

They never tell you what you need to know.
Wow, I knew it was going to be a shit show, but I didn't expect this...


  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
  • Eve
    4 years ago
  • TheElmerFudd
    4 years ago
    So much for American exceptionalism
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    45 million foreigners have begun living here since 1990, so we haven't been America for 30 years already. We import losers from failed lands and yet wonder why we fail.
  • PutaTester
    4 years ago
    For four years Re-pubic-lins have been telling the rest of the people, "Your candidate lost. Get over it."
    Clearly they are not so good at taking their own advice.
    Turnip must be creaming his jeans.

    This scares the shit out of me.
    Will I be gunned down in the street because I didn't register for the political party willing to violently overthrow the government?
  • CJKent_band
    4 years ago

    Foreigners have been here since at least 1497

    “In 1497, just five years after Christopher Columbus landed in the Caribbean looking for a western route to Asia, a Venetian sailor named John Cabot arrived in Newfoundland on a mission for the British king.”
  • ATACdawg
    4 years ago
    Gosh, skibum. How many black faces were in that crowd? Asian faces? Arabic faces?

    This is truly disgusting. As much as I hope it's not a cynical effort by Trump to try to spin this incident in a way that allows him to declare martial law and suspend the Constitution, I'm not so sure.

    And any member of the Senate or H of R who still thinks that protesting the electors deserves to be hung for sedition.

    Trump truly tossed Pence under the bus with his comments accusing Pence of being "weak, disloyal and a disgrace", just as he has tossed every other follower who finally faced a Trump demand that they cannot stomach under the same bus.

    I can't understand why anyone could still think he is worth following. 😠😥
  • BAngus
    4 years ago
    This is the least exciting "revolution" ever. A couple of windows broken and some congresscritters chased out of the building for a little while. Even when the broke into Pelosi's office, the only damage was "we will not back down" written on a manilla folder. The only violence seems to be a woman shot by the Capitol Police and a few broken windows.

    I have FNC on and they are apoplectic. I can't imagine the major freakout going on at the MSM, CNN and MSNBC. Where was this vitriol when public property was being destroyed and people being assaulted and murdered back in the summer?
  • Lone_Wolf
    4 years ago
    The market loves breaches! Hell yes!
  • bdirect
    4 years ago
    they enter the shit swamp to drain the shit out
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Make no mistakes this is an attempted Coup de Etat an insurrection of the most despicable man to ever inhabit the White House,
    Historically you deal with a failed insurrection by hanging the Ringleaders and the perpetrators
  • sclvr5005
    4 years ago
    With the Senate now in Dems control I'm loving the truly horrible day that Don the Con is having today! It will only get worse for him in coming days, weeks and months. Karma, baby!
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    @25 I thought you libs were against capital punishment. I guess it's selective. Thugs, destroyers and looters, let them go. Peaceful protestors, hang 'em high!
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    @25 They want their Constitutional rights? Execute them!
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Who said I was a a lib, just because a person is not stupid doesn't make them liberal, wouldn't expect you to understand but that's not the point.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    ^ Do you want to proof read that comment? It doesn't make much sense. I'm not gonna get into a meaningless pissi game contest with you. Dugan can handle that.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    * pissing
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    You are the person addressing me directly why don’t you try to do your own dirty work
    BTW my wording is exactly the same as the last living Republican President George W Bush
    Why don’t you call him a liberal as well
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    This was a horrible last ditch effort for Trump to torch the house before departing.

    I believe each person is responsible for their own actions. However, I believe Trump’s actions incited this crowd. He was basically a person yelling fire in a crowded theater today. This is not the conduct I would expect from a president.

    Maybe folks will see he is not the leader we need as a country. Maybe folks will understand that we need to unite as people.

    I am finally coming around. I only hope the Republican Party will move away from Trump.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    Unsurprising ending for the Trumpites.

