
How has TUSCL changed stripping ?

avatar for mark94

It occurred to me that my SC habits are very different than before TUSCL.

For one, I scoured all the clubs, trying to find the best experiences. This was inefficient but also had an element of surprise and fun when you found a gem.

Also, I never quite knew what kind of experience I would have. For years, I was likely naive about what was on offer. Now, the possibilities are pretty clear ( sometimes too clear ) before I enter the club.

At a macro level, this may have had other affects. Customers, even out of town visitors, just go to the highest rated club. So do the better dancers.

Having this knowledge out there makes it more difficult for dancers who want to tease and give air dances. I think the general level of contact has grown over the years.

Also, Law Enforcement has access to the same information. That’s got to affect how they do their job.


last comment
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

Regarding TUSCL specifically, I think it has changed many individual experiences mostly for the better. At least for those willing to sort through decades-old inside jokes, rivalries, and a site-specific glossary.

As far as the entire strip club industry goes, you'd have to broaden it to include more than just TUSCL. Because there's also the varying effects of Reddit, USASG, and other similar sites in the same space. Also, social media.

At that level, it's more of a mixed bag. Everyone (including the dancers) are more educated and prepared if they want to be. Sites like this also present both dancers and customers with opportunities to really jam themselves or each other up (as we've seen recently...). Our ongoing debate about connecting dancers by name to extras is a good example.

I will say that the Internet has removed some of the thrill of discovery that used to exist. At times it was pretty great to walk into a new club with no idea how it was going to go.

In a similar vein, I used to really like going to Blockbuster video, because I could browse the aisles and find some obscure movie that might be great or might be a dud. Taking that low-stakes risk was part of the experience I enjoyed. The internet has really put that experience in the past.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

TUSCL has put strip club more at the front of my mind. As in, if it's a slow day, I'm more likely to say "let's hit up a strip club!" than before I was active here.

When my job involved heavier travel, I re-read to exhaustion any review that was a reasonable cab/Uber from where I was staying. I always made my decisions on descriptions rather than ratings. Lots of air dance places got good ratings for the hottest dancers, and last wanted was to end up at a "classy" joint that milked tourists dry.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

TUSCL ratings never really had much influence on me, even before I started realizing how much of those ratings are attributable to blatantly obvious shill reviews which read like ads for Kellogg's cereals. What always drove me in each instance was location and, in some cases, reviews posted by obvious locals.

But what TUSCL DID do is make strip clubs much more accessible. I truly believe that it, along with certain others sites, contributed to the growth of the industry between 2001 and 2008. Pre-2000, before high speed Internet became widely available, it was a real headache sourcing strip club intel. I lost track of how many times I'd arrive in a new area and have to use phone books, hotel concierges, cabbies (who always brought you to the tourist traps) and local adult newspapers to find the strip clubs. It sucked.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

Yeah, I’d forgotten the days of sifting through yellow pages and alternative weekly’s for a few bread crumbs of information. That did suck.

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

I don't know that TUSCL has changed stripping that much, since it's heavily skewed toward the customer experience. Even among the strip club enthusiasts it's pretty niche. But I don't see the usage numbers, so the lurker population could be way bigger than we're giving it credit for. And I know dancers and managers who read it, even if they don't know I'm on it. If I didn't meet you through TUSCL I don't bring it up.

The review output has gone way up since founder turned releases up to the users, but unless one of the board regulars reviews a place I'm not that interested. Lots of homers have no idea how their local club stacks up to other regions. There is still plenty of value in the reviews, but I'll also look for my info other places because a picture is worth 1000 words.

There's also so much digging any one person is typically willing to do. Because founder decided to only show summaries of the last 18 months, there's a lot context that gets missed. But the boards fill in a lot of that, at least for now. When certain people go I think a lot of what's kept the boards relevant will go with them. A lot of the value I've gotten out of TUSCL (since I stopped needing to read reviews) is hearing from all of you about what things are like in your part of the country as time goes by.

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

The strip club industry has changed over the past couple of decades but I don’t think TUSCL has had that much influence.

