Autism and incel extremism

avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team…

An excellent article on how incel mentally disabled men are drawn to misogynistic hate groups online.

There is an obvious link between mental disabilities. The inability to socialize into ones peer group. And the incel movement. This becomes particularly interesting when we get into incels committing hate crimes or acts of terrorism.


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avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
This explains a lot. Autistic tendencies and resentment towards strippers are both rampant around here.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
It does explain a lot. Undiagnosed and untreated mental illness are one of the biggest problems in American society I think. Treating said people would resolve a lot of anti social behavior
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
So Icey, are you suggesting that perhaps there could be a targeted program to get afflicted tusclers the help they need? Kinda' like when needle exchange programs set up distribution points in areas where drug use is rampant?
avatar for BBBC
5 years ago
This is awesome! An IceyLoco RickDugan circle jerk party! Dont worey boys! I am here to make this into a party!
avatar for BBBC
5 years ago
A real party! We are getting readynfor a first class orgy boys!!!!!
avatar for BBBC
5 years ago
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
I think some would be better off spending their money on therapy instead of stripper hoes.

avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Yes you should icey.
avatar for rattdog
5 years ago
stripper hoes are my therapy. and i look forward to each appointment.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
I mean it seriously. Real misogyny is disgusting. Men who can't view women as just people shouldn't be fucking
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
Definitely. Best to get them hooked on drugs, beat them, and mentally abuse them…

Just a little fun from when you were pretending to be a pimp instead of a woke SJW lol 🤣🤣🤣
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ Dammit mr locka focka your headed to an ignorant list
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
People can read what I wrote themselves. I explained how to play the game.

The real misogyny is denying women their agency
avatar for Dave_Anderson
5 years ago
None of that is true. This is more demonizing the victim to prevent society from addressing a real social problem, which is not the young men as some "problem" but the difficulty this society creates for youth in general to find a longterm or marriage partner, and in many cases even sex partners, which affects both sexes but most acutely many of today's young men.

To put your "extremism" comment into context, a study last year confirmed that nearly a third of young men age 18 to 30 hadn't had sex in at least a year. 18% of young women hadn't either. Clearly society is failing a huge percentage of our young people, especially young men. Instead of listening to the usual assbackwards propaganda coming out of the MSM what society should be addressing us how to help pair off young people who want to find life partners or at least have more sex and can't due to structure of society today. Again, look it up we are talking about I believe 28 % of young men. That's hardly a "fringe." 28 percent unemployment would never be blamed on the unemployed, but the media is trying to blame the lack of sex on the victims in this case.

The first thing we need to do is scale back the "sexual harassment" laws which have become so extreme merely asking a woman out or even "glancing at her too long" is now illegal. This is harming the normal interaction of young men and women and one of the factors causing this situation to keep getting worse. Again, WE ARE NOR TALKING ABOUT SOME SMALL "EXTREME" FRINGE but nearly one in three young men and nearly one in five young women who are not pairing off or even having sexual relations during their prime horniness years.

On here we can say, they should go to strip clubs, use escorts, or see prostitutes but many young men don't have the money for this and many want actual relationships.

For the feminists to lie and try this into a false narrative and demonize these young men and try to turn this completely backwards is dispicable.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
"I explained how to play the game. "

You explained what YOU do and how YOU do it. You are not some neutral reporter -- the thread is clearly "this is how I do it". Furthermore, the connotation is that, if you want to date strippers, this is how everyone else should do it, too. So you physically beat, hooked on drugs, and mentally abuse women, and you encourage others to do the same.

"The real misogyny is denying women their agency"

Physically beating her to keep her in compliance is denying her her agency. Hooking her on drugs and controlling those drugs is denying her her agency. Mentally abusing her to keep her compliant is denying her her agency.

Don't get me wrong, I -- and everyone else on tuscl -- realize none of the things in your post actually happened. But I think even a pretend pimp shouldn't be allowed to pretend to be a woke SJW without someone reminding him that he was once a pretend pimp.

Also worth reminding all the idiots taking this thread seriously. Sheesh.
avatar for CC99
5 years ago

One of the best posts I've ever seen on TUSCL 👏👏

I know exactly what study you are talking about. What's particularly notable about that study is that in 2008 the percentage of sexless men was only 8% and for women it was like 6%. I know some pretty nerdy ass people who lived in that time period and still got girlfriends.

