What kind of customer are you? Stripper Web:

Thought you’d be interested in what the other side of this industry thinks about you guys. It is one of the few articles I find amusing, considering the traffic on that site is much slower compared to this one. You’ll find some trash talking about us over there, too. Most comments confirm what we veterans already know, but I found it entertaining.
Thought you’d be interested in what the other side of this industry thinks about you guys. It is one of the few articles I find amusing, considering the traffic on that site is much slower compared to this one. You’ll find some trash talking about us over there, too. Most comments confirm what we veterans already know, but I found it entertaining.
last commentIf I didn't know better, I'd suspect that the same weird d-bags who go on SW and pretend to be dancers are also on here pretending to be club hounds. Weird huh? 😀
That’s really jumping the shark
^This from the douche that calls women “puta” while make jerk off motions toward them. I needed a laugh today.
One very bad person who had run a con on me in the countless women I deal with every day. And even that girl, as bad as she was, wouldn't have deserved what you did to that poor immigrant girl in the disgusting men's bathroom stall at BabyDolls. You and 25 are some truly sick dudes.
What kind of customer am I? Older, polite, humorous, in good shape, attractive and I always smell AMAZING according to the dancers.... oh, and I walk around with a brand new C-note taped to my forehead.
That's discrimination against us gross old smelly guys.
Hey faggit come on out from behind your keyboard and show us all what a girly boy you really are.
I can see why they think that TUSCL dudes think $150 is a lot and all want extras. But once again, it's disappointing that we're all lumped together like that. But I'm a black man who likes going to a strip clubs so I'm used to being lumped in with ghetto black dudes and thus avoided. It is what it is.
Makes me wonder how many of those dancers on stripperweb are secretly extra providers but never admit it for fear of being shamed.
You seem to have a history of expecting a lot of things without much reason for it. 🤷🏻♀️
But to be fair, who likes being put under a microscope and judged? There was a time (WAY back in the day) stripperweb used to be more blue-friendly. Idk what happened along the way, but I did notice a review recently on this site of a particular club, where somebody felt the need to bring up the fact he did xyz with a particular stripper web dancer at that particular club a decade prior—and even named her stripper web handle specifically. I wouldn’t be surprised if that individual did a lot of damage as far as dancer hostility goes.
I may be one of the few dancers who doesn’t care. Desertscrub can out me for having a long glorious schlong all he wants. 😁
Well what the fuck else did you want from us?
Funny. Back when the Club Chat section on SW was more active I used to use it for the same purpose. Now most of the pink dancer accounts are retirees and trolls, so that section is drying out in terms of useful intel.
I will give you 25$ for your login for a day so I can read the strippers page. lol
I've been saying similar since the first time I saw what was going on over there. And I'm betting that the regular posters on TUSCL forums are even *less* representative than TUSCL members at large.
I know that when I go into a club in Louisville anymore, I can recognize within a few minutes someone who is a casual visitor versus someone who is "serious" about it.
It is interesting that both stripper and PL forums, as they hit critical mass, all tend to converge. I've been on a number of PL forums over many years, some of which grew quite large, and the topics of discussion and general culture were pretty much just like tuscl. This forum's most unique facet, to me, is the focus on OTC. On most PL forums, this is barely a side topic; perhaps surprisingly, I've even had veteran PLs from other forums ask questions about OTC as if they'd never done it before ("won't you get kicked out for asking?"). Tuscl is the first place I could find a zillion other guys also pursuing OTC
Similarly, to an extent most stripper forums tend to converge to similar topics and values. One thing that's absolutely common: eventually all extras girls are driven off every stripper forum, all stripper forums are openly hostile to extras at the club, extras girls, and customers who seek extras [extras girls really don't have a voice almost anywhere]. SW is notable for its level of toxicity and fury, and general disdain for their own customers, but otherwise just an extreme example of what most stripper forums cover and the general values and taboos.
As for your third point, that's a graphic demonstration of no matter how low one is on whatever social meter one cares to align oneself with, there's always a need to look down on someone else in the same line of work who does it differently. Which is kind of sad, really. If *all* sex workers started defending each other, irrespective of their "level", they'd all benefit.
At least that’s my guess because stripper Reddit seems pretty anti extras too.
Subraman, for all my bitching about the weird dayshift teetotaler vibes I get from this site, OTC is probably the one place where tuscl is more authentic than anywhere else. I question whether any guy who doesn't understand this is really a "veteran" PL.
OTC activities have been a peripheral part of the strip club business for as long as I've been clubbing and probably since the first club ever sprang up. Wherever there are girls willing to take their clothes off for money and guys willing to pay good money to see it, there will be a certain % on each side of the tip rail who are willing to take it the last mile. On any given day or night, a certain % of girls in clubs around the country are making side trips on their way home after their shifts end.
I've personally taken more girls than I can remember out of clubs in 14 different states over the years and have heard countless stories over that time from a number of dancers (my OTC partners and others) and even a handful of club managers regarding its prevalence. Regional and individual club variances notwithstanding, where there is demand (read: horny guys with enough cash) there will be supply.
Of course, no one has ever accused me of being a Rick, either.
One can always aspire. ;)
I can't explain why it isn't discussed more in the other forums you read. Maybe they get such good service ITC that they don't view OTC as necessary or desirable? Again idk, but IME it's as common as I outlined above; an unavoidable part of this industry. I too was not aware of the "two worlds" element of strip clubs when I was younger and more naïve, but time and experience eventually opens the eyes of most salty long time club hounds.
Used to frequent ECCIE where there were a few OTC discussions. Thinking back, vast majority was indeed ITC topics w/the occasional OTC sprinkle.
Right. Same here -- occasional OTC sprinkles, but just as kind of a side note (like I said, I've never even been on a forum before that had an acronym or term for this). I believe Rick when he says the other forum he's on has frequent "takeout" discussion; I'm just saying I've never seen such a thing, even on forums where the culture was VERY detailed TRs, very little OTC discussion. Whereas tuscl doesn't just discuss OTC, OTC discussion is one of the dominant ones here, along with LDK (I agree with the sigh) which I also don't see discussed on most forums. However, ALL PL-oriented forums I've ever been on are heavy on extras and mileage discussion, along with getting the best deals and avoiding ROBs techniques.
Seems certain customers on this site are no better than the uppity ass 'getting $1000 per night while giving nothing but air dances' strippers on the pink site when it comes to certain things.
The takeaway from this discussion for me is that tusclers are a higher breed of monger who, thankfully, aren't reliant upon 2nd tier forums to figure out how these things actually work. 😉