The Hoarding of Toilet Paper

avatar for pistola
I don’t get it. How many shits are people planing on taking if they have to hunker down for a month or two? Unless you’ve a legit bunker or safe house with the ability to live for a year or more, I don’t see the point in overstocking. Chances are you’re going to run out of something and you can pick up more TP when you make a quick trip to the store. Also, do people not have washcloths? Worst case you wipe your ass with a wet washcloth or dishrag and do laundry more often. Also, when I went to the store today, there was no TP, no ice, no paper towels, yet I easily found a replacement air filter for my air conditioning unit. How many of you hoarders haven’t changed your dirty air filter? Well, now that I said it maybe you TP hoarders can make a makeshift one with the 300 rolls of Charmin you have stored up. This is how you know America is dumb, it’s an airborne virus - not a hurricane where travel may be impossible.

Ps - so glad that wall is being built, it’s more than for just immigration yo. If I have to explain it to you, you probably own a lot of TP right now,


last comment
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
Spend $30 on an install-yourself bidet and be done with it, retards. Your ass will be cleaner anyway.

Oh yeah, based on how they're buying up pallets of water bottles, the retards think the Rona gonna make all the water disappear, too.
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
^Exactly lol. These people ever heard of Brita filters?
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Do those suffering with corona, use toilet paper at an unusually high rate? Runny nose? Diarrhea?


Eric Clapton Layla 2008…

crosby stills nash young almost cut my hair CSNY 1974…

TJ Street……

Pleaser 10"……
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
It's not just toilet paper and water either. Dry goods, like pasta, and cheap meats are also flying off the shelves in our local stores.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Pistola, if I was a single guy I would wing it too. But with kids it's a different ballgame. The irritating part of this is that, once the hoarding starts, others are compelled to follow suit or risk running out of necessary supplies.

For example, kids medicines have been almost out of stock for two weeks in our local stores. So each time I go to the store and see them in stock, I grab some for fear that they won't be their when I actually need them. Same thing with toilet paper and bleach cleaners over the past week and today none could be found within 50 miles.

But here in N. Florida, food wasn't a big issue until today. People were buying 10-20 boxes of pasta at a time, among many other dry goods. Once again it forces others to follow suit or risk not being able to get this stuff for days or weeks to come. And good luck finding a package of chicken anywhere since about noon today. I also heard that milk and eggs were getting run on.

Now I saw this coming for some time, so I was slowing building up the meat freezer over the past week and my wife has been doing the same with the pantry and fridge. We could probably go 6-8 weeks now without buying groceries if we had to. But for people who were not looking ahead or who simply couldn't afford to stock up like that, it has to be scary right now.

avatar for joker44
5 years ago
avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 years ago
I actually think part of the run on goods is that kids are not going to school and parents are sticking up to feed them, etc.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
I'm so happy I coincidentally got one 18 pack (and one 9 pack for the guest bathroom) of tp before this chaos even went beyond China. Given that I live alone I use it very frugally, especially since I'm out of my apartment 80% of the time.

It's the food I'm mildly concerned about. I eat out all the time, hence I rarely grocery shop.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
That's me on the regular. I am a very serious wiper.
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
We'll be Okay as long as McDonald's does not run out.
avatar for BBBC
5 years ago
Get a wash cloth and some soap
avatar for DennisKe
5 years ago
One single ply roll lasts me a couple of months.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
The greed and selfishness of American shoppers is disgraceful. The survivalists weren't nuts; they had their fellow citizens pegged. The wealthier the community, the more disgraceful behavior, based on 5 hour 420 drive fest yesterday.
avatar for rane1234
5 years ago
Media driven Hysteria and generally the American public ain't too bright. Hoarding water as if tap water cant be boiled, rich get richer.
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
>One single ply roll lasts me a couple of months.<
LMAO - things that PLs brag about on what is meant to be a strip club site.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
5 years ago
For toilet paper fetishists.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Just saw this image 😝…
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ So after this pandemic is over a lot of folk got lots of TP for tipping LOL
avatar for Huntsman
5 years ago
Too bad they don’t still make the Sears Roebuck catalog, I guess.
avatar for DenimChicken
5 years ago
I drop that ultra plush quilted northern on stage and tell them to meet me at the sanitizer station.

