
Comments by Subraman (page 31)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Grounds for rejection on a review
    I didn't miss the bolded part, it just doesn't matter. A review can still be interesting, even to someone who card about drink prices, if it describes the girls (which is typically the first biggest expense), especially if the previous 5 reviews have already mentioned drink price. Since you like lists, here's one. Why does Rick keep harping on this? 1. He's so delusional he thinks his personal requirement should apply to everyone 2. He is so lacking in self-awareness that he can't tell that this entire thread is the forum making fun of him 3. It's a random something to be pompous about, and he never misses an opportunity 4. 1, 2, and 3 I'm saying it's 4. Is there a poll function on this forum?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Grounds for rejection on a review
    Or 5. it's just a detail that's interesting but should not be a requirement. Super simple stuff lol
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Grounds for rejection on a review
    Luckily, we know what shape the bar is!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    "I easily shaved 5, probably 10 years off the time I need to retire due to the market in 2020. Asset valuations skyrocketed last year." I am waiting for the other shoe to drop on this in the next 4 years... but the market was good
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    just looking for a little human contact along the way
    Totally agree with dtek, this is handled incredibly easily with the kind of language he used. And if she won't comply, moveon Ifigottabedamned: "Back in the day when I was married, I would always keep a change of clothes and baby wipes in my car. I find a dark spot in an empty parking lot to change and freshen up." Exactly the same for me. I always had a change of clothes. If my wife was going to be home when I got home, AT MINIMUM I changed and baby wiped. If I were worried it had gotten into my skin and not come out, I'd go to the gym and shower before I got home. Since I went to the gym regularly anyway, coming home freshly showered didn't raise an eyebrow. The saving grace of most of the girls is that the "perfume" they use isn't perfume, it's a cheap bodyspray from somewhere like Victoria Secret that fades fast on skin (don't ever assume it will fade fast on clothes). I've met girls who use actual EDT or even perfume strength fragrances, and that shit is going to stick to even your skin for a while, baby wipes be damned. There was a pretty hot girl some years back who I couldn't let even touch me -- once she barely touched my arm and I stunk like cheap perfume for the rest of the day
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Stop Posting/Approving Shit Reviews
    "Reading all of these arguments about posting drink prices is enough to drive one to drinking......" You're welcome minnow!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Dawn Wells
    Mary Ann when I was young. Ginger for sure now
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Stop Posting/Approving Shit Reviews
    Love me some $9 beer night
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Stop Posting/Approving Shit Reviews
    I'm the opposite -- drink prices are a nice and useful detail to have, but not even remotely the most important thing in a review, and I suggest others consider it a "nice to have" also. Especially if drink prices have been discussed multiple times in prior reviews. Prioritize information about the girls, IMO.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Stop Posting/Approving Shit Reviews
    Rick, gotcha on the $40... yes, I have no problem with $20/drink, $40+tip per round, for one club trip, I will enjoy the trip but might not ever be a regular there. But that's me. I do think you are onto something when you say that dayshifters are over-represented here. It's also true that drink prices are a lot lower on dayshift. So your priority on drink prices is not representative of what people on the site prioritize (again, not a criticism -- prioritize whatever you want to get the SC experience you want, all good with me). In addition, if I remember right, you do a lot of SCing while traveling, which means your specific situation probably leads to a lot of reliance on reviews, whereas locals just know which clubs are more expensive. Your particular priority on drink prices is due to some non-representative circumstances -- everyone else shouldn't be forced to make drink prices a checklist item because of that. And that's all I'm saying, yes drink prices are interesting, no not a mandatory item, especially because the more expensive the drinks, the more likely the previous 10 reviews have complained about it.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Stop Posting/Approving Shit Reviews
    Rick, there's no well liquor "stunt". It's not the traumatizing experience to strippers that you're making it out to be. In fact, strippers seem to be a lot less delicate and triggered about this than you. Putting that aside, plain and simple, if I go to a club for the first time and the drinks are $20, that's $200 + tip for 5 rounds. This isn't an issue, I won't be a regular at a club that ONLY has $20 drinks, but it's not a big deal for a single trip. You got me with your $40/drink example ($80/round), if I'd ever run into such a thing where $40 was the absolute cheapest drink, I'd nope out. That said, two serious questions: 1. does such a club really exist, where $40 is the cheapest drink, 2. if it does exist, aren't that club's reviews FULL of comments about the drink prices anyway, so no big deal if the next one doesn't mention it? I have a hard time believing that if a $40/drink club exists, the club reviews aren't already full of drink price mentions anyway (if not, point me at the club so I can see the reviews, happy to admit if I'm wrong)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Stop Posting/Approving Shit Reviews
    Rick, I"m not re-writing history, you're creatively ignoring the fact that I said multiple times that it's useful information, but shouldn't be mandatory. Your obsession with drink prices as a primary determiner of where you choose to SCs is likely to blame. But I understand that you personally choose SCs based on drink prices. Totally reasonable -- spend your $ the way you want. That said, there are many people who don't pick their SCs based on drink prices. Some because they don't drink or just have one or two drinks. Some because their budget will accommodate whatever the drink price is... even if they won't necessarily return to clubs with high drink prices. I still think drink prices are useful in a review -- but there's so many other useful things, and so many reviews cover them anyway, it makes no sense that any particular review has to list this one thing that you personally make your decision on. My primary decision is based on the girls, the more g-2 the better