    That said, I am also amused that the press is uniformly labeling these guys rioters. The BLM rioters were not rioters, they were protestors. Just so you all know who are the approved rioters and who are the unapproved rioters, according to the press.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    Well Bush was no Ronald Reagan, that's for sure. Trump's Presidency only happened because the Dems became so far radically left.
  • sclvr5005
    4 years ago
    ^lol oh yeah and the Republicans are real centrists and not extreme right, eh? Interesting how the POV changes depending on where you're looking from.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    Half the Republicans are closet leftists. The other half are desperate and have no choice but to turn hard right.
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    Trump has fanned the flames of conspiracy theories for 4 years, and now his shameful actions have resulted in a crazed mob invading the US Capitol. This has been an ugly day for our democracy.
  • sinclair
    4 years ago
    Rioting was deemed righteous and a first amendment right by the left over the summer when George Floyd and Jacob Blake were killed and those racist, sexist statues were offending the snowflakes. Now they are condemning it. After four years of conspiracies (Mueller report, Steele dossier, Ukraine, Christine Blasey Ford, systemic racism) perpetuated by the media, the people persecuted by Hollywood/academia/socialists had finally had enough and it boiled over. It was Rahm Emmanuel who said, "Never let a crisis go to waste." The Democrats will use the storming of the Capitol building as an excuse to further take away citizens' freedoms. Just watch...
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    ^ Not all citizens. Just the supporters of the Constitution will be suppressed.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    Truly a sad day for democracy
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Moronic any way you look at it
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Scrubby you know the drill...Moving on and moving out
  • 623
    4 years ago
    If you think you have seen the worst that turnip has to offer think again. He is fucking nuts and paniiced in the throws of implosion over his clash between alternate reality and real facts. He could, in the next two weeks pardon every criminal in custody, start a war, fire everyone in govt or any other things to cause chaos for Biden and crew. He has no compass of what is too much and will do ANYTHING to avoid relinquishing power. NOTHING is off the table for this psycho. He knows no boundaries.

    Btw, exactly how much swamp draining, wall building or any other “promise” did he deliver on? Anyone who believed that he was the messiah and the answer to Washington troubles was a maga chump! What a con.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Trump can't help himself but act like a jackass. But when normal republicans just do normal things it makes them look really good. You know simple things like just not releasing every incarcerated gang member in America. All you have to do is be better than lefty fuckhead, this not that complicated but Trump gives it a go anyway.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    The potential somewhat silver lining is that Trump goes out on the disgraceful final note we all knew he would (maybe even with the exciting surprise of his own cabinet invoking the 25th amendment), and an opportunity to flush the Trumpites back out of the Republican party, and with Trump slinking off we can let go of the cult of personality
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    The show has ended, for now. It ended with a prayer.
  • SerenitySinn
    4 years ago
    🙏 Amen & Awomen
  • Musterd21
    4 years ago
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    This whole thing is surreal. That “rally” yesterday whipped the MAGAs into a frenzy with Rudy calling for “trial by combat.” Yes, he actually said this. Once the crowd was sufficiently bloodthirsty, Trump declared that he would walk with them to the Capitol and “show strength” to the republicans who weren’t supporting his claims. Of course, some thousands marched on the Capitol while he stayed away. (Many of the protestors did not march on the Capitol and the below does not apply to them.) The constitution protects your right to assemble and free speech. It does not protect you from inciting a riot. These very fine people, many of whom were wearing helmets, face shields and other protective equipment, attacked the building and the police. So much for Blue Lives Matter. The tally is still being counted, but four dead (3 from medical events?), 15 police injured, one substantially beaten, two pipe bombs at the RNC and DNC offices, a dozen guns and some number of Molotov cocktails. Meanwhile, safe from the American carnage, Trump sympathized with these traitors “I know how you feel.”

    All of this was based on Trump’s lie, bolstered by Hawley, Cruz and the other “objectors” that the election had not already been decided. According to the constitution, that same one protecting assembly, the election was decided Dec 14 when it was certified by the states. The charade yesterday was that the revolutionaries could invade the capitol and actually change something. Or that Hawley and Cruz could vote to overrule the states. This could never happen and everything that happened yesterday was predicated on a lie. It was unnecessary. Who agrees with me? Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul and the Fox News hosts from last night. Strange bedfellows indeed. That should tell you all you need to know about how “righteous” this whole stunt was.

