
Comments by Subraman (page 62)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Meeting up
    Okay, Fun_Loving_Fella is in for six clams. Bring your biggest, uh, "scrapbook". He'll meet you at the Hilton on 4th near Main
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Meeting up
    Fun_Loving_Fella, CashApp the woman her tree fiddy for your, uh, "scrapbooking"
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Meeting up
    About tree fiddy
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you go to a club looking for a dancer that was mentioned in a review?
    -->" But I also think it'd be usually okay to make general comments like "Dancer named Abstention was awesome"" The thing I keep in mind is, she can get in trouble with management, which is bad. But you can still write things that are ok with management but get her in trouble with the other girls (which can be worse) and with her regulars (which can be worstest). You can definitely do more than say she was awesome, and I think describing her, her body, etc. is important so people can see if the Jade they're seeing is the same Jade you described (minus the fact that I can't tell any of the Jades apart). I wonder if the reason so many guys here think cover charge and dance prices are more important than knowing which girls are great and which aren't, is because there just has never been enough info in reviews here to really be useful. Not sure that's ever going to change, but I can dream :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Meeting up
    You on him
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Meeting up
    And by "scrapbooking", he means anal sex
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you go to a club looking for a dancer that was mentioned in a review?
    There was a now-defunct forum I used to read, where the reviews were very heavily TR and stripper-review based, so there was a deep base of knowledge of many of the strippers -- and, in fact, you could look up reviews not just by club, but by stripper name, so even at the club, you could quickly get g-2 on the stripper you were interested in. Anyway, with that much intel on particular strippers, while I never went to a club looking for a particular stripper, I absolutely kept a running tallies of which strippers I wanted to meet and ones to avoid -- I am anal retentive so actually wrote it all down lol. It was unbelievably, enormously valuable in helping me zero in on fantastic strippers who gave great experiences, and avoiding the ROBs, GPSs, etc. That's one of the reasons I'm so out of sync with the tuscl "cover charge, bar layout, and dance price" review ethic. Yes I'm being a snarky dick, but that's what it feels like coming from a forum where the reviews were focused on TRs and strippers. While I do go through reviews for clubs, strippers aren't mentioned often enough that the intel is actionable. Still, I'd prefer the opposite of you shadow: swing the ship the other way, name ROBs and GPS girls, name girls who gave you an amazing experience without giving compromising details, etc. Fuck yes, that information is unbelievably useful to people who are not furniture-level regulars.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    iran lauch missle attack on 2 iraq military bases
    -->"We should send Juice in" Juice will fuck all their trannies and wipe his ass on the drapes. They will rue the day
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    How not to offend regular dancer. If you want to try others?
    -->" One exception to this would be if she was going into work on a night she wasn't normally there to see you" The appointment is sacred, it's part of the code, man. If I make an appointment with her, all my wallet are belong to her.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    How not to offend regular dancer. If you want to try others?
    Years ago, I was a regular at a club, and whenever I was there I saw another regular. I knew this guy was a serial CFer, monopolizing a girl for a few days or weeks, then switching to another girl (often, whoever hte new hotness was).... and then, switching back to an old girl at his whim. I talked to my then-CF about him, and she was like, "yeah, we all know he just goes from girl to girl, no big deal." That PL actually taught me a lesson -- take control, be 100% confident and what the fuck you want. He didn't sneak around, he didn't purposely go when his CF wasn't working, nothing. I put this to work and never looked back. I do tend to stick with my ATFs for a long time, but if she's just a random current fave, at some point I move on. And when I do, I just walk in, smile, big hug, "hey Mercedes, I'm going to hang out with Amber today! Great seeing you!" and then go hang out with Amber. Nothing bad ever happens. If I want to go back to Mercedes, she takes me back. After a while, I pretty much internalized it, just go with who I want. I do think the passive aggressive guys who clearly sneak around, etc., the girls know it, they know you're scared and weak, and then you're a lot more likely to get some stripper drama.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Cash Apps - How do you feel about them ?
    Sorry, meant "What you just wrote is MISinformation" !! Anyway, here's one of many articles that explains the fraud angle: https://www.thebalance.com/venmo-scams-315823
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Cash Apps - How do you feel about them ?
    -->"You cannot dispute a Venmo or Cash App transaction with the apps. That is misinformation, sorry." What you just wrote is information, sorry :) Or, more seriously, CashApp and Venmo don't get easily reversed the way Paypal can. But if the CashApp was backed by a stolen credit card number or bank account, it WILL get reversed. The bank will not pay. CashApp will reverse it. I realize many people are not aware of this, but it is nevertheless true. That said, if someone dealing in stolen credit card and bank info, they are professional thieves.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    San Francisco, North Beach
    -->"the half block between topless Gold Club and W Hotel," I'd always heard that bar at the W (which I could swear used to be called xyz, but evidently the name has changed) was a place to find decently high end escorts. I know that back in MBOT"s golden age, a lot of MBOT strippers used to party and hustle there -- and this was when MBOT was full of incredibly hot strippers.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Cash Apps - How do you feel about them ?
