
Comments by Subraman (page 63)

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    5 years ago
    New here
    BTW, speaking of 2000, is that when founder created tuscl? I don't remember exact dates, but there was an early version of the forum that was just basically one text-based log of comments, very early on in tuscl's lifetime. So, despite me only being on this forum for like 4 years or however long, I may well be earliest poster on tuscl who is still here -- all of us SF guys used that forum as home base early on, before we moved on to more local forums with better forum software. Maybe founder can comment if he remembers what his first forum was like
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    5 years ago
    Trans wants to work as a dancer.
    Juice, I always had you pegged as the fudge packee
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Trans wants to work as a dancer.
    Muddy-->"I would just be needing a rebate of some sort" Ah, I'm picking up what you're laying down -- you're saying you want a snowball. Got it!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New here
    I love Papi's metaphor for LDKers being special forces. Except I'd more call them our PL shock troops. Particularly given the shock new strippers have when they experience their first LDK :) :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New here
    -->"Perhaps not old time tuscl members but i had already earned my PL badge on usenet and had been hitting strip clubs for two decades." You and I are the a.s.s-c old timers, if I remember right? I can't remember, did you ever meet any of the other asscers?
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    5 years ago
    Trans wants to work as a dancer.
    I am fucking outraged. WHERE IS THIS SC WITH TRANNY STRIPPERS??? Asking for a friend. And also, research. lol ... more seriously, while I am 100% for trans people being able to live with equal rights, be treated with dignity, etc., I think trying to "pass" and fool guys into thinking they're (biological) women really is fucking outrageous; plus, it's dangerous for them, depending on the men they're trying to fool, and I can't say I feel bad about that. Particularly in a young man, the realization that he just had sexual relations with a biological guy can do serious psychological harm; it is not acceptable and I struggle with the idea that the young man who was conned and who lashes out is the one in the wrong. If a trans stripper is not trying to pass and fool guys, well, I think it's not a smart strategy by the club (although in some areas they may feel like legally they have no choice) but I don't care. One of the great ways to use reviews is to out trans strippers if they are trying to fool male customers, and out their clubs.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New here
    -->"Everyone commenting here was a newbie at one time! Give the fellow a break." Everyone here was a newbie, but I'd be willing to bet that NONE of us jumped onto a forum full of dudes with a "let's chat tonight ladies" message. If I were goofy enough to do that, I'd expect to get some well-deserved good-natured ball busting.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    San Francisco, North Beach
    I can tell you definitively Hustler Club has food, or at least it did last time I was there, maybe 4-6 weeks ago.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    San Francisco, North Beach
    I vaguely remember one of the alcohol clubs shutting down sjg, could be Hungry I
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    San Francisco, North Beach
    -->"But now the downside, San Franciso is very hard to function in. Everything is extremely expensive. And then very hard to park" In this area of north beach, where the clubs are, there are plenty of lots and garages. Perhaps late friday or saturday night it might start to fill up, but any other time, easy parking. The girls all park in the cheaper open lots on Broadway; I'd suggest the garages along Columbus and on Jackson for everyone else.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    How was 2019? In your SC’ing world?
    2019 was a pivot year for me. The past few years the local SC scene has been getting worse and worse, and I've been spending a bit more time and $ on arrangements than on SCs and strippers. This year, the slow degradation of the local clubs fell off the cliff, with the disastrous effects of the employee law sucking a lot of the remaining joy out of the clubs for me (and for the strippers who remain). As a result, looking back on it, I realize I've switched solidly over, from 50/50 SC/sugar, to SCing only as a fun male bonding thing with my buddies, very few solo SC trips, and OTC pretty much replaced by (non-stripper) SBs. This isn't by choice, if I could go back to even 2015, I'd go right back to 70/30 SC/sugar. But unless I run into just the right stripper during one of those trips with my buddies, it'll probably remain 20/80 SC/sugar split.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New here
    Good point. Also, maybe he got his tuscl account mixed up with his The Ultimate Dick Pic List account
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    5 years ago
    Ish: yes, point taken. A vague question is fine if it's just to get the ball rolling, but finish direct & clear. I just didn't think our young padawan was picking up on the "direct and clear" finish part
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    -->"Point taken, probably was bull crap that she was feeling the vibe I figured the dance was over and she got her money so she didn’t need to BS me but it’s safe to assume anything out of a dancers mouth is a lie" You got it. Now I'm going to pull you back a bit: Yes, "feeling the vibe" was probably a lie, although she may not have been lying that as a customer, you are less repulsive than most. In any case, there's a tendency for some of the weaker guys to get furious about strippers fake-flirting them up this way. The fact is, it is ridiculous to go into a strip club, and pay the stripper to do exactly what you are paying her for -- to put together an hour of fantasy time with an impossibly sexy girl, with the illusion that she's loving it as much as you. You hired her to do that, and she's evidently done a good job, not reason to feel hurt feelings about it. The only problem occurs is if you believe her fake flirting -- you paid her to lie to you, enjoy it at face value, and enjoy the ride as you move towards extras and OTC