    And Putin laughed. #sad
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    Oh, and Lindsay Graham. I fucking agree with Lindsay Graham.
  • ATACdawg
    4 years ago
    ^Yup. Me too. That is a genuine PITA for me!😒

    It was a pretty good speech, especially if he really meant it.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Amazing that Jimmy couldn't bring himself to mention the police murdering a woman, 14 year veteran. Righteous lol. Trump may be a con, but at least he stood up for the people the Democrats view as garbage, while they worship vermin and scum like george Floyd, Michael Brown and Jacob Blake.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    Ski, isn’t use of the word “murder” what you lawyers call “assuming facts not in evidence?” I mentioned she was killed. I heard she was 35 and a 14 year vet. I don’t know anything beyond that. I know she was killed by a cop. I assume she was inside the capitol. Other than that, I don’t know one way or the other but assume additional facts will come out. Feel free to ask for my opinion at that time.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Conduct inside a Courtroom is very different than conduct outside a courtroom. Its why the scumbag Benjamin Crump is called a "civil rights" lawyer, when he is the epitome of the ambulance chasing scumbag. I view it as murder, as she was shot at very close range. Kind of funny that the civil rights assholes, blm, the kkk (Naacp) and Cair aren't out marching about the police shooting a white conservative woman, but they're out in force every time fecal waste like George Floyd get killed by the cops.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    Ski, I despise the double standard as much as you -- I called it out specifically in my first post, when I noted that yesterday was "rioters", whereas the criminal trash looting, burning, and stealing in blm's name were "protestors". It's been obvious for years that the press has taken sides. That said, I'm with Jimmy, there's few facts yet about the shooting, other than that we knew a large group of people broke into congress. "I view it as murder, as she was shot at very close range" is nonsensical -- the range at which someone is shot is not by itself the test for whether it's murder or not. Hell, I'd be more likely to say it was murder, or negligent, if she were at a very far range.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I have no idea why you cannot find facts on this. The officer has been suspended and relived of his duties; she had not yet entered; she was almost immediately shot and my use of the term murder was in line with the bullshit I hear from the left when a violent felon dies. CJ - your comment was literally the stupidest thing you have ever posted. My comment was a fact about the present and you stupidly respond that foreigners have been coming here since 1497? Columbus never landed here and New Foundland is part of Canada fucking asshole.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Man, who let the crazy out?
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Same person who let the dogs out would be my guess. Truth is painful to all on the left.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    NPR article says she was on video of “a chaotic scene inside the Capitol building.” She is seen approaching a window and is shot. Witness said police and secret service were shouting “get down, get back, get out of the way” and “she didn’t heed the call.” Police are investigating the shooting and officer has been placed on administrative leave, per standard policy.

  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    Well I'm sure she was carrying an AK47, baseball bat, axe, machete or some other type of weapon that would make the officer feel his life was in danger.
  • PutaTester
    4 years ago
    "Truth is painful to all on the left."

    Those in denial of the facts are free of pain. There is no pain in my fantasy world either. However, reality bites.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Those who pretend their opinion is an actual fact are those who find reality bites. I hear the Government under President Biden is sending us another $4,000 to invest or piss away. Not sure how that helps end the pandemic, but getting $8,200.00 free dollars is pretty funny.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    It has been a long, long, time since the capital and the Capitol were hallowed halls worthy of reverence. Politicians from both sides have been milking it and us as their personal ATMs worse than any dancer ever did to a PL. I have mixed feelings about what happened there yeaterday, but I am disgusted that not a single politician has admitted -not one little bit- that they earned it. That there were some worthy revolutionary motives. There has been a long litany of abuses and usurpations.

