask an officer to go nude and let PLs feel her up, for the chance that at some point, one guy might solicit her and she can nail him on a very minor misdemeanor/infraction?... does the link which claims this happened have any more details? No touch bikini club?
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    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    How do you communicate wanting a specific extra while avoiding LEO?
    trpterp: solid strategy. If they say "no", that's definitely proof they're not a cop 🤣🤣👮‍♀️
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Gum shewing strippers.
    I almost never see strippers chewing gum. Hell, I can't remember seeing a stripper chewing gum in the past 5 years. But the Cuban Invasion hasn't hit here at all
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Giggity giggity goooo
    How to say no to your regular stripper
    Rick, I gotcha, you've been saying that for a bit. My "don't be an asshole" has worked for me in SF, but also other places I've SCed recently like Phoenix and even Vegas. But maybe there's a "sprinkling of assholiness" we all subconsciously develop, but I definitely don't consciously show "a little grit" until she does something to trigger it, and then it's often a one-strike-you're-out dismissal from the table.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Giggity giggity goooo
    How to say no to your regular stripper
    25: Rule #3: On being on a winning team, behaving like a bad boy (starting with Axe body spray), and offering your management services. Check and check
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Which one?
    AtABoy, if you have other examples of women who are equally unattractive in their before and after pics, and ask us to make a choice which almost all of us reply "neither", this is been an exciting exercise 🤣
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Giggity giggity goooo
    How to say no to your regular stripper
    I should refresh that article with a paragraph on "what do I do if I have a regular girl but want to play the field", in the Don'T Be a Little Bitch section...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Giggity giggity goooo
    How to say no to your regular stripper
    But do agree with Dolfan -- regulars do get YMMV treatment, and that might dry up. But since you're looking to move on anyway, who cares?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Giggity giggity goooo
    How to say no to your regular stripper
    This is a complete non-issue. The only place where it's an issue is in your head. I walk in, big smile and hug, "hey Porsche, good to see you! I'm just doing dances today with the new girl, but catch you next time?". If you act scared, they'll try to intimidate you or make you feel guilty. Act 100% confident and like you're not doing anything wrong -- which you're not -- and you'll see there are no repercussions.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Which one?
    Still an easy no on the right, but looks even worse on the left...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Which one?
    Definitely neither. Left is too thin and missing feminine curves; girls with hips that flat, often have flat asses, too. Boner killer. On the right, the first word that popped into my mind is gawker's term "porker". That's a hard no, even drunk, stoned, and having not had sex for a month. So, if I had a gun to my head and had to choose, easy choice for left. But wouldn't get dances from either in the club