What's the girl-guy ratio like at clubs you go to?

avatar for nightrid3
Mine doesn't quite get it, there are almost always guys having to hang around because there aren't enough girls to go around.


last comment
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
If you feel that way why do you go there ?
avatar for nightrid3
4 years ago
@twentyfive because the only other strip club here is 200km away.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Not sure how we can help you, but I suggest you up your game, not sure if you need to be more proactive, or spend more, we don't know which club you are referring to, or even where you are located or club.
avatar for nightrid3
4 years ago
Not really asking for help, just wondering how common it is because the anti-club types are always claiming that they screw over the girls by putting more on than will ever be able to get guys.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Night this seems like another one of your ambiguous open-ended threads where you are trying to get people to speculate endlessly forever. It's usually dancers who bitch about this - I don't even know who these "anti-club types" you are referring to are supposed to be. This is a U.S. centric yet really worldwide board. Conditions differ region to region and club to club based upon too many factors to list, most definitely including the current COVID shit.

avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
2-1 dancers over guys. Choose whomever you like.
avatar for whodey
4 years ago
Depends on which club I am at and when I am there. A few of the clubs that I go to during the day for a more intimate dance experience there are typically 8-10 girls and 3-5 customers but later at night if I go to that same club there will be 20ish girls and 30-40 customers.

Other clubs that I occasionally go to for more of a party atmosphere and mainly a stage show on Fri or Sat nights there may be 40-50 girls and over 100 customers.
avatar for rl27
4 years ago
It depends on what type of customers the clubs cater to.

Two of local clubs I go to it's around are 15 dancers to 40 and 12 dancers to 30 customers, so both a bit under 3 to 1 customers to dancers. Both clubs are fairly balanced in making money in drinks and dances. Any given time there are at least 1 dancer giving dances, and rarely more than 3, except for 2 for ones where all dancers are usually busy. In most days there are rarely less than one quarter dancers free and rarely are all of those ones I wouldn't want a dance from.

The other club is a lot more packed, over 100 customers and 25 or more dancers. Unlike the other two, the vast majority of money is from expensive drinks, an abundance of two for one specials, and the bachelor party suckers. Most guys are there to drink, watch semi-naked women and whatever game is on, and most don't get dances. Dances rarely occur outside of the two for ones, and even then least 1/2 of the dancers are free. As such most of the dancers are keeping customers busy at table buying drinks. Except for bachelor parties, a dancer will sit at most 3 songs before moving on, so there is always around 1/3 of the dancers looking for some customer at any time.
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
There are alot of clubs out there where there I almost wish there was more guys so I get left alone for a god damn second. There's a happy medium in there somewhere. 2 to 1 girls to guys sounds ok to me.

Where the fuck that the next club is over 100 miles away. I would move fuck that.
avatar for nightrid3
4 years ago
@Muddy Australia. Isn't being left alone worse than not being left alone enough? I'd just show the same sort of upfront "not interested" like I would with a girl I'm not attracted to.
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
Eh you say that but then when your the only money I’m the club it gets incessant imo
avatar for Cowboy12
4 years ago
Keep in mind it's been a few months since I have been to a club, but during the day shift there were almost always more customers than dancers. Some days all I got to hold was my beer.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "There are alot of clubs out there where there I almost wish there was more guys so I get left alone for a god damn second. There's a happy medium in there somewhere."

Sounds like heaven to me. There has to be a % of them open to OTC if they aren't making their nut ITC. Maybe if you could relax and get to know a few of these girls you wouldn't need to make 9 hour round trips just to get some paid tail. Just a thought. 😀
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Many people consider OTC to be as related to strip clubbing as Mickey D's is to fine dining.
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
But Rick I get to listen to The Beach Boys along the way.

And yeah it’s heaven if you’ll fuck anything. Your assuming every girl at a club is hot. Usually not so. There are some exceptions, granted.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ LOL you forgot to add a winky face
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
"Some days all I got to hold was my beer."

Just because it has a head and maybe gets a little frothy doesn't make it a beer.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "Many people consider OTC to be as related to strip clubbing as Mickey D's is to fine dining."

You mean with the OTC being the fine dining? Hey I'll never criticize anyone who just wants the Mickey D's clubbing experience, full of quick cheap experiences and lots of empty calories. But some of us like to takethe time to enjoy our meals.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "And yeah it’s heaven if you’ll fuck anything. Your assuming every girl at a club is hot. Usually not so. There are some exceptions, granted."

I hear that I suppose, but I'm a bit surprised. You may need to find better clubs to hang out in, lol.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
OTC is just a circuitous route to a hooker. Won't say I haven't partaken, will say its not for me. Too much effort, too much like a relationship. I consider OTC to be Mickey d's, with its limited menu of 1. OTC is a pale comparison to real life dating. Strip clubs are a fantasy with alcohol. I can get great sex at home, so I find variety in the clubs. If I were single zi would most likely look at it differently, although I did strip club for 15 years while single and still had zero desire for OTC.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "Strip clubs are a fantasy with alcohol."

LMOA. I knew there was a guy somewhere who actually believed that. 😉

Anyway, carry on...
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
That should have been LMAO lol.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
People believe what they want to believe. I will take being married over OTC every day. Others are more than welcome to do something else, but in the end I eventually get hired to do your divorce or your custody case when you had a kid with a dancer. Good luck.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Then I guess I'd better be sure not to leave a bun in another oven. ;)
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
I like the deadest part of the deadest shift. 1pm-4pm Monday? Fuck yes. I definitely dislike it when the PLs outnumber the strippers. A good number of my trips, for at least part of the time I'm there, there's less than 3 other customers besides me (and my buddies, if it's a group trip).

That great ratio, 3-4 customers for 10 strippers, makes me totally happy. But once CA law changed and the girls became employees, this started to become impossible, the club would only have 3-4 girls on during the slow parts of the shifts... yet another thing that made the clubs in this area worse, and led to me spending more time and $ elsewhere besides the SCs
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
I tend to go in the afternoons. It's usually 1:1.

What I prefer depends on how many girls are tied up with regulars. I want a good selection constantly rotating.
avatar for TheElmerFudd
4 years ago
i go weekend nights. ratio is usually 1 girl to 5 plus guys, with 20 plus girls. i always see the 3-5 same girls, and i'm pretty high on their list of regulars, so effectively my personal ratio is 1 to 3-5 :)
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