    It is actually another illustration of the double standard the elitists enjoy which the common citizen is denied. Leftists in our cities riot, loot, and burn; and they are excused and exalted as oppressed peoples are brave recolutionaries. Our homes and businesses are invaded and destroyed, and it is called reparations. Police officers whoot criminals to protect lives and property, and they are doxed and vilified. Meanwhile, the same politicians attack people who have done far less damage, with far more justification. The LEO who shot that woman has been protected, hidden, and pardoned; privileges which metro cops do not enjoy. The difference? It was the politicians' workplace which was attacked, not yours.

  • CJKent_band
    4 years ago

    You wrote, and I quote:

    “Trump may be a con”

    ~ skibum609
    ~ White Privileged Pot Smoker
    ~ Massachusetts January 7, 2021

    Deep down you know it. I'm sure you enjoy trying to piss people off but I am glad you know Trump is a liar and a criminal con.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    You know C.J. Kent Band is actually pretty catchy. You should think about a career change.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    White privilege is a term used by failed, racist scumbags and is nothing more than getting an education, working hard and enjoying life. Those who do t hat succeed regardless of race. Those who don't fail, regardless of race. Just because Trump is a scumbag, does not mean that Progressives aren't fecal waste. Trump, Aoc, Schumer, Pelosi, Cruz ...all scum. Biden will save us lol. A fucktard who ran for President three times before he won a primary and his inane sidekick who was polling 5th in her own state primary are simply dumb and dumber. He's not even original: KC and the Sunshine band wannabe.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "White privilege is a term used by failed, racist scumbags and is nothing more than getting an education, working hard and enjoying life. Those who do t hat succeed regardless of race."

    There isn't any point in debating you, but it would be interesting read about how you came to feel so strongly about this point across your various posts. Looking past the issue of what constitutes success, what evidence would you present that your assertion of education and hard work overcoming all is true?
  • CJKent_band
    4 years ago

    White privilege is the societal privilege that benefits white people over non-white people in all societies in the world today.

    White privilege has its origins in European colonialism and imperialism and the Atlantic slave trade.

    The greatest example of White Privilege exists in the United States, were past imperialist policies continue to have this effect; ethnic rivalry, the uneven distribution of resources, human-rights violations, and lack of good governance.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    wallanon, is it your position that education and hard work are not the correct and just avenues to achieving personal fulfillment?
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    You are beyond stupid CJ. Cite a fact and the connection or admit its just a stupid bullshit slogan You are just an embarrassment. Is it yellow imperialism in Asia, since blacks do worse there? Uneven distribution of resources? Oh yeah , right. People who fucking work hard and save money have more resources than those who collect welfare. Hate to tell you stupid, black people who go to school and work hard do well and white people who don't do poorly. You are a cipher and a nothing. You're a teacher? That's child abuse.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    You want evidence Wall? Doctor Ben Carson. Born to a single mother in shitty Detroit; one of eight children. Went to school; worked hard; and became a true success and expert. If it was about race he would be holding the banner of black americans, but this is nothing more than a protection racket about money. Look at Biden's platform: payoff, payoff, payoff, payoff. I get it staying home, collecting and then going out to riot, burn, loot, pretend are t he avenues towards success. The fact you asked that question makes it worthless to even notice you.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    It has been years since I've seen statistics on this, so I'd have to go re-research them all, but there's a few interesting things that need explanation:

    - East Indians, who are non-white and mostly dark-skinned, as an ethnic group are more economically successful than most white ethnic groups

    - Some Asian ethnicities, but not all, who are non-white, are more successful than most white ethnic groups

    - At the time Jews became successful in this country, they were dirt poor and the hatred towards them fairly seethed. Yes, they're white -- but they are another datapoint that a group being actively discriminated against, can succeed in a free country. They are more successful than any white ethnic group except WASPs (the single most successful ethnic group)

    - A study of (black) Africans showed an interesting dichotomy: they either succeeded to the level of white ethnic groups in a single generation, or remain economically unsuccessful through generations. The study's data seemed to show: Africans arrive to the US with the potential to be successful. They can succeed fast. But if they don't, they settle into, and adopt, black culture and their fortunes become exactly the same.

