criticizing this generation's strippers, thread #4,080

from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
bah, this generation's of strippers disappoint me.
i've been trying to figure out a single reason why and this is what I came up with:
yesterday's strippers sold fantasy better.
i feel like today's strippers / this generation of strippers are very what-you-see-is-what-you-get. i feel like, back then, your imagination could run away with you with your average stripper. today, you better not let your imagination run with your local stripper. i also feel like yesterday's strippers dressed way sexier. funny thing is, i think today's strippers generally look slightly better than yesterday's strippers, (body-wise and face-wise). but yesterday's strippers clearly crush today's strippers with dancing ability, sexiness, and overall enjoyment.
i miss the fantasy element of yesterday's strippers. for example, (if i haven't mentioned it already) i remember back in the day, this one dancer would routinely sport a bikini bottom with a glory hole in the butt area. any given time, when she walked by, you got a window-peep to the middle of her butt crack. pretty, slim girl, too, but not too slim. haven't seen anyone wear it since. here's the best part: she didn't even immediately look like the type to wear that, she was so quiet-looking and often wouldn't approach guys for a lapdance. but she often did wear that glory hole bikini bottom. yes, it was often the very same bikini bottom when I happened to be there, which is gross, but still. i don't see any of today's dancers that i know picking that outfit.
yall agree or nah?
i've been trying to figure out a single reason why and this is what I came up with:
yesterday's strippers sold fantasy better.
i feel like today's strippers / this generation of strippers are very what-you-see-is-what-you-get. i feel like, back then, your imagination could run away with you with your average stripper. today, you better not let your imagination run with your local stripper. i also feel like yesterday's strippers dressed way sexier. funny thing is, i think today's strippers generally look slightly better than yesterday's strippers, (body-wise and face-wise). but yesterday's strippers clearly crush today's strippers with dancing ability, sexiness, and overall enjoyment.
i miss the fantasy element of yesterday's strippers. for example, (if i haven't mentioned it already) i remember back in the day, this one dancer would routinely sport a bikini bottom with a glory hole in the butt area. any given time, when she walked by, you got a window-peep to the middle of her butt crack. pretty, slim girl, too, but not too slim. haven't seen anyone wear it since. here's the best part: she didn't even immediately look like the type to wear that, she was so quiet-looking and often wouldn't approach guys for a lapdance. but she often did wear that glory hole bikini bottom. yes, it was often the very same bikini bottom when I happened to be there, which is gross, but still. i don't see any of today's dancers that i know picking that outfit.
yall agree or nah?
i know this stripper from yesteryear, who since left the career. now and again, she'll post old-school pics of her stripper days on social media. lol. she's proud of it. and to be honest, the pics she post got me nodding like, yeah, i remember meeting you back then and those were good nights. and i'm not talking sexually or anything. just good nights when you felt "free". tho, i know today's strippers regularly post live video of themselves on social media, i wanna know which of them will post after their career is over. that's what i'm talking about. yesterday's strippers were so cool to me. to me they can look back and be a little proud or at peace. today's strippers are so different to me. i'll try to respect it, but damn.
am i just going to the wrong venues?
like i remember another night, it was so cool. a local lady with a big-ass box of all types of funky neon panties and bras showed up at the strip club and set up shop in like a region of the stripper club in the middle of a working stripclub night. all types of dancers were around her. a bunch of dancers who weren't working showed up in street clothes. they were lifting up neon panties in the sky looking at them in the light, picking which ones they wanted, basically shopping right in the middle of the strip club in the middle of a working strip club night. i was just smiling to myself like: remember this, you won't see this again. and i was right.
so, yeah, this was before you could order online i guess. it was just cool to see these dancers so into what they were thinking of wearing. this was going on before i got to the club that night and was still going on after i left. i'm glad nobody kicked them out or complained too much about them taking up so much space, on a working strip club night in kinda the middle of the club. oh and this repeated itself a few more times before i didn't see it again.
Stripper hoes pit a lot of thought into their shoes and outfits. Look at the way they get in tnose shops.