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Stop Posting/Approving Shit Reviews
    Jimmy: that's fucked up. When you order your first drink? What happens if it's $9 instead of $7? This seems to be some sort of budgetary emergency that would make you leave the club.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Stop Posting/Approving Shit Reviews
    I like it that he's so delusional that he can't see his own obsession with drink prices being a requirement for reviews.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Stop Posting/Approving Shit Reviews
    As I've said, I've never made a decision to visit a club or not based on liquor price, for one trip to an otherwise great club I can't imagine this being remotely a deciding factor. That said, you somehow missed that I said multiple times that liquor prices are useful to know, but it should not be a mandatory checkbox item in a review. Your obsession about drink prices (to the point of this being a major part of your decision? Which is crazy to me but ok), and lack of ability to understand that I said it's useful but there are more useful things in a review (the girls)... well, I understand not everyone has budget flexibility, but in most cases you can just look at some previous reviews. Yes, it's useful info, include it if you're interested. If not, leave it out -- they can still have a fantastic review if it covers details about the girls. Drink prices should not be a mandatory part of reviews, info on the girls is at least as useful, understandable and simple enough?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Stop Posting/Approving Shit Reviews
    I'd even suggest leaving out "More can be had for a price, PM me for details". First, I suggest no one give details to random people on tuscl. If they are not your "forum friend", or at least forum acquaintance, don't give them details -- you have no idea who they are. Not getting the girl in trouble is important. We don't want law enforcement or management to find out, but really the common enemy of the extras girls and PLs is: the non-extras girls who are at the same club, who may not be happy an extras girl is working.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Stop Posting/Approving Shit Reviews
    "and I wouldn’t blame anyone for not bothering with names that probably don’t have much usefulness for a reader anyways who may or not even be able to find the dancer in question." I was going to say that while I'm sure they exist, I've never been in a club where dancer names aren't useful. But now that I think about it, something like Spearmint Rhino Las Vegas, 100+ girls constantly rotating, not very useful to know dancer names most likely. But the thing is, I don't think there needs to be any sort of mandatory checklist. Neither stripper names nor drink prices need to be made a mandatory checklist to write a review that's useful to the reader, IMO. As much as I think stripper detail is 100x more useful than the bathroom location or drink prices, if I were reviewing SRLV, I'd spend a lot more time describing club detail, culture, mileage, and dancer beauty, than focusing on particular girls, who may or may not ever show back up to that club
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Stop Posting/Approving Shit Reviews
    I agree Dolfan. I do agree with Tetra's opening statement -- in fact, most everyone would agree that the e "had a Bud Light, 5 dancers there, no VIP but had a good time" reviews are useless, and it doesn't really matter if you are coming from a "VIP time" perspective of "valuable to the reader" perspective. Useless for both. Both club details and details about the girls are useful. I don't think one particular type needs to be present as a checklist item (e.g., Tetra's since-retracted assertion from the original post that drink prices should be mandatory), and at least "valuable to the reader" doesn't demand that. I also agree that SOME sort of detail that the PL was actually at the club is important for credibility -- but details about specific girls are just as good as location of the bathroom and price of drinks for that, and the former is generally more useful to the reader (at least this reader!).
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Talking to strippers on the telephone.
    lol what'd I say? If it's about multiple ATFs, my stripper universe is too huge to be bound by small-time thinking of just one ATF. One ATF is for mortals 🤣
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Talking to strippers on the telephone.
    I've only had two ATFs that called me regularly, conversations usually lasted 10-15 minutes but I've had at least one 30 minute conversation. I greatly enjoy that they prefer to text, since I do also.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Stop Posting/Approving Shit Reviews
    Tetradon, happy to join you on that hill -- most of the rest is ancillary nice-to-have. Beyond what you listed, by far the thing I like to see is VIP prices & milesage, and first-hand experiences with specific girls. Nothing that gets them in trouble, but, "Porsche came to my table, she is a short slim brunette, she was (awesome and fun / aggressive and scammy / etc ) I took her for a dance and ( it was amazing / I would not recommend )" etc. If I'm going to a strange club, knowing who to avoid and who to look for (with descriptions so I know whether it's the same Porsche from the review) is about 100x more valuable than layout and drink prices.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Stop Posting/Approving Shit Reviews
    Just to add: I do agree with the notion that some details that show the person was actually at the club, are warranted. No argument. And yes, bathroom location, drink prices, and bar shape could do that I suppose, but so could lots of other details. Agree with the notion that there should be some proof the person was there. I think "had an amazing lapdance with Trina, a tall blue-eyed blond, and a near-ROB VIP with Jade, a short chubby Asian girl" does it just as well, as long as the regulars of that club can verify that Trina and Jade look like that. No need to set a review checklist on drink prices -- but there should be some detail that says that the person was at the club