
Comments by Subraman (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Good times in bad strip club towns
    I've always assumed that no matter how bad a SC town it is, there's always some extremely highly motivated local PLs who have the place wired. Somewhere in SLC there's some PL getting extras from a wayward Mormon at some club. The system is a puzzle to be cracked and solved, and there are gynecological wonders awaiting those intrepid PLs who do it LOL In SF, my buddies and I go to lower-contact higher end alcohol clubs. And that was part of the fun by itself -- discovering it's fun to day drink with my buddies and with strippers, even if the club is lower contact. But then as we became regulars, and go to know management, a bunch of other nice things happened. For example, other than the occasional new bouncer, it's been years since a bouncer strolled through my VIP (usual policy is that he has to walk through AT LEAST once per song). The girls know it, and yadda yadda, my lower-contact club has been a mid-contact club for me, for years now; I've even gotten extras here and there. There's other things the managers have done for us that I've never told because I don't think anyone would believe me. Anyway, I can go on and on, point is, a local who spends decently, is friendly with the staff, and otherwise has the place wired up, may not be having the same terrible time as the rest of us transient PLs.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OTC: Going to women vs them coming to you
    george, while I have had strippers and SBs at my home, typically that doesn't happen until I've known them for months if not longer. Even if she comes to me, I get a hotel room locally. But it is more convenient if she drives an hour to my city, than me driving an hour to hers
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OTC: Going to women vs them coming to you
    It is common for SBs to travel to SDs. I often discuss with my SBs what works better, sometimes they actually prefer to come to me (they don't say so, but obviously they don't want to be seen with some old dude by their friends and family). But many SDs won't travel, so most SBs expect they might get asked to drive to the SD. It's less common with strippers, IMO, where typically neither of us want the other in our home or our neighborhood, at least for the first OTC. I most commonly meet strippers for OTC in SF where we met, where neither of us live. Neutral territory, and lots of fun restaurants, bars, and strip clubs to explore, plus 20 hotels on dayuse.com
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OK I may become an SA convert
    I'll confirm everything 3131 is saying. To add on: - Hide your profile man. You can set it so only SBs who you've viewed, or who you've messaged first, can see you. It makes you invisible to all those scammers, the girls from Venezuela and the Philippines, the chubbies, etc. Best thing you can do for yourself. - The girls texting "lets' meet tonight $500 PPM" will eventually get banned, once they're reported. Consider not reporting them yourself -- SA sometimes takes a scorched earth policy, and many SDs who have reported people, have reported being banned themselves. Best policy is to keep your head down, block people as soon as they do something wrong, and if they give you any shit, resist the temptation to give them shit back, just block. - 3131 is right that offsite evidence can be introduced, but this seems less common. I think the reason I'm still not banned, is because all my PPM discussion is on text, and by the time you get there, people don' bother reporting, in most cases
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    What would you rate yourself out of 10 on first impressions
    My ratings from a stripper's perspective: Ability to not constantly look at your tits while we're talking: 2 Crotch bulge: 4 ... but play your cards right, soon it'll be 6 Chances that I'll have a piece of spinach on my front tooth: 9 How often I use terms that are way past my generation, in order to appear younger: 8 No cap
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OK I may become an SA convert
    Ish, I found a bit of a learning curve. How to spot the scammers and escorts quickly. How to get an initial message that gets attention. Once you figure a few things out... well, it's still full of scammers and escorts, but at least you'll get real SBs messaging you back too. Do not mention $ or the term PPM in your messages.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OK I may become an SA convert
    Just a little glory hole fun between bros. Nothing gay about that. No homo.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OK I may become an SA convert
    ^^Hey bro, as long as I know you're on the other side, that's always my 2am backup plan 👊
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OK I may become an SA convert
    "Now every so often I will come across a girl who I know dances in one of the local clubs. One might think that this would be a positive, but IME is has overwhelmingly been a negative. For starters, they are already accustomed to dancer money, which I think changes their expectations. Also some really seem to be using it more as an extension of their ITC hustle than as a true meetup avenue." Spot on. My experiences are similar, and if you look on sugar forums, SDs are super anti-stripper for SBs, for all these reasons. I've been saying for a while on the subs, if you meet a stripper like you're an SD (meet her on Seeking, exchange a few messsages then have a date, etc), you're pretty likely to have a terrible experience with a high pressure girl using this as her side hustle. I've even had a stripper admit to me ITC that she has an ad on SA, charges SDs $200 for the platonic M&G (I guess the stupid ones pay it), with no intention to ever have a second date or have sex with them. If you approach it like a PL instead -- get her to your table, give her the heave ho if she's high hustle; get her to VIP, give her the heave ho if she's low-mileage; get her OTC, see how good things are. That's a LOT of vetting, if she makes it past all that and I still dig her, I can switch to a more SD/SB thing, and IME it can be amazing: super hot, sexually adventurous, impulsive stripper who knows how to deliver? Sign me up. Best way to have an arrangement with a stripper, is meet her ITC. I've had a number of just awesome arrangements with strippers. Meet her in the club, take her to some no obligation, transactional OTCs, go from there.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OK I may become an SA convert
    I always know when no one shows up to your glory hole in the afternoons, you show up here all cranky
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OK I may become an SA convert
    The thing is, just based on the description, did 2 today doing 2 more tomorrow, 3131 might be going with the high volume escorts or the many girls who behave like them. There are a LOT of them on SA, and it's like shooting fish in a barrel. They lightly pretend to not be escorts, so if you want to fool yourself, you can. But if you want to land a genuine college girl or basically any civilian who would never be doing this if it weren't for Seeking, that generally takes some time, in my experience. Easier to score OTC than those types of girls (although whether the stripper shows up to the OTC is another question 🤣 )
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Los Angeles, California
    Las Vegas club for daytime afternoon visits
    Yep, it's been 15+ years since I've been to a Vegas club during dayshift, and CH2 and OG were my faves. Interested in seeing what people say is the dayshift to go to these days
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OK I may become an SA convert
    I'm blessed, or cursed, with not getting bored when I run into a good thing. Super hot chick, great sex, and wild & fun on dates? I'm good with that girl. 'course I do sometimes get the itch for some strange, in which case, a one-off OTC here and there is all that's needed. That makes it good for SA, it may take weeks to find a good SB but I'll stick with her for as long as possible once I find a great one
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OK I may become an SA convert
    It's way way worse than when I first joined some years back. But there's still some gems, they're just harder to find.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OK I may become an SA convert
    Yeah it's a total pain in the ass, and sometimes I go weeks with every girl either ghosting halfway through the conversation, or she sends more pics and doesn't look so good, or shows up for initial meet and doesn't look so good, etc. But when you get a good one, oh momma! Worth the effort, as long as you don't get too frustrated when you go through those times when it's not working out
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Annoying Phrases / Which ones do you use ?