    All in all, it would be foolish to deny that there are ethnic groups that are subject to discrimination and that that discrimination causes harm. But the fact that many non-white ethnic groups succeed (especially the African immigrants' "succeed fast or poor forever") shows this is very far from insurmountable... the fact that there are a number of ethnic groups who are more successful than many/most white ethnic groups shows that too.

    The "white privilege" theory, aside from being intellectual laziness of the highest order, also does everyone a disservice -- if we ignore the deep cultural reasons why some ethnic groups don't succeed, we ignore a huge part of what's going on. The fact that some Asian ethnic groups are supremely successful, and others extremely unsuccessful, despite the fact that none of the rest of us can tell them apart, means there's far more going on here than just prejudice against people with epicanthal folds. What happens as we address the institutional aspects, but ignore the more-important cultural aspects, and nothing changes? Just lean into it more?
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Too bad wavycain said he has stopped trolling 😫
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    White privilege is just a racist term. Makes me laugh, but its still racist.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago

    I doubt that's true. I've stated about a dozen times that East Indians are by far the highest earners.


    If you look at the above link under "By detailed ancestry" Indian Americans have the highest household income of $135K followed by Taiwanese Americans at $102K. Median white American household at $66K. English ancestry $78K.

    I don't know where jews stand in terms of average income. I do know they excel in terms of creativity and academics with 20% of the Nobel Prizes going to Jews even though they account for 0.2% of the world's population. Especially in areas like economics and the hard-core physical sciences.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    I was referring to @Subra's comment that "WASPs are (the single most successful ethnic group)"
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    Rando: the report I read is a couple of decades old, so things could have changed. However, that report broke down many ethnic groups a big differently than that wikipedia article. I can find the data it came from if anyone is interested, but I remember distinctly WASPs #1, ashkenazi Jews #2, and so on. Things could have changed, and/or the previous study is different than today's.

    Still, even taking that wikipedia article as truth, how you jockey around these groups doesn't change the thrust of my argument: "white privilege" were the sole or even biggest factor, we wouldn't have only 3 white ethnicities in the top ten most successful. If anything, the top 10 list looks like Asian privilege. This is not to say that institutional prejudice isn't a pernicious evil, just that the facts of which ethnic groups are successful in America does not square with white privilege being the biggest driver behind economic success.
  • CJKent_band
    4 years ago
    “The acronym WASP—“white Anglo‐Saxon Protestant”—denotes the upper class or elite group with disproportionately affluent economic and political advantages in American society.

    From the American Revolution to the 1930s, the WASPs, especially those with a clear ideology of close, upper‐class ties, dominated America in all social aspects, in major areas like politics, economy, and culture.

    Nearly all immigrants before the 1950s were assimilated under an Anglo‐conformity model. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, however, Progressive WASPs supported greater meritocracy and a more diverse establishment, and gradually took the lead in promoting change.

    Thus the WASP establishment has experienced a retreat, as more non‐WASPs, especially Catholics and Jews, entered the elite group.

    Despite the decline, Protestant dominance, perpetuated in American institutions, still remains.

    This explains the disproportionate amount of power of WASP cultural elites in relation to their size in the total population.”
  • CJKent_band
    4 years ago
    Some of your comments made me remember this quote:

    “My brother once told me that nothing someone says before the word “but” really counts”

    ~ Benjen Stark
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    CJKent: you're saying a bunch of vacuous nonsense, but not addressing the fact that there are very successul ethnic groups who are not white, that people with the same ethnicity have different levels of success (which means the ethnicity itself is not the determining factor). Quoting smart people does not make you smart, nor do quotes override facts.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "is it your position that education and hard work are not the correct and just avenues to achieving personal fulfillment?"

    Didn't take a position. Just asked someone to support theirs. Ben Carson was the answer. Subraman at least dusted off an old study.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    Better watch what you say about the murder hornets. They do shots with the honey badgers and don't care.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    They're also bad tippers, but sting like a motherfucker.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    If education and hard work do not improve your life or advance you past the station you were born into, then you need to dig deeper.

