
Are there really cameras back there?

Atlanta suburb
How many times have dancers told you that they couldn't do that because there were cameras in that room? And how do you know if they are lying or not? Or do you care if there are cameras back there?

I can remember hearing it more than once at the Columbia Platinum Plus and I was positive that there were no cameras focused on the 3 private dance rooms because I had occasion to be in the managers office once and views a dozen or so monitors and none of them were focused on the private dance rooms.

I think it would be unwise for a club to use monitors in the private rooms. It leaves them with out the defense of not knowing what is going on back there.

I think a lot of dancers use that as an excuse for not wanting to do what you want but don't want to run you off.

I personally don't care. The club could kick me out but they damn sure won't call the cops.

BTW I'm pretty sure that Follies does Not have an cameras focused on their VIP rooms. :)


  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    I haven’t been told there’s cameras when I couldn’t visibly see one but the question I had is do they really watch these cameras is what I’ve questioned
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    I don’t think they exist anywhere in Texas.

    Many clubs do have them, and a lot of them are just for show. Some however are actively monitored. At my home club they definitely watch them. I got reprimanded by a bouncer a couple weeks ago for being naughty and not wearing a mask.
  • TheElmerFudd
    4 years ago
    Not that often but I almost always agree to the specifics beforehand.

    I’ve had the opposite experience: i could see the bouncer looking at the monitors for the private rooms, the girl and I got into the room and thing heated up, and I asked about the camera. Her reply: “he doesn’t care and neither do I. Do you?” 😂
  • DenimChicken
    4 years ago
    A place in Ohio had cameras and they apparently really watched them. I had a bouncer come into the dance room and comment that my hands were getting too close to the girl's panties. Always weird when she doesnt care but he does.

    My usual spot only has cameras in a certain part of the club which are monitored. But then there is another area for dances that has no cameras....pretty obvious where I get my dances done.
  • aham5
    4 years ago
    I've been barged in in by a bouncer for seeing roaming hands on the monitor
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    just have to have a "feel" for the club whether or not if cameras are there.what i mean by that is if you can tell if a club is going to give a shit or not when you engage in an extra activity.

    i've only been thrown out of a club 2-3 times and none of those times were camera related issues. they were rob's that ratted me out for doing my normal bad shit.

    i'd say that 80-85% of the clubs have cameras in lapdance and VIP rooms.

    one time had my cock out and this girl did an assjob on me. after we were done we both saw a camera above us. fuck it-we looked up and waved at it with smiles.

  • goldmongerATL
    4 years ago
    I can remember a time when a dancer pushed the camera so it was looking at the ceiling. Another one hung her wrap over it,. Neither time did it draw anyone to the room.

    I have gotten in trouble due to mirrors. I can remember two different clubs that the VIP rooms were in a long hall with rooms along one side. The rooms had beads for curtains. They had small mirrors mounted up high in the hall and angled so a bouncer at the end of the hall could use the mirrors to see into each room. The girls would also use them to look for a bouncer, but sometimes it was too late.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    A Jacksonville club had them for sure but the dancers knew which booths they couldn't see in to.
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    Depends on the club. Centerfolds in Columbus definitely has cameras that are watched, you can see the screen plain as day at the bouncer stand when the girl is signing in for the private rooms and I had a bouncer come back because I put my hands on a dancer's hips. Needless to say I don't go back there anymore.

    Other clubs I have seen dancer's cover the camera with their bra, turn the camera or state that we have to stay in a particular corner of the room so we stay off camera.

    Once as we were discussing VIP I had a dancer tell me that the manager always watched her VIP rooms in his office. I said "I assume that means we can't fuck in there" and she got a confused look on her face and asked "Why not?" I replied "Because your boss is watching and you'd get in trouble" to which she responded "No he watches because he is a pervert and says he loves the way my tits swing when I am getting fucked."
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    SC- I think a lot of dancers use that as an excuse for not wanting to do what you want but don't want to run you off.

    IME I know that's true in some cases just by the way the dancer acted during the subsequent VIP dance.

    Some dancers have said it's to protect them from physically abusive custies ??

    However, at one local club, barely a step above a dive, dancers used the **absence of cameras** in the highest priced VIP room to upsell. 😁

    At a second local club the presence or absence of active cameras in VIP was a source of constant debate on another SC website.

    I know from personal experience that a third local club had and used cameras in VIP and at other key points in the club [entrances/exits, cashier booth, etc].

    How do I know:
    If you stood behind the seated floor manager you saw rotating camera feeds on a bank of monitors.
    Once in VIP a dancer went beyond 'normal' limits for this club, starting with complete nudity. Afterwards the floor manger immediately confronted her.
    Even tho I was an active participant nothing was said to me. I'd been a regular at this club for years and contributed many $$$ for dancer 'education' and club profit.

    City & state regs pressured this club to install cameras in the newly-opened VIP to reduce the frequency of inspections.