The “make it rain” / party vibe that has influenced the industry in recent years has not come about because of TUSCL. Magic City - “the Holy Grail” of Atlanta strip clubs per Wiki averages about one review per year

Follies - the most popular Atlanta club on TUSCL is out of business

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ I agree with that assessment, most of the value no longer is in the reviews, I find more informative tidbits, from the review comments and the boards themselves, and I agree once some of the smarter board members stop posting the relevance will become less useful.

avatar for BabyDoc
2 yrs ago

@wallanon. “Because founder decided to only show summaries of the last 18 months, there's a lot context that gets missed.”

I haven’t been around for a while. Would you mind educating me about what sounds like a change?

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

I used this website to find out the locations of numerous central Indiana strip clubs that I wasn't aware previously even existed. I probably got into the hobby because I happened to live by a street with three strip clubs but being able to visit multiple strip clubs added enough variety to keep the hobby interesting.

I have yet to think of a good strip club rating system. The customer scoring system doesn't seem accurate to me. I find the total number of reviews for each strip club the best general guide but there are some clubs that got reviewed a lot several years ago which in past four or five years have declined a lot. Maybe a filtering system that would show the total number of reviews for each strip club in a city for the last five years would be the most accurate. I think it would be the most accurate for here in Indianapolis.

avatar for VanessaM
2 yrs ago

It has helped me as a dancer. I know where to go and the best regions to work. Also meet people I wouldn’t have access to.

I think it’s wise to include others like Reddit, dancer’s resource, usasg etc…

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago

Your question can be taken two directions. Are you taking about how TUSCL has changed the industry ? Or are you asking how the habits of PL readers has changed because of TUSCL ?

I don't think it's had much impact on the industry other than given a term for cumming in your pants. But I myself am a much more efficient strip club patron because of this website. I don't spend near as much as I used to in order to get the activity that I want.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

I had both questions in mind with my OP. How it affects the experience of TUSCL members is more straightforward. How TUSCL ( and similar services ) have affected the industry is a little less clear, but I think it has.

avatar for Evergreen98
2 yrs ago

I discovered TUSCL earlier this year. I really like the information provided regarding floors dances and VIP dance prices because I travel to several states during the year. Recently, I have been traveling to see a customer in Scottsdale, AZ. During the last 2 weeks, I visited Hi Liter and BSC because of all the reviews written on these clubs. I wrote reviews on both clubs.

Last month, I stopped at Xplicit during the evening. There were around 15 dancers. There were 2 attractive dancers and the other dozen or so were unattractive, mostly overweight. I spent the evening with the 2 attractive dancers. Royce was an all natural blonde who has danced at most clubs in Phoenix during the last 8 years. Coco was an Asian who dances part time at Xplicit and works part time at a Massage Parlor about 10 minutes from this club. I did not spend any time or money on the unattractive dancers.

I did not write a review because I did not know how to rate the dancer quality. I am interested in what dancer rating the senior members on this site would give. Almost all clubs that I have been to during the last 5 years around the country, if there was more than 10 dancers, at least 1 would be attractive.

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

Hey Evergreen98. Thanks for weighing in with fresh perspective.

I stuck your question in its own thread. Thinking you'll get more eyes on it that way. /discussion.php

"I am interested in what dancer rating the senior members on this site would give."

I rate the average, based on my own tastes. If I'm in a club and every dancer except for one is a dog that's what I write.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

I think TUSCL provides a useful place to find reviews of clubs. The reviews require examination and analysis, as there is some useless drivel out there.

I don’t think TUSCL has actually changed stripping.

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

"But what TUSCL DID do is make strip clubs much more accessible."

^ I wholeheartedly agree with this. The TUSCL info is wrong occasionally, but I remember driving around looking for clubs only to find they were permanently closed, or not open that day, or otherwise not finding them. There is no arguing TUSCL's listings have made it easier to find clubs.