    Are you a PhD in lesbian dance theory? Theb you get to live with the student debt and consequences that bad decision. Or maybe you got a BS in elementary school education. You're not going to get a job at Morgan Stanley, but you can still get a decent job in many states; just not a very high-paying one.

    Maybe you don't work as hard as you think. Waking up at Noon every day and seeing no responses to your Indeed resume is not job hunting. Network, go to career fairs, search web pages, papers, and nearby college/university placement offers. Talk to placement agencies for a temp to hire position. Research companies in your desired field and check their website job openings.

    I coukd go on forever with advice. Hiring has been a big part of my job descriptions for decades. I was even a professional headhunter and recruiter for a little while after Katrina in New Orleans.

    My point is: no excuses. For decades, it has been easier for minorities to be hired and advanced than whites, especially white males. The current social justice climate only makes ot more so.

    You want to counter with an argument about Kapernick. He's a toxic asshole, with no real talent. He's past a prime he never had. He's searching for a job he is not qualified for. He should apply for an anchor position with CNN.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Funny that in the rest of the world people kill each other for jobs knowing its the way to success and here getting up at noon and collecting welfare is the goal. As with an ocean liner, momentum has carried us and will for maybe 15 -25 years. After that we are Czarist Russia, 1916.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "If education and hard work do not improve your life or advance you past the station you were born into, then you need to dig deeper."

    Nobody said it didn't.

    "I coukd go on forever with advice."

    Nobody asked for it. But that doesn't mean people won't read it. People will read it, and some will even agree with it. Words have power, because ideas have power. I try to choose words carefully, even when I'm writing under a bullshit screen name.

  • CJKent_band
    4 years ago
    This is the transcript, about White privilege, the YouTube gets taken down after a while.

    “Sorry I'm being so negative. I'm a bummer. I don't know--I shouldn't be. I'm a very, you know, lucky guy.

    I've got a lot going for me: I'm healthy, I'm relatively young, I'm white...which, thank God for that shit, boy. That is a huge leg up.

    Are you kidding me? Oh, God, I love being white. I really do. Seriously, if you're not white, you're missing out.

    Because this shit is thoroughly good. Let me be clear, by the way.

    I'm not saying that white people are better. I'm saying that being white is clearly better. Who could even argue?

    If it was an option, I would re-up every year.

    "Oh, yeah, I'll take 'white' again, absolutely. I've been enjoying that. I'm gonna stick with white, thank you."

    Here's how great it is to be white: I can get in a time machine and go to any time, and it would be fucking awesome when I get there! That is exclusively a white privilege.

    Black people can't fuck with time machines! A black guy in a time machine's like, "Hey, anything before 1980, no thank you. I don't want to go."

    But I can go to any time! The year 2. I don't even know what's happening then, but I know when I get there...

    "Welcome, we have a table right here for you, sir."

    "Thank you. Oh, it's lovely here in the year 2."

    I can go to any time--in the past. I don't want to go to the future and find out what happens to white people because we're gonna pay hard for this shit, you got to know that.

    We're not going to just fall from number one to two.

    They're gonna hold us down and fuck us in the ass forever.

    And we totally deserve it. But for now, wheeeeeeee!

    Now, if you're white and you don't admit that it's great, you're an asshole.

    It is great. And I'm a man. How many advantages could one person have?

    I'm a white man. You can't even hurt my feelings!

    What can you really call a white man that really digs deep?

    "Hey, cracker."

    "Uh. Ruined my day. Boy shouldn't have called me a cracker.

    Bringing me back to owning land and people, what a drag."

    I am married do, that take me down a few pegs...

    ~ Louis Székely
    ~ White Privileged 1%er
    ~ Born Sep 12, 1967 Washington, D.C., U.S.

