Strip club routines. Are they boring?

avatar for Cookiesandcream
I've noticed I always recently (before covid) ive started to have a routine and I'm wondering how it's affecting my experience. Go to these specific clubs, do the specific thing you like, look for specific girls, and spend your money this way. I know in the begining I was more permissive on various actions of what I did, because I didn't know what to do. So I have started to feel that way and want a way to do or act a different way. Just to see where it goes. Any thoughts?


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Not sure I understand the question.

Are you saying that now you have a routine, and if so, whether that's a good thing or not?
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Think of it as doing what you like. If it works for you stick with it. If something interesting comea up go for it if you want. But don't think you should or have to
avatar for chessmaster
5 years ago
I've never had a "routine" at a strip club but if want something different beat off right before you go to the sc. You will see things a whole lot different with post-nut clarity.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Dude, just mix it up. Be impulsive. Try different things. It's what I do. I don't get scheduled and I don't go to the same club(s) on any given night. Every one of my nights is a different adventure full of possibilities. Some nights I strike pay dirt, some nights I strike out an some nights I hit a single, but the beauty of it is that I never know how my night is going to go.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Yeah, what Rick said.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
As w/ anything else, the more you become familiar w/ something the more you'll have some kinda routine - analogous to moving to a new city and w/ time getting familiar w/ the restaurants and stores that are more to your liking, etc.

It seems fairly common that the more one strip-clubs the more of a routine one develops or at least a way/style of clubbing - part of that is narrowing down to a particular club(s) that one prefers, or narrowing it down to a type of dancer, and often times many regular SCers start to just stick to a particular fave-dancer or a small group of face dancers and just stick-to/repeat-with them every visit b/c those dancers provide the service they are looking for.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Nothing wrong with routine. I invested hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to find clubs and dancers that I enjoy. I know what I like and where to find it ( at least, pre CoVid ). I also know which clubs are rip offs and which dancers are ROBs.

Am I supposed to ignore all that hard earned wisdom for the sake of variety ?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
There isn't a right or wrong way to club - it mostly comes down to a matter of personal preference (as long as one knows what they are doing).

Some custies like experiencing something new every time they club; others prefer the opposite and prefer to have/repeat the same experience they had b/f (assuming it was a good experience).
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
On another thread there was a subject about how dancers were better "back in the day". I responded that basically that a lot of that was in the eye of that particular person. For myself, I was a little more timid at first and thought of the dancers as untouchable.

Now that I've matured and had more experience, I found that dancers are just girls but know how to play a certain portion of the men that come into clubs. This portion is pretty large since the majority of guys that go into clubs don't do it quite as much as the guys on this board.

Every girl and every bar is different. It takes some practice to get what you want from each situation. Like was said before, sometimes it just doesn't happen. In that case, you don't have to settle but can leave with the money you intended to spend that night left over for an extra exciting trip the next time out.
avatar for 623
5 years ago
You can do what you like each time and assure satisfaction; or you can try something new each time and roll the dice.
Really depends on if you think there is a chance that you are missing out on an Uber visit because you are settling for a 9/10 visit.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
This sounds like a "rut". For a few years I was in a rut about clubbing, but it's because I was resisting letting dancers past boundaries I wanted to keep. When I let that go, the entire hobby changed for me. Club ruts are different. That's office politics stuff, and the way I deal with that is to build workarounds with the girls I want to see if I decide to cut the club out. The club basically forces my hand because the backstage drama is affecting my time in the club. Why pay money to be annoyed?
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
For me every time is different since I show up when and where I feel like and only once have I ever made plans to meet a dancer. Rather risk a fail than do the same ole same ole.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
Routines are made to be broken. A big part of the SC appeal is variety, and not knowing who will be there. I can have an Ebony bombshell one day, an Aztec princess the next, and a Nordic goddess the next. I don't have a CF/ATF, and I take pains never to become any dancer's "kept man." I'll take months, even years off from a club just to let the dancer crop turn over.

My routine is not to have one.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
i love variety
avatar for Dolfan
5 years ago
I do both.

Sometimes, okay most of the time, I plan a day or a few hours ahead. I make an appointment with the stripper I want to see, either ITC or OTC. On those trips, there's some element of randomness and surprise but the basics are pretty much the same.

Other times, I just grab my keys and go. Or take a little detour from what I'm doing. Traffic is my favorite excuse. If I feel like I'll waste 30 mins in traffic, I'll stop at a club and waste an hour or two there instead while traffic dies down. I'll go to a club I don't usually visit, or at least a day/time I don't usually go.

Both work for me, but I could see how if I only did one or another I'd get bored.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
"Am I supposed to ignore all that hard earned wisdom for the sake of variety ?"

Exactly. If you're bored with your routine, or feel like your routine is holding back your good time -- well, you're stuck in a rut and should change it. If you're convinced your routine is leading to a way better time than you'd otherwise have, and feel like "I got the place wired" -- well, your routine is working for you, no reason to change it.

My routine has worked for me for just over 10 years. My buddies and I have tweaked and tuned it here and there, but we pretty much think we have the place wired, routinely getting special treatment from staff and definitely YMMV treatment from strippers, for many years. I can't imagine many changes that would make our experience anything but worse. That said, once in a while, I sometimes check out new clubs, etc, just to see what we might be missing and whether there's fun opportunities elsewhere.
avatar for NAAAASTY
5 years ago
Know what you want. Know how to get it. Know your boundaries.

Everything else is details.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... My routine is not to have one ..."

LOL - great statement
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