Some nights an entire roll. Sometimes even two....#whalelivin
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Puts a whole new meaning on "please don't squeeze the Charmin"
avatar for Kudabra
5 years ago
Hahaha why are people hating the hoarders? They got ahead of this and they prepared and you’re too late. In Cali, bars are closed, 50+ gatherings are a no no, guess what’s next? Restaurants then supermarkets. Hoarders have done it right while people were mocking them. Now you’re mad at them? Hahaha
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... Just saw this image ..."

avatar for Kudabra
5 years ago
So you know when this is going to end? And you know how much tp people need! What if they have massive diarrhea or eat a lot of beans?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
That's people being selfish and self-serving at the expense of others - it's ok to maybe by 2x or 3x what you normally buy (e.g. by 2 maybe 3 packs of TP when you normally buy 1) - but buying for a year or more is just being a selfish dickwad - then there are people who get scared and think that is one what is supposed to do.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
-->"Hahaha why are people hating the hoarders? They got ahead of this and they prepared and you’re too late. In Cali, bars are closed, 50+ gatherings are a no no, guess what’s next? Restaurants then supermarkets. Hoarders have done it right while people were mocking them"

Hoarders haven't "done it right". They're panic-buying way more than they need, and very often nonsensical things (newsflash: your water isn't going to get turned off due to coronavirus; you don't need 6 cases of bottled water), and for no reason other than blind panic and stupidity, fucking everyone else over.

To me, everyone who is smart (including me) saw exactly what was coming months ago, and did what I think is rational preparation -- supplies in case you need to self-quarantine for a month or two, especially given that it was obvious that once the retards woke up, they'd panic-buy everything in site. That's who "did it right". Other than that, we have various flavors of retards: 1. retarded panic-buyers of pallets of water for no reason, and a year's worth of toilet paper, 2. retards who denied this whole thing was ever going to happen even though it was excruciatingly obvious it was, 3. retards who just decided to be contrary on the internet because that's always the cool position to take.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
4. retards for whom this is all a political issue and didn't look at what's actually happening at all
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
So many types of retards. Okay, now back to sending coronavirus memes to my friends.
avatar for Kudabra
5 years ago
You’re a retard too.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
That goes without saying.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
If you have weapons you can just look at hoarders as people nice enough to buy you things and transport them for you.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
^ Unless of course the hoarders have weapons too. Good luck trying to break into a home in N. FL to take someone else's food. Here we have the Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground, which means that we can put a burglar in a body bag with little fear of repercussions.
avatar for rickthelion
5 years ago
Why are you apes so obsessed with wiping your asses anyway? You’re damn dirty apes just live with dirty asses ferchrissake!
avatar for rickthelion
5 years ago
I mean really... my brother from an ape mother (the dugan) is a classy ape so he’ll find a way to keep his ass clean even if there is a prolonged toilet paper shortage. Like maybe stepping into the shower for a spritz.

But the rest of you apes are disgusting. Walking around smelling like shit isn’t going to change things.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 years ago
I think the appropriate punishment for these TP hoarders is to wipe the asses of the customers at Macdonalds for 3 months.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
Things are getting crazy.

I’m in the NYC area, and it’s crazy how folks are hoarding the tp. I think people feel this is something they can’t control, and they are searching for things that make them feel a little more in control? So if they buy enough tp and bottled water to get through a few months, maybe that gives them peace of mind?
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
Cash: yep, needing to feel like they're more in control is my guess, too. These are people who have been sleepwalking through this whole thing, who suddenly wake up, panic, throw rationality out the window, and need to take some sort of action even if it's nonsensical. That's the only thing that can explain the completely unnecessary panic-buying of all those water bottles. It's a security blanket for the dopey
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
Subra I think that’s a big part of it. Also, in this area (NYC), folks have the money to buy this shit and not worry about the cost. I think that contributes to it too.

I spoke with a buddy, and his wife went to Costco and spent over $1,500 so they now have a 4 month supply of TP and PT (paper towels). It seems over the top, but who knows, maybe there was a CrazyJoe sighting in a McDonalds on the LIE!
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
$1500 bought them only 4 months of TP? Do they shit like 12 times a day or something????
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
This is s a good time just to self quarantine at home.

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