A flag button works when the majority of posters are quality posters, and there's a few trolls and idiots running around. At tuscl, the majority of posters are trolls and idiots, and there's a few quality posters running around. I cannot imagine the flagpocalypse that would result if there were a flag button. Would any comments ever NOT get flagged???
LOL I think an automatic warning PM about some particular individuals should be sent to dancers by default, whenever they get verified.
As far as desertscrub in particular, he’s as a straight as a circle. But instead of going to places that would be more fun for him (like gay bars) he instead lives in denial and wonders why interacting with women disgusts him. Gives him a vendetta even with online dancers who he could easily ignore
I'm talking about uncalled for mean personal attacks. Just to be clear-I'm talking about the stupid shit comments Desertscrub made on photos posted by LinzeeDet. TOTALLY out of line. She's a sweet girl who doesn't deserve that crap!!
NeverEnuf: ya, I knew what you were talking about. I don't know Linzee or whether she's sweet or not, but I left a comment on her pics just to counterbalance a bit.
desertscrub is one of those people who knows he’s a piece of shit and tries to feel better about himself by calling other people pieces of shit as if that changes what he is.
I met her briefly when she worked at Criket in suburban Detroit for a minute. Now she is (I should say was) at Landing Strip once a week but I avoided the place because of their mandatory valet.
I agree with founder. It’s up to the board members to call out other members. It does suck that a certain segment of the board likes to run off or attack the female members. Nina, blonde bombshell, Nicole come to mind. If you disagree or don’t like their posts, mute them or ignore them. If you want to attack them, fine, but the rest of us need to do a better job of encouraging them to stay. The female perspective is welcome in this male heavy echo chamber. And oh yeah, we often get boob pics.
Nicole was the female version of SJG, no reason not to call that out just because she's female, her volume of shitposts meant that by herself she moved the bar on the quality:shitpost ratio here. But in general, agree the "attack her just because she's female, so I can look cool in front of the guys" mode isn't a good look
^ Just to nitpick, a lot of backlash (whether deserved or undeserved) towards Nicole wasn’t just simple misogyny. Nina herself gave out quite a few ripostes Nicole’s way.
Hm...At this point, I do believe more dancers would participate if there’s less comments like those from desert.
Heck probably more males too. Who knows how many first time review newbies got slammed for writing something lower quality—from their vantage point they saw an individual who at first glance had a lot of credibility (esp thanks to the trust system at the time)—be the voice that makes you wonder whether continuing to write reviews is worthwhile after all.
...Not that I’m personally calling for stricter posting rules. I personally have a lot of fun on this site—way better than a reality tv or soap opera could give me. 😈 Just pointing out the obvious: that telling somebody to ‘get over it’ will cause many individuals to get over it elsewhere. Whether they are worth keeping around is a whole different can of worms.
So if you bring up politics anywhere but the politics group you risk losing your account but if you can't be civil nothing happens. The "solution" is no solution. It only keeps me from having to look at that shit. Its still there spreading that crap.
So much for all the lip service of "* Keep your comments civil. If you wouldn't say it in person, don't type it in. " So if you bring up politics anywhere but the politics group you risk losing your account but if you can't be civil nothing happens.
It looks like the offending comments have been deleted (not just muted). I saw them when they were up. They were totally mean spirited, misogynistic, and uncalled for. I don't know why anyone would post comments like those. I participate on this board because I like women in general and strippers in particular. My opinion is that this board is better place with more female participation, and I think that is the general consensus. I'm not surprised that there aren't more females when they have to put up with BS like that. Although the comments were deleted, it looks like desertscrub's account was not, so I guess we'll get to see more gems like that in the future.
I didn't see the comments. I saw Linzee's attitude and take (commendable and classy) and her pics (glad to be alive she is hot) and words that demean mean nothing.
Desertscrub apologizing to you in a PM is worth nothing. He made completely uncalled for demeaning comments in public. The only apology worth anything would be a public apology.
^ I agree with that sentiment, problem here is there are too many folks that have no filter posting any string of words that comes to mind. I have said it before being politically incorrect, is just an euphemism for being a rude jackass. In all honesty there are too many posters that are rude jackasses !