    My favorite annoying phrase: It is what it is. Translation: I have nothing interesting to say, but I'm such a bobblehead that I feel like I need to say something to cover up being a bobblehead, so I'm going to say a vapid phrase that I'm hoping passes for a philosophical thought among other bobbleheads
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    OnlyFans Facts
    We do except instead of a cash subscription you have to pay in meth and fentanyl. You want to see some "thicc" cottage-cheesey tatted and grilled up ghetto girls, well pour yourself something purple to drink and subscribe!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    OnlyFans Facts
    It seems to be well known in the OF community that there's a steep falloff in revenue. The top 5% are making serious money. The next 10-15% are making good money. Everyone else is putting in a lot of time and work, for various levels of side-hustle level income.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    OnlyFans Facts
    "OnlyFans is not for everyone (creators and subscribers) but like it was said above, if a girl can make a living taking pork grade selfies from her bedroom, she’s probably not going to care about ever becoming a stripper, and most of her base doesn’t want to go into a strip club either. " Right, that's where I'd bet. To continue, though, in that web of IG/Tiktok/Twitter/OF, sugar is much less stigmatized, and almost normalized in some places, where stripping is still solidly stigmatized. Plus a wealthy SD can help a content provider seem fancier & sexier on her IG, which drives guys to her OF. All just guesses until someone uses my tax dollars to perform a study that leads to nothing 🤣
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    OnlyFans Facts
    "Has only fans been god or bad for people like us is my question" What I don't think has ever been studied and we'd need to know to answer this is: is OF a sort of safer part of sexwork, that attracts a lot of women who would otherwise be considering stripping or other in-person sexwork? Or is it the reverse: OF's perceived safeness means many women start an OF who otherwise would not have considered sexwork... and then OF is sort of a gateway drug that leads them incrementally to activities like stripping that they never would have considered otherwise. Without knowing the answer, we have no idea. If you twisted my arm and made me place a longshot bet, I'd put my chips on: the whole linktree web of increasingly risque and compensated content on IG-twitter-tiktok-OF probably means fewer women available to be strippers... but possibly more available as SBs
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    OnlyFans Facts
    45% sounds more right than 20%! I read an article -- I think someone linked it here on tuscl, in fact -- about why people like OF, which was very enlightening. It's mostly younger guys evidently, exactly the guys staying away from strip clubs in droves. The key is the social media style interaction. Essentially, there's a number of ways to interact with the girls, and OF's notifications and interactions are set up to be psychologically addictive, like Facebook's. In particular, the ability to DM the girls (and most DM back), along with other notifications, and even things like dick rates, is just the interaction a milquetoast de-masculinized skinny-jeans wearing millennial or zoomer wants.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The Gig Law Causing Chaos in California Strip Clubs
    Nice, it wouldn't surprise me to see the corporate chains go this way, or try to... in CA, they all had to go at once, so if one chain went employee-only to the huge detriment of the girls, the girls couldn't just all go to a different club
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Jason Statham‘s Girlfriend is_________?
    In that pic, a bit too bony even for me, and that's saying something. That said, on google images, there's pics with her just a few hamburgers heavier, and she is hot
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The Gig Law Causing Chaos in California Strip Clubs
    shadow: you would cry if what you remember is 1987 San Francisco, easily one of the best cities in the country if not the world, and come see it now.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The Gig Law Causing Chaos in California Strip Clubs
    "Many clubs decided to restructure the way dancers are paid after AB 5 was introduced in 2019, taking larger cuts of the money workers earned through private dances. Dancers say that even though they are now guaranteed minimum wage, their wages dropped as a result of the new pay system and reduced hours." This has been a disaster for strippers from the beginning. I've mentioned many times, the big and obvious wave of dancer retirements and strippers moving to neighboring states to dance, as they saw Deja Vu (who actually switched to employment model a few months before it was required, and had wanted to move to this model for a while, given that it profited them at the expense of the dancers) structure the employment contracts. The girls are taking home much less, now have to follow employment rules, all in exchange for a guaranteed minimum and a half hour break. "Dancers’ unions say they are seeing a surge in interest as workers focus on finding ways to survive under a law that was never tailored for their industry"... at this point, the girls know they have to get out from AB 5, whether the unions will make things better or even worse remains to be seen. CA isn't just democratic, not all democratic run states have gone the way of CA, there's any number I'd live in -- the issue is that CA is the living petri dish of progressive ideas, and as each policy fails and with each downturn in quality of life, voters here think the solution is MORE progressive policy, not less. Minor moments of lucidity as we recall progressive DAs notwithstanding.