    “Being White

  • bdirect
    4 years ago
    the shit show hasnt stopped, crazy nancy still wants to impeachment, she is fucking nuts
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    ⬆️impeachhment seems better than these endings but I'm not an antisocial-narcissistic character disorder like donny --- maybe he'd prefer a 'heroes death' 😄

    The Authoritarian Playbook has no chapter on failure. It does not foresee the leader’s own people turning against him, from military men to young people he indoctrinated ... It has no pages on how to deal with becoming a national disgrace... Its discussions of how to control minds and exploit bodies do not extend to the deterioration of the leader’s own. Aging and the ebbing of virile powers is difficult for leaders whose “entire sense of self is bound up in being revered,” ...

    For the strongman, such outcomes are unthinkable and yet ever-present. They fuel behaviors that make him feel safer and brush away thoughts of mortality. That might mean persecuting more enemies, firing more truth-tellers, hoarding more women and riches, or consulting astrologers (many are superstitious) about his fate and his legacy. ... Trump’s desire to stay in office indefinitely reflected the same fear of meeting a bad end, losing immunity from prosecution, or becoming a nobody. “You’ve got to put your name on stuff or no one remembers you,” said the president, who showed familiarity with the anxieties about irrelevance that spur authoritarians’ demands for loyalty and attention, especially in the end stage of rule.

    It’s not surprising that most authoritarians leave office involuntarily. They are supremely ill equipped to handle the downward arc of leadership and life. They have trouble abandoning personal traits like hubris, aggression, and greed that served them to stay in power, even when these become self-defeating. More [strongman] rulers are toppled by elites than by popular revolutions, especially in situations of economic or military distress. While they may last longer than other kinds of authoritarians, 80 percent of them are booted out of office eventually.

    Mussolini was mortal enough to the Communist partisans who captured him and his lover Petacci on April 27, 1945, and shot them the next day. On April 29, their bodies were taken to Milan’s Piazza Loreto, where someone with a sense of gallows humor placed a scepter in Mussolini’s hands. ... Now Italians paid him back for his betrayal of their trust, urinating on his corpse and beating it until the famous face was almost unrecognizable. To end the spectacle and allow more people to see he was really dead, the bodies of Mussolini and Petacci, along with those of other Fascist officials, were suspended from a gas station before being taken to the morgue.

    On Hitler’s birthday, April 20, the Soviets bombed Berlin as the Allies surrounded the capital. Days later, the fashion house of Annemarie Heise received a request for a couture dress, which was delivered under fire to the Führerbunker. Eva Braun wore it with Ferragamo black suede shoes at her wedding on April 29, the same day that Hitler heard the news of Il Duce’s death and macabre display. On April 30, he and Braun took cyanide, and he shot himself in the head. Fulfilling his desires that his death not become a “spectacle,” aides incinerated their bodies in the bunker’s garden. Hitler escaped Mussolini’s public humiliation, but his ashes, taken by the Red Army, ended up the property of the Communists he had so hated.

    Exile was inconceivable to Gaddafi, who at first was stunned by events so at odds with the state propaganda about his popularity that he had come to believe. “All my people love me,” he told CNN’s Christine Amanpour early in the conflict. “They will die to protect me.” As the uprising intensified, his shock turned to rage. Consistent with the strongman mentality, he saw the revolution as a personal betrayal. “I am not going to leave this land,” he told Libyans on February 22, vowing to “cleanse Libya . . . house by house, alley by alley, and individual by individual.” ...

    Gaddafi’s death resembled Hussein’s and Mussolini’s rather than the Führer’s. On October 20, NATO bombs destroyed much of Gaddafi’s convoy as he tried to reach his native village. National Liberation Army fighters found him hiding in a sewage pipe and dragged him out of the earth. “What did I do to you?” Gaddafi cried as he was beaten and shot multiple times. His body was taken to a cold storage room in Misrata for display to the public. Some Libyans drove hundreds of miles to see with their own eyes that he was dead.

    From: Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present, Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Nov 2020, W. W. Norton & Company

    My favorite is Mussolini's ending. Imagine that happening to trump and melania and maybe the adult kids 😂
  • misterorange
    4 years ago

    Yeah, Nancy is crazy like a fox. No matter how petty and childish it may appear on the surface, if they're successful they can ban Trump from ever running again. They know the things they're gonna be doing with their newfound power will cause an onslaught of political backlash, and they're already protecting themselves against a Trump run in 2024.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ LOL like Mr Trump is ever going to run for anything ever again, but thank you for your contribution, we'll send you a certificate of appreciation.
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    Actually 25 Trump was likely going to be running again.