I have noticed a lot of new dancer traffic in the past few days. I hope this epidemic doesn't lead to an influx of beggars and ill informed newbies. You have a lot guys with deep pockets and its not a smart move to soil the reputation of dancers who have come to this site to take part in conversation.
@spice “Just to nitpick, a lot of backlash (whether deserved or undeserved) towards Nicole wasn’t just simple misogyny. Nina herself gave out quite a few ripostes Nicole’s way.”
Yes. I agree the Nicole situation was multifaceted. The hate was over the top to me and depending on which personality you caught her on, she did contribute to the discussion. Her trolling/blast posting the board was too much but I, like everyone else, had the ability to ignore her. She was probably a poor example for me to use.
TUSCL seems to need its bad guys. Dougster, Trucidos and its other identities gone, SJG disappears for several weeks; the members need a new target.
'scrub 'volunteers' by his nasty attack. Characteristic of his barbed jests whose intent is to insult or humiliate the target member. Third string stuff compared to Trucidos and SJG. Yet, unlike those major league trolls 'scrub can sometimes make useful contributions to sc posts.
IRL is this fellow a bored hater, a downer who wants showcase his unhappiness with the world by bringing others down? Just seems bitter and discontent. And like a lightning strike he discharges his frustration and anger at a target of opportunity -- new reviewer, dancer, etc. Nothing personal, really??
Like founder said just mute his offensive comments or put him on ignore.
BTW founder, nice color-coding for yourself ....... color of money 😁
Kind of funny to watch someone pat themselves on the back for their own nastiness as they do the same thing they deplore only when others do it. Very progressive.
Maybe scrub isn't such a shithead. I mean I've seen him post comment after shitty comment under dancer reviews telling them we don't need them and all kinds of shit. But maybe he's turning over a new leaf. Which is cool if so.
Prevert didn't say he was owed an apology. He said a public insult warrants a public apology, a sentiment I agree with. The matter may be over, but at least we know what kind of man desertscrub is (and I use the term "man" loosely in this context).
I also agree with prevert and Dr. Evil. But hey, he apologized, which Founder and Linzee publicly announced and that's good enough for me. At least he was man enough to do that. Some folks wouldn't even apologize.
"Sorry, but public apology is not required. Not the rules, here or in the real world."
Oh yea, says who? Maybe there's no law that say you have to apologize in public after a public insult, but it's the right thing to do. And it's the only thing to do if you want to show the sincerity of the apology. So as far as I'm concerned, it is required. If desertscrub doesn't want to to that, fine. I can't make him and don't want to make him. But he'll forever be a sniveling pussy as far as I'm concerned.
Agree with doctorevil in the line of thinking. That type of language at *many* dancers over the years has been a recurring theme, and I too doubt the sincerity.
But hey, no doubt the deletion of txtittyfag is still looming in the background. I’m sure that desert will be civil from here on out. I doubt somebody who has had a tuscl account since 2004 would want to risk it deleted, despite founder outright stating that desert is safe.
The only thing to question is whether other alternative accounts (that allow plausible deniability) start coming up out of nowhere more frequently instead. And whether desert will truly be able to keep his thoughts to himself, whether in one form or another.
Stay tuned on the TUSCL Show or whatever the heck Muddy called it on that one thread. 🍿
Dscrub: What did you do to me? Nothing. I just don't like pussies that like to pick on women. Linzee wasn't the first by far, and I doubt she'll be the last. And with regard to your "magic wand" bravado: please, don't make me laugh.
By the way, just for shits and grins, I googled "Magic Wand 3050" (Dscrub's tagline) and this is what came up: https://tuscl.net/photo.php?id… How apropos.
Even if I stop being a snowflake, you'll still be a pussy. And I would definitely rather fist fuck myself than let you try it with your little girly "Magic Wand 3050." Go back to hanging out at the elementary school and maybe you'll find someone that you can convince.
People who insult in public but refuse to apologize in public aren’t really apologetic and aren’t really admitting that they did anything wrong. They just want the person they insulted to THINK they are sorry.
