But when I pay $500 to put my ding dong in her hoo haw for 12 seconds who’s the real victim? It’s downright criminal. Are us PL’s allowed to cry too. Can we a get a shoulder.
you can cum in 12 seconds? that's fucking awesome!!! then again the stripper probably would feel like a victim: guy gets off from her grinding in less than song for $20. all i know is i wouldn't be crying.
Why does ANYONE need to be a victim? Since when did we lose the concept of willing sellers and willing buyers?
Btw shame on you for this trolling. You are clearly fishing to get the victim mentality whack jobs riled up and posting their crackpot theories again. LOL.
25, the point was indeed obvious to all, but so badly executed that it fell flat and looked like nothing but bitter sarcastic trolling by an angry old man. If you have an actual on topic point to make, however, I'm sure we would like to read it.
Like I said the point was obvious to all except you, maybe one of your fanboys will explain it to you, until then have fun, make up some stories for your fans, most comment out of a sense of humor few actually believe you. BTW if you think I'm an angry old man hahahaha, that's funny, buddy I'm a lucky old man who's had a great life, and unlike you made a few friends along the way.
25: “ I forget you are humorless when it come's to yourself.” Yeah, he obviously took great offense to the suggestion that 12 seconds is too fast to come.
Gam, when I post, it is topical. I will never follow another grown man around to other threads just to post off topic insults. As far as my perceived need for attention, I'm just here to have fun and mix it up dude. Call it whatever you will.
But I agree that the $500 was let go pretty quick. That's a lot unless the chick is really something special or you're clubbing in one of the big coastal urban markets. :)
last commentLuckily, she probably didn't feel it 🤣
Btw shame on you for this trolling. You are clearly fishing to get the victim mentality whack jobs riled up and posting their crackpot theories again. LOL.
Thank You so very much
BTW if you think I'm an angry old man hahahaha, that's funny, buddy I'm a lucky old man who's had a great life, and unlike you made a few friends along the way.
When the pot calls the kettle black...
But I agree that the $500 was let go pretty quick. That's a lot unless the chick is really something special or you're clubbing in one of the big coastal urban markets. :)