    -->"Why would the OP's SB want to be paid via this when he could just shove cash into her cleavage?" Most likely explanation, she's setting him up for a scam. Like before they meet, "hey shoot me $30 to get my nails done", he does, she ghosts. Otherwise, cash is always preferred for safety reason. Alternative explanation, they know each other really well, she trusts him, so there's no safety issues (in her mind). So she'd rather not walk around with whatever her PPM is in cash
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Cash Apps - How do you feel about them ?
    doctorevil: I use venmo extensively, but usually with people whose names, emails, and phone numbers I know. But, I could have sworn that you needed to know one of those things to connect with someone on venmo? Am I wrong, is there an anonymous handle you can use? On CashApp, there is definitely an anonymous handle Wiffle Waffle: paypal is easily reversible. I've never heard of CashApp being reversed outside of fraudulent use of an account. Do you know of cases? In any case, all of these apps say they are meant to be used between people who know and trust each other, which I basically agree with. By the time I'm venmo'ing a stripper or SB, I know all their info (and to some extent, vice versa)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Cash Apps - How do you feel about them ?
    -->"Subra and Warrior, are these CashApps totally anonymous, like a bank account that the feds cannot tie to you, is it that good? Or do you mean just anonymous to the public, people like your girls?" sjg, specifically with CashApp, you can be anonymous to the person you are paying. The government -- and CashApp itself -- has all the records, though.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    All Your Questions About Las Vegas Stripper Hoes Answered
    -->"What club would you currently recommend for combination of low pressure, mild to decent mileage, good but not necessarily great looking dancers?" I am not a Vegas regular, but of the Vegas clubs I've been to, this describes Palomino: lower pressure than the likes of Sapphire and Spearmint Rhino, more mileage than the preceding two, but instead of being filled with 8s, 9s, and 10s like SR & Sapphire, it's been 6s, 7s, 8s, and maybe the occasional 9. Huge plus: at Palomino you can drink, AND the girls are nude. Like the other clubs, no extras, although I didn't really pursue it regardless.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New here
    I forgot about that article, thanks Papi. No mention of forum history, alas. On the other hand, I was reminded that SJG set up those lifeboat forums, so there you go
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    strip club behavior
    Like the others, I tend to sit back and watch guys like this with amusement, maybe accompanied by a small feeling of superiority :) If I happen to be with a stripper, making jokes about that guy can be a fun bonding moment. Different if he's being purposely malicious, but a guy who appears to have been sexually frustrated his whole life, basically letting loose and celebrating beautiful women? Kinda makes me smile to watch. At least until he inevitably steps over the line and gets tossed
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New here
    Hmm, on whatever that original forum was, there were definitely handles. I could see all the names and personalities, etc., it wasn't like 4chan style anonymity
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    San Francisco, North Beach
    With the caveat that I have not done an after-shift OTC in literally a few years, looking back on it I can't remember if, when they get off their shift, they're still in stripper makeup. I don't think they were in full warpaint. Maybe one of the girls could comment on whether they take their stripper makeup off before they leave the club after their shift.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    San Francisco, North Beach
    -->"For your first time with a girl, did you get the girl first, or book the hotel room first?" I NEVER book the hotel until the girl is with me. If she's coming on her day off, I'll book it on my phone after she's parked and met me at the bar. If it's right after her shift, I'll book it when she comes out of the club and joins me. Not one second before. She has to be physically there and ready to go -->"Check in to the hotel with the girl right there with you in the lobby?" Yep! -->"How much time to plan on spending with her?" One of the fun things about OTCs is you never know. My OTCs tend to be, at minimum, a couple of hours of eating and drinking, an hour or two in the room. But I've had OTCs stretch hours and hours, and if we're drunk enough, sometimes the girl will crash for the night. I had a girl from a broadway club who lived super far away, so she absolutely loved it if she were working two days in a row, that I'd take her OTC after her first day, wine her, dine her, get our fuck on, crash in the room... and she could wake up like 90 minutes earlier the next day before her next shift. -->"^^^^ You bring girls that are obviously highly painted up, over drawn mouths, white faces, etc, into the SW lobby? And in stripper shoes too?" If it's a girl on her day off, which is what I prefer, she's dressed hot but her clothes and makeup are not stripper-slutty. If it's right after her shift, she's still got some of her makeup on (she'll often remove her eyelashes, etc), but they're always dressed down in whatever their incognito attire is (huge jacket, sweatpants), then they come to the room to get hot again, but it's not stripper clothes
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    San Francisco, North Beach
    I haven't seen streetwalkers in the area, but I can be a bit oblivious to that I suppose, plus I tend to stay in the better areas of north beach and am usually there during the day. I've always assumed those hotels were low-income subsidized units, perhaps. But who knows. In the big clubs I go to in the area, e.g., Condor, Hustler -- guys are definitely not taking the girls mid-shift anywhere. In general, my belief is that OTC is far rarer among the general SCing public, than it is on tuscl, so I doubt there's a ton of OTCing especially at those hotels. What I was at my peak at getting OTC from the bigger north beach clubs, and I got them post-shift (which is not my fave way of doing it, I'd rather get them on their day off), I'd either go to one of the bigger hotels like the SW Hotel on broadway (quick walk from all the broadway clubs), or just drive them across town for dinner & a hotel somewhere else.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New here
    Papi -- it makes sense that it was prior to 2000 -- those early text-based forums were mid-to-late 90s, if I recall correctly. By 2000 forums had started to become threaded, etc
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New here
    When did tuscl get created? By any chance, do you remember that initial simple text-based forum?