It's probably effected my clubbing habits a bit, but its hard to say how much of that is due to TUSCL and how much is just natural evolution resulting from experience and a change in my personal circumstances. As far as the industry as a whole, it's almost the same answer. Its hard to say how much internet sites or social media have effected it and how much is due to just cultural changes. Are people really buying bottles and making it rain just to flex on the gram? Or do they genuinely enjoy the experience, if if its just for the attention at the club itself, and it's popular now because people like it?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

w.r.t. how much it’s changed strip-clubs; kinda hard to say – perhaps it’s changed recently; but over-the-years most dancers at clubs seemed clueless about the existence of TUSCL (or any particular strip-club-related site) – and as others have mentioned, seems TUSCLers are a small-niche of the SC-cuties (again maybe this has changed in recent years?) – there are also other variables such as local-ordinances that have the biggest effect on how SCs operate.

Again – hard to quantify how much of an impact TUSCL has had but I assume it’s a small impact at most except maybe in some specific cases of a particular club that happens to be popular w/ TUSCLers and that somehow served to tilt the club towards TUSCL-type mileage/expectations – but again I think it’s often other factors (ownership; management; loosened/less-enforced local-ordinances; etc) – as well as clubs that have gotten a Cubana-invasion where in many cases the Cubanas have made mileage higher to much-higher.

On a personal PL-level; I def became a more hardcore SCer after I joined TUSCL and my PL-eyes were more-opened to the possibilities – also good-chance Follies would have never gotten-on-my-radar if it wasn’t for TUSCL and more specifically b/c of @shadowcat (as well as good-chance other out-of-area clubs that I’ve enjoyed would have not gotten on my radar if it wasn’t for TUSCL - e.g. the old “Inner Room” in Cocoa Beach etc etc).

TUSCL has been a great help in finding clubs I like; but also helping me not waste time and $$$ over and over again in clubs that were not a good fit – if it wasn’t for TUSCL I doubt I would have clubbed as much as I did in the last-few-years and bit-higher-chance I may have given up the hobby earlier b/c lack-of-info may have led to “the juice not being worth the squeeze” (i.e. many guys have given up early-on b/c they’ve hit shitty or poor ROI clubs; etc).

avatar for 623
2 yrs ago

For tuscl to change the industry it would have to be on the radar of a large percentage of the total attendee list of clubs. I doubt that the readership is that large. I would hazard that way less than 1% of club attending PLs even know about the web site and a large number of those don’t deep dive research before visiting. Their visits are more spur of the moment.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

TUSCL hasn't really changed the industry, but what it has done is given a small group of regular board members a better quality of outcomes from each strip club visit. The collective knowledge that is dissembled on these pages, gives us a heads up advantage over most of the other PLs and allowed us to interact with the dancers on a more equal footing.

It has definitely helped me give girls better advice.

I gained more insi into the mindset of a specific demographic

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ "it has definitely helped me give girls better advice."

Sure thing scooter, Maybe you found you're forte' Comedy

avatar for Jascoi
2 yrs ago

tuscl has helped me make better choices.

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

There was some dancer a little over a decade ago who claimed TUSCL made her quit. Other dancers commenting back then claimed most of the reviews are bs.


Personally, I think I’m mostly unaffected by tuscl. I have only found myself in a club review, that wasn’t from somebody I met up with on purpose, one time. But at two Phoenix clubs I do remember meeting people and judging by how they were talking I really wanted to question their online activity, but refrained. I think there’s only a handful of times I meet somebody at a club and wonder about their online activity. But even at some tuscl popular clubs—like Baby Dolls in Dallas, that place is large enough that a dancer can fly under the radar just fine.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

^ I'm unsure, but I think I've seen that SW thread posted before and someone claimed it's where TUSCLers picked up the PL acronym.

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

Great. Now we're gonna have to hear Subraman tell the PL story again...

avatar for BubbleYum
2 yrs ago

I don't think it's helped the strip club industry per se, but it's helped individuals find clubs that are best fit for them (to work at or visit). I do believe it can hinder the careers of some dancers if they are named in reviews tying them to extras. I personally don't think any dancer should be named in any review because this is supposed to be a strip club review website and not a dancer review site.

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

Hopefully it’s helped some truly good clubs survive instead of just the one with the biggest lights/billboard and best location.

The reviews on the site have also improved massively in the last few years because of the vote system. At this point there is just nothing else out there with this amount of content on strip clubs. Buck stops here.

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

If I’m in a town on my travels and there are 6 clubs and I may only have time to go to 2, I read the raviews to make my decision.

On the other hand, if it weren’t for TUSCL, I probably wouldn’t have even known 4 of those clubs existed…

By reading the raviews it’s convinced me to sometimes not even leave my hotel and skip going to clubs because they are raviewed so poorly. Then in the opposite case it’s had me travel out of my way - sometimes WAY out of my way to check out specific clubs because they were raviewed so favorably.

Notably if it weren’t for TUSCL I would have never known the strip club scene in PHX is better than Las Vegas. Or that Detroit is the best strip club city in the entire Midwest. These are things you typically don’t know without a little help.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

===> "But what TUSCL DID do is make strip clubs much more accessible. I truly believe that it, along with certain others sites, contributed to the growth of the industry between 2001 and 2008."

One of the numerous examples I'm talking about is a club formerly known as the Hideaway (now Mystique) in Stamford CT. I used to travel to that small city often for work, but for years never knew that it even existed. Then, when I first learned of its existence on a very early version of TUSCL during the dial up days in the late 90s, I still couldn't find the place to save my life. It was buried in the back of an industrial park that itself was hard to find and nowhere near downtown.

Finally, as the TUSCL data improved and mapping technology became common, I was finally able to locate the fucking club. I had a printed set of directions from Mapquest which got me there, after a lot of twists and wrong turns, lol. The widespread adoption of GPS and the addition of mapping features in TUSCL have since made finding clubs even easier.

As a side note, I do have to give a bit of credit also to a competing site. Notwithstanding how useless the site is from an intel standpoint, it had its location search tech together long before TUSCL did. When I traveled during that period of time, I used to first run a zip code location search on that site for all the clubs in the area and then use TUSCL for more specific intel. I'm glad that Founder finally got the mapping tech up and running so I can use one site for everything.

"Other dancers commenting back then claimed most of the reviews are bs.


I believe this. Reading reviews for clubs I go to. A lot of them are fake.

And many more are guys who were marks describing their ex0eriences as if they were the norm.

That in turn makes me weary of the quality of reviews overall.

Like I've seen very busy clubs not get reviews in Years while closed clubs keep getting new fake reviews. Things like that.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Its made zero difference to me, just like stripclublist made no difference. Other than being older, grayer and fatter my life is the same as 45 years ago.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^^ "I believe this. Reading reviews for clubs I go to. A lot of them are fake."

It surprises no one that you and the clubs you go to are fake, just like your whole persona, and everything you post, we don't expect much from you, and you still manage to underachieve.

avatar for Electronman
2 yrs ago

TUSCL opened my eyes (and wallet) to high mileage and extras clubs. I'd like to think that the TUSCL reviews might have encouraged a few clubs to tolerate dancers who provided extra services (after all, extras probably bring customer back to the club). But I have no firm evidence that TUSCL has nudged any clubs toward allowing extras services, other than my own propensity to select club that allow dancers to provide extra services.

I would assume that some dancers use TUSCL to a) identify clubs that match their personal values (e.g., clientele, mileage expectations) and b) to understand the expectations of male customers.

I did click on the stripper web link.... Is that site still activ?. Most of the content, including the reviews of specific clubs, seem to be out of date, by a decade or more.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

“… The widespread adoption of GPS and the addition of mapping features in TUSCL have since made finding clubs even easier …”

Oh yes – GPS was a godsend – certain clubs are in industrial-areas or o/w hard-to-find especially at night – pre-GPS sometimes one would have to give up on a club b/c one couldn’t find it; or one would have to do a dry-run in the daylight to make sure one could find it when they visited at night – and of course; GPS feels indispensable when in a different/unknown city – I would’ve had a hell of a tough-time finding clubs in ATL when I visited there pre-Covid especially since I usually visited multiple clubs in one trip that were pretty-spread-out over metro-Atlanta.

avatar for Subraman
2 yrs ago

"Great. Now we're gonna have to hear Subraman tell the PL story again..."

Good news, I've memorialized it for you 🤣 /article.php

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