    Finally, from the old stripclubhound website: SCH posted when working as a manager he had used VIP camera video to settle disputes over charges, dancer/client complaints of abuse, or otherwise derail customer lawsuits.
  • bkkruined
    4 years ago
    Generally, I think the girl just uses that as an excuse, but not always.

    I've have bouncers barge in and throw a fit about where my hands were too based on what they saw on the camera. Also in Columbus Ohio!!! (and only in Columbus Ohio!!!). When she faced away from me and I reached around and grabbed her tits, bouncer appeared, if she faced me and I fingered her, no bouncer... Hmm...

    And there was the "bed" rooms in hollywood (?) East St Louis, Illinios, where I could see the camera mounted in the corner, but with my hands out to the sides she pulled it out of my pants and stayed on top of me where the camera could see nothing.

    But then there was the time in Baltimore... After 20 minutes that started with her on her knees in front of me standing with no pants on (when another girl walked in the door apologized and politely excused herself), then her sitting on the makeup counter while I put a condom on (that I found wrapped sitting on that counter) and start fucking her, to her on all fours on a couch in the corner getting it from behind... She pulls out her phone to take give me her number and make sure she gets a text from me when she THEN realizes there's a camera in the ceiling and throws a towel over it so she doesn't get in trouble using her phone!!!

    They aren't magic. If you can't see the camera, where the fuck do you think they are that they can see you? Camera's need light too, BTW, if it's dark, they don't see shit. Infrared / see in the dark cameras almost always have a small red light on them (that's the IR light). And, the less light, to get an image, they need a bigger lens, so that tiny pinhole cameras ain't gonna work at all in any kinda slight darkness.

    Any skilled dancer knows where the cameras are and how to block them from seeing at least a little extra something...

    I do see them in a lot of clubs. I don't see anyone responding to what can obviously be seen in them (except in Columbus Ohio). If girls really want to do something with you, they know how to hide it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Yeah - some dancers will use it as an excuse to limit mileage - in the end it just comes down to what type of club it is - if it's an extras-club, then cameras have no bearing whether they are there or not; problem is the avg custy usually doesn't know how a particular SC works (or in the case it's an SC new to you) - but in the end if one dancer offers and provides extras, then cameras are usually a moot-point - if it's a non-extras club where the club has to enforce this often b/c of local-laws, then there is probably some type of monitoring going-on whether it's human-eyes or cameras.

    Also - some extras-clubs will have cameras in the LD-room to prevent extras in the LD-area and thus losing out on VIP/CR fees - e.g. Tootsies is extras-galore but I'm pretty-sure they have cameras in the LD-room - rarely will someone interrupt a typical 2-way-dance, but I'm pretty-sure they keep and eye out for extras in the LD-room - I was once getting a D.O. dance in the Tootsies LD-room and a few-minutes later I see an older burly mafia-looking guy in a tan-business-suit come around my cubicle looking around; I had noticed him coming and I put away the evidence and he walked around my cube pretending he was looking for something (he did not look like the typical type of staff I see on the floor; kinda looked like a staff person that keeps out of view but is keeping an eye on everything including even a possible stick-up of the club, as if he was some kinda specialized security (given that Tootsies is a large corporate club).
  • goldmongerATL
    4 years ago
    I once was in a club with about 12 lap dance cubbies with no curtain but usually not crowded. There were cameras and the gatekeeper to the LD area had a bank of monitors. I had a dance with HM but no extras offered. On my way out I stopped and watched the guy's screens.

    "Can I help you?"
    "I'm just trying to figure out who is my next dancer partner."
    He points to a screen, "Evelyn! She'll drain your balls back there!"

    He was right. 4 songs with FS for $170 total ($50 tip). As I'm walking out "Looks like you had a good time! WhatdItellya?"
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    ay goldmonger,

    that's a fucking cool gatekeeper. from that point on did you get any info on other girls that could get the job done?
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    Definitely in my area, in the alcohol clubs.
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    Goldmonger that is the type of bouncer every club needs. There to keep an eye out to protect the dancers if someone is doing something she doesn't want but is fine with whatever the dancer wants to allow.
  • goldmongerATL
    4 years ago
    I was traveling in PA and found it. I have gone back but did not find the same guy.
  • Oliver_Clothesoff_66
    4 years ago
    I was tossed from the private dance area at a club in WV for violating the no touching rule. She can grind on you, but you have to basically sit on your hands. Each individual room had a camera. I felt like the dancer and the camera monitor guy (who looked to be all of about 18 IMO) were in cahoots and he got a portion of the extra amount I paid her to get to be "handsy" with her.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    4 years ago

    Pics and Vids of Evelyn or it didn’t happen.

  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    There are cameras in the VIP and Champagne rooms. I've seen the door guy flipping through the feeds along with the parking lot and dressing room.

    During night shift they enforce the rules much more so than dayshift
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