
Comments by Subraman (page 48)

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    4 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Coronavirus lockdown measures should not be lifted until vaccine found, Fox News
    Despite the world's leading epidemiologist and greatest ever at everything touting hydroxychlorquine, many less qualified epidemiologists seem to think there are more promising drugs. There's a whole bunch being studied
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Coronavirus lockdown measures should not be lifted until vaccine found, Fox News
    It's just not tenable to keep lockdown for the year or so that it will take to have a vaccine. But there's a zillion drugs in the pipeline that could drastically reduce mortality rates, including at least one that's promoted by world-leading epidemiologist DJT. All it takes is one of those to make a significant impact, and it's hard to see us staying locked down for longer. They will be proven out far faster than any vaccine, although revving up the supply chain is always a challenge
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OT: What have you been watching (besides porn) during the lockdown?
    Loved Inside Man. Money Heist on the list
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    Strip Club Chairs
    "so they can be sprayed with anything" giggity
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    Strip Club Chairs
    If I had to bet, I'd bet no change. Coronavirus doesn't live as long on fabric as it does on something like pleather anyway -- unless clubs actually sanitize the pleather, which, do you really think they'll do that every night?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    Florida has nearly caught up to California in terms of covid19 cases, ramping up very very quickly. Projections are obviously tricky things, but given current trajectories, it's being projected that Florida will end up with 4x the number of deaths as CA, or about 8x per capita
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    Additional breaking news: zoo staff became suspicious when the tiger began hoarding toilet paper and rice
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    Well that settles it, I am definitely staying 6 feet from tigers from now on :) Cats have been testing positive for coronavirus in China for a while. There's mixed reports on whether felines just get the virus or actually get covid19, but it sounds like this cat had a dry cough and so actually had covid19
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Will strip clubs reopen but have a shortage of strippers?
    My guess is what 25 described -- the more we test, the more we learn. But still waiting for more confirmation.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OT: What have you been watching (besides porn) during the lockdown?
    Damn, we're on season 3 of westworld? I guess we are. I'm on the current season, so correcting my preivous statement, season 3. How are you liking it compared to 1 & 2? The premise of the park was so fascinating on its own; lost something for me going out to the real world
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OT: What have you been watching (besides porn) during the lockdown?
    Ya, still watching WEstworld too. Loved season 1, season 2 isn't as good although the setup has promise
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Will strip clubs reopen but have a shortage of strippers?
    Interesting news coming out of Wuhan: even as the city opens back up, there's a new warning for old people to continue social distancing, due to a concern about drastically increased cases of asymptomatic cases. In other words, old guys stay home -- lots of healthy young people can infect you, even after the "all clear", because there are far more asymptomatic cases than we thought.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OT: What have you been watching (besides porn) during the lockdown?
    I was hoping you guys would get the point that you should post specific shows and movies that are good, so the rest of us can watch them (or avoid them, in the case of bad shows). Yes, I already know you guys are watching shows and movies on Netflix, Hulu, and other sources!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Will strip clubs reopen but have a shortage of strippers?
    I thihnk the wildcard here is treatment. Several of the mab class drugs hold promise, and hydroxychloroquine is still getting an anecdotal boost (still waiting on test results). I'd predict that as soon as there's an effective treatment, everyone without several comorbidities starts going out more and more. Although most people over 55 have at least one
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Will strip clubs reopen but have a shortage of strippers?
    "Subraman, forgive my naïveté. What are SA and SB?" No worries. SA = Seeking Arrangement, a website to find sugarbabies... although it's full of strippers and escorts also. SB = sugarbaby. The point for me being, at least until there's a medicine to address covid19, I'm more likely to stick with 1:1 interactions (with an SB, or OTC with a stripper with whom I have a pre-existing relationship) than go to the club
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Will strip clubs reopen but have a shortage of strippers?
    Jack: I think you're right across the board, and said so myself earlier: I think the older customers who are the bread-and-butter for many strippers, are absolutely the slowest to come back. I'm not over 60 or 65 or wherever they've made the cutoff, and even I am thinking I'll be taking my time going back. After all, I have an SB (if I had an OTC girl, same thing) who I can see 1:1 while maintaining social distancing with everyone else. No reason for me to be rushing back to a strip club, unless/until one of those drugs under testing proves itself as a treatment. SA is awash in new girls (pretty sure many of them are strippers) so I can window shop strippers and pick and choose who I want to meet, even when I start jonesing for strippers again (which I definitely well... current SB is not a stripper/partygirl type, and I need one of those in my life lol)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Saying China Virus is racists
    Any community that's overweight and has a higher proportion of diabetes and other comorbidities definitely will get hit worse... Could also be disproportionate access to early medical care/intervention... we'll know more when it all shakes out I guess; I read an article that claimed the black community was slower in general to seek medical care, the Tuskagee Airmen effect
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Saying China Virus is racists
    Richard, this is what I was referring to very early on in this thread, and it is almost certainly what triggered Trump to start saying "China virus" -- almost certainly a tit-for-tat, "if you're going to play it that way, I'll publicly call it China virus and we'll see who wins the propaganda war". The Chinese blinked on that one, and Trump subsequently backed off calling it Chinese virus. Just like shutting off flights to China was not racist, neither was this meant to be. I gotta say, whether I like it or not, it had the necessary effect on the Chinese propaganda machine (unless it's been started back up)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Will strip clubs reopen but have a shortage of strippers?
    Linzee, the "shit ton of girls" is believable. It's the "shit ton of customers" that's a little harder... so many customers have been hit hard financially by this, and many others have lost their job. Plus customers tend to be older and I expect slower to come out. If the girls show up in droves, I'm not entirely sure the customers will
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Hurricane season.
    I'd been thinking about this also. Here in CA, a lot of the covid19 prep overlaps with earthquake prep, so ironically, for the first time ever most people are prepared for a major earthquake and weeklong disruption of supplies. Fleeing a hurricane presents an entirely different problem
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    "That's why it's so great: People have to pay attention to you because you're naked," says dancer Breauna with a laugh.
    Founder: We need a button to flag inappropriate comments.
    " I participate on this board because I like women in general and strippers in particular." Signed. And agree with ski that Linzee's taking the high road, if anything made me appreciate her more
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    OK guys, no more OTC. Save your little blue pills!
    I like the jr high school "I dare you you're too chickenshit" tact lol. Snarkbitching at its finest!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    OK guys, no more OTC. Save your little blue pills!
    lol @ explaining things to the resident snarkbitch
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Will strip clubs reopen but have a shortage of strippers?
    Oh that's interesting! That's an added twist
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    "That's why it's so great: People have to pay attention to you because you're naked," says dancer Breauna with a laugh.
    Founder: We need a button to flag inappropriate comments.
    Nicole was the female version of SJG, no reason not to call that out just because she's female, her volume of shitposts meant that by herself she moved the bar on the quality:shitpost ratio here. But in general, agree the "attack her just because she's female, so I can look cool in front of the guys" mode isn't a good look