    Even without impeachment the events of last week destroyed any chance of him succeeding. In fact this link sums up his 2024 campaign pretty well.


    Just because he has 0% chance of winning at this point doesn't mean he won't run thanks to his ego. My worry is that if he does run again it will permanently fracture the Republican party.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ I don't think he's going to run again actually I believe he will disappear after the inauguration and he'll hide from all of the lawsuits and bill collectors that will be chasing him
    I might be wrong but I don't think he will be around after 1/20 that's my bet.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Trump could have taken the gentlemens way out on the high road acceoting defeat and create a legacy that like it or not would of held up on its own without his presence. Instead like a degenerate gambler doubling down on every bet took the low road and burned it all down trying to have it all.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    Yeah, that's what you and Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Apple, Google and every other traitor to America would have celebrated.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Lol enjoy your bunker
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    Spotify just deleted Trump's account. Apparently they don't want him listening to music.
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    25 "^ I don't think he's going to run again actually I believe he will disappear after the inauguration and he'll hide from all of the lawsuits and bill collectors that will be chasing him
    I might be wrong but I don't think he will be around after 1/20 that's my bet."

    I wish but not likely. He may not run or succeed but he's going to get even with those he believes screwed him by not remaining loyal and winning him another term so he could grift more from the gullible citizens who supported him.

    In 2005, Donald Trump flew to Colorado to give a motivational talk at Loveland's Bixpo 2005 Conference.

    “I have to tell you about losers,” Trump told the audience. “I love losers because they make me feel so good about myself.”
    ***“I love getting even when I get screwed by someone—yes, it is true…Always get even. When you are in business you need to get even with people who screw you. You need to screw them back fifteen times harder…go for the jugular, attack them in spades!”***

    [“I love losers because they make me feel good about myself”: Tony Kindelspire, “‘The Donald’ Makes an Appearance at Loveland Bixpo.” Daily Times-Call (Longmont, CO), September 15, 2005.]

    That's been his 'philosophy' lifelong..not gonna change now.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    Fuck you joker. I can't believe I even read your post.
  • sclvr5005
    4 years ago
    Yup Don the Con has always been and will continue to be the very thing that he fears the most- a loser. He thinks that by bellowing and bullying, the world won't realize what a failure he really is but we are all painfully aware of just how much of a badly written cartoon character he really is.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    Oh yeah, big tech bullying Parler is all well and good. Enjoy the future asshole.
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    "Stripe Inc. will no longer process payments for President Trump’s campaign website following last week’s riot at the Capitol, according to people familiar with the matter. The financial-technology company handles card payments for millions of online businesses and e-commerce platforms, including Mr. Trump’s campaign website and online fundraising apparatus. Stripe is cutting off the president’s campaign account for violating its policies against encouraging violence, the people said."


    Parler: Good riddance to websites for insurrectionists and those who are willing to betray democratic principles for their personal emotional satisfaction and selfish motives.
    Move to Brazil. See if Bolsanaro will welcome will welcome you 😄😄
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I wonder how the democratic base is doing this morning. Great weekend pissing away my stimulus gift I didn't need. Send me more senile Joe, burden the young retards with more debt lol.
  • rickthecoconutcrab
    4 years ago
    Why is this posted in this discussion room? Don’t you damn dirty apes know that you’re getting skifredo all worked up?

    He obsesses about political issues because he thinks it makes him sound smart, but he’s become so invested in his character of “failed lawyer/grumpy uncle at thanksgiving” that he now believes that is who he is.

    This rick feels sorry for poor fredo. If only he could relax he could relax and channel his inner rick. In fact, everybody should channel their inner rick. It’s ricktastic! Scuttle! Scuttle! Scuttle!!!
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