I mean that is a ridiculously dramatic rise especially for a ten year period.
avatar for BBBC
5 years ago
^ @CC99 you should give dudes a try. We are waaaaayyyy less drama sweetie
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "This is more demonizing the victim to prevent society from addressing a real social problem, which is not the young men as some "problem" but the difficulty this society creates for youth in general to find a longterm or marriage partner, and in many cases even sex partners, which affects both sexes but most acutely many of today's young men."

LMAO. Do you really think that assessing the desirability of a mate is a new thing? It is as old as dating and sex themselves.

Did it also ever occur to you that changes in how men behave have as much as anything else? After all, what girl wants to fuck a whiny twat with victim mentality? Especially if it is a useless broke ass whiny twat?

The real difference between yesteryear and now is not a change in expectations, but that more and more young men don't want to live up to them. Sure ugly dudes will always have a tougher time scoring pussy because girls' biological coding is warning them away, but to compound it too many men now behave like emotional pussies.

Maybe more of these dudes would have better luck if they stopped looking for others to blame, including sexual harassment laws that have existed for 30+ years now, and instead took ownership of their own failings. If you're a slob, get fit. If your job sucks, get training in something and get a better one. If you're a whiny pussy, toughen the fuck up and develop a thicker skin. In other words do what men have been doing forever to score a mate instead of looking for excuses as to why you can't.

You're welcome.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
5 years ago
You are so mean rickdugan. There needs to be hooker stamps for guys like me that can't get girls to like them.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Subraman youre just here to troll. Anyone can read my posts in their correct context if they want to.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Dave Anderson aka CC

Not being able to get laid is not a social problem. Thats one thing that actually is about personal accountability and responsibility.

Rick Dugan is right. Basically look at yourself and ask yourself if youd want to have the female version of yourself....physically etc. If the answer ja no. Then work on yourself. If its yes then go for them.

Working on ones social skills and looks hygiene style etc. Is aomething anyone can do. If they can't because of mental illness they should get treated for it.

As for resorting to incel extremism, no normal woman will find that attractive
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Society recognizes the dangers of incel ideology. You have a subset of anti social men blaming blaming siciety and women in particular for their inability to socialize into their peer groups. Couple this witj undiagnosed or untreated mental illness...add some right wing extremism and you have the makings of a domestic terrorist threat when more and more resort to violence. Unfortunately online forums can become a breeding ground that pushes them over the edge.

The simple reality is though that it a woman finds you attractive she'll fuck you.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Spoken like a retarded 6 year old Icey. If the woman is married and honorable her attraction to anyone else other than her spouse goes nowhere. You are right about the genesis of Incel, it is their fault, just as it is the fault of a larger, whinier group that never shuts the fuck up and never accepts responsibility for their failures. Funny that you support one (verbally here only) and dislike the other.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Being a victim of racism is not the same as not being able to get laid. And maybe youre retarded. Most grow out of concrete thinking in early childhood
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Racism is such a wonderful crutch when you're a failure.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
The victims of racial profiling are failures?
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Slogan time: A chicken in every pot.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
It's funny but for most of the guys I've met over the years that this label might apply to, looks were not their primary issues. Now sure they weren't going to win any beauty pageants, but they weren't downright ugly. Their main problems were behavioral.

One guy that always sticks out in my head had a crush on a girl who I was casually fucking. He, she and I were all regulars at a bar I hung out in back in my single days. After a while the weird fuck started to try to dress like me, even including a leather jacket similar to mine. Then one night he whined about how he wasn't bad looking, dressed like me and even did his hair like mine, but couldn't get the time of day from her.

What he didn't seem to get was that everything about him screamed insecure and odd, from his body language to his facial expressions to the way he spoke. Even if he did look as good as me (which he did not), his chances of getting laid by anything decent looking were slim to none.

Now are these issues fixable? I really don't know. Guys who end up in these wacky ass "incel" groups do so precisely because they struggle to connect with normal people in a meaningful way, which leaves them frustrated and seeking out external causes to blame. In all my years I have yet to see a grown adult prone to with victim mentality ever really overcome it, nor have I seen one at that age who struggles with empathy suddenly gain self awareness or a greater understanding of human emotional nuance.
avatar for CC99
5 years ago
Jeez @RickDugan, spoken like a true feminist right there. Everything is men's fault and if anything bad happens to men its men's fault that the bad thing happened to them but all women are wonderful and don't need to take accountability for anything. What you refer to as "weakness" is not being a violent thug.

