
Comments by Subraman (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Moving Things Forward
    You can ask for a phone number, no problem. But here is where the APPARENTLY FLAT learning curve comes in. If you ask for her number immediately, she might just next you (because this is a typical scammer pattern -- ask for # immediately). Typically, initial message, then spend a message or two at least determining whether you're looking for basically the same thing, THEN get her number and accelerate things. It's a small thing but it's the difference between these girls dropping off or not.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Moving Things Forward
    Lech: SA has a shockingly steep learning curve IME. In any case, it did take me a while to get the hang of getting SBs, although I didn't have the problem you had (getting friendzoned). The exception is that there's many many escorts or escort-adjacent girls on SA, and they're all easy. Actual SB, not so easy. IME the trick is to keep things moving forward to a meet&greet, at a pace that's brisk but not overly-fast (and definitely not overly-slow). Determine whether you're looking for the same thing, while being not-creepy and not-boring. From the day she responds to you, be proposing an initial meet in the next few days, or it will never happen.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    SD/SB culture starting to seep into clubs?
    "I've mentioned SA to several strippers over the past few years and every one of them admitted to having an account although most said they weren't really active. It could be the effort required I suppose. I recently asked one of she had heard of SA and she replied "you want to be my sugardaddy?" and gave me her number. I had just met her." Yep, exactly what I've been saying for years. Nearly all strippers have profiles, many of those profiles are inactive, but it leads seamlessly to a conversation abouto OTC or exploring sugar today. And yes, many strippers actively want an SD even if they don't want to put in the work, so many react very positively Anyway, glad to hear someone else is seeing the same thing!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    SD/SB culture starting to seep into clubs?
    "I've said before that Seeking, etc., has essentially "Uberized" sex work and made it available to women who don't want to fully commit to stripping or escorting. " Right. It lets a woman who does not think of herself as a sexworker, both engage in this and continue to not think of herself as a sexworker, while also making a decent amount of extra cash from just one guy who sees her often.. In addition, the fantasy story on tiktok/youtube/etc is that SBs can get thousands of dollars, cars, expensive purses, etc., all in a PLATONIC sugar relationship, where an empowered SB is the one preying on old rich simps. It gives our hypothetical non-sexworker woman aircover with friends -- she'd be stigmatized and outcast in her social group if they thought she was a prostitute, but now if they find out or get suspicious she's got air cover that she's just going on platonic dates with rich old dudes.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    SD/SB culture starting to seep into clubs?
    If the girls are the ones bringing it up, that's definitely a change. I think around 2018 I started saying that as an alternative to asking the girls about OTC, just mention you're on SA looking for an SB -- close to 100% (not an exaggeration) of strippers had SA profiles even back then. Many of them had started up a profile and then abandoned it, when they realized it was work to get an SD and he wouldn't be draping her in gucci until they had sex (and even then, no gucci lol). But for a solid 5 years, mentioning SA, comparing profiles right there in the club, has been a pretty reliable way to bring up OTC for me. But I was the one who always brought it up, girls weren't just discussing it out of the blue.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Working on the new site...
    623: that's a fine point. The kind of thing drewcareypnw mentioned, the case I mentioned, etc... typically you re-read your post and notice the mistake almost immediately. If we can't get an edit button, even a delete with a 3 minute timer would give guys who make a mistake in posting a safety mechanism, and not allow the "delete the bait" shenanigans. On the other hand, as I said earlier, "delete the bait" is a troll tactic, and I'm hoping any new site would address the trolls first and foremost, before giving us fun new extra features
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Working on the new site...
    TheeOSU: I don't think it matters how exactly it's accomplished, but making marginal improvements like delete isn't going to improve the board in any substantial way and honestly, not worth the work. Of course Founder should be the decider, it's his board, no one disputes that. But the internet has shown over and over, either there's some content moderation of some sort, or it turns into a place where trolls (or in this case, one single troll, over and over) can take every single thread off course -- this board is the living example. Founder could be the moderator but he's said often he's not interested, he could appoint moderators but he won't, he could give a two-way block so members can at least keep their threads on track but he gave that to us before and then took it away with an explanation that boiled down to "it worked and gave you troll free threads, so now I'm removing this feature".
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Working on the new site...
    Just to mention, while I'm for a time-limited delete, this is basically putting lipstick on a pig, if the main problem of trolls running every thread off course doesn't get addressed. Why do anything if that doesn't get addressed?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Working on the new site...
    Agree also with time limited delete. There have been times, for example, that I've cut and pasted something into the window, and noticed JUST before I posted it that it included something personal I didn't want there. If I hadn't caught it, it would've just been out here forever. There's other reasons to have quick second thoughts also IMO. An hour-limited delete would be welcome. Some of the trolls have their own reasons for wanting to delete posts from way in the past, part of the reason I don't want delete. But I'm hoping in this epic new site there will be some sort of effective troll control
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Two drink minimum at PT's
    No drink minimums in any of the clubs I go to around here.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Is SA competing with strip clubs?
    If you put him on ignore you just don't see his posts at all. It makes the forum a lot better to read. It also really makes it pop how much he takes every single thread off the rails -- literally, there's no thread with productive interesting discussion that he doesn't take sideways (you can tell by the number of people replying to him, even if you can't see his posts), which as a troll is obviously his goal -- he is supremely successful at it.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Rating web site for men..... by SA girls / Pros.
