
ATF advice

Dumped by ATF?
Hi all, I'm wondering how to go about this situation. I've been seeing my ATF for almost 3 years, we get along great, extras,etc. I emailed here a week ago asking when shes working and wishing her a merry christmas. I got no response and called the club today asking if she worked earlier this week , today or tommorrow, he said she was in a few days ago. I found out some other dancer is working tommorrow who i also find attractive and met a few months ago while seeing my ATF. i had a annoying holiday and need to girl relief, really want to go there tomorrow. Not sure if i should email saying i'll be there tomorrow her again or text her (usually a last resort). Shes also a teacher and not in the club much. I dont want to ruin the relationship but technically we're not a couple.......


  • neon44
    5 years ago
    sorry for the typos
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Unless she's said not to text her, then send her a text letting her know but expect to have to execute plan B
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    People often get busy during the holidays so you may to wait till things settle down - she may also be taking some time off during the holidays and doesn't wanna deal with club biz
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I’d just go there if that was my inclination if she’s there great , if not the other one should be there, or you might just find a better gal and have some unexpected fun.
  • neon44
    5 years ago
    Issue resolved, shes replied to my emai, going tomorrow. I see you're point about not getting too attached.
    Thanks for the replies
  • K
    5 years ago

    I reviewed some of your old posts. Forgot about this dancer for now. Let her come to you. Or not.
  • RandomMember
    5 years ago
    I have a strong opinion:

    I would text twice (total), at the very most, and then move on. She's a sex worker, not your GF. These girls can't stand clingy and dependent guys.
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    ^“She’s a sex worker, not your GF.” That sums it up.

    I get the CF concept but not the ATF. These ladies are just trying to pay their bills and I don’t think they enjoy being anyone’s ATF. Go to the club if you want and if you see her and things go well, that’s great. If she’s doesn’t show or doesn’t seem too into you, move on.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    Text her and let her know you'll be in tomorrow. IF you want to soften it, "I'm super stressed and need some downtime, heading to the club tomorrow, hope to see you! But hope you don't mind if I get some dances if you don't make it. Let's meet up soon!"

    I think the second sentence is more for you than for her :) But it'll make you feel better, and she won't mind.
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