There is an absolute plethora of research proving that women are attracted to low IQ, violent criminals. And apparently progressive society's answer to this is that that's completely okay because whatever women choose to fuck is their prerogative. How do people think civilization got this far? How do people not see the problem with allowing humanity's base instincts to run rampant? Why do people think Christianity has promoted sexual monogamy for hundreds of years and that since they started promoting monogamy, we have slowly become a better, less violent, and more moral species. It took a long time because humans were so obscenely violent in Ancient Times due to the prevalence of harem style polygamy but their work has paid off and now we are reversing course with the sexual liberation ethics.

So are you saying its our fault that we don't want to pursue a reproductive strategy that we know will degrade society? I will only choose a girl who makes the right choice on what kind of guy she wants to fuck. If I'm going to proliferate a certain gene legacy then I need to proliferate the genes of a woman who chooses men like me so that my daughters will go on to date guys like me and my sons will date girls like their mother. Its gonna sound arrogant as hell but I know I am the right choice, my IQ is around 130, I'm above average in looks, I am extremely non-violent (as a kid I'd rescue insects out of the pool), I have a very high sex drive, and I am in a good position to make a lot of money in the future. The proliferation of my genes would benefit civilization by creating smart, non-violent people who are motivated to reproduce and any woman who loved me would be the most cherished person on Earth. If women still aren't attracted to me, then that's their fault and I'm not going to empower their bad decisions by bringing myself down to the level of the kind of men they are biologically attracted to. To do so is to allow evil to win. If no girl becomes attracted to me then I am satisfied with simply getting a robot girlfriend because if I was to take your advice, I'd be deeply ashamed of my moral weakness for the rest of my life.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Cc99 so youre blaming women for not being attracted to you? It can't possibly be you.

Men like feminine women and women like masculine men. Thats basic biology.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
^transphobic comment.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
No Icey, it is even worse than that. He is using one crackpot study, which runs counter to the experience of almost every middle class and up married guy out there, to justify his belief that women can't be trusted to make their own mating decisions. Because if they could, they would of course undoubtedly choose a great fella' like him instead of the borderline hardened criminals that they are married to.

What he is not getting is that their natural selection instincts are working just fine. His IQ may be as high as he claims, but there are plenty of smarter guys out there who don't have CC's emotional dysfunctions. He just doesn't get that, at some level (many of our cues are subconscious), they sense his mental imbalance and exclude him as a viable option. That is nature in action, a system that has worked very well since the dawn of man by ensuring that mentally imbalanced men don't breed more mentally imbalanced children.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
That kind of pseudo science is what incites incels and makes them dangerous. Thats why you get cases like Armando Hernandez and Elliot Rodger.

Women want marriage and relationships and are quick to latch on to a man who is a good catch. Being liked by women doesn't make the man deficient nor delinquent. Getting laid doesnt mean youre violent or a criminal. Thinking so is a mental instability red flag.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
My fake names would be Bueno Appetito and Alexi gicharoxoff. Far more creative than sloganeering trans drone.
avatar for CC99
5 years ago
Its not one crackpot study...

A study on Swedish criminals found that criminality is literally an alternative reproductive strategy. Criminals on average have more children and reproductive partners than non-criminals. Literally the conclusion of the study "We conclude that criminality appears to be adaptive in a contemporary industrialized country, and that this association can be explained by antisocial behavior being part of an adaptive alternative reproductive strategy."…

Female directed violence is positively correlated with greater copulation frequency and greater sexual access to females.…

Sexual access to females is a major motivation for joining youth gangs. Statistically, gang members have a much greater number of sexual partners than non-gang members do.…

Men are not only consciously attracted to women who are nice, but they are physiologically aroused by it. Women do not usually experience this.…

An adolescent with an IQ of 100 was 1.5-5x more likely to have had intercourse than an adolescent with an IQ of 120-130.…

IQ ranges in the 80s and 90s are the most likely to commit crimes.…

Male IQ in the 80s and 90s are the most likely to have sex. After 110, the odds of intercourse drop dramatically.…

Now, this doesn't mean every woman is attracted to low IQ violent criminals. But it does mean that their basic biology is wired to go after them. To a certain extent, civilization re-wires women's mating strategy. If there is a heavy stigma attached to being attracted to violent criminals, then it will influence women's attractions. It also means that women who's biology is more moderate may not go so far as to be attracted to violent criminals but they may be attracted to men who show a violent side to their personality. The majority of women may suppress attraction to actual criminals because a certain level of social stigma still holds up, but the majority absolutely do seem to be attracted nevertheless to unethical behavior.

