Going to be on my soapbox for just a minute here. I’m sure you guys have noticed an influx of girls both in the club and Civvies dawning septum piercings or what I like to call the bull nose ring. Years ago this was something you only saw goth/alt girls of any race wearing. I am not attracted to these rings at all and as a matter a fact if I see a girl on stage dancing that I am attracted to if she approaches me I am immediately turned of if she has one of these piercings. Maybe I’m shallow but it’s a no for me.
Totally agree booty lover. I did a Thread on the exact same topic a few months ago. I hate 'em. I have actually asked sugar babies to take them out when we go on dates. They look like metal snot hanging from their nose.
I don't find them attractive. But, they don't bother me either. I'll be more than happy to take the otherwise hot chick that others were turned off on because of something silly like that.
A dancer I might dance with without one, usually becomes a no-way with one. It's not a no, but it detracts. They are establishing how unique they are, by looking like everyone else.
I've had some real fun playing with their good attributes while ignoring the "flaw" in their nose. But genuinely prefer a pretty face without the metal.
Being turned off by a nose ring, septum piercing, nipple piercing, tattoo, etc. is so weird to me. A hot chick is standing in front of you offering her services for a decent rate and a *nose ring* is the deal killer? OK, then, send her my way.
Few customers would be more eager to do lap dances with girls with piercings. The girls do it as a signal they reject mainstream societal conventions. Them being a stripper is them sending the same signal along with other things like getting tattoos, dying their hair unusual colors, experimenting with drugs and so on. It's something I accept but if I have a choice between two equally pretty dancers, one with piercings and one with no piercings, I'll pick the no piercings girl. I'm rejecting mainstream societal conventions myself a little bit by going to strip clubs.
I like piercings in certain places, but then you have to be careful with your teeth :-) I saw a goth girl in Starbucks that had a septum ring with a thin silver chain going through it that went down her shirt to two nipple piercings. She saw that I was noticing and casually said it went to her clit, too.
Frought with danger if she ever snagged that chain, but to each her own!
They've got to tease their hair out to make their heads three times as big! I want the 80s to last forever, and it's God's will that strippers give me my wish!
It’s better than a bunch of tattoos. A couple of my favorites have them and I rather they did not but it’s not breaking the deal. If they asked me I would say lose it but hey I lick feet so who’s the weird one?
Belly ring on a really hot girl looks sexy. Beyond that, I'm not a fan of piercings other than regular earrings. I especially don't like jewelry anyplace I'm gonna be putting my mouth like nipples, clit or tongue. I hate how it rattles against my teeth. In that regard, the septum thing isn't a big a deal since I'm not sticking my tongue up her nose, but I still think it looks ridiculous. Fortunately most of the ones I've seen have been on girls who are fucking ugly to begin with. The few hot looking girls I've seen with that bull nose thing have also had other weird shit going on like white clown face makeup, full sleeve tattoos, bright neon hair, etc.
I'm willing to bet that very, very few of the people who get piercings or tattoos are doing it for the benefit or appreciation of others. So I'm guessing they couldn't care less what anyone else thinks about it. I mean, that's the way I feel about mine.
I don’t really GAF about face or ear piercings. Not my thing, but whatever. I HATE nipple piercings though because those get in the way of me sucking tits, one of the greatest mammalian joys. Pussy piercings also suck bc there is now a paper clip between you and the the lap dance, scratching things up. My delicate skin protests these abominations!
It's the norm that Seattle strippers will let you put your mouth on them? Maybe that's why it's $40 a song there. Only crossed paths with a few dancers who were OK with that. It was a no-go even with a lot of escorts I've seen. I'm fine with just tonguing their nipples as though it were a clit. Seems to be more comfortable for then, especially if they have nipple piercings.
I would prefer not but I have known dancers I like who have them. Same goes for tattoos. I have preferred characteristics but if a dancer deviates in some ways they can still be very attractive.
Deal killer for me. No matter how hot she is, it looks like snot coming out of her nose, it both grosses me out and I can't take my eyes off it. If it's just a U shape I'll ask them to flip it up. But if it's a ring, I send her to Ish
Not a fan of the septum piercing. The nose piercing, where it is on the side, is more benign to me. Not a fan of the brow piercing either. But I don’t think any of them would be a deal-breaker for me.
I am a fan of nipple piercings, belly button piercings, and clit/pussy piercings. In fact, I’d probably have a preference for them. Although, I might not like it as well if they were all on the same girl at the same time. And I probably prefer them more in porn than in strippers.
I can live with the wild hair colors. But I am not a fan of oddball haircuts.
Tattoos are another story. The fewer the better, as far as I am concerned. It isn’t a deal breaker if they have some ink. But I don’t want it on their face or neck. I also hate it, with only a very few exceptions, when it is on or too close to their tits.
Every see a guy in a SC in his 70s, sitting by himself? It's probably a no-go for him if she doesn't have a Bouffant hairdo, and goes through at least one can of hairspray per week.
last commentBut I do appreciate it when other guys in the club will pass over hot dancers just because of a piercing. Thanks for leaving the path open, guys!
Frought with danger if she ever snagged that chain, but to each her own!
BUT... I'm not going to let it get in the way of enjoying otherwise HOT girl.
I am a fan of nipple piercings, belly button piercings, and clit/pussy piercings. In fact, I’d probably have a preference for them. Although, I might not like it as well if they were all on the same girl at the same time. And I probably prefer them more in porn than in strippers.
I can live with the wild hair colors. But I am not a fan of oddball haircuts.
Tattoos are another story. The fewer the better, as far as I am concerned. It isn’t a deal breaker if they have some ink. But I don’t want it on their face or neck. I also hate it, with only a very few exceptions, when it is on or too close to their tits.
Yes. Pretty much every dance comes with that, though there are exceptions with individual girls for a variety of reasons.