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    -->". She said she liked my vibe, while I don’t know if that was bs or not she had no reason to lie." If you can't figure out why a stripper has EVERY FUCKING REASON IN THE WORLD TO LIE about this, you are probably incredibly vulnerable to stripper manipulation and hustle. I would do some reading and contemplate this a bit -- seriously, not being snarky, it's for your own protection. This is worrisome. -->"They have private rooms where I assume there are extras to be had. " Per Ish, do not assume that. You might get some hint at whether there are extras to be had or not, through reading reviews. Otherwise, you can't know for sure until you try. -->"how is a respectful way to ask what extras are allowed?" Per Ish, just ask. IME, as long as your demeanor is respectful, you can be pretty straightforward. The one place I depart from Ish that I strongly advise AGAINST asking in a roundabout way, such as "What kind of fun can we have in VIP?" Strippers practice deliberately deceptive answers to this question -- and a guy who is so naive he can't figure out why a stripper would lie about liking his vibe, is in no way prepared to disentangle this. If you've never done it before, it will seem terrifying and disrespectful, but the fact is, a respectfully asked "I'm interested in extras, would you consider doing that with me?" or something like that. I actually ask much more directly than that, but I'm softening the wording since as a newbie, you'll be incredibly uncomfortable already. -->"Also how about otc type of stuff?" I use almost exactly Ish's wording: "Would you consider seeing me privately outside the club?". Note the idea here, in the way I've phrased both questions: 1. I make this personal -- would you do this "with me", I strongly advise against passive-aggressive wording like "do you do xyz with customers". 2. Make the question clear and direct. If you ask in a vague way ("can we have more fun in the back?") the strippers practice answering in a way that an over-excited newbie will interpret as "yes there are extras", but in actually that's just something in his head.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    -->"If so agree on a price and DO NOT PAY UNTIL SHE HAS PROVIDED WHAT WAS AGREED UPON. NEVER NEVER PAY UP FRONT." Agree that this is best if feasible. But there's some "club culture" factors here. In the two clubs I've had the most extras at, no stripper would do extras without getting the money up front -- you might as well be telling him "don't get extras". Yes, if you can get away with paying after, great. If you pay before, you're definitely taking a risk. But at some clubs, the option is either pay before, or give up on the idea of getting extras.
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    5 years ago
    New here
    Hello ladies how you doin' this morning would love to chat and have cyber sex
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    5 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    All Your Questions About Las Vegas Stripper Hoes Answered
    -->"Holy shit! Iceyloco makes his appearance in close proximity as Nicole1994. How can we get so lucky?" You haven't noticed this has happened multiple times before, Nidan? They disappear around the same time, too. Which makes the spectacle of those nincompoops who fawn over Nicole even more retahded, as we say in Boston.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Mostly Free Mondays - Deja Vu Sacramento / Rancho Cordova
    -->"I havent been clubbing since the employee/contractor thing hit - hope that doesnt end up making our hobby less fufilling" In the SF clubs, the employee change has had a significant impact on the experience for customers, and hugely negative for the girls. The net-net has been: 1. the girls take home far less, 2. many, many strippers have either left stripping, or are stripping in a different state (Vegas has been swamped by CA girls), 3. the girls can work less hours, 4. shifts are much smaller at the deja vu clubs, since it's now salary-based and the clubs have incentive to not have girls sitting around, 5. all of the above has resulted in more hustle and less favoring of regulars, even during slower dayshifts. Obviously, this all varies by city, and even by club within a city. But that's been my experience, and the experience of the other local PLs I've talked to
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What do you think of my new bitch?
    Ironically, your girl is hotter than all of the girls Iceyloco posted
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Thoughts on High Heels ... Yes? No? Whatever?
    -->" I said I though it would be good if the club allowed the dancers to wear comfortable shoes like sneakers so that they would look more like the girl next door. " At least one of the dive clubs here allows the girls to wear sneakers. It does NOT look good. Sneakers and lingerie is an odd look
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    ATF advice
    Text her and let her know you'll be in tomorrow. IF you want to soften it, "I'm super stressed and need some downtime, heading to the club tomorrow, hope to see you! But hope you don't mind if I get some dances if you don't make it. Let's meet up soon!" I think the second sentence is more for you than for her :) But it'll make you feel better, and she won't mind.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Touch-Free Paper Towels Please
    I actually bring a bottle of purell with me. The furniture that I'm on is probably pretty gross, and half the time I have my fingers in her pussy at the table, then I have to eat my club sandwich with my hands lol...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Touch-Free Paper Towels Please
    You can't be too safe!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Touch-Free Paper Towels Please
    Why not have a little travel size bottle of purell to use at the table?