What society needs to work on is eliminating that biological attraction towards unethical behavior entirely. Re-wire women's biology so that they become attracted to pro-social behavior instead. The only way to do this is through controlled genetic selection. Basically, reproduce only with women who are attracted to pro-social behavior so that those traits become more prevalent. Prevent women with attraction to violent behavior from reproducing with violent men. Basically, throw all the violent men in prison during their reproductive years. Don't release them after three years, if you are a violent person you lose the right to enjoy your sensual youth years. Once we do that, violent crime will disappear because there won't be any reward for it at all. Not even in the short term. They won't have any hoes or bad bitches to validate their repulsive behavior. The only life promised to violent criminals will be death or prison. And every good man will have their very own adorable, sexy wife ready to love and cherish him for his goodness and protective nature and not for his dominance and power.

That is the future I envision. And every action I take in life is directed towards bringing us closer to that future. People should be thanking me for caring so much about their well being despite the fact that hardly any of them show half the concern for my well being that I have for theirs. Nevertheless, no matter how much I look down on the majority of the human race, I still want them all to be happy and loved (if they are nice) and I hope one day they will overcome the more frustrating parts of their biology.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Wow, I'm not going to read every crackpot study or address the absurd sweeping conclusions you are drawing from them. But anyone who lives in the real world and deals with women every day knows that it's a lot more nuanced and complicated than that. What you've engaged in is a serious exercise in confirmation bias, nothing more.

But here's a takeaway for you. It's not your intellect preventing you from getting laid - your psychological issues are the culprit. I work with brilliant people all day long and I'm no slouch myself and they don't struggle the way that you do. You're need to believe that you're superior to others that you deal with is rooted in your emotional limitations, because if this were not the case then it would mean that you're simply damaged. Well CC, I'm sorry to say that you're out of your mind and have no real world concept of human interactions at all as far as I can tell.

Many was Icey-Troll right on this one. We may need an outreach program to join the tuscl board as this would no doubt be a target rich environment for them. ;)
avatar for 48-Cowboy
5 years ago
Yeah, We need to lock up all the guys so I have a chance to get laid. The waifu doll is just not cutting it
avatar for 48-Cowboy
5 years ago
Should I stop eating beans too?
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
@CC99 - Man up.
Eat right, cut out refined carbs and alcohol.
Hit the weights 3 times a week; if you can afford a sex doll you can afford a personal trainer.
Read some real philosophy, not "red pill"/"black pill" evo psych or "game" pseudoscience.
Lay off the internet porn and hand lotion.
See a therapist and psychiatrist.

Man up.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Only thing those studies really say is risk taking behavior leads to more sex. So man up.

But youre trying to swy that women can't think for themselves coz if they do they'll choose the wrong guy and not a prize like you. #elliotrodger
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
And hookers and stripper hoes you love like bad boys
avatar for CC99
5 years ago

I assure you its not confirmation bias. I really wanted to deny it for years. The very same people on here right now in-fact who are now telling me it isn't true were the same people trying to redpill me before. I guess they didn't anticipate what my reaction would end up being to the truth. But the fact is that everything I've seen these studies say is true. I have never known a smart, good hearted guy who had an easy time with girls. I have also never known a dumb asshole to struggle with girls. The vast majority of guys I've known who had an easy time with girls or thought dating was easy were assholes. The only guy I know who had an easy time and wasn't an asshole was just ridiculously good looking and a musician.

From your posts I've gotten the impression you are actually the one who's out of touch. It makes sense that this stuff doesn't make sense to you. You live in a very traditionally conservative bubble and these kind of problems are nowhere near as prevalent in those communities partially because of environment and partially because of genetic selection and more parental control over women's mating choices. The last time you went to college was decades ago and things have changed a lot since then. Dating apps like Tinder and Bumble have unleashed looks based hypergamy on a scale that hasn't been seen in many many decades. Go on Tinder and you are literally competing with every guy in the town/city you live in.



Never heard that one before (lmao) and I'm not dumb enough to take such advice seriously anymore.

You guys are desperate to prevent yourselves from acknowledging that feminism and women are fundamentally at fault. This is the definition of cuckservatism. People who blame men for their problems might as well be feminists because you're not willing to do anything to help out your fellow men in a society that is hostile towards us and is set up to give women every advantage and privilege imaginable at the expense of men.