    "It's interesting, I'm not sure I care enough to alter my behavior though" Hopefully none of us are doing anything that should get us reported in the first place, though the nature of these systems is that they ALWAYS generate some level of "revenge reviews". And SBs do sometimes report guys for acting more like johns than SDs. Using a fake number and changing it yearly would seem to defeat this completely. But you're right, it's kind of a reverse filter also -- If an "SB" is actually a working escort or professional-style SB, I'd be perfectly happy if they filtered themselves out so I don't have to figure it out myself
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Rating web site for men..... by SA girls / Pros.
    I've read about blacklists like that also, 3131, but those are typically run with even tighter vetting (as you guessed). The app is in widespread use throughout the sexworker community and as easy to use as downloading. If a girl is using one of the blacklist sites, she's spent a lot more time researching and getting vetted... I'd say pretty good sign she's a pro pro
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Rating web site for men..... by SA girls / Pros.
    It's not a website, it's an app that replaces your phone's dialer and lets people leave reviews on a phone number. The escort community keeps the app name secret, because they -- arguably, with great justification -- don't want the sometimes dangerous predators who get reviewed there, to find out about it and change their number, so it's a matter of physical safety for the escorts. Nevertheless, it's just a public app in both the app store and in the play store, and the name slips out occasionally. In general, only professional sexworkers (escorts, etc) and "professional style" SBs know about it.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Is SA competing with strip clubs?
    Nevermind, I mis-interpreted what you were saying. I think we agree
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Is SA competing with strip clubs?
    "Ok, now are SA sugar babies competing with stripper sugar babies? Not so much. The rates are MUCH higher for less as far as strippers who strictly get their sugar daddies from the club and not online. Online makes it easier and so there is more competition- rates can get much lower. But it is also a lot more options for girls so inclined with that." Blah, is this theory, or you know it to be true? In theory at least, I'd predict the opposite. A stripper who meets her SD (not an OTC customer, an SD) ITC has the following advantages: 1. often, he already has a crush on her from his trips to the club, vs low-investment meeting a random SB online, 2. she is a professional sexworker who at least has some base of comparison of what time with her is worth, vs the many many many amateurs online offering VERY low allowances.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Is SA competing with strip clubs?
    ilbbaicnl: "If a woman wants to make the best money as an FS sex worker, why would be be on SA rather than escorting?" Right! If a woman's goal is to make the best money as a FS sex worker, she's usually better off escorting. Since she's on SA and not escorting, the wrong part of the assumption is obvious :) I'm spending much more on SA than the SC these days also. Although a good part of that is driven by the fact that there are no dayshifts in SF anymore. I would start spending more at the SCs again if that changes, but I'm not entirely sure the change isn't permanent.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Using a credit card for VIP
    The biggest issue is overcharges. In many cases, drunk you won't even notice. Sometimes, customers find extra charges on their card, and in most cases, they challenge the charge and the bank backs them. But I've read a zillion cases of the strip clubs re-challenging and winning on this. There's zero downside to bringing enough cash to the club, it makes no sense to take on unneeded risk and heartburn, even if you eventually win
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    What is your endgame?
    Do not underestimate the importance of having activities in your life that you enjoy just because they're fun, let you forget your stress for a day, etc. I do sort-of have an endgame with any particular CF, but I thoroughly enjoy every step along the way (e.g., meeting her at a low-mileage alcohol club, drinking and carrying on with her for a few hours). If we never progress past that, it's not wasted time or money, it's a few hours having a ton of fun.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Septum/Nose Piercings
    Deal killer for me. No matter how hot she is, it looks like snot coming out of her nose, it both grosses me out and I can't take my eyes off it. If it's just a U shape I'll ask them to flip it up. But if it's a ring, I send her to Ish
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How has TUSCL changed stripping ?
    "Great. Now we're gonna have to hear Subraman tell the PL story again..." Good news, I've memorialized it for you 🤣 https://tuscl.net/article.php?id=58338
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Women of The Walking Dead
    Hmm, some of your top picks, I'm definitely not interested in. I've seen Maggie in other shows and she's gorgeous. She's not as attractive in TWD though, so understand why you put her lower, and true her character is definitely not sex lol. I have no idea how you even remember Jessie Anderson. Agree she's very attractive. I probably fall on the side of Rosita being the most attractive woman on the show. I don't think you're grasping at straws with Magda Tara, Laurie Grimes, Andrea, Amy, Carol, Yumiko, all various degrees of unattractive to me
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Good times in bad strip club towns
    Nice: Exactly the type of thing I was getting at my local clubs! Add in the fact the there was no bouncer surveillance, and it was definitely waaaay different than what the vast majority of customers experienced
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Strip Club Standards/Looks
    "Would you guys say that when you go for a girl that maybe isn't your ideal or preferred type that it is mainly desperation" None of us care about "mass appeal". Desperation does it though 🤣 So does alcohol! But more seriously, maybe you're confusing physical beauty with sexual desirability? They're often connected, but a woman who is not ideal (but still attractive) to a particular guy, with the right attitude and sensuality, can easily be the most desirable to that guy
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Strip Club Standards/Looks
    Blah, I don't think there's anything out of the ordinary with a guy normally being attracted to one type, but sometimes being attracted to another. Hell, even if the preference runs into being a little racist, it turns out, our penises celebrate multiculturalism. Mine has already told me it will be celebrating kwanzaa, hanukkah, christmas, diwali, and festivus this winter. My general feeling about attraction at the SC is that she should be at least a 7 physically, at least a 7 personality & mileage-wise, and beauty plus personality/mileage should add up to at least 16. There's a bottom level of hotness I won't go below, but if she's near the bar, there better be sexual delights awaiting me. I very often leave the club when it's full of fuglies, absolutely.