Apologizing to the person you have wronged is the correct thing to do. Apologizing to anyone else just because they are weak is meaningless. Words hurt lol.
last commentAs far as desertscrub in particular, he’s as a straight as a circle. But instead of going to places that would be more fun for him (like gay bars) he instead lives in denial and wonders why interacting with women disgusts him. Gives him a vendetta even with online dancers who he could easily ignore
I'm not talking about dumbass trolling.
I'm talking about uncalled for mean personal attacks. Just to be clear-I'm talking about the stupid shit comments Desertscrub made on photos posted by LinzeeDet. TOTALLY out of line.
She's a sweet girl who doesn't deserve that crap!!
Heck probably more males too. Who knows how many first time review newbies got slammed for writing something lower quality—from their vantage point they saw an individual who at first glance had a lot of credibility (esp thanks to the trust system at the time)—be the voice that makes you wonder whether continuing to write reviews is worthwhile after all.
...Not that I’m personally calling for stricter posting rules. I personally have a lot of fun on this site—way better than a reality tv or soap opera could give me. 😈 Just pointing out the obvious: that telling somebody to ‘get over it’ will cause many individuals to get over it elsewhere. Whether they are worth keeping around is a whole different can of worms.
So much for all the lip service of "* Keep your comments civil. If you wouldn't say it in person, don't type it in. " So if you bring up politics anywhere but the politics group you risk losing your account but if you can't be civil nothing happens.
And agree with ski that Linzee's taking the high road, if anything made me appreciate her more
I'll say it again, I don't want to be the one who judges what is OK to say. Try and be adults, try to be civil.
Fwiw, scrub apologized for the comments in a PM to me and asked me to delete them. Whether he apologizes to linzee is not my call.
Yes. I agree the Nicole situation was multifaceted. The hate was over the top to me and depending on which personality you caught her on, she did contribute to the discussion. Her trolling/blast posting the board was too much but I, like everyone else, had the ability to ignore her. She was probably a poor example for me to use.
Nice green lettering for yourself, boss.
'scrub 'volunteers' by his nasty attack. Characteristic of his barbed jests whose intent is to insult or humiliate the target member. Third string stuff compared to Trucidos and SJG. Yet, unlike those major league trolls 'scrub can sometimes make useful contributions to sc posts.
IRL is this fellow a bored hater, a downer who wants showcase his unhappiness with the world by bringing others down? Just seems bitter and discontent. And like a lightning strike he discharges his frustration and anger at a target of opportunity -- new reviewer, dancer, etc. Nothing personal, really??
Like founder said just mute his offensive comments or put him on ignore.
BTW founder, nice color-coding for yourself ....... color of money 😁
desertscrub 19 hrs ago
can I add a PRIORITY #1 status to that.. these girls need money!!!!
Go figure. I think he may have been drunk when he trashed Linzee. Just saying.
Maybe scrub isn't such a shithead. I mean I've seen him post comment after shitty comment under dancer reviews telling them we don't need them and all kinds of shit. But maybe he's turning over a new leaf. Which is cool if so.
Oh yea, says who? Maybe there's no law that say you have to apologize in public after a public insult, but it's the right thing to do. And it's the only thing to do if you want to show the sincerity of the apology. So as far as I'm concerned, it is required. If desertscrub doesn't want to to that, fine. I can't make him and don't want to make him. But he'll forever be a sniveling pussy as far as I'm concerned.
But hey, no doubt the deletion of txtittyfag is still looming in the background. I’m sure that desert will be civil from here on out. I doubt somebody who has had a tuscl account since 2004 would want to risk it deleted, despite founder outright stating that desert is safe.
The only thing to question is whether other alternative accounts (that allow plausible deniability) start coming up out of nowhere more frequently instead. And whether desert will truly be able to keep his thoughts to himself, whether in one form or another.
Stay tuned on the TUSCL Show or whatever the heck Muddy called it on that one thread. 🍿
^aww I love usong that wand with you. You get sooo excited when I use it on your ass hole... 😘
^I miss you too. Hopefullynthos lockdown is over soon