Blame us all you want but don't be surprised when we have no motivation to continue running the world and system that you set up and we hate. Young men are dropping out of relationships at unprecedented rates and right now sex dolls look like a much better option than real women. We keep trying to tell you what the problem is and you won't listen and simply blame us for it.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
@CC99 - You've given up on dating, bitchwhine this whole thread about being a victim, and we're the cucks? Ha! Yeah, feminism sucks, and I politely excuse myself from anyone who identifies as one. So what? I'm not going to stop enjoying hot, feminine women in any setting. Hint: no hot woman in any context is attracted to victimhood.

We don't want you to run the world, if you're anything there like you are here, we wouldn't notice the difference anyways.
avatar for CC99
5 years ago
If you don't support feminism then why are you blaming men for their problems instead of standing up for them? Why are you perpetuating a dynamic that is rigged against us and acting like there are no problems with it? Being a cuck is being a traitor and you are betraying your fellow men who are struggling in a feminist dominated world.
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
Autism sucks in many ways. But, it is pure and beautiful in many other ways.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
@CC - Men and women can be very strong feminists and still have satisfying relationships and sex lives. I promise. Also, your problems with the opposite sex have nothing to do with your intelligence. Lol!

You're a mixed-up neurotic mess and this board is the wrong place to sort out your problems.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
Because your victims
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
Because your victimhood is unmasculine and hurts us. Women respond to masculinity.

What you need is professional help and tough love, last thing you need is another substitute for an actual woman.
avatar for CC99
5 years ago
Bullshit, your acquiescence is what is hurting us. Your refusal to stand up for what is right is unmasculine. Did the Founding Fathers not see themselves as victims?
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
They acted and risked their lives. You are quitting on life. Actually scratch that, go ahead and get a sex doll and a waifu. Please do not piss in the gene pool.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿
avatar for CC99
5 years ago
I am risking a lot. Someday the anonymity of the internet may no longer exist. It is very well possible that everything we post online is going to be revealed through advanced technology someday. In which case, I am absolutely fucked, I will probably lose my job and everything. While I am relying on the anonymity to some degree to not cause immediate consequences, I am well aware of the fact that there could be consequences much further down the line and I am still risking everything to tell people the truth because if I don't stand up for it now, it will be much harder to reverse course later.

Getting a sex doll is not quitting on life, it is boycotting a terrible system that needs to be fixed.
avatar for CC99
5 years ago
Quitting and giving up would be taking your advice.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
The best part of being old is not giving a fuck about what others think.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Fucking inanimate objects coz you think women innately have bad taste in men isn't making a stand.
avatar for Chilli_Powdurr
5 years ago
How do I.know if i am autistic?

That doll sounds like fun.
avatar for Chilli_Powdurr
5 years ago
Sounds like a masculine thong to use a doll instead of women. I agree with CC99 and everyone else is mean.

@ CC99, where do you get a doll like you speak of?
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Is cleaning the doll up a part of foreplay?
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Holy shit did this thread went in a fucked up direction. Suddenly mating and courtship rituals and preferences that have existed forever, dating back since the dawn of man and existing in several other animal species as well, are being spun as some new and vast feminist conspiracy. It takes real mental gymnastics and a powerful victim mentality mindset to ignore the obvious in favor of these crackpot theories, but some people obviously have the will and the way.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
It takes mental illness. An inability to learn gender roles. An inability to socialize into ones peer groups. The ensuing anxiety leads to wild what if scenarios.
3 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
No I don't go along with ~incel mentally disabled men~, and autism is a Nazi Eugenics movement concept, today being used to support neo-liberal capitalism. it is a Hoax.

What is necessary is that those being targeted with such bullying learn how to respond to bullies. Respond to them in a way which would impress a martial arts expert, or a Marine Corps Drill Sargent.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Dave_Anderson and CC99, I don't think you can say that women or feminism are some sort of a problem.

A lot of this I think is just economic, the fact that we still expect everyone to prove that they can earn a living in a market economy.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
CC99, some people are hard living, raucous types. They will tend to do more fucking. Just the way it is.

You try to say there is something wrong about women you are saying exactly the sort of things Elliot Rodger was writing in his manifesto. It is all just misogyny.

One thing which makes it hard on young people today is that we still judge everyone by there ability to earn a living, while at the same time people are being denied careers and getting forced into jobs.


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Women in the work place today are Marriage Mercenaries. So what Dave and CC99 are saying does not compute.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
CC99, your first article reference:…

Criminality and incarceration are just the way it goes for much of the population. They have been set up for that. But no one wants to take reproductive rights away from anyone.