I find older stripper hoes to be like hardened hookers. With young ones theyre more natural and what you see is what you get. Theyre not afraid of real connections. The ones who hoe are known for that and their behavior is simply taken for just that....theyre hoes.
Nightlife in general has become overly sanitized and too corporate.
Truth be told I like strip clubs a lot more today than I did in the 90's and even the early part of this century. Sure there were more elaborate stage shows and some (though certainly not all) of the dancers seemed to treat it as a real profession, but they were also more controlled and generally less fun. The fact that I was clubbing mostly in Beantown and the Big Apple didn't help because the ROI was atrocious.
@gothamyte - "yesterday's strippers sold fantasy better."
Damn, that's a really good thought-provoking statement/question. My memories of yesterday's strippers are very similar. But I wonder if it's not more about us maturing and becoming somewhat disillusioned over time than it is them changing the game.
Not sure how old you are - I'm 53 and been working the SC scene, on and off, for a few decades. I know for sure that when I was a college kid chasin' skirts, and all the emotional crap that goes along with that, my perception of strippers was that they were part of some glorious alter-universe that was unlike anything I'd seen before. It was like I could step into a different reality where the rules of society didn't apply.
I think as I've grown older and learned more about how life really works, I just take it for what it is. They need to make a living, and I just want to get my dick sucked.
Granted, when I was younger, I probably had more fantasies about strippers because I didn't have the game or money to obtain one outside of the club.
Now that I can obtain them, they don't have the same mystique. That is not necessarily a bad thing. It just is what it is.
most of the strippers in the 80s/90s had one or two tastefully placed tattoos. being a single mom was the exception not the rule. being a college student was the rule and not the exception.
they pretended to take an interest in you, your profession, and your background. they very rarely talked about their home life, and were constantly shifting the attention back to you talking about yourself.
the music was mostly rock, and the loser boyfriends were in bands, and not wanna-be rappers.
most of the music was about winning her love, not about her making her ass cheeks pop while she showed you her p$$y.
most of them had drug problems then, as they do now.
the high end clubs had high maintenance girls with boob jobs, modest length acrylic nail tips, and subtle hair color and hair extensions.
Id imagine life would be at a slower more enjoyable pace.
I agree with this - in the past in many if not most clubs, there was minimal-mileage thus the girl had to offer something to get a PL to wanna be w/ them and spend - and the low-mileage also made it possible for good-looking girls that were not willing to provide high-mileage, it made it possible for them to prosper in clubs b/c they didn't have to face competition from high-mileage girls b/c that didn't exist in most clubs - also, expectations from PLs were low to non-existent thus a pretty, somewhat personable, girl, doing an air-dance and talking to them was considered a good-time and PLs settled for that - whereas today many PLs would not settle just for air-dances and company while blowing a couple of hundred on that - today there are PLs willing to spend a few-hundred on high-mileage/extras and girls know high-mileage/extras is where the bigger-$$$ is and that's why we have what we have now where many dancers just get to the point of just selling dances/extras vs having to talk-up a PL for an hour in the hopes he'll eventually spend well on her while there may be 5 other PLs willing to spend right-away on high-mileage/extras - pretty-much supply-and-demand at work and thus the girls that depended mostly on personality w/o high-mileage can't mostly compete except in some clubs.
I guess the old-school way of clubbing would appeal to the romantics that want the strip-club experience to be more like a civilian-date, vs the PLs that are looking for physical, vs emotional, satisfaction.
Kinda analogous to porn in the 70s and early 80s that often had "some kind of a plot" vs today where it just goes straight to the sex.
I think part of it is that as newbies it doesn't take much to impress us - at first a naked pretty girl on stage will likely blow our minds - I think if we could "magically" go back in time and experience those things/dancers again, we may not be as impressed.
I recall things that back-in-the-day I would say "wow" but now if I look at it it's meh at most - e.g. I recall when I was in my late-teens (late-80s) and would watch some rap-videos with ebonies dressed almost like strippers and think "oh man" - now I look at it and it looks pretty-mild; etc.
So I think a lot of the "nostalgia" is the newness of it at the time per se and it having a big effect in large-part due to our lack of experience(s).