Moving Things Forward
Mom's basement
I've been interested to read some of the recent posts about the intersection of clubbing and SA, as I'm currently dabbling in both, though with limited success. I wondered, therefore, what my major sticking point might be, and I've stumbled on an inability to get the ball rolling in the direction of dates and/or sex. It seems I beat around the bush too much for fear of offending the delicate modesty of the female listener and end up perpetually in the friendzone (or client zone for strippers) as a result. Any advice on how to sack up and get from point "A" to point "B"--in either the physical or digital arena?
And then said...
"It seems I beat around the bush too much for fear of offending the delicate modesty of the female listener and end up perpetually in the friendzone (or client zone for strippers) as a result."
I think that you asked the question and answered it without help from us. My advice is always to be polite but just ask for what you want *exactly*. You won't be the first, and you won't freak her out. Be up front and they'll say yes or no (and then it's all about price after that).
That pretty much goes for ITC, OTC, and SA. The only caveat with SA is to get off their messaging service ASAP. Because their algorithms are trained to sniff out anything that vaguely sounds like P4P, and they'll shut down your account and keep your money if they get a signal from your messages.
Columbus is not a great town for finding OTC but it can be done. It is rare to get a girl to agree to it the first time you meet her especially in a non-extras city like Columbus but once you have spent time and money with a girl a few times ITC they will be more open to OTC with you. In Columbus I have found that it usually takes at least 2 or 3 vip sessions ITC before most girls are willing to meet OTC and even then it is a 50/50 shot. Just seeing a girl once or twice and only buying 2 or 3 lapdances per visit isn't going to cut it in that town. The girls need to know you are a spender before they will discuss OTC most of the time.
Anyway, I’ve never tried SA. When y’all say to get off their messenger quickly, does the site/messenger allow you to ask for a phone number? Or will it flag you for asking/giving a number? Seems a simple workaround if allowed. Thanks.