Your second article reference:…

People come of age in violent environments and violent families.

But of these articles really are showing the problems inherent in THE FAMILY.

Your third article:…

Sexual access to females is indeed a motivation for joining youth gangs. It is like that for young men who lack otherwise legitimacy.

I could go on and on. But you are blaming young women and that is just completely wrong headed.

Here is one who went the other way:

Valerie Solanis, Society for Cutting Up Men…

avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
The only "extremists" are femanazi's.

The 28% of young men age 18 to 30 who haven't had sex in at least a year as confirmed by a 2019 study are VICTIMS of a dysfunctional feminazified society. They are not "extremists."

Your utter lack of compassion for other human beings, which is what these young men are, says far more about you than about them.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Instead of blaming women and women's rights for your inability to get laid start focusing on yourself and the changes you need to make
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
Sorry Icey, but first off I'm not talking about me personally. I am 50 years old and have had many relationships (though also long periods without like most average men). I could spend all night debating this with you but let's establish one fact, until very recently most women wanated to marry men as much as most men wanted to marry women. Those of either sex who were struggling to find a spouse had multiple relatives, neighbors, friends, coworkers, etc, who would try to help fix them up with someone. In fact those who honestly didn't want to find a partner often found it annoying. However for the shy, of both sexes, it helped. Some people are naturally shy but are not completely unattractive. The difference is that even ugly and shy girls today have hundreds of men hitting on them constantly. That did not used to be the case.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Meet women in person. Saying that get too much attention online is irrelevant.

If you stand out women want you.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
CC99, I cannot for the life of me understand what is drawing you to the kinds of ideas you are uttering. You really do sound like Elliot Rodger, in the conclusion of his Manifesto.

I find Rodger interesting, but it is more because I think that UC has a problem. I have always maintained that his misogyny was completely unfounded and just plain wrong.

I ask myself, have I ever felt like him, or like you seem to?

Well maybe, when I was in college. It did seem to me that women were completely superficial and only going for these joiner conformist type guys.

But after college I saw a completely different side of them. And then after I was a little older and more established in adult life myself, I saw that even the young women from elite colleges related to me completely differently.

So there is something wrong with the hierarchies which men have set up.

Dave Anderson, I'm not sure if I see where you are coming from. Would you care to explain more?

As I see it, there is nothing wrong with feminism, or with the direction our society is going.


Why 'Sports Illustrated Swimsuit' will only work with brands that 'prove they are creating change for women'…

Weather Report - Live at Montreux (1976) [Remastered]…
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
The key to women is simple. Them finding you attractive is the first step. But then It all comes down to how you make them feel.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^^ If you look at things like that you get into cosmetic masculinity. You become like a woman.


I read what you have written and it really does sound like Elliot Rodger. And of course I do not agree with it.

So I ask myself, has there ever been a time in my life when I felt like you and Rodger?

And yes, there was. It was during my years in an elite college. The women there did not want relationships because they did not want to get married yet. And they would have their sites on guys who have high powered carriers, not on guys who are students and who only have the potential.

And so yes, I did feel that young women made bad choices in men, that they were attracted to superficial things, arrogant, boisterous, cocky guys.

Once I was out of college I found out that things changed completely. Women in the work place are Marriage Mercenaries, and they are always trying to ambush you.

And women my be attracted to sort of jock / fratboy type initially, but later on they change. They have to operate with the men that are in their social realm.

And if you think women are superficial in how they look at men, what can you say about the ways that men look at women?

The young man in an elite college is in a bad place. And there is much which is unfair and wrong about our world, but young women are not the authors of this. They are just trying to function themselves. Elite colleges are an extension of adolescence, for both men and women.

And women change completely once they have to pay their own rent and deal with the 9 to 5 grind. They start pressing very hard for an exit ramp.

And even the women with high powered carriers, they still want more.

If you blame the women for their choices, you are over looking the way that the men who run politics and finance have made it this way. They are just trying to function, and mostly just looking out for number one.

They can afford to be one way, but only for so long.

What you and Elliot Rodger are saying is not accurate. Most of the things which shape young men do involve young women. It is not just the joining of gangs, it is also the pressing need to be seen as an adult and to gain social and sexual status. Gangs are just a way, usually for young ethnic minorities. But it is also lots and lots of other stuff too, tribal conformity, wanting to be approved as an adult.

As you find your own way, the view changes. Women will be really impressed by you.


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