
Comments by Subraman (page 54)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Saying China Virus is racists
    He has been biding his time 'lo these many years, waiting until the perfect time when he could make that Cleveland Steamer reference. Anyway, I'm strictly referring to it as Kung Flu
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    5 years ago
    Spearmint Rhino City Of Industry
    Damn! Talk about motivation to take that COI strip club crawl I've always wanted to do ... well, after two weeks, and also after the shelter in place is lifted, and also if I still have a job :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    SA business will be booming!
    Buy a 1 week cruise, get two extra weeks free!
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    5 years ago
    SA business will be booming!
    Are there SCers who aren't concerned about HIV? I think actual "mongers" -- escort clients -- have this thing about liking bareback. But SCers aren't raw-dogging it, I don't think
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    Social Distancing
    "If you are social distancing how long are you doing it?" In many areas, "how long am I doing it" is not up to you -- more and more areas are shutting down bars, restaurants, etc. My area is an extreme, we have a shelter-in-place order for the next 3 weeks, so my social distancing answer is "at least the next 3 weeks" although I'm guessing it'll end up longer
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    5 years ago
    SA business will be booming!
    Ya, sticking with current SB, despite the fact that it's raining SBs. Although not even doing that, since we've been ordered to shelter in place for 3 weeks
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    5 years ago
    SA business will be booming!
    Many SDs are saying they're getting contacting by lots of SBs, so there's a zillion SBs out there on the prowl now (I know it's raining hot chicks on my account). I don't know that SA business will be booming at all though. First, because so many SDs got killed by the market. Second, with all restaurants and bars shutting down, real SBs who follow the "platonic meeting in public first" rules, will find that no one wants to go out in public with them, especially not a bunch of old guys who don't want to catch corona. I suppose the escort-like girls who many tuscl guys like, who will come straight to your house, may do ok. I am thinking PPMs will plummet when people are finally going out again
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    The Hoarding of Toilet Paper
    $1500 bought them only 4 months of TP? Do they shit like 12 times a day or something????
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Former Bond girl Olga Kurylenko has the Corona.
    Wait a minute, you're saying HOT CHICKS can get the Rona too??? Holy fuck, NOW it's time to panic. Headed out right now to buy 12 cases of bottled water
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    The Hoarding of Toilet Paper
    Cash: yep, needing to feel like they're more in control is my guess, too. These are people who have been sleepwalking through this whole thing, who suddenly wake up, panic, throw rationality out the window, and need to take some sort of action even if it's nonsensical. That's the only thing that can explain the completely unnecessary panic-buying of all those water bottles. It's a security blanket for the dopey
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Michigan is shutting down all bars and restaurants
    No doubt, this will be expanding
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    The Hoarding of Toilet Paper
    That goes without saying.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    The Hoarding of Toilet Paper
    So many types of retards. Okay, now back to sending coronavirus memes to my friends.
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    5 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    The Hoarding of Toilet Paper
    4. retards for whom this is all a political issue and didn't look at what's actually happening at all
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    5 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    The Hoarding of Toilet Paper
    -->"Hahaha why are people hating the hoarders? They got ahead of this and they prepared and you’re too late. In Cali, bars are closed, 50+ gatherings are a no no, guess what’s next? Restaurants then supermarkets. Hoarders have done it right while people were mocking them" Hoarders haven't "done it right". They're panic-buying way more than they need, and very often nonsensical things (newsflash: your water isn't going to get turned off due to coronavirus; you don't need 6 cases of bottled water), and for no reason other than blind panic and stupidity, fucking everyone else over. To me, everyone who is smart (including me) saw exactly what was coming months ago, and did what I think is rational preparation -- supplies in case you need to self-quarantine for a month or two, especially given that it was obvious that once the retards woke up, they'd panic-buy everything in site. That's who "did it right". Other than that, we have various flavors of retards: 1. retarded panic-buyers of pallets of water for no reason, and a year's worth of toilet paper, 2. retards who denied this whole thing was ever going to happen even though it was excruciatingly obvious it was, 3. retards who just decided to be contrary on the internet because that's always the cool position to take.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    The Hoarding of Toilet Paper
    Spend $30 on an install-yourself bidet and be done with it, retards. Your ass will be cleaner anyway. Oh yeah, based on how they're buying up pallets of water bottles, the retards think the Rona gonna make all the water disappear, too.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    new city, new club
    Bruce Lee
    It's fake but a fun vid.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What to do in this situation with a "regular"
    Assuming this is all true, great ending. A couple of quick comments: "So I book the hotel room," If you keep booking the hotel room before she shows up to the OTC, you should expect that you will very often pay for a hotel room that you use alone -- very common with new (to you) OTC girls is that they don't show, even if they confirmed 4 hours earlier. Have her meet you at a bar or restaurant in or near the hotel, buy her a drink and/or dinner, and book the room through an app while you're at the table. Anything else will lead to lots of wasted hotel rooms. "Not sure what this will lead to, if anything," This statement is always a red blinking stop sign. What do you mean what it will lead to? Like she might become your girlfriend or something? What it will lead to, hopefully, is more fun OTCs. Any other confusion about what it might lead to, and you should put a pause on this entirely. "Well let’s just sum up that she literally ended up leaving at 5:30 in the morning! I had a complete total of 9 hours with her lol!" And now you've figured out what makes OTC so amazing, and why it's worth putting in a little effort pursuing it
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    In the wind
    CORVID-19 Its For Ur Own Good
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Anyone still clubbing with the corona ?
    I'd cut down on SCing once the local scene was demolished by the employee laws, and as of a few weeks ago I figured this was a good time to just hunker down with my SB. If I didn't have an SB, good chance I'd be peeking in the clubs and trying to get a stripper who'd see me mostly OTC from here on out
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What to do in this situation with a "regular"
    Is it getting dusty in here?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Novel Cornoa Virus? Bullshit
    Obviously, as with everything else, we'll continue to learn more, and our views will change on things. But, regarding novel coronavirus, the genome has already been mapped, and actual scientists who study these things (who I realize have significantly less knowledge than a typical tuscl poster) have said there's little chance it's engineered. The current reactions were entirely predictable to those who have been listening to actual experts, and have been awake through this. This who are asleep, or pretending to sleep, continue to hilariously claim it's all nothing
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What to do in this situation with a "regular"
    Good luck bro!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What to do in this situation with a "regular"
    Agree, BAngus. elitecorey, why in the world do you think "OTC is unlikely now as well". That's the opposite of what I think -- she's pursuing you as a customer, things are slow at many strip clubs, she opened the door wide open for you to ask. No idea why you'd write her off without asking
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    what's your longest TIME you stayed at a strip club at once?
    "Boy I can only image the perfect combination of constant rotating 8-10s, PLENTY of dough AFTER all my expenses are paid and enough weed can make a man last a good long while." I've posted about my longest trip before, but now can't remember the details perfectly anymore! But, it was exactly the opposite of the situation above -- my long trips are always because of a single ATF, and they're affordable because she gives me such favorable treatment, not because I bring so much $. I've definitely had a few trips where I showed up at the beginning of her shift, hung out with her the entire shift, and the particular ATF I'm thinking of, I'd then drive her to the ferry building afterwards. During the trip I'd do a few VIPs with her, including one with extras (these monster trips were with a particular ATF at a "light extras" club), and she'd hang out with me whenever she was between customers. My longest trip overall was around 12 hours, but that was SC hopping with a buddy